'''This class will log 1d array in Nd matrix from device and qualisys object'''
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime as datetime
from time import time

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
import pinocchio as pin
class LoggerControl():
def __init__(self, dt, N0_gait, type_MPC=None, joystick=None, estimator=None, loop=None, gait=None, statePlanner=None,

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
footstepPlanner=None, footTrajectoryGenerator=None, logSize=60e3, ringBuffer=False):
self.ringBuffer = ringBuffer
logSize =
self.logSize = logSize
self.i = 0
self.dt = dt
if type_MPC is not None:
self.type_MPC = int(type_MPC)
self.type_MPC = 0
# Allocate the data:
# Joystick
self.joy_v_ref = np.zeros([logSize, 6]) # reference velocity of the joystick
# Estimator
self.esti_feet_status = np.zeros([logSize, 4]) # input feet status (contact or not)
self.esti_feet_goals = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # input feet goals (desired on the ground)
self.esti_q_filt = np.zeros([logSize, 19]) # output position
self.esti_v_filt = np.zeros([logSize, 18]) # output velocity
self.esti_v_secu = np.zeros([logSize, 12]) # filtered output velocity for security check
self.esti_FK_lin_vel = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # estimated velocity of the base with FK
self.esti_FK_xyz = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # estimated position of the base with FK
self.esti_xyz_mean_feet = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # average of feet goals
self.esti_filt_lin_vel = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # estimated velocity of the base before low pass filter
self.esti_HP_x = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # x input of the velocity complementary filter
self.esti_HP_dx = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # dx input of the velocity complementary filter
self.esti_HP_alpha = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # alpha parameter of the velocity complementary filter
self.esti_HP_filt_x = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # filtered output of the velocity complementary filter
self.esti_LP_x = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # x input of the position complementary filter
self.esti_LP_dx = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # dx input of the position complementary filter
self.esti_LP_alpha = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # alpha parameter of the position complementary filter
self.esti_LP_filt_x = np.zeros([logSize, 3]) # filtered output of the position complementary filter
# Loop
self.loop_o_q = np.zeros([logSize, 18]) # position in ideal world frame (esti_q_filt + dt * loop_o_v)
self.loop_o_v = np.zeros([logSize, 18]) # estimated velocity in world frame
self.loop_h_v = np.zeros([logSize, 18]) # estimated velocity in horizontal frame
self.loop_h_v_windowed = np.zeros([logSize, 6]) # estimated velocity in horizontal frame
self.loop_t_filter = np.zeros([logSize]) # time taken by the estimator
self.loop_t_planner = np.zeros([logSize]) # time taken by the planning
self.loop_t_mpc = np.zeros([logSize]) # time taken by the mcp
self.loop_t_wbc = np.zeros([logSize]) # time taken by the whole body control
self.loop_t_loop = np.zeros([logSize]) # time taken by the whole loop (without interface)
self.loop_t_loop_if = np.zeros([logSize]) # time taken by the whole loop (with interface)
self.loop_q_filt_mpc = np.zeros([logSize, 6]) # position in world frame filtered by 1st order low pass
self.loop_h_v_filt_mpc = np.zeros([logSize, 6]) # vel in base frame filtered by 1st order low pass
self.loop_vref_filt_mpc = np.zeros([logSize, 6]) # ref vel in base frame filtered by 1st order low pass

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
# Gait

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.planner_gait = np.zeros([logSize, N0_gait, 4]) # Gait sequence

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.planner_is_static = np.zeros([logSize]) # if the planner is in static mode or not
# State planner

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
if statePlanner is not None:
self.planner_xref = np.zeros([logSize, 12, 1+statePlanner.getNSteps()]) # Reference trajectory

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
# Footstep planner

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
if gait is not None:
self.planner_fsteps = np.zeros([logSize, gait.getCurrentGait().shape[0], 12]) # Reference footsteps position

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.planner_h_ref = np.zeros([logSize]) # reference height of the planner
# Foot Trajectory Generator
self.planner_goals = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # 3D target feet positions
self.planner_vgoals = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # 3D target feet velocities
self.planner_agoals = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # 3D target feet accelerations
self.planner_jgoals = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # 3D target feet accelerations
# Model Predictive Control
# output vector of the MPC (next state + reference contact force)

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
if statePlanner is not None:

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
if loop.type_MPC == 3:
self.mpc_x_f = np.zeros([logSize, 32, statePlanner.getNSteps()])
self.mpc_x_f = np.zeros([logSize, 24, statePlanner.getNSteps()])
self.mpc_solving_duration = np.zeros([logSize])
# Whole body control
self.wbc_P = np.zeros([logSize, 12]) # proportionnal gains of the PD+
self.wbc_D = np.zeros([logSize, 12]) # derivative gains of the PD+
self.wbc_q_des = np.zeros([logSize, 12]) # desired position of actuators
self.wbc_v_des = np.zeros([logSize, 12]) # desired velocity of actuators
self.wbc_FF = np.zeros([logSize, 12]) # gains for the feedforward torques
self.wbc_tau_ff = np.zeros([logSize, 12]) # feedforward torques computed by the WBC
self.wbc_ddq_IK = np.zeros([logSize, 18]) # joint accelerations computed by the IK
self.wbc_f_ctc = np.zeros([logSize, 12]) # contact forces computed by the WBC
self.wbc_ddq_QP = np.zeros([logSize, 18]) # joint accelerations computed by the QP
self.wbc_feet_pos = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # current feet positions according to WBC
self.wbc_feet_pos_target = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # current feet positions targets for WBC
self.wbc_feet_err = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # error between feet positions and their reference
self.wbc_feet_vel = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # current feet velocities according to WBC
self.wbc_feet_vel_target = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # current feet velocities targets for WBC
self.wbc_feet_acc_target = np.zeros([logSize, 3, 4]) # current feet accelerations targets for WBC
# Timestamps
self.tstamps = np.zeros(logSize)
def sample(self, joystick, estimator, loop, gait, statePlanner, footstepPlanner, footTrajectoryGenerator, wbc, dT_whole):
if (self.i >= self.logSize):
if self.ringBuffer:
self.i = 0
# Logging from joystick
self.joy_v_ref[self.i] = joystick.v_ref[:, 0]
# Logging from estimator

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.esti_feet_status[self.i] = estimator.getFeetStatus()
self.esti_feet_goals[self.i] = estimator.getFeetGoals()
self.esti_q_filt[self.i] = estimator.getQFilt()
self.esti_v_filt[self.i] = estimator.getVFilt()
self.esti_v_secu[self.i] = estimator.getVSecu()
self.esti_FK_lin_vel[self.i] = estimator.getFKLinVel()
self.esti_FK_xyz[self.i] = estimator.getFKXYZ()
self.esti_xyz_mean_feet[self.i] = estimator.getXYZMeanFeet()
self.esti_filt_lin_vel[self.i] = estimator.getFiltLinVel()
self.esti_HP_x[self.i] = estimator.getFilterVelX()
self.esti_HP_dx[self.i] = estimator.getFilterVelDX()
self.esti_HP_alpha[self.i] = estimator.getFilterVelAlpha()
self.esti_HP_filt_x[self.i] = estimator.getFilterVelFiltX()
self.esti_LP_x[self.i] = estimator.getFilterPosX()
self.esti_LP_dx[self.i] = estimator.getFilterPosDX()
self.esti_LP_alpha[self.i] = estimator.getFilterPosAlpha()
self.esti_LP_filt_x[self.i] = estimator.getFilterPosFiltX()
# Logging from the main loop
self.loop_o_q[self.i] = loop.q[:, 0]

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.loop_o_v[self.i] = loop.v[:, 0]
self.loop_h_v[self.i] = loop.h_v[:, 0]
self.loop_h_v_windowed[self.i] = loop.h_v_windowed[:, 0]
self.loop_t_filter[self.i] = loop.t_filter
self.loop_t_planner[self.i] = loop.t_planner
self.loop_t_mpc[self.i] = loop.t_mpc
self.loop_t_wbc[self.i] = loop.t_wbc
self.loop_t_loop[self.i] = loop.t_loop
self.loop_t_loop_if[self.i] = dT_whole
self.loop_q_filt_mpc[self.i] = loop.q_filt_mpc[:6, 0]
self.loop_h_v_filt_mpc[self.i] = loop.h_v_filt_mpc[:, 0]
self.loop_vref_filt_mpc[self.i] = loop.vref_filt_mpc[:, 0]
# Logging from the planner
self.planner_xref[self.i] = statePlanner.getReferenceStates()

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.planner_fsteps[self.i] = footstepPlanner.getFootsteps()
self.planner_gait[self.i] = gait.getCurrentGait()
self.planner_goals[self.i] = footTrajectoryGenerator.getFootPosition()
self.planner_vgoals[self.i] = footTrajectoryGenerator.getFootVelocity()
self.planner_agoals[self.i] = footTrajectoryGenerator.getFootAcceleration()
self.planner_jgoals[self.i] = footTrajectoryGenerator.getFootJerk()

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.planner_is_static[self.i] = gait.getIsStatic()
self.planner_h_ref[self.i] = loop.h_ref
# Logging from model predictive control
self.mpc_x_f[self.i] = loop.x_f_mpc
self.mpc_solving_duration[self.i] = loop.mpc_wrapper.t_mpc_solving_duration
# Logging from whole body control
self.wbc_P[self.i] = loop.result.P
self.wbc_D[self.i] = loop.result.D
self.wbc_q_des[self.i] = loop.result.q_des
self.wbc_v_des[self.i] = loop.result.v_des
self.wbc_FF[self.i] = loop.result.FF
self.wbc_tau_ff[self.i] = loop.result.tau_ff
self.wbc_ddq_IK[self.i] = wbc.ddq_cmd
self.wbc_f_ctc[self.i] = wbc.f_with_delta
self.wbc_ddq_QP[self.i] = wbc.ddq_with_delta
self.wbc_feet_pos[self.i] = wbc.feet_pos

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.wbc_feet_pos_target[self.i] = wbc.feet_pos_target
self.wbc_feet_err[self.i] = wbc.feet_err
self.wbc_feet_vel[self.i] = wbc.feet_vel

Pierre-Alexandre Leziart
self.wbc_feet_vel_target[self.i] = wbc.feet_vel_target
self.wbc_feet_acc_target[self.i] = wbc.feet_acc_target
# Logging timestamp
self.tstamps[self.i] = time()
self.i += 1
def processMocap(self, N, loggerSensors):
self.mocap_pos = np.zeros([N, 3])
self.mocap_h_v = np.zeros([N, 3])
self.mocap_b_w = np.zeros([N, 3])
self.mocap_RPY = np.zeros([N, 3])
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