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import os
from time import time

import casadi
import numpy as np
import pinocchio as pin
from .ProblemData import ProblemData
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from .ShootingNode import ShootingNode
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from .Target import Target
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import pinocchio.casadi as cpin

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class NodeData:
    Data stored by each shooting node of the OCP

        x (vector): State vector (q + dq)
        cost (float): Cost for this node
        isTerminal (bool): True if last node of shooting problem
        a (vector): Acceleration slack variables (ddq)
        u (vector): Control vector (tau)
        f (vector): Contact forces
        xnext (vector): Next state vector

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    def __init__(self, isTerminal=False):
        self.x = None
        self.cost = None
        self.isTerminal = isTerminal
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        if not isTerminal:
            self.a = None
            self.u = None
            self.f = None
            self.xnext = None
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class OcpResult:
    Result of the OCP

        xs (vector): State trajectory (q + dq)
        a (vector): Acceleration trajectory (ddq)
        us (vector): Control trajectory (tau)
        fs (vector): Contact forces trajectories

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    def __init__(self):
        self.xs = None
        self.a = None = None
        self.fs = None
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class OCP:
    Optimal Control Problem

        pd (ProblemData): data related to the OCP
        gait (list): list of list containing contact pattern i.e. for two steps[[1,1,1,1], [1,0,0,1]]
            Its length determines the horizon of the ocp

        pd (ProblemData): data related to the OCP
        results (OcpResult): result of the OCP
        shooting_nodes (set): set of shooting nodes of the OCP

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    def __init__(self, pd: ProblemData, tasks, gait):
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        """Define an optimal ocntrol problem.
        :param robot: Pinocchio RobotWrapper instance
        :param gait: list of list containing contact pattern i.e. for two steps[ [1,1,1,1], [1,0,0,1] ]. \
            Its length determines the horizon of the ocp
        :param x0: starting configuration
        :param x_ref: reference configuration
        :param target: array of target positions
        :param dt: timestep integration
        self.pd = pd
        self.results = OcpResult()

        # build the different shooting nodes
        self.shooting_nodes = {
            contacts: ShootingNode(pd, contacts)
            for contacts in set(
                    tuple(self.pd.allContactIds[i] for i in np.nonzero(step == 1)[0])
                    for step in gait[:-1]
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    def solve(self, x0, tasks, gait, guess={}):
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        """ Solve the NLP
        :param guess: ditctionary in the form: {'xs':array([T+1, n_states]), 'acs':array([T, nv]),\
            'us':array([T, nu]), 'fs': [array([T, nv]),]}
        self.runningModels = [
            self.shooting_nodes[self.pattern_to_id(gait[t])] for t in range(self.pd.T)
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        self.terminalModel = self.shooting_nodes[self.pattern_to_id(gait[self.pd.T])]
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        self.datas = []
        for i in range(self.pd.T + 1):
            if i == self.pd.T:
                self.datas += [NodeData(True)]
                self.datas += [NodeData()]

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        self.cost, eq_constraints = self.make_ocp(tasks, gait)
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        self.opti.subject_to(eq_constraints == 0)

        p_opts = {"expand": False}
        s_opts = {
            "tol": 1e-4,
            "acceptable_tol": 1e-4,
            # "max_iter": 21,
            # "compl_inf_tol": 1e-2,
            # "constr_viol_tol": 1e-2
            # "resto_failure_feasibility_threshold": 1
            # "linear_solver": "ma57"
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        self.opti.solver("ipopt", p_opts, s_opts)

        self.warmstart(x0, guess)

        # SOLVE

        for data in self.datas:
            data.x = self.opti.value(data.x)
            data.cost = self.opti.value(data.cost)
            if not data.isTerminal:
                data.u = self.opti.value(data.u)
                data.xnext = self.opti.value(data.xnext)

    def make_opti_variables(self, x0):
        opti = casadi.Opti()
        self.opti = opti
        # Optimization variables
        self.dxs = [
            for _ in self.runningModels + [self.terminalModel]
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        self.acs = [opti.variable(self.pd.nv) for _ in self.runningModels] = [opti.variable( for _ in self.runningModels]
        self.xs = [
            m.integrate(x0, dx)
            for m, dx in zip(self.runningModels + [self.terminalModel], self.dxs)
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        self.fs = []
        for m in self.runningModels:
            f_tmp = [opti.variable(3) for _ in range(len(m.contactIds))]
        self.fs = self.fs

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    def make_ocp(self, tasks, gait):
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        totalcost = 0
        eq = []
        for t in range(self.pd.T):
            # These change every time! Do not use runningModels[0].x to get the state!!!! use xs[0]
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                self.datas[t], self.xs[t], self.acs[t],[t], self.fs[t], False
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            xnext, rcost = self.runningModels[t].calc(
                x_ref=self.pd.xref, u_ref=self.pd.uref, target=tasks
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            # If it is landing
            if (gait[t] != gait[t - 1]).any():
                print("Contact on ", str(self.runningModels[t].contactIds))
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            # Constraints
                self.runningModels[t].difference(self.xs[t + 1], xnext)
                - np.zeros(self.pd.ndx)
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            totalcost += rcost
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        eq.append(self.xs[self.pd.T][self.pd.nq :])
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            data=self.datas[self.pd.T], x=self.xs[self.pd.T], isTerminal=True
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        totalcost += self.terminalModel.calc(x_ref=self.pd.xref)[1]
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        totalcost += rcost

        eq_constraints = casadi.vertcat(*eq)
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        return totalcost, eq_constraints
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    def warmstart(self, x0, guess=None):
        for g in guess:
            if guess[g] == []:
                print("No warmstart provided")
                return 0

            xs_g = np.array(guess["xs"])
            us_g = np.array(guess["us"])
            acs_g = np.array(guess["acs"])
            fs_g = guess["fs"]
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            def xdiff(x1, x2):
                return np.concatenate(
                            self.pd.model, x1[: self.pd.nq], x2[: self.pd.nq]
                        x2[self.pd.nq :] - x1[self.pd.nq :],

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            for x, xg in zip(self.dxs, xs_g):
                self.opti.set_initial(x, xdiff(x0, xg))
            for a, ag in zip(self.acs, acs_g):
                self.opti.set_initial(a, ag)
            for u, ug in zip(, us_g):
                self.opti.set_initial(u, ug)
            for f, fg in zip(self.fs, fs_g):
                fgsplit = np.split(fg, len(f))
                fgc = []
                [fgc.append(f) for f in fgsplit]
                [self.opti.set_initial(f[i], fgc[i]) for i in range(len(f))]
            print("Got warm start")
            print("Can't load warm start")

    def get_results(self):
        xs_sol = [self.opti.value(x) for x in self.xs]
        us_sol = [self.opti.value(u) for u in]
        acs_sol = [self.opti.value(a) for a in self.acs]
        fsol = {name: [] for name in self.pd.allContactIds}
        fs_world = {name: [] for name in self.pd.allContactIds}
        fsol_to_ws = []
        for t in range(self.pd.T):
            for i, st_foot in enumerate(self.runningModels[t].contactIds):
            for i, sw_foot in enumerate(self.runningModels[t].freeIds):

                        for j in range(len(self.runningModels[t].contactIds))
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                self.pd.model, self.pd.rdata, np.array(xs_sol)[t, : self.pd.nq]
                fs_world[foot].append(self.pd.rdata.oMf[foot].rotation @ fsol[foot][t])
                for foot in fs_world
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        for foot in fs_world:
            fs_world[foot] = np.array(fs_world[foot])

        self.results.x = xs_sol
        self.results.a = acs_sol
        self.results.u = us_sol
        self.results.fs = fsol_to_ws
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        return self.results.x, self.results.a, self.results.u, self.results.fs, 0
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    def get_feet_position(self, xs_sol):
        """Get the feet positions computed durnig one ocp
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        :param xs_sol: Array of dimension [n_steps, n_states]

        feet_log = {i: [] for i in self.pd.allContactIds}
        for foot in feet_log:
            tmp = []
            for i in range(len(xs_sol)):
                tmp += [self.terminalModel.feet[foot](xs_sol[i]).full()[:, 0]]
            feet_log[foot] = np.array(tmp)

        return feet_log

    def get_feet_velocity(self, xs_sol):
        """Get the feet velocities in LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED frame computed durnig one ocp
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        :param xs_sol: Array of dimension [n_steps, n_states]

        feet_log = {i: [] for i in self.pd.allContactIds}
        for foot in feet_log:
            tmp = []
            for i in range(len(xs_sol)):
                tmp += [self.terminalModel.vfeet[foot](xs_sol[i]).full()[:, 0]]
            feet_log[foot] = np.array(tmp)

        return feet_log

    def get_base_log(self, xs_sol):
        """Get the base positions computed durnig one ocp
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        :param xs_sol: Array of dimension [n_steps, n_states]

        base_pos_log = []
                self.terminalModel.baseTranslation(xs_sol[i]).full()[:, 0]
            for i in range(len(xs_sol))
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        base_pos_log = np.array(base_pos_log)
        return base_pos_log
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    def pattern_to_id(self, gait):
        return tuple(self.pd.allContactIds[i] for i, c in enumerate(gait) if c == 1)