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Commit 7799b591 authored by Pierre-Alexandre Leziart's avatar Pierre-Alexandre Leziart Committed by odri
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Add C++ version of the Estimator

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/// \brief This is the header for Estimator class
/// \details This class estimates the state of the robot based on sensor measurements
#include "qrw/Gait.hpp"
#include "qrw/Params.hpp"
#include "qrw/Types.h"
#include "pinocchio/math/rpy.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/spatial/se3.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/algorithm/frames.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/multibody/data.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/parsers/urdf.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/algorithm/compute-all-terms.hpp"
class ComplementaryFilter
/// \brief Constructor
/// \brief Destructor
~ComplementaryFilter() {} // Empty destructor
/// \brief Initialize
void initialize(double dt);
/// \brief Compute the filtered output of the complementary filter
/// \param[in] x (Vector3): quantity handled by the filter
/// \param[in] dx (Vector3): derivative of the quantity
/// \param[in] alpha (Vector3): filtering coefficient between x and dx quantities
Vector3 compute(Vector3 const& x, Vector3 const& dx, Vector3 const& alpha);
Vector3 getX() { return x_; } ///< Get the input quantity
Vector3 getDX() { return dx_; } ///< Get the derivative of the input quantity
Vector3 getHpX() { return HP_x_; } ///< Get the high-passed internal quantity
Vector3 getLpX() { return LP_x_; } ///< Get the low-passed internal quantity
Vector3 getFiltX() { return filt_x_; } ///< Get the filtered output
double dt_;
Vector3 x_, dx_, HP_x_, LP_x_, filt_x_;
class Estimator
/// \brief Constructor
/// \brief Initialize with given data
/// \param[in] params Object that stores parameters
void initialize(Params& params);
/// \brief Destructor.
~Estimator() {} // Empty destructor
/// \brief Retrieve and update IMU data
/// \param[in] baseLinearAcceleration Linear acceleration of the IMU (gravity compensated)
/// \param[in] baseAngularVelocity Angular velocity of the IMU
/// \param[in] baseOrientation Quaternion orientation of the IMU
void get_data_IMU(Vector3 baseLinearAcceleration, Vector3 baseAngularVelocity, Vector4 baseOrientation);
/// \brief Retrieve and update position and velocity of the 12 actuators
/// \param[in] q_mes position of the 12 actuators
/// \param[in] v_mes velocity of the 12 actuators
void get_data_joints(Vector12 q_mes, Vector12 v_mes);
/// \brief Estimate base position and velocity using Forward Kinematics
/// \param[in] feet_status contact status of the four feet
void get_data_FK(Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 4> feet_status);
/// \brief Compute barycenter of feet in contact
/// \param[in] feet_status contact status of the four feet
/// \param[in] goals target positions of the four feet
void get_xyz_feet(Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 4> feet_status, Matrix34 goals);
/// \brief Estimate the velocity of the base with forward kinematics using a contact point that
/// is supposed immobile in world frame
/// \param[in] contactFrameId frame ID of the contact point
Vector3 BaseVelocityFromKinAndIMU(int contactFrameId);
/// \brief Run one iteration of the estimator to get the position and velocity states of the robot
/// \param[in] gait gait matrix that stores current and future contact status of the feet
/// \param[in] goals target positions of the four feet
/// \param[in] baseLinearAcceleration Linear acceleration of the IMU (gravity compensated)
/// \param[in] baseAngularVelocity Angular velocity of the IMU
/// \param[in] baseOrientation Quaternion orientation of the IMU
/// \param[in] q_mes position of the 12 actuators
/// \param[in] v_mes velocity of the 12 actuators
/// \param[in] dummyPos position of the robot in PyBullet simulator (only for simulation)
/// \param[in] b_baseVel velocity of the robot in PyBullet simulator (only for simulation)
void run_filter(MatrixN4 gait, Matrix34 goals, Vector3 baseLinearAcceleration,
Vector3 baseAngularVelocity, Vector4 baseOrientation, Vector12 q_mes, Vector12 v_mes,
Vector3 dummyPos, Vector3 b_baseVel);
ComplementaryFilter filter_xyz_pos_; // Complementary filter for base position
ComplementaryFilter filter_xyz_vel_; // Complementary filter for base velocity
double dt_wbc; // Time step of the estimator
double alpha_v_; // Low pass coefficient for the outputted filtered velocity
double alpha_secu_; // Low pass coefficient for the outputted filtered velocity for security check
double offset_yaw_IMU_; // Yaw orientation of the IMU at startup
bool perfect_estimator; // Enable perfect estimator (directly from the PyBullet simulation)
int N_SIMULATION; // Number of loops before the control ends
int k_log_; // Number of time the estimator has been called
Vector3 IMU_lin_acc_; // Linear acceleration of the IMU (gravity compensated)
Vector3 IMU_ang_vel_; // Angular velocity of the IMU
Vector3 IMU_RPY_; // Roll Pitch Yaw orientation of the IMU
pinocchio::SE3::Quaternion IMU_ang_pos_; // Quaternion orientation of the IMU
Vector12 actuators_pos_; // Measured positions of actuators
Vector12 actuators_vel_; // Measured velocities of actuators
Vector19 q_FK_; // Configuration vector for Forward Kinematics
Vector18 v_FK_; // Velocity vector for Forward Kinematics
Vector3 FK_lin_vel_; // Base linear velocity estimated by Forward Kinematics
Vector3 FK_xyz_; // Base position estimated by Forward Kinematics
Vector3 xyz_mean_feet_; // Barycenter of feet in contact
Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 4> k_since_contact_; // Number of loops during which each foot has been in contact
int feet_indexes_[4] = {10, 18, 26, 34}; // Frame indexes of the four feet
pinocchio::Model model_, model_for_xyz_; // Pinocchio models for frame computations and forward kinematics
pinocchio::Data data_, data_for_xyz_; // Pinocchio datas for frame computations and forward kinematics
Vector19 q_filt_; // Filtered output configuration
Vector18 v_filt_; // Filtered output velocity
Vector12 v_secu_; // Filtered output velocity for security check
pinocchio::SE3 _1Mi_; // Transform between the base frame and the IMU frame
#include "qrw/Estimator.hpp"
// Complementary filter functions
: x_(Vector3::Zero())
, dx_(Vector3::Zero())
, HP_x_(Vector3::Zero())
, LP_x_(Vector3::Zero())
, filt_x_(Vector3::Zero())
void ComplementaryFilter::initialize(double dt)
dt_ = dt;
Vector3 ComplementaryFilter::compute(Vector3 const& x, Vector3 const& dx, Vector3 const& alpha)
// For logging
x_ = x;
dx_ = dx;
// Process high pass filter
HP_x_ = alpha.cwiseProduct(HP_x_ + dx_ * dt_);
// Process low pass filter
LP_x_ = alpha.cwiseProduct(LP_x_) + (Vector3::Ones() - alpha).cwiseProduct(x_);
// Add both to get the filtered output
filt_x_ = HP_x_ + LP_x_;
return filt_x_;
// Estimator functions
: dt_wbc(0.0)
, alpha_v_(0.0)
, alpha_secu_(0.0)
, offset_yaw_IMU_(0.0)
, perfect_estimator(false)
, k_log_(0)
, IMU_lin_acc_(Vector3::Zero())
, IMU_ang_vel_(Vector3::Zero())
, IMU_RPY_(Vector3::Zero())
, IMU_ang_pos_(pinocchio::SE3::Quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
, actuators_pos_(Vector12::Zero())
, actuators_vel_(Vector12::Zero())
, q_FK_(Vector19::Zero())
, v_FK_(Vector18::Zero())
, FK_lin_vel_(Vector3::Zero())
, FK_xyz_(Vector3::Zero())
, xyz_mean_feet_(Vector3::Zero())
, k_since_contact_(Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 4>::Zero())
, q_filt_(Vector19::Zero())
, v_filt_(Vector18::Zero())
, v_secu_(Vector12::Zero())
void Estimator::initialize(Params& params)
dt_wbc = params.dt_wbc;
perfect_estimator = params.perfect_estimator;
// Filtering estimated linear velocity
double fc = 50.0; // Cut frequency
double y = 1 - std::cos(2 * M_PI * fc * dt_wbc);
alpha_v_ = -y + std::sqrt(y * y + 2 * y);
// Filtering velocities used for security checks
fc = 6.0; // Cut frequency
y = 1 - std::cos(2 * M_PI * fc * dt_wbc);
alpha_secu_ = -y + std::sqrt(y * y + 2 * y);
_1Mi_ = pinocchio::SE3(pinocchio::SE3::Quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3(0.1163, 0.0, 0.02));
q_FK_(6, 0) = 1.0; // Last term of the quaternion
q_filt_(6, 0) = 1.0; // Last term of the quaternion
// Path to the robot URDF (TODO: Automatic path)
const std::string filename = std::string("/opt/openrobots/share/example-robot-data/robots/solo_description/robots/solo12.urdf");
// Build model from urdf
pinocchio::urdf::buildModel(filename, pinocchio::JointModelFreeFlyer(), model_, false);
pinocchio::urdf::buildModel(filename, pinocchio::JointModelFreeFlyer(), model_for_xyz_, false);
// Construct data from model
data_ = pinocchio::Data(model_);
data_for_xyz_ = pinocchio::Data(model_for_xyz_);
// Update all the quantities of the model
pinocchio::computeAllTerms(model_, data_ , q_filt_, v_filt_);
pinocchio::computeAllTerms(model_for_xyz_, data_for_xyz_, q_filt_, v_filt_);
void Estimator::get_data_IMU(Vector3 baseLinearAcceleration, Vector3 baseAngularVelocity, Vector4 baseOrientation)
// Linear acceleration of the trunk (base frame)
IMU_lin_acc_ = baseLinearAcceleration;
// Angular velocity of the trunk (base frame)
IMU_ang_vel_ = baseAngularVelocity;
// Angular position of the trunk (local frame)
IMU_RPY_ = pinocchio::rpy::matrixToRpy(pinocchio::SE3::Quaternion(baseOrientation).toRotationMatrix());
if(k_log_ <= 1) {
offset_yaw_IMU_ = IMU_RPY_(2, 0);
IMU_RPY_(2, 0) -= offset_yaw_IMU_; // Remove initial offset of IMU
IMU_ang_pos_ = pinocchio::SE3::Quaternion(pinocchio::rpy::rpyToMatrix(IMU_RPY_(0, 0),
IMU_RPY_(1, 0),
IMU_RPY_(2, 0)));
// Above could be commented since IMU_ang_pos yaw is not used anywhere and instead
// replace by: IMU_ang_pos_ = baseOrientation_
void Estimator::get_data_joints(Vector12 q_mes, Vector12 v_mes)
actuators_pos_ = q_mes;
actuators_vel_ = v_mes;
void Estimator::get_data_FK(Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 4> feet_status)
// Update estimator FK model
q_FK_.tail(12) = actuators_pos_; // Position of actuators
v_FK_.tail(12) = actuators_vel_; // Velocity of actuators
// Position and orientation of the base remain at 0
// Linear and angular velocities of the base remain at 0
// Update model used for the forward kinematics
q_FK_.block(3, 0, 4, 1) << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
pinocchio::forwardKinematics(model_, data_, q_FK_, v_FK_);
// pin.updateFramePlacements(self.model,
// Update model used for the forward geometry
q_FK_.block(3, 0, 4, 1) = IMU_ang_pos_.coeffs();
pinocchio::forwardKinematics(model_for_xyz_, data_for_xyz_, q_FK_);
// Get estimated velocity from updated model
int cpt = 0;
Vector3 vel_est = Vector3::Zero();
Vector3 xyz_est = Vector3::Zero();
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
// Consider only feet in contact + Security margin after the contact switch
if(feet_status(0, j) == 1.0 && k_since_contact_[j] >= 16)
// Estimated velocity of the base using the considered foot
Vector3 vel_estimated_baseframe = BaseVelocityFromKinAndIMU(feet_indexes_[j]);
// Estimated position of the base using the considered foot
pinocchio::updateFramePlacement(model_for_xyz_, data_for_xyz_, feet_indexes_[j]);
Vector3 xyz_estimated = -data_for_xyz_.oMf[feet_indexes_[j]].translation();
// Logging
// self.log_v_est[:, i, self.k_log] = vel_estimated_baseframe[0:3, 0]
// self.log_h_est[i, self.k_log] = xyz_estimated[2]
// Increment counter and add estimated quantities to the storage variables
vel_est += vel_estimated_baseframe; // Linear velocity
xyz_est += xyz_estimated; // Position
double r_foot = 0.025; // 0.0155 // 31mm of diameter on meshlab
if(j <= 1) {
vel_est(0, 0) += r_foot * (actuators_vel_(1+3*j, 0) - actuators_vel_(2+3*j, 0));
else {
vel_est(0, 0) += r_foot * (actuators_vel_(1+3*j, 0) + actuators_vel_(2+3*j, 0));
// If at least one foot is in contact, we do the average of feet results
if(cpt > 0)
FK_lin_vel_ = vel_est / cpt;
FK_xyz_ = xyz_est / cpt;
void Estimator::get_xyz_feet(Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 4> feet_status, Matrix34 goals)
int cpt = 0;
Vector3 xyz_feet = Vector3::Zero();
// Consider only feet in contact
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if(feet_status(0, j) == 1.0) {
xyz_feet += goals.col(j);
// If at least one foot is in contact, we do the average of feet results
if(cpt > 0) {
xyz_mean_feet_ = xyz_feet / cpt;
Vector3 Estimator::BaseVelocityFromKinAndIMU(int contactFrameId)
Vector3 frameVelocity = pinocchio::getFrameVelocity(model_, data_, contactFrameId, pinocchio::LOCAL).linear();
pinocchio::updateFramePlacement(model_, data_, contactFrameId);
// Angular velocity of the base wrt the world in the base frame (Gyroscope)
Vector3 _1w01 = IMU_ang_vel_;
// Linear velocity of the foot wrt the base in the foot frame
Vector3 _Fv1F = frameVelocity;
// Level arm between the base and the foot
Vector3 _1F = data_.oMf[contactFrameId].translation();
// Orientation of the foot wrt the base
Matrix3 _1RF = data_.oMf[contactFrameId].rotation();
// Linear velocity of the base wrt world in the base frame
Vector3 _1v01 = _1F.cross(_1w01) - _1RF * _Fv1F;
// IMU and base frames have the same orientation
// _iv0i = _1v01 + self.cross3(self._1Mi.translation.ravel(), _1w01.ravel())
return _1v01;
void Estimator::run_filter(MatrixN4 gait, Matrix34 goals, Vector3 baseLinearAcceleration,
Vector3 baseAngularVelocity, Vector4 baseOrientation, Vector12 q_mes, Vector12 v_mes,
Vector3 dummyPos, Vector3 b_baseVel)
int remaining_steps = 1; // Remaining MPC steps for the current gait phase
while((gait.row(0)).isApprox(gait.row(remaining_steps))) {
// Update IMU data
get_data_IMU(baseLinearAcceleration, baseAngularVelocity, baseOrientation);
// Angular position of the trunk
Vector4 filt_ang_pos = IMU_ang_pos_.coeffs();
// Angular velocity of the trunk
Vector3 filt_ang_vel = IMU_ang_vel_;
// Update joints data
get_data_joints(q_mes, v_mes);
// Update nb of iterations since contact
k_since_contact_ += gait.row(0); // Increment feet in stance phase
k_since_contact_ = k_since_contact_.cwiseProduct(gait.row(0)); // Reset feet in swing phase
// Update forward kinematics data
// Update forward geometry data
get_xyz_feet(gait.row(0), goals);
// Tune alpha depending on the state of the gait (close to contact switch or not)
double a = std::ceil(k_since_contact_.maxCoeff() * 0.1) - 1;
double b = static_cast<double>(remaining_steps);
const double n = 1; // Nb of steps of margin around contact switch
const double v_max = 1.00; // Maximum alpha value
const double v_min = 0.97; // Minimum alpha value
double c = ((a + b) - 2 * n) * 0.5;
double alpha = 0.0;
if(a <= (n-1) || b <= n) { // If we are close from contact switch
alpha = v_max; // Only trust IMU data
else {
alpha = v_min + (v_max - v_min) * std::abs(c - (a - n)) / c;
//self.alpha = 0.997
// Use cascade of complementary filters
// Rotation matrix to go from base frame to world frame
Matrix3 oRb = IMU_ang_pos_.toRotationMatrix();
// Get FK estimated velocity at IMU location (base frame)
Vector3 cross_product = (_1Mi_.translation()).cross(IMU_ang_vel_);
Vector3 i_FK_lin_vel = FK_lin_vel_ + cross_product;
// Get FK estimated velocity at IMU location (world frame)
Vector3 oi_FK_lin_vel = oRb * i_FK_lin_vel;
// Integration of IMU acc at IMU location (world frame)
Vector3 oi_filt_lin_vel = filter_xyz_vel_.compute(oi_FK_lin_vel, oRb * IMU_lin_acc_,
alpha * Vector3::Ones());
// Filtered estimated velocity at IMU location (base frame)
Vector3 i_filt_lin_vel = oRb.transpose() * oi_filt_lin_vel;
// Filtered estimated velocity at center base (base frame)
Vector3 b_filt_lin_vel = i_filt_lin_vel - cross_product;
// Filtered estimated velocity at center base (world frame)
Vector3 ob_filt_lin_vel = oRb * b_filt_lin_vel;
// Position of the center of the base from FGeometry and filtered velocity (world frame)
Vector3 filt_lin_pos = filter_xyz_pos_.compute(FK_xyz_ + xyz_mean_feet_, ob_filt_lin_vel,
Vector3(0.995, 0.995, 0.9));
// Velocity of the center of the base (base frame)
Vector3 filt_lin_vel = b_filt_lin_vel;
// Logging
/*self.log_alpha[self.k_log] = self.alpha
self.feet_status[:] = feet_status // Save contact status sent to the estimator for logging
self.feet_goals[:, :] = goals.copy() // Save feet goals sent to the estimator for logging
self.log_IMU_lin_acc[:, self.k_log] = self.IMU_lin_acc[:]
self.log_HP_lin_vel[:, self.k_log] = self.HP_lin_vel[:]
self.log_LP_lin_vel[:, self.k_log] = self.LP_lin_vel[:]
self.log_FK_lin_vel[:, self.k_log] = self.FK_lin_vel[:]
self.log_filt_lin_vel[:, self.k_log] = self.filt_lin_vel[:]
self.log_o_filt_lin_vel[:, self.k_log] = self.o_filt_lin_vel[:, 0]*/
// Output filtered position vector (19 x 1)
q_filt_.head(3) = filt_lin_pos;
if(perfect_estimator) { // Base height directly from PyBullet
q_filt_(2, 0) = dummyPos(2, 0) - 0.0155; // Minus feet radius
q_filt_.block(3, 0, 4, 1) = filt_ang_pos;
q_filt_.tail(12) = actuators_pos_; // Actuators pos are already directly from PyBullet
// Output filtered velocity vector (18 x 1)
if(perfect_estimator) { // Linear velocities directly from PyBullet
v_filt_.head(3) = (1 - alpha_v_) * v_filt_.head(3) + alpha_v_ * b_baseVel;
else {
v_filt_.head(3) = (1 - alpha_v_) * v_filt_.head(3) + alpha_v_ * filt_lin_vel;
v_filt_.block(3, 0, 3, 1) = filt_ang_vel; // Angular velocities are already directly from PyBullet
v_filt_.tail(12) = actuators_vel_; // Actuators velocities are already directly from PyBullet
// Update model used for the forward kinematics
/*pin.forwardKinematics(self.model,, self.q_filt, self.v_filt)
z_min = 100
for i in (np.where(feet_status == 1))[0]: // Consider only feet in contact
// Estimated position of the base using the considered foot
framePlacement = pin.updateFramePlacement(self.model,, self.indexes[i])
z_min = np.min((framePlacement.translation[2], z_min))
self.q_filt[2, 0] -= z_min*/
// Output filtered actuators velocity for security checks
v_secu_ = (1 - alpha_secu_) * actuators_vel_ + alpha_secu_ * v_secu_;
// Increment iteration counter
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