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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Florent Lamiraux's avatar
Florent Lamiraux committed

# Copyright 2010 CNRS
# Author: Florent Lamiraux
# Release under LGPL license: see COPYING.LESSER at root of the project.

import xml.dom.minidom as dom
from dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics.dynamic import Dynamic
from dynamic_graph.sot import SE3, R3, SO3

class Parser (object):
    Parser to build dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics.dynamic.Dynamic entities.

    Format is kxml, Kineo CAM robot description format.
    robotFloatProperties = ['GAZEORIGINX', 'GAZEORIGINY', 'GAZEORIGINZ',
                            'SOLELENGTH', 'SOLEWIDTH',

    robotStringProperties = ['WAIST', 'CHEST', 'LEFTWRIST',
                             'RIGHTWRIST', 'LEFTANKLE', 'RIGHTANKLE', 'GAZE']

    jointFloatProperties = ['MASS', 'COM_X', 'COM_Y', 'COM_Z',
                            'INERTIA_MATRIX_XX', 'INERTIA_MATRIX_YY',
                            'INERTIA_MATRIX_ZZ', 'INERTIA_MATRIX_XY',
                            'INERTIA_MATRIX_XZ', 'INERTIA_MATRIX_YZ']


    jointType = {'HPP_FREEFLYER_JOINT':'freeflyer',

    robotTag = "HPP_HUMANOID_ROBOT"

    def __init__(self, entityName, filename):
        self.entity = Dynamic(entityName)
        self.filename = filename

    def parse (self):
        dom1 = dom.parse(self.filename)
        hNode = dom1.getElementsByTagName(self.robotTag)[0]
        for p in self.robotStringProperties:
            value = self.findStringProperty(hNode, p)
            setattr(self, p, value)

        for p in self.robotFloatProperties:
            value = self.findFloatProperty(hNode, p)
            setattr(self, p, value)

        rootJointNode = self.findRootJoint(hNode)
        self.createJoint(rootJointNode, hNode.nodeName)
        # Set specific joints.
        self.entity.setSpecificJoint(str(self.WAIST), 'waist')
        self.entity.setSpecificJoint(str(self.CHEST), 'chest')
        self.entity.setSpecificJoint(str(self.LEFTWRIST), 'left-wrist')
        self.entity.setSpecificJoint(str(self.RIGHTWRIST), 'right-wrist')
        self.entity.setSpecificJoint(str(self.LEFTANKLE), 'left-ankle')
        self.entity.setSpecificJoint(str(self.RIGHTANKLE), 'right-ankle')
        self.entity.setSpecificJoint(str(self.GAZE), 'gaze')

        # Hand parameters.
        handCenter = (self.LEFTHANDCENTERX,
        thumbAxis = (self.LEFTTHUMBAXISX,

        forefingerAxis = (self.LEFTFOREFINGERAXISX,

        palmNormal = (self.LEFTPALMNORMALX,

        self.entity.setHandParameters(False, handCenter, thumbAxis,
                                      forefingerAxis, palmNormal)
        # Compute values for right hand
        handCenter = self.handSymmetry(handCenter)
        thumbAxis = self.handSymmetry(thumbAxis)
        forefingerAxis = self.handSymmetry(forefingerAxis)
        palmNormal = self.handSymmetry(palmNormal)
        self.entity.setHandParameters(True, handCenter, thumbAxis,
                                      forefingerAxis, palmNormal)

        # Foot parameters.
        soleLength = self.SOLELENGTH
        soleWidth = self.SOLEWIDTH
        anklePosition = (self.ANKLEPOSINLEFTFOOTFRAMEX,
        self.entity.setFootParameters(False, soleLength, soleWidth,
        anklePosition = (anklePosition[0], -anklePosition[1], anklePosition[2])
        self.entity.setFootParameters(True, soleLength, soleWidth,

        # Gaze parameters.
        gazeOrigin = (self.GAZEORIGINX, self.GAZEORIGINY, self.GAZEORIGINZ)
        gazeDirection = (self.GAZEDIRECTIONX, self.GAZEDIRECTIONY,

        self.entity.setGazeParameters(gazeOrigin, gazeDirection)
        return self.entity

    def createJoint (self, node, parentName):
        sotJointType = self.jointType[node.nodeName]
        jointName = self.findStringProperty(node, 'NAME')
        properties = {}
        for p in self.jointFloatProperties:
                properties[p] = self.findFloatProperty(node, p)
            except RunTimeError:
                print ('warning: ' + p +
                       ' property not specified, set to 0.')
                properties[p] = 0.

        position = self.findJointPosition(node)
        # Remember position of wrists.
        if jointName == self.LEFTWRIST:
            self.leftWristPosition = position[:]
        if jointName == self.RIGHTWRIST:
            self.rightWristPosition = position[:]
        # Find dof bounds.
        bounds = self.findJointBounds(node, jointName)

        self.entity.createJoint(jointName, sotJointType, position)
        # set mass center of mass and inertia matrix of attached body
        self.entity.setMass(jointName, properties['MASS'])
        com = (properties['COM_X'], properties['COM_Y'], properties['COM_Z'])
        self.entity.setLocalCenterOfMass(jointName, com)
        ixx = properties['INERTIA_MATRIX_XX']
        iyy = properties['INERTIA_MATRIX_YY']
        izz = properties['INERTIA_MATRIX_ZZ']
        ixy = properties['INERTIA_MATRIX_XY']
        ixz = properties['INERTIA_MATRIX_XZ']
        iyz = properties['INERTIA_MATRIX_YZ']
        inertiaMatrix = ((ixx, ixy, ixz),
                         (ixy, iyy, iyz),
                         (ixz, iyz, izz))
        self.entity.setInertiaMatrix(jointName, inertiaMatrix)
        # set bounds of degrees of freedom
        for index in range(len(bounds)):
            bound = bounds[index]
            self.entity.setDofBounds(jointName, index, bound[0], bound[1])
        self.attachJointToParent(parentName, jointName)
        # recursively create child joints
        childJoints = filter(lambda n:n.nodeName in self.jointTypes,
        for childJoint in childJoints:
            self.createJoint(childJoint, jointName)

    def attachJointToParent(self, parentName, jointName):
        if parentName == self.robotTag:
            self.entity.addJoint(parentName, jointName)

    def findRootJoint (self, hNode):
        rJoint = filter(lambda n:n.nodeName in self.jointTypes,
        if len(rJoint) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Robot should have at least one joint.")
        if len(rJoint) > 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Robot should have exactly one root joint.\n" +
                               "This one has " + str(len(rJoint)) + ".")
        return rJoint[0]

    def findJointBounds(self, node, jointName):
        dofList = filter(lambda n: n.nodeName == 'DOF', node.childNodes)
        bounds = []
        for dof in dofList:
            dofName = self.findStringProperty(dof, 'NAME')
            minValue = -1e-6
            maxValue = 1e-6
                minValue = self.findFloatProperty(dof, 'DOF_MIN_VALUE')
            except RunTimeError:
                print ("min value of dof %s of joint %s is not specified." %
                       (dofName, jointName))
                print ("Set to -1e-6")
                maxValue = self.findFloatProperty(dof, 'DOF_MAX_VALUE')
            except RunTimeError:
                print ("max value of dof %s of joint %s is not specified." %
                       (dofName, jointName))
                print ("Set to 1e-6")

            bounds.append((minValue, maxValue))
        return bounds

    def findStringProperty (self, node, prop):
        return self.findProperty(node, prop, str)

    def findFloatProperty (self, node, prop):
        return self.findProperty(node, prop, float)

    def findIntProperty (self, node, prop):
        return self.findProperty(node, prop, int)

    def findProperty(self, node, prop, cast):
        properties = filter(lambda n: n.nodeName == 'PROPERTY', node.childNodes)
        theProperty = filter (lambda p: p._attrs['stringId'].nodeValue == prop,
        if len(theProperty) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError(prop +
                               ' should be specified once and only once.')
        theProperty = theProperty[0]
        value = filter(lambda n:n.nodeType == n.TEXT_NODE,
        if len(value) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError('One and only one name should be specified for '
                               + prop)
        value = value[0]
        return cast(

    def findJointPosition(self, node):
        tag = 'CURRENT_POSITION'
        posNode = filter(lambda n: n.nodeName == tag,
        if len(posNode) == 0:
            print ("Position of joint not specified: tag " + tag + ",")
            print ("Setting to identity")
            return ((1.,0.,0.,0.),(0.,1.,0.,0.),(0.,0.,1.,0.),(0.,0.,0.,1.))

        if len(posNode) > 1:
            raise RuntimeError("'CURRENT_POSITION' specified more than once")

        posNode = posNode[0]
        if len(posNode.childNodes) != 1 and (posNode.childNodes[0].typeNode ==
            raise RunTimeError("Position matrix ill defined")

        # Remove spurious characters at beginning and end of matrix string
        data = posNode.childNodes[0].data.strip('\n\t ')
        # Split by lines and remove spurious characters at begginning and end of
        # each line.
        lines = map (lambda l: l.strip('\t '), data.split('\n'))
        # Split each line between spaces
        matrix = map (lambda l: l.split(' '), lines)
        # cast each matrix element into float
        matrix = map (lambda l: map (float, l), matrix)
        # transform list into tuple
        return tuple (map (tuple, matrix))

    def handSymmetry(self, vector):
        Conversion of local coordinates from left hand to right hand

            - a vector: locally expressed in the local frame of left wrist,
            - a vector: locally expressed in the local frame of the right wrist.

          The conversion is done in such a way that input and output are
          symmetric with respect to plane (xz) in global frame.
        # input vector expressed in global frame
        vector = R3(vector)
        globalLeftVector = SE3(self.leftWristPosition) * vector
        globalRightVector = R3(globalLeftVector)
        globalRightVector = R3(globalRightVector[0],
        output = SE3(self.rightWristPosition).inverse()*globalRightVector
        return tuple(output)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = Parser('dynNao', '/home/florent/devel/nao/model/nao-hpp.kxml')
    dynNao = p.parse()