// Copyright (c) 2014, LAAS-CNRS
// Authors: Joseph Mirabel (
// This file is part of hpp-manipulation.
// hpp-manipulation is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// hpp-manipulation is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
// hpp-manipulation. If not, see <>.
#include "hpp/manipulation/graph-path-validation.hh"
#include <hpp/core/path.hh>
#include <hpp/core/path-vector.hh>
#include <hpp/manipulation/constraint-set.hh>
namespace hpp {
namespace manipulation {
GraphPathValidationPtr_t GraphPathValidation::create (const PathValidationPtr_t& pathValidation)
GraphPathValidation* p = new GraphPathValidation (pathValidation);
return GraphPathValidationPtr_t (p);
GraphPathValidation::GraphPathValidation (const PathValidationPtr_t& pathValidation) :
pathValidation_ (pathValidation), constraintGraph_ ()
bool GraphPathValidation::validate (const PathPtr_t& path, bool reverse,
PathPtr_t& validPart,
PathValidationReportPtr_t& report)
bool success = impl_validate (path, reverse, validPart, report);
assert (constraintGraph_);
assert (constraintGraph_->getState (validPart->initial ()));
assert (constraintGraph_->getState (validPart->end ()));
bool GraphPathValidation::impl_validate (const PathVectorPtr_t& path,
bool reverse, PathPtr_t& validPart, PathValidationReportPtr_t& report)
if (reverse) {
// TODO: This has never been tested.
assert (!reverse && "This has never been tested with reverse path");
for (long int i = path->numberPaths () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// We should stop at the first non valid subpath.
if (!impl_validate (path->pathAtRank (i), true, validSubPart, report)) {
PathVectorPtr_t p = PathVector::create
(path->outputSize(), path->outputDerivativeSize());
for (long int v = path->numberPaths () - 1; v > i; v--)
p->appendPath (path->pathAtRank(i)->copy());
// TODO: Make sure this subpart is generated by the steering method.
p->appendPath (validSubPart);
validPart = p;
return false;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i != path->numberPaths (); i++) {
// We should stop at the first non valid subpath.
if (!impl_validate (path->pathAtRank (i), false, validSubPart, report)) {
PathVectorPtr_t p = PathVector::create
(path->outputSize(), path->outputDerivativeSize());
p->appendPath (path->pathAtRank(v)->copy());
// TODO: Make sure this subpart is generated by the steering method.
p->appendPath (validSubPart);
validPart = p;
return false;
// Here, every subpath is valid.
validPart = path;
return true;
bool GraphPathValidation::impl_validate (const PathPtr_t& path,
bool reverse, PathPtr_t& validPart, PathValidationReportPtr_t& report)
PathVectorPtr_t pathVector = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(PathVector, path);
return impl_validate (pathVector, reverse, validPart, report);
Joseph Mirabel
ConstraintSetPtr_t c = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(ConstraintSet, path->constraints());
hppDout(info, (c?"Using edge path validation":"Using default path validation"));
Joseph Mirabel
PathValidationPtr_t validation (c
? c->edge()->pathValidation()
: pathValidation_);
if (validation->validate (path, reverse, pathNoCollision, report)) {
validPart = path;
return true;
const Path& newPath (*pathNoCollision);
const Path& oldPath (*path);
const core::interval_t& newTR = newPath.timeRange (),
oldTR = oldPath.timeRange ();
Configuration_t q (newPath.outputSize());
if (!newPath (q, newTR.first))
throw std::logic_error ("Initial configuration of the valid part cannot be projected.");
const graph::StatePtr_t& origState = constraintGraph_->getState (q);
if (!newPath (q, newTR.second))
throw std::logic_error ("End configuration of the valid part cannot be projected.");
// This may throw in the following case:
// - state constraints: object_placement + other_function
// - path constraints: other_function, object_lock
// This is semantically correct but for a path going from q0 to q1,
// we ensure that
// - object_placement (q0) = eps_place0
// - other_function (q0) = eps_other0
// - eps_place0 + eps_other0 < eps
// - other_function (q(s)) < eps
// - object_placement (q(s)) = object_placement (q0) # thanks to the object_lock
// So we only have:
// - other_function (q(s)) + object_placement (q(s)) < eps + eps_place0
// And not:
// - other_function (q(s)) + object_placement (q(s)) < eps
// In this case, there is no good way to recover. Just return failure.
destState = constraintGraph_->getState (q);
} catch (const std::logic_error& e) {
ConstraintSetPtr_t c = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(ConstraintSet, path->constraints());
hppDout (error, "Edge " << c->edge()->name()
<< " generated an error: " << e.what());
hppDout (error, "Likely, the constraints for paths are relaxed. If "
"this problem occurs often, you may want to use the same "
"constraints for state and paths in " << c->edge()->state()->name());
validPart = path->extract (std::make_pair (oldTR.first,oldTR.first));
return false;
if (!oldPath (q, oldTR.first))
throw std::logic_error ("Initial configuration of the path to be validated cannot be projected.");
const graph::StatePtr_t& oldOstate = constraintGraph_->getState (q);
if (!oldPath (q, oldTR.second))
throw std::logic_error ("End configuration of the path to be validated cannot be projected.");
const graph::StatePtr_t& oldDstate = constraintGraph_->getState (q);
if (origState == oldOstate && destState == oldDstate) {
validPart = pathNoCollision;
return false;
// Here, the full path is not valid. Moreover, it does not correspond to the same
// edge of the constraint graph. Two option are possible:
// - Use the steering method to create a new path and validate it.
// - Return a null path.
// validPart = path->extract (std::make_pair (oldTR.first,oldTR.first));
validPart = pathNoCollision;
void GraphPathValidation::addObstacle (const hpp::core::CollisionObjectPtr_t& collisionObject)
pathValidation_->addObstacle (collisionObject);
} // namespace manipulation
} // namespace hpp