Example robot URDFs
This repository includes a set of robot descriptions that are aimed to be used in benchmarking, unit-tests, teachings, tutorials or show-cases. These source files do not intend to substitute their original repositories.
🐧 Installation
📦 From Debian / Ubuntu packages, with-
If you have never added robotpkg's software repository, do it now:
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/robotpkg.list <<EOF deb [arch=amd64] http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/packages/debian/pub $(lsb_release -sc) robotpkg EOF curl http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/packages/debian/robotpkg.key | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt update
installation of example-robot-data and its python utils:
sudo apt install robotpkg-py3\*-example-robot-data
As simple as that:
conda install example-robot-data -c conda-forge
🐢 With ROS
Just clone it (with --recursive
) into a catkin workspace.
📁 From source
Clone it (with --recursive
), create a build
directory inside, and:
cmake .. && make && make install
🤖 Show a robot withpython -m example_robot_data -h
to list available robots.
©️ Credits
✍️ Written by
- Carlos Mastalli, The University of Edinburgh :uk:
- Guilhem Saurel, LAAS-CNRS 🇫🇷
👷 With contributions from
- Justin Carpentier, INRIA 🇫🇷
- Pierre Fernbach, LAAS-CNRS 🇫🇷
- Florent Lamiraux, LAAS-CNRS 🇫🇷
- Wolfgang Merkt, University of Oxford :uk:
- Josep Martí Saumell, IRI: CSIC-UPC 🇪🇸