@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ EigenPy — Versatile and efficient Python bindings between Numpy and Eigen
- full support Eigen::Ref avoiding memory allocation
- full support of the Eigen::Tensor module
- exposition of the Geometry module of Eigen for easy code prototyping
- standard matrix decomposion routines of Eigen such as the Cholesky decomposition, SVD decomposition, QR decomposition, etc.
- standard matrix decomposion routines of Eigen such as the Cholesky decomposition (SVD and QR decompositions [can be added](#contributing))
- full support of SWIG objects
- full support of runtime declaration of Numpy scalar types
- extended API to expose std::vector types
@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ and then install **EigenPy** for Python 3.x with:
brew install eigenpy
## Contributing
Standard matrix decomposion routines of Eigen such as the SVD and QR decompositions can be readily added to **EigenPy** following the example of the Cholesky decomposition that is already implemented. Feel free to open a PR if you wrap them for your use case.
## Credits
The following people have been involved in the development of **EigenPy**: