@nmansard I will add that we need to format all Python files:
Sorting Python module inclusion (isort)
Linting analyses (e.g flake8)
This is a easy task that can be done automatically using your prefered IDE. However it can create plenty of conflicts during the merge request if we do it in a wrong moment. I would like to do it in order to ship quality code, this task should be the last one before v1.0.0 release.
If you want to add this now, the best is to make on commit / MR just for it. I can do that if you want. After that, I can set it up to be ran in the CI, to enforce those rules to be followed.
I think we have to conflicting discussion here. This issue is about making crocoddyl a library, not about indenting the code.
@cmastall please refer to #125 (closed) for discussion about indentation, it has nothing to do here.
@gsaurel are you proposing to implement the indentation and enforce it? Or is your answer related to the initial topic of making it a library? In the first case, could you please propose it again in #125 (closed)? In the second case, could you be more specific?
And ... it is not working as expected. We forget the specific case of the notebooks. They will not work anymore without either a symlink to the crocoddyl folder, or a proper installation in a path covered by PYTHONPATH.
@gsaurel what would you propose to cope with this issue?
@proyan please let me handle the issue entirely (well, with the advises of @gsaurel ).
After discussing with @gsaurel here is how we will process:
I will remove the symlinks as initially decided, except in the notebook subfolder. This is still an expected step for the V1.
Later, @gsaurel will set up a cmakelist and reorganize the lib, to have a make install that would then allow to generate a robotpkg packet and enable the CI.