Humanoid Path Planner - RBPRM-CORBA module
Copyright 2015 LAAS-CNRS
Author: Steve Tonneau
##Description hpp-rbprm-corba implements python bindings for hpp-rbprm, and presents a few example files. Please refer to this link for information on hpp-rbprm.
##Installation on ubuntu-14.04 64 bit with ros-indigo
To install hpp-rbprm-corba:
Install HPP-RBPRM and its dependencies - see
Install HPP-AFFORDANCE-CORBA along with its dependencies
Use CMake to install the library. For instance:
mkdir $HPP_RBPRM_CORBA_DIR/build cd $HPP_RBPRM_CORBA_DIR/build cd cmake .. make install
Open $DEVEL_DIR/install/share/doc/hpp-rbprm-corba/doxygen-html/index.html in a web brower and you will have access to the code documentation. If you are using ipython, the documentation of the methods implemented is also directly available in a python console.
To see the planner in action, two examples from our IJRR submission with HyQ are available. Examples with HRP-2 are also provided, though they can only be executed if you have access to HRP-2 model.
First of all, retrieve and build the HyQ model from its github repository:
$ rosrun xacro hyq_description/robots/hyq_model.urdf.xacro -o hyq.urdf
Make sure to install hyq.urdf in $HPP_DEVEL_DIR/install/share/hpp-rbprm-corba/
The planning is decomposed in two phases / scripts. First, a root path is computed (* files). Then, the contacts are generated along the computed path (* files). The scripts are located in the folder /scripts/scenarios/demos.
To see the different steps of the process run
$ ./
The script include comments explaining the different calls to the library. You can call the different methods a() ... d() to see the different steps of the planning.