#For global penetration depth computation, we need a pre-computation step. Beside that, the online penetration depth function uses exactly the same pipeline as shown above:
#// Given two objects o1 and o2
#CollisionObject* o1 = ...
#CollisionObject* o2 = ...
#// the precomputation step for global penetration computation (see test_fcl_xmldata.cpp for an example)
#// set the penetration depth request structure, here we just use the default setting
#PenetrationDepthRequest request;
#// result will be returned via the penetration depth result structure
#PenetrationDepthResult result;
#// perform global penetration depth test
#penetrationDepth(o1, o2,request, result);
FCL supports broadphase collision/distance between two groups of objects and can avoid the n square complexity. For collision, broadphase algorithm can return all the collision pairs. For distance, it can return the pair with the minimum distance. FCL uses a CollisionManager structure to manage all the objects involving the collision or distance operations.