- Nov 04, 2013
Nirmal Giftsun authored
- Sep 26, 2013
Francois Keith authored
The old names are kept for now, but will disappear in the future.
- Sep 13, 2013
Pierre Gergondet authored
Pierre Gergondet authored
Reimplement runsource to reset the cache in case of SyntaxError Behaviour of runsource based on: http://docs.python.org/2/library/code.html
Pierre Gergondet authored
Retry the command (one time only) if the connection was lost
- Sep 12, 2013
Damien Petit authored
- Sep 11, 2013
Thomas Moulard authored
Thomas Moulard authored
Thomas Moulard authored
- Jul 16, 2013
Francois Keith authored
Francois Keith authored
- Jul 15, 2013
Florent Lamiraux authored
Launching an application in a roslaunch file may cause to send python command before the interpreter has read the prologue. This commit should fix this issue.
- Jul 11, 2013
olivier stasse authored
olivier stasse authored
- Jul 10, 2013
olivier stasse authored
Setting up ROS: rosparam load `rospack find hrp2_14_description`/sot/hrp2_14_reduced.yaml rosrun robot_state_publisher state_publisher Display the robot using the info given in https://trac.laas.fr/gepetto/hrp2/hrp2_14_description/html/reference/ To repeat at each simulation: rosrun dynamic_graph_bridge geometric_simu --input-file ~/devel/ros-unstable-2/install/lib/libsot-hrp2-14-controller.so rosrun dynamic_graph_bridge run_command >>> from dynamic_graph.sot.application.velocity.precomputed_tasks import * >>> solver=initialize(robot) rosservice call /start_dynamic_graph >>> Put_whatever_you_want_in_python The rationale is to use a state vector map provided by the robot stack. For instance for hrp-2 we have a yaml file providing the ros parameter: /sot/state_vector_map which specifies the state vector: [RLEG_JOINT0, RLEG_JOINT1, RLEG_JOINT2, RLEG_JOINT3, RLEG_JOINT4, RLEG_JOINT5, LLEG_JOINT0, LLEG_JOINT1, LLEG_JOINT2, LLEG_JOINT3, LLEG_JOINT4, LLEG_JOINT5, CHEST_JOINT0, CHEST_JOINT1, HEAD_JOINT0, HEAD_JOINT1, RARM_JOINT0, RARM_JOINT1, RARM_JOINT2, RARM_JOINT3, RARM_JOINT4, RARM_JOINT5, RARM_JOINT6, LARM_JOINT0, LARM_JOINT1, LARM_JOINT2, LARM_JOINT3, LARM_JOINT4, LARM_JOINT5, LARM_JOINT6]
- Jul 08, 2013
olivier stasse authored
- May 22, 2013
Francois Keith authored
Francois Keith authored
- Apr 25, 2013
olivier stasse authored
Pb: The openrtm architecture loads a shared library to implement the services of an OpenRTM node. The scheduling properties are ensured by the operating system running openrtm. Then on the robot, when the shared library is loaded it is run inside the real-time loop. As sot-hrp-2 was creating the interpreter and the ros-node in the constructor this used to break HRP-2 real-time OS. This commit change the initialization of the ros-node to use a multi-threaded spinner. Then ros calls are handled in a seperate non-realtime thread.
- Feb 21, 2013
Francois Keith authored
Thanks to Tinne De Laet for notifying.
- Feb 08, 2013
Francois Keith authored
- Sep 07, 2012
olivier stasse authored
- May 21, 2012
Thomas Moulard authored
- May 17, 2012
Florent Lamiraux authored
- May 15, 2012
Thomas Moulard authored
- May 11, 2012
Thomas Moulard authored
Thomas Moulard authored
Thomas Moulard authored
- May 09, 2012
Thomas Moulard authored
- May 07, 2012
Thomas Moulard authored
Thomas Moulard authored
- Apr 28, 2012
Florent Lamiraux authored
Define entity RosTime that exports Ros time in a signal, add this entity in class dynamic_graph.ros.ros.Ros. Transfer Ros time in signal of type ptime instead of vector.
- Mar 21, 2012
Thomas Moulard authored
It happens, especially at init that vector are null (of size 0). In this case, avoid abrupt failure by just copying the available data instead of aborting the whole software.
Thomas Moulard authored
- Mar 20, 2012
Thomas Moulard authored
- Mar 14, 2012
Thomas Moulard authored
Thomas Moulard authored
Thomas Moulard authored
Previous version of abstract-robot-dynamics did not contain the joint name. Therefore, we had no way to forward the joint names to ROS. This patch changes the ros_joint_state entity to add a retrieveJointNames command. This command uses the pool to retrieve an instance of the Dynamic entity (i.e. robot.dynamic) by using the entity name. It then iterates on the robot structure to fill the joint names in the message. This command is automatically called in the Ros class so this change is transparent for the end-user. However, no more assumptions are made on the robot structure so the sent message is exactly matching the robot structure loaded in the dynamic entity. In particular, the free floating DOFs are sent and the hard coded hand values have been removed. ROS, in fact, requires DOF names and not joint names. Therefore, the names are computed as follow: - 0 dof: ignored, - 1 dof: dof name is the joint name, - >1 dof: <joint name>_<dof id>
Florent Lamiraux authored
Florent Lamiraux authored
RosImport entity writes data from a signal to a ROS topic.