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Publish joint-states using the SoT
Setting up ROS: rosparam load `rospack find hrp2_14_description`/sot/hrp2_14_reduced.yaml rosrun robot_state_publisher state_publisher Display the robot using the info given in https://trac.laas.fr/gepetto/hrp2/hrp2_14_description/html/reference/ To repeat at each simulation: rosrun dynamic_graph_bridge geometric_simu --input-file ~/devel/ros-unstable-2/install/lib/libsot-hrp2-14-controller.so rosrun dynamic_graph_bridge run_command >>> from dynamic_graph.sot.application.velocity.precomputed_tasks import * >>> solver=initialize(robot) rosservice call /start_dynamic_graph >>> Put_whatever_you_want_in_python The rationale is to use a state vector map provided by the robot stack. For instance for hrp-2 we have a yaml file providing the ros parameter: /sot/state_vector_map which specifies the state vector: [RLEG_JOINT0, RLEG_JOINT1, RLEG_JOINT2, RLEG_JOINT3, RLEG_JOINT4, RLEG_JOINT5, LLEG_JOINT0, LLEG_JOINT1, LLEG_JOINT2, LLEG_JOINT3, LLEG_JOINT4, LLEG_JOINT5, CHEST_JOINT0, CHEST_JOINT1, HEAD_JOINT0, HEAD_JOINT1, RARM_JOINT0, RARM_JOINT1, RARM_JOINT2, RARM_JOINT3, RARM_JOINT4, RARM_JOINT5, RARM_JOINT6, LARM_JOINT0, LARM_JOINT1, LARM_JOINT2, LARM_JOINT3, LARM_JOINT4, LARM_JOINT5, LARM_JOINT6]
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