Francois Keith authored
The old names are kept for now, but will disappear in the future.
Francois Keith authoredThe old names are kept for now, but will disappear in the future.
ros_publish.cpp 6.13 KiB
#include <stdexcept>
#include <boost/assign.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
#include <std_msgs/UInt32.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
#include "dynamic_graph_bridge/ros_init.hh"
#include "ros_publish.hh"
namespace dynamicgraph
namespace command
namespace rosPublish
(RosPublish& entity, const std::string& docstring)
: Command
std::vector<Value::Type> (),
Value Clear::doExecute ()
RosPublish& entity =
static_cast<RosPublish&> (owner ());
entity.clear ();
return Value ();
(RosPublish& entity, const std::string& docstring)
: Command
std::vector<Value::Type> (),
Value List::doExecute ()
RosPublish& entity =
static_cast<RosPublish&> (owner ());
return Value (entity.list ());
(RosPublish& entity, const std::string& docstring)
: Command
(Value::STRING) (Value::STRING) (Value::STRING),
Value Add::doExecute ()
RosPublish& entity =
static_cast<RosPublish&> (owner ());
std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues ();
const std::string& type = values[0].value ();
const std::string& signal = values[1].value ();
const std::string& topic = values[2].value ();
if (type == "double")
entity.add<double> (signal, topic);
else if (type == "unsigned")
entity.add<unsigned int> (signal, topic);
else if (type == "matrix")
entity.add<ml::Matrix> (signal, topic);
else if (type == "vector")
entity.add<ml::Vector> (signal, topic);
else if (type == "vector3")
entity.add<specific::Vector3> (signal, topic);
else if (type == "vector3Stamped")
entity.add<std::pair<specific::Vector3, ml::Vector> > (signal, topic);
else if (type == "matrixHomo")
entity.add<sot::MatrixHomogeneous> (signal, topic);
else if (type == "matrixHomoStamped")
entity.add<std::pair<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, ml::Vector> >
(signal, topic);
else if (type == "twist")
entity.add<specific::Twist> (signal, topic);
else if (type == "twistStamped")
entity.add<std::pair<specific::Twist, ml::Vector> > (signal, topic);
throw std::runtime_error("bad type");
return Value ();
(RosPublish& entity, const std::string& docstring)
: Command
boost::assign::list_of (Value::STRING),
Value Rm::doExecute ()
RosPublish& entity =
static_cast<RosPublish&> (owner ());
std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues ();
const std::string& signal = values[0].value ();
entity.rm (signal);
return Value ();
} // end of errorEstimator.
} // end of namespace command.
const std::string RosPublish::docstring_
("Publish dynamic-graph signals as ROS topics.\n"
" Use command \"add\" to publish a new ROS topic.\n");
RosPublish::RosPublish (const std::string& n)
: dynamicgraph::Entity(n),
// RosPublish do not use callback so do not create a useless spinner.
nh_ (rosInit (false)),
bindedSignal_ (),
trigger_ (boost::bind (&RosPublish::trigger, this, _1, _2),
MAKE_SIGNAL_STRING(name, true, "int", "trigger")),
lastPublicated_ ()
try {
lastPublicated_ = ros::Time::now ();
} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
throw std::runtime_error ("Failed to call ros::Time::now ():" +
std::string (exc.what ()));
signalRegistration (trigger_);
trigger_.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren (true);
std::string docstring =
" Add a signal writing data to a ROS topic\n"
" Input:\n"
" - type: string among ['double', 'matrix', 'vector', 'vector3',\n"
" 'vector3Stamped', 'matrixHomo', 'matrixHomoStamped',\n"
" 'twist', 'twistStamped'],\n"
" - signal: the signal name in dynamic-graph,\n"
" - topic: the topic name in ROS.\n"
addCommand ("add",
new command::rosPublish::Add
(*this, docstring));
docstring =
" Remove a signal writing data to a ROS topic\n"
" Input:\n"
" - name of the signal to remove (see method list for the list of signals).\n"
addCommand ("rm",
new command::rosPublish::Rm
(*this, docstring));
docstring =
" Remove all signals writing data to a ROS topic\n"
" No input:\n"
addCommand ("clear",
new command::rosPublish::Clear
(*this, docstring));
docstring =
" List signals writing data to a ROS topic\n"
" No input:\n"
addCommand ("list",
new command::rosPublish::List
(*this, docstring));
RosPublish::~RosPublish ()
void RosPublish::display (std::ostream& os) const
os << CLASS_NAME << std::endl;
void RosPublish::rm (const std::string& signal)
bindedSignal_.erase (signal);
std::string RosPublish::list () const
std::string result("[");
for (std::map<std::string, bindedSignal_t>::const_iterator it =
bindedSignal_.begin (); it != bindedSignal_.end (); it++) {
result += "'" + it->first + "',";
result += "]";
return result;
void RosPublish::clear ()
bindedSignal_.clear ();
int& RosPublish::trigger (int& dummy, int t)
typedef std::map<std::string, bindedSignal_t>::iterator iterator_t;
ros::Duration dt = ros::Time::now () - lastPublicated_;
if (dt < rate_)
return dummy;
for (iterator_t it = bindedSignal_.begin ();
it != bindedSignal_.end (); ++it)
boost::get<1>(it->second) (t);
return dummy;
std::string RosPublish::getDocString () const
return docstring_;
} // end of namespace dynamicgraph.