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Commit 152186bd authored by Guilhem Saurel's avatar Guilhem Saurel
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TITLE = {{An efficient acyclic contact planner for multiped robots}},
AUTHOR = {Tonneau, Steve and Del Prete, Andrea and Pettr{\'e}, Julien and Park, Chonhyon and Manocha, Dinesh and Mansard, Nicolas},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rpport LAAS n{\textdegree} 16024},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Feb,
DOI = {10.1177/ToBeAssigned},
KEYWORDS = {Rough Terrain ; Contact planning ; Legged Locomotion ; Humanoid Robot ; Multi contact locomotion ; centroidal dynamics ; Humanoid robots ; legged robots ; motion planning},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01267345},
TITLE = {{2PAC: Two Point Attractors for Center of Mass Trajectories in Multi Contact Scenarios}},
AUTHOR = {Tonneau, Steve and Prete, Andrea Del and Pettr{\'e}, Julien and Mansard, Nicolas},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Sep,
KEYWORDS = {Procedural animation ; Procedural animation ; center of mass ; Character animation ; multi contact locomotion ; Physical simulation ; motion planning},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01609055},
TITLE = {{Using a Memory of Motion to Efficiently Warm-Start a Nonlinear Predictive Controller}},
AUTHOR = {Mansard, Nicolas and Del Prete, Andrea and Geisert, Mathieu and Tonneau, Steve and Stasse, Olivier},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17347},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Sep,
KEYWORDS = {Predictive control ; Robotics ; Deep learning},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01591373},
TITLE = {{Motion planning for digital actors}},
AUTHOR = {Campana, Myl{\`e}ne},
URL = {},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS : 17149},
SCHOOL = {{Universit{\'e} Paul Sabatier (Toulouse 3)}},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Jul,
KEYWORDS = {Motion planning ; Computer animation ; Ballistic motion ; Path optimization ; Simulation ; Planification de mouvement ; Animation graphique ; Mouvement ballistique ; Optimisation de chemin ; Simulation},
TYPE = {Theses},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {tel-01591472},
TITLE = {{Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movements}},
AUTHOR = {Laumond, Jean-Paul and Mansard, Nicolas and Lasserre, Jean-Bernard Bernard},
URL = {},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17340},
EDITOR = {Springer},
PUBLISHER = {{Springer International Publishing}},
SERIES = {Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics},
VOLUME = {117},
YEAR = {2017},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-51547-2},
HAL_ID = {hal-01590779},
TITLE = {{Using human-inspired models for guiding robot locomotion}},
AUTHOR = {Vassallo, Christian},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {2016TOU30177},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 16328},
SCHOOL = {{Universit{\'e} Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III}},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Oct,
KEYWORDS = {Human-inspired models ; Robot locomotion ; Human-robot interaction ; Motion capture system ; Syst{\`e}me de capture de mouvement ; Robots humanoid ; Locomotion des robots ; Interaction homme-robot ; Mod{\`e}les inspir{\'e}s de l'humain},
TYPE = {Theses},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {tel-01589659},
TITLE = {{Manipulation planning: building paths on constrained manifolds}},
AUTHOR = {Mirabel, Joseph and Lamiraux, Florent},
URL = {},
NOTE = {Sousmis {\`a} ICRA 2018},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 16256},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Jul,
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01360409},
TITLE = {{Modification of the spontaneous seat-to-stand transition in cycling with bodyweight and cadence variations}},
AUTHOR = {Watier, Bruno and Costes, Antony A and Turpin, Nicolas A},
URL = {},
JOURNAL = {{Journal of Biomechanics}},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17313},
PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}},
YEAR = {2017},
DOI = {10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.08.003},
KEYWORDS = { performance ; pedaling ; transition ; optimization ; cost-function ; saddle force},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01584024},
TITLE = {{Implementation, Identification and Control of an Efficient Electric Actuator for Humanoid Robots}},
AUTHOR = {Forget, Florent and Giraud-Esclasse, Kevin and Gelin, Rodolphe and Mansard, Nicolas and Stasse, Olivier},
......@@ -13,10 +129,12 @@
TITLE = {{Online Payload Identification for Quadruped Robots}},
AUTHOR = {Tournois, Guido G and Focchi, Michele G and Prete, Andrea Del and Orsolino, Romeo G and Caldwell, Darwin G and Semini, Claudio G},
AUTHOR = {Tournois, Guido G and Focchi, Michele G and Del Prete, Andrea and Orsolino, Romeo G and Caldwell, Darwin G and Semini, Claudio G},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{EEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Canada},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17095},
PAGES = {8p.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Sep,
PDF = {},
......@@ -29,6 +147,7 @@
AUTHOR = {Flayols, Thomas and Del Prete, Andrea and Wensing, Patrick and Mifsud, Alexis and Benallegue, Mehdi and Stasse, Olivier},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17277},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Aug,
PDF = {},
......@@ -36,9 +155,9 @@
TITLE = {{Zero Step Capturability for Legged Robots in Multi Contact}},
AUTHOR = {Prete, Andrea Del and Tonneau, Steve and Mansard, Nicolas},
AUTHOR = {Del Prete, Andrea and Tonneau, Steve and Mansard, Nicolas},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
YEAR = {2017},
......@@ -56,23 +175,29 @@
JOURNAL = {{IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 16242},
YEAR = {2017},
VOLUME = {3},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {pp.281-288},
YEAR = {2018},
MONTH = Jan,
DOI = {10.1109/LRA.2017.2738321},
KEYWORDS = {Optimal Control ; Viability ; Constrained Systems},
KEYWORDS = {Constrained Systems ; Optimal Control ; Viability},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01356989},
TITLE = {{Actuator Design of Compliant Walkers via Optimal Control}},
AUTHOR = {Buondonno, Gabriele and Carpentier, Justin and Saurel, Guilhem and Mansard, Nicolas and De Luca, Alessandro and Laumond, Jean-Paul},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017)}},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Canada},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17049},
PAGES = {7p.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Mar,
KEYWORDS = {Bipedal robot ; Optimal Design ; Compliant Actuators},
MONTH = Sep,
KEYWORDS = {Compliant Actuators ; Optimal Design ; Bipedal robot},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01483567},
......@@ -83,6 +208,7 @@
AUTHOR = {Bailly, Fran{\c c}ois and Carpentier, Justin and Pinet, Bertrand and Sou{\`e}res, Philippe and Watier, Bruno},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17249},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Jul,
KEYWORDS = {Bipedal Locomotion ; Multi contact},
......@@ -98,6 +224,7 @@
BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Canada},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17054},
PAGES = {7p.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Sep,
KEYWORDS = { kinodynamic ; legged robot ; humanoid robot ; Robotic ; motion planning ; dynamic equilibrium},
......@@ -136,12 +263,48 @@
TITLE = {{Formation Doctorale ''{\'E}thique de la recherche et int{\'e}grit{\'e} scientifique''}},
AUTHOR = {Tessier, Catherine and Viallet, Fabienne and Mary, Arthur and Tondu, Bertrand and Baudouin, Lucie and Ducournau, Pascal and Queinnec, Isabelle and Mochel, Gaylord and Varenne, Cl{\'e}ment and Dessens, Nathalie},
URL = {},
NOTE = {Lecture},
TYPE = {Doctoral},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17018},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
PAGES = {56p.},
INSTITUTION = {{Ecole des Docteurs de Toulouse}},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Feb,
KEYWORDS = {int{\'e}grit{\'e} scientifique ; {\'e}thique ; Formation doctorale},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {cel-01452867},
TITLE = {{Design, modeling and control of inherently compliant actuators with a special consideration on agonist-anthropomorphic configuration}},
AUTHOR = {Hari shankar lal das, Ganesh kumar},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {2016ISAT0030},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 16479},
SCHOOL = {{INSA de Toulouse}},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Dec,
KEYWORDS = {Anthropomorphic systems ; Agonist-antagonist actuation ; Pneumatic systems ; Bio-inspired robots ; Nonlinear control ; ILQR control ; Contr{\^o}le iLQR ; Mckibben muscles ; Syst{\`e}mes pneumatiques ; Actionneur agoniste ; Contr{\^o}le non lin{\'e}aire ; Robots {\`a} inspiration bio ; Syst{\`e}me anthropomorphique},
TYPE = {Theses},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {tel-01547435},
TITLE = {{Multi-contact Locomotion of Legged Robots in Complex Environments -- The Loco3D project}},
AUTHOR = {Carpentier, Justin and Prete, Andrea Del and Tonneau, Steve and Flayols, Thomas and Forget, Florent and Mifsud, Alexis and Giraud, Kevin and Atchuthan, Dinesh and Fernbach, Pierre and Budhiraja, Rohan and Geisert, Mathieu and Sol{\`a}, Joan and Stasse, Olivier and Mansard, Nicolas},
AUTHOR = {Carpentier, Justin and Del Prete, Andrea and Tonneau, Steve and Flayols, Thomas and Forget, Florent and Mifsud, Alexis and Giraud, Kevin and Atchuthan, Dinesh and Fernbach, Pierre and Budhiraja, Rohan and Geisert, Mathieu and Sol{\`a}, Joan and Stasse, Olivier and Mansard, Nicolas},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{RSS Workshop on Challenges in Dynamic Legged Locomotion}},
ADDRESS = {Boston, United States},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17206},
PAGES = {3p.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Jul,
PDF = {},
......@@ -154,13 +317,15 @@
AUTHOR = {Ta{\"i}x, Michel and Tran, Minh Tuan and Sou{\`e}res, Philippe and Guigon, Emmanuel},
URL = {},
JOURNAL = {{Journal of Computational Science}},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 11707},
PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}},
VOLUME = {4},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {269--284},
PAGES = {pp.269--284},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = Jul,
DOI = {10.1016/j.jocs.2012.08.001},
KEYWORDS = {optimization ; nonlinear programming ; motor primitives ; humanoid robot ; human motor control},
KEYWORDS = {human motor control ; humanoid robot ; motor primitives ; optimization ; nonlinear programming},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01537858},
......@@ -171,28 +336,30 @@
AUTHOR = {Malti, Abed and Lamiraux, Florent and Ta{\"i}x, Michel},
URL = {},
JOURNAL = {{Advanced Robotics}},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 09670},
PUBLISHER = {{Taylor \& Francis}},
VOLUME = {25},
NUMBER = {11-12},
PAGES = {1427-1450 },
PAGES = {pp.1427-1450 },
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = Jul,
DOI = {10.1163/016918611X579457},
KEYWORDS = {Motion Planning ; Sensor-Based Motion ; Landmark-Based Motion ; Mobile robot},
KEYWORDS = {Mobile robot ; Sensor-Based Motion ; Landmark-Based Motion ; Motion Planning},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01537687},
TITLE = {{Robustness to Inertial Parameter Errors for Legged Robots Balancing on Level Ground}},
AUTHOR = {Giftsun, Nirmal and Del Prete, Andrea and Lamiraux, Florent},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
BOOKTITLE = {{International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2017)}},
ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17133},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Jun,
KEYWORDS = {Optimization and Optimal Control ; Humanoid Robots ; Robust Control ; Inverse-Dynamics Control},
MONTH = Jul,
KEYWORDS = {Robust Control ; Optimization and Optimal Control ; Humanoid Robots ; Inverse-Dynamics Control},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01533136},
......@@ -235,9 +402,12 @@
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{Robotics: Science and Systems}},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA, United States},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17181},
VOLUME = {Porceedings of Robotics Science and Systems},
PAGES = {9p.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Jul,
KEYWORDS = {Optimal control ; Humanoid robots ; Legged locomotion ; Multi-contact Locomotion ; Machine Learning},
KEYWORDS = { Machine Learning ; Optimal control ; Humanoid robots ; Legged locomotion ; Multi-contact Locomotion},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01526200},
......@@ -249,6 +419,8 @@
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics}},
ADDRESS = {Houston, Texas, United States},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 97477},
PAGES = {16p.},
YEAR = {1998},
MONTH = Mar,
PDF = {},
......@@ -455,24 +627,6 @@
TITLE = {{Formation Doctorale ''{\'E}thique de la recherche et Int{\'e}grit{\'e} scientifique''}},
AUTHOR = {Tessier, Catherine and Viallet, Fabienne and Mary, Arthur and Tondu, Bertrand and Baudouin, Lucie and Ducournau, Pascal and Queinnec, Isabelle and Mochel, Gaylord and Varenne, Cl{\'e}ment and Dessens, Nathalie},
URL = {},
NOTE = {Lecture},
TYPE = {Doctoral},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17018},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
PAGES = {56p.},
INSTITUTION = {{Ecole des Docteurs de Toulouse}},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Feb,
KEYWORDS = {int{\'e}grit{\'e} scientifique ; {\'e}thique ; Formation doctorale},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {cel-01452867},
TITLE = {{Continuous Legged Locomotion Planning}},
AUTHOR = {Perrin, Nicolas and Ott, Christian and Englsberger, Johannes and Stasse, Olivier and Lamiraux, Florent and Caldwell, Darwin G.},
......@@ -528,7 +682,7 @@
URL = {},
JOURNAL = {{Nanotechnology}},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 17002},
PUBLISHER = {{Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access}},
PUBLISHER = {{Institute of Physics}},
VOLUME = {28},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {025502},
......@@ -539,21 +693,6 @@
AUTHOR = {Vassallo, Christian },
URL = {},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport laas : 16328},
SCHOOL = {{Universit2 Toulouse III Paul Sabatier}},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Oct,
KEYWORDS = {Human-inspired models ; Robot locomotion ; Human-robot interaction ; Motion capture system ; Mod{\`e}les inspir{\'e}s de l'humain ; Locomotion des robots ; Interaction homme-robot ; Robots humano{\"i}des ; Syst{\`e}me de capture de mouvement},
TYPE = {Theses},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {tel-01393217},
TITLE = {{Dynamically balanced and plausible trajectory planning for human-like characters}},
AUTHOR = {Park, Chonhyon and Park, Jae Sung and Tonneau, Steve and Mansard, Nicolas and Multon, Franck and Pettr{\'e}, Julien and Manocha, Dinesh},
......@@ -717,26 +856,13 @@
PAGES = {97-103},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Jan,
KEYWORDS = {Mobile Robot ; Human collision avoidance strategies ; Human walking},
DOI = {10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.09.022},
KEYWORDS = {Human walking ; Mobile Robot ; Human collision avoidance strategies},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01371202},
TITLE = {{Manipulation planning: building paths on constrained manifolds}},
AUTHOR = {Mirabel, Joseph and Lamiraux, Florent},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}},
ADDRESS = {Singapour, Singapore},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 16256},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = May,
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01360409},
TITLE = {{Ballistic motion planning for jumping superheroes}},
AUTHOR = {Campana, Myl{\`e}ne and Fernbach, Pierre and Tonneau, Steve and Ta{\"i}x, Michel and Laumond, Jean-Paul},
......@@ -1008,21 +1134,6 @@
TITLE = {{An efficient acyclic contact planner for multiped robots}},
AUTHOR = {Tonneau, Steve and Del Prete, Andrea and Pettr{\'e}, Julien and Park, Chonhyon and Manocha, Dinesh and Mansard, Nicolas},
URL = {},
NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rpport LAAS n{\textdegree} 16024},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Feb,
DOI = {10.1177/ToBeAssigned},
KEYWORDS = {Rough Terrain ; Contact planning ; Legged Locomotion ; Humanoid Robot ; Motion planning},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01267345},
TITLE = {{Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Based Systems using Numerical Optimal Control}},
AUTHOR = {Geisert, Mathieu and Mansard, Nicolas},
......@@ -3041,97 +3152,3 @@
TITLE = {{Integration of humanoid robots in collaborative working environment: a case study on motion generation}},
AUTHOR = {Stasse, Olivier and Ruland, Rudolf and Lamiraux, Florent and Kheddar, Abderrahmane and Yokoi, Kazuhito and Prinz, Wolfgang},
URL = {},
JOURNAL = {{Intelligent Service Robotics}},
PUBLISHER = {{Springer Verlag}},
VOLUME = {2},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {153-160},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = Jun,
DOI = {10.1007/s11370-009-0045-8},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-00451346},
TITLE = {{Sensor-based trajectory deformation: application to reactive navigation of nonholonomic robots}},
AUTHOR = {Lamiraux, Florent and Lefebvre, Olivier},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods}},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 10072},
EDITOR = {Chesi, Graziano; Hashimoto, Koichi},
PUBLISHER = {{Springer}},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences n{\textdegree} 401},
PAGES = {p.315-334},
YEAR = {2010},
MONTH = Apr,
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-00451341},
TITLE = {{Whole-Body Task Planning for a Humanoid Robot: a Way to Integrate Collision Avoidance}},
AUTHOR = {Dalibard, S{\'e}bastien and Nakhaei, Alireza and Lamiraux, Florent and Laumond, Jean-Paul},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots}},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree}09789},
PAGES = {1-6},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = Dec,
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-00450897},
TITLE = {{Planification de t{\^a}che de manipulation par pivotement pour un robot humain}},
AUTHOR = {Poirier, Mathieu},
URL = {},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree}09648},
SCHOOL = {{INSA de Toulouse}},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = Sep,
KEYWORDS = {Humanoid robot ; Movement ; Object manipulation ; Robot humano{\"i}de ; Robot ; Mouvement ; D{\'e}placement d'objets ; Planification de mouvements},
TYPE = {Theses},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {tel-00450869},
TITLE = {{Approche neuro-robotique pour le contr{\^o}le des syst{\`e}mes anthropomorphiques}},
AUTHOR = {Tran, Minh Tuan},
URL = {},
SCHOOL = {{Universit{\'e} Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III}},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = Nov,
KEYWORDS = {Human motor control ; Reaching motion ; Body-centered vs eye-centered ; Motion primitive ; Humanoid robot ; Neuro-robotics ; Contr{\^o}le moteur humain ; Mouvement d'atteinte ; Corps-centr{\'e} contre oculocentr{\'e} ; Primitive motrice ; Neuro-robotique},
TYPE = {Theses},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {tel-00446797},
TITLE = {{Contribution {\`a} la planification de mouvement pour robots humano{\"i}des}},
AUTHOR = {Kanoun, Oussama},
URL = {},
SCHOOL = {{Universit{\'e} Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III}},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = Oct,
KEYWORDS = {Inverse kinematics ; Optimal control ; Constrained optimization ; Priority ; Bipedal locomotion ; Humanoid robot ; Motion planning ; Cin{\'e}matique inverse ; Contr{\^o}le optimal ; Optimisation sous contraintes ; Priorit{\'e} ; Locomotion bip{\`e}de ; Robot humano{\"i}de ; Planification de mouvement},
TYPE = {Theses},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {tel-00446757},
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