Francois Bleibel
\section intro_dynamicGraph Introduction
This code implements the g_factory design pattern, making creation of entities
Francois Bleibel
available to packages depending on the dynamic-graph API.
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Francois Bleibel
Objects, which are derived from Entities, can be
declared within the code and compiled to shared libraries (.so/.dll files).
These libraries can be loaded at run-time using the PluginLoader methods,
and at the same time register their class names to the Factory (see the
examples in the DYNAMIC-GRAPH documentation to learn how).
The Factory can then create instances of these objects and subsequently
register them in the Pool, where they can be listed, accessed, and acted upon
(see sotPoolStorage documentation). Basic commands defined by entities include
signal connection graph file generation, help and name print, and signals.
Finally, a shell (command-line) interface is made available thanks to the
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Interpreter class (see the file test_shell.cpp for an example). Objects deriving from
Entity can expose their own commands by overriding the Entity's default
commandLine() method. It is possible to load a plugin to register custom
Francois Bleibel
shell commands; see shell-functions and shell-procedure for an example.
Some basic shell functions, and support for procedures, are also included.
For a complete list of those, load the plugin and type 'help'
at the command line.
The public static objects (singletons) made available by including the
corresponding headers in this module are:
\li g_factory: FactoryStorage
\li g_pool: PoolStorage
\li g_shell: Interpreter
Francois Bleibel
\image html pictures/use-case.svg
\defgroup dgraph Core classes and objects
\defgroup signals Signals
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\ingroup dgraph
Francois Bleibel
Classes that make up the core of the dynamic-graph library are listed here.
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\ingroup signals
This part provides the mechanism to transfer information
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from one feature to another. There are three main types of signals,
all deriving from the common class dynamicgraph::SignalBase :
\li dynamicgraph::Signal
\li dynamicgraph::SignalPtr
\li dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependant
Signals can be grouped together using dynamicgraph::SignalArray.
Signals implement a caching mechanism by storing the last computation time tick.
Signals can be plug into one another or set through shell commands.
\namespace dynamicgraph This is the namespace where every object and class of this library is located.