/// \brief The Recursive Newton-Euler algorithm. It computes the inverse dynamics, aka the joint torques according to the current state of the system and the desired joint accelerations.
/// \tparam JointCollection Collection of Joint types.
/// \tparam ConfigVectorType Type of the joint configuration vector.
/// \tparam TangentVectorType1 Type of the joint velocity vector.
/// \tparam TangentVectorType2 Type of the joint acceleration vector.
/// \param[in] model The model structure of the rigid body system.
/// \param[in] data The data structure of the rigid body system.
/// \param[in] q The joint configuration vector (dim model.nq) /// \param[in] v The joint velocity vector (dim model.nv).
/// \param[in] a The joint acceleration vector (dim model.nv).
/// \return The desired joint torques stored in data.tau.
template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename,int> class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType, typename TangentVectorType1, typename TangentVectorType2>
/// \brief The Recursive Newton-Euler algorithm. It computes the inverse dynamics, aka the joint torques according to the current state of the system, the desired joint accelerations and the external forces.
/// \tparam JointCollection Collection of Joint types.
/// \tparam ConfigVectorType Type of the joint configuration vector.
/// \tparam TangentVectorType1 Type of the joint velocity vector.
/// \tparam TangentVectorType2 Type of the joint acceleration vector.
/// \tparam ForceDerived Type of the external forces.
/// \param[in] model The model structure of the rigid body system.
/// \param[in] data The data structure of the rigid body system.
/// \param[in] q The joint configuration vector (dim model.nq).
/// \param[in] v The joint velocity vector (dim model.nv).
/// \param[in] a The joint acceleration vector (dim model.nv).
/// \param[in] fext Vector of external forces expressed in the local frame of the joints (dim model.njoints)
/// \return The desired joint torques stored in data.tau.
template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename,int> class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType, typename TangentVectorType1, typename TangentVectorType2, typename ForceDerived>
/// \brief Computes the non-linear effects (Corriolis, centrifual and gravitationnal effects), also called the bias terms \f$ b(q,\dot{q}) \f$ of the Lagrangian dynamics: