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// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 INRIA CNRS
#ifndef __pinocchio_algorithm_contact_info_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_algorithm_contact_info_hpp__
#include "pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/algorithm/fwd.hpp"

namespace pinocchio
  /// \brief Type of contact
  enum ContactType
    CONTACT_3D = 0,       /// \brief Point contact model
    CONTACT_6D,           /// \brief Frame contact model
    CONTACT_UNDEFINED     /// \brief The default contact is undefined
  template<ContactType contact_type>
  struct contact_dim
    enum { value = 0 };
  struct contact_dim<CONTACT_3D>
    enum { value  = 3 };
  struct contact_dim<CONTACT_6D>
    enum { value  = 6 };
  template<typename _Scalar> struct BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl;

  template<typename _Scalar>
  struct traits< BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl<_Scalar> >
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;

  template<typename _Scalar>
  struct BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl
  : NumericalBase< BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl<_Scalar> >
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, -1, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, 6> Vector6Max;
    BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl(int size = 6)
      : Kp(size), Kd(size)
    bool operator ==(const BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl & other) const
    { return Kp == other.Kp && Kd == other.Kd; }
    bool operator !=(const BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl & other) const
    { return !(*this == other); }
    // parameters
    /// \brief Proportional corrector value.
    /// \brief Damping corrector value.

    template<typename NewScalar>
    BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl<NewScalar> cast() const {
      typedef BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl<NewScalar> ReturnType;
      ReturnType res;
      res.Kp = Kp.template cast<NewScalar>();
      res.Kd = Kd.template cast<NewScalar>();
  template<typename Scalar, int Options> struct RigidConstraintModelTpl;
  template<typename Scalar, int Options> struct RigidConstraintDataTpl;

  template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
  struct traits< RigidConstraintModelTpl<_Scalar,_Options> >
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;

  template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
  struct traits< RigidConstraintDataTpl<_Scalar,_Options> >
  /// \brief Contact model structure containg all the info describing the rigid contact model
  template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
  struct RigidConstraintModelTpl
  : NumericalBase< RigidConstraintModelTpl<_Scalar,_Options> >
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    enum { Options = _Options };
    typedef RigidConstraintModelTpl ContactModel;
    typedef RigidConstraintDataTpl<Scalar,Options> ContactData;
    typedef SE3Tpl<Scalar,Options> SE3;
    typedef MotionTpl<Scalar,Options> Motion;
    typedef ForceTpl<Scalar,Options> Force;
    typedef BaumgarteCorrectorParametersTpl<Scalar> BaumgarteCorrectorParameters;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<bool,Eigen::Dynamic,1,Options> BooleanVector;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Eigen::DenseIndex,Eigen::Dynamic,1,Options> IndexVector;
    /// \brief Name of the contact
    std::string name;
    /// \brief Type of the contact.
    ContactType type;
    /// \brief Index of the first joint in the model tree
    JointIndex joint1_id;
    /// \brief Index of the second joint in the model tree
    JointIndex joint2_id;
    /// \brief Relative placement with respect to the frame of joint1.
    SE3 joint1_placement;
    /// \brief Relative placement with respect to the frame of joint2.
    SE3 joint2_placement;
    /// \brief Reference frame where the constraint is expressed (LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED or LOCAL)
    ReferenceFrame reference_frame;
    /// \brief Desired contact placement
    SE3 desired_contact_placement;
    /// \brief Desired contact spatial velocity
    Motion desired_contact_velocity;
    /// \brief Desired contact spatial acceleration
    Motion desired_contact_acceleration;
    /// \brief Corrector parameters
    BaumgarteCorrectorParameters corrector;
    /// \brief Sparsity pattern associated to joint 1.
    BooleanVector colwise_joint1_sparsity;
    /// \brief Sparsity pattern associated to joint 2.
    BooleanVector colwise_joint2_sparsity;
    /// \brief Indexes of the columns spanned by the constraints.
    IndexVector colwise_span_indexes;
    /// \brief Dimensions of the models
    int nv;
    /// \brief Depth of the kinematic tree for joint1 and joint2
    size_t depth_joint1, depth_joint2;
    /// \brief Default constructor
    : nv(-1)
    , depth_joint1(0)
    , depth_joint2(0)
    /// \brief Contructor with from a given type, joint indexes and placements.
    /// \param[in] type Type of the contact.
    /// \param[in] model Model associated to the constraint.
    /// \param[in] joint1_id Index of the joint 1 in the model tree.
    /// \param[in] joint2_id Index of the joint 2 in the model tree.
    /// \param[in] joint1_placement Placement of the constraint w.r.t the frame of joint1.
    /// \param[in] joint2_placement Placement of the constraint w.r.t the frame of joint2.
    /// \param[in] reference_frame Reference frame in which the constraints quantities are expressed.
    template<int OtherOptions, template<typename,int> class JointCollectionTpl>
    RigidConstraintModelTpl(const ContactType type,
                            const ModelTpl<Scalar,OtherOptions,JointCollectionTpl> & model,
                            const JointIndex joint1_id,
                            const SE3 & joint1_placement,
                            const JointIndex joint2_id,
                            const SE3 & joint2_placement,
                            const ReferenceFrame & reference_frame = LOCAL)
    : type(type)
    , joint1_id(joint1_id)
    , joint2_id(joint2_id)
    , joint1_placement(joint1_placement)
    , joint2_placement(joint2_placement)
    , reference_frame(reference_frame)
    , desired_contact_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , desired_contact_velocity(Motion::Zero())
    , desired_contact_acceleration(Motion::Zero())
    , colwise_joint1_sparsity(model.nv)
    , colwise_joint2_sparsity(model.nv)
    /// \brief Contructor with from a given type, joint1_id and placement.
    /// \param[in] type Type of the contact.
    /// \param[in] joint1_id Index of the joint 1 in the model tree.
    /// \param[in] joint1_placement Placement of the constraint w.r.t the frame of joint1.
    /// \param[in] reference_frame Reference frame in which the constraints quantities are expressed.
    template<int OtherOptions, template<typename,int> class JointCollectionTpl>
    RigidConstraintModelTpl(const ContactType type,
                            const ModelTpl<Scalar,OtherOptions,JointCollectionTpl> & model,
                            const JointIndex joint1_id,
                            const SE3 & joint1_placement,
                            const ReferenceFrame & reference_frame = LOCAL)
    , joint1_id(joint1_id)
    , joint2_id(0)
    , joint1_placement(joint1_placement)
    , joint2_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , reference_frame(reference_frame)
    , desired_contact_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , desired_contact_velocity(Motion::Zero())
    , desired_contact_acceleration(Motion::Zero())
    , colwise_joint1_sparsity(model.nv)
    , colwise_joint2_sparsity(model.nv)
    /// \brief Contructor with from a given type and the joint ids.
    /// \param[in] type Type of the contact.
    /// \param[in] joint1_id Index of the joint 1 in the model tree.
    /// \param[in] joint2_id Index of the joint 2 in the model tree.
    template<int OtherOptions, template<typename,int> class JointCollectionTpl>
    RigidConstraintModelTpl(const ContactType type,
                            const ModelTpl<Scalar,OtherOptions,JointCollectionTpl> & model,
                            const JointIndex joint1_id,
                            const JointIndex joint2_id,
                            const ReferenceFrame & reference_frame = LOCAL)
    , joint1_id(joint1_id)
    , joint2_id(joint2_id)
    , joint1_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , joint2_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , reference_frame(reference_frame)
    , desired_contact_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , desired_contact_velocity(Motion::Zero())
    , desired_contact_acceleration(Motion::Zero())
    , colwise_joint1_sparsity(model.nv)
    , colwise_joint2_sparsity(model.nv)
    /// \brief Contructor with from a given type and .
    /// \param[in] type Type of the contact.
    /// \param[in] joint1_id Index of the joint 1 in the model tree.
    /// \remarks The second joint id (joint2_id) is set to be 0 (corresponding to the index of the universe).
    template<int OtherOptions, template<typename,int> class JointCollectionTpl>
    RigidConstraintModelTpl(const ContactType type,
                            const ModelTpl<Scalar,OtherOptions,JointCollectionTpl> & model,
                            const JointIndex joint1_id,
                            const ReferenceFrame & reference_frame = LOCAL)
    : type(type)
    , joint1_id(joint1_id)
    , joint2_id(0) // set to be the Universe
    , joint1_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , joint2_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , reference_frame(reference_frame)
    , desired_contact_placement(SE3::Identity())
    , desired_contact_velocity(Motion::Zero())
    , desired_contact_acceleration(Motion::Zero())
    , colwise_joint1_sparsity(model.nv)
    , colwise_joint2_sparsity(model.nv)
    /// \brief Comparison operator
    /// \param[in] other Other RigidConstraintModelTpl to compare with.
    /// \returns true if the two *this is equal to other (type, joint1_id and placement attributs must be the same).
    template<int OtherOptions>
    bool operator==(const RigidConstraintModelTpl<Scalar,OtherOptions> & other) const
         name ==
      && type == other.type
      && joint1_id == other.joint1_id
      && joint2_id == other.joint2_id
      && joint1_placement == other.joint1_placement
      && joint2_placement == other.joint2_placement
      && reference_frame == other.reference_frame
      && corrector == other.corrector
      && colwise_joint1_sparsity == other.colwise_joint1_sparsity
      && colwise_joint2_sparsity == other.colwise_joint2_sparsity
      && colwise_span_indexes == other.colwise_span_indexes
      && nv == other.nv
      && depth_joint1 == other.depth_joint1
      && depth_joint2 == other.depth_joint2
    /// \brief Oposite of the comparison operator.
    /// \param[in] other Other RigidConstraintModelTpl to compare with.
    /// \returns false if the two *this is not equal to other (at least type, joint1_id or placement attributs is different).
    template<int OtherOptions>
    bool operator!=(const RigidConstraintModelTpl<Scalar,OtherOptions> & other) const
    int size() const
          return contact_dim<CONTACT_3D>::value;
          return contact_dim<CONTACT_6D>::value;
          return contact_dim<CONTACT_UNDEFINED>::value;

    /// \returns An expression of *this with the Scalar type casted to NewScalar.
    template<typename NewScalar>
    RigidConstraintModelTpl<NewScalar,Options> cast() const
      typedef RigidConstraintModelTpl<NewScalar,Options> ReturnType;
      ReturnType res;
      res.type = type;
      res.joint1_id = joint1_id;
      res.joint2_id = joint2_id;
      res.joint1_placement = joint1_placement.template cast<NewScalar>();
      res.joint2_placement = joint2_placement.template cast<NewScalar>();
      res.reference_frame = reference_frame;
      res.desired_contact_placement = desired_contact_placement.template cast<NewScalar>();
      res.desired_contact_velocity = desired_contact_velocity.template cast<NewScalar>();
      res.desired_contact_acceleration = desired_contact_acceleration.template cast<NewScalar>();
      res.corrector = corrector.template cast<NewScalar>();
      res.colwise_joint1_sparsity = colwise_joint1_sparsity;
      res.colwise_joint2_sparsity = colwise_joint2_sparsity;
      res.colwise_span_indexes = colwise_span_indexes;
      res.nv = nv;
      res.depth_joint1 = depth_joint1;
      res.depth_joint2 = depth_joint2;
    template<int OtherOptions, template<typename,int> class JointCollectionTpl>
    void init(const ModelTpl<Scalar,OtherOptions,JointCollectionTpl> & model)
      nv = model.nv;
      depth_joint1 = static_cast<size_t>(model.supports[joint1_id].size());
      depth_joint2 = static_cast<size_t>(model.supports[joint2_id].size());
      typedef ModelTpl<Scalar,OtherOptions,JointCollectionTpl> Model;
      static const bool default_sparsity_value = false;
      JointIndex current1_id = 0;
      if(joint1_id > 0)
        current1_id = joint1_id;

      JointIndex current2_id = 0;
      if(joint2_id > 0)
        current2_id = joint2_id;
      while(current1_id != current2_id)
        if(current1_id > current2_id)
          const typename Model::JointModel & joint1 = model.joints[current1_id];
          Eigen::DenseIndex current1_col_id = joint1.idx_v();
          for(int k = 0; k < joint1.nv(); ++k,++current1_col_id)
            colwise_joint1_sparsity[current1_col_id] = true;
          current1_id = model.parents[current1_id];
          const typename Model::JointModel & joint2 = model.joints[current2_id];
          Eigen::DenseIndex current2_col_id = joint2.idx_v();
          for(int k = 0; k < joint2.nv(); ++k,++current2_col_id)
            colwise_joint2_sparsity[current2_col_id] = true;
          current2_id = model.parents[current2_id];
      assert(current1_id == current2_id && "current1_id should be equal to current2_id");
      if(type == CONTACT_3D && reference_frame != WORLD)
        JointIndex current_id = current1_id;
        while(current_id > 0)
          const typename Model::JointModel & joint = model.joints[current_id];
          Eigen::DenseIndex current_row_id = joint.idx_v();
          for(int k = 0; k < joint.nv(); ++k,++current_row_id)
            colwise_joint1_sparsity[current_row_id] = true;
            colwise_joint2_sparsity[current_row_id] = true;
          current_id = model.parents[current_id];
      Eigen::DenseIndex size = 0;
      for(Eigen::DenseIndex col_id = 0; col_id < model.nv; ++col_id)
        if(colwise_joint1_sparsity[col_id] || colwise_joint2_sparsity[col_id])
          colwise_span_indexes[size++] = col_id;
  template<typename Scalar, int Options, class Allocator>
  size_t getTotalConstraintSize(const std::vector< RigidConstraintModelTpl<Scalar,Options>, Allocator> & contact_models)
    typedef std::vector< RigidConstraintModelTpl<Scalar,Options>, Allocator> VectorType;
    size_t total_size = 0;
    for(typename VectorType::const_iterator it = contact_models.begin(); it != contact_models.end(); ++it)
      total_size += it->size();
    return total_size;

  /// \brief Contact model structure containg all the info describing the rigid contact model
  template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
  struct RigidConstraintDataTpl
  : NumericalBase< RigidConstraintDataTpl<_Scalar,_Options> >
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    enum { Options = _Options };
    typedef RigidConstraintModelTpl<Scalar,Options> ContactModel;
    typedef RigidConstraintDataTpl ContactData;
    typedef SE3Tpl<Scalar,Options> SE3;
    typedef MotionTpl<Scalar,Options> Motion;
    typedef ForceTpl<Scalar,Options> Force;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,6,Options> Matrix6;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,Eigen::Dynamic,Options> Matrix6x;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic,Options> MatrixX;
    // data
    /// \brief Resulting contact forces
    Force contact_force;
    /// \brief Placement of the constraint frame 1 with respect to the WORLD frame
    SE3 oMc1;
    /// \brief Placement of the constraint frame 2 with respect to the WORLD frame
    SE3 oMc2;
    /// \brief Relative displacement between the two frames
    SE3 c1Mc2;
    /// \brief Current contact placement error
    Motion contact_placement_error;
    /// \brief Current contact spatial velocity of the constraint 1
    /// \brief Current contact spatial velocity of the constraint 2
    Motion contact2_velocity;
    /// \brief Current contact velocity error
    Motion contact_velocity_error;
    /// \brief Current contact spatial acceleration
    Motion contact_acceleration;
    /// \brief Contact spatial acceleration desired
    Motion contact_acceleration_desired;
    /// \brief Current contact spatial error (due to the integration step).
    Motion contact_acceleration_error;
    /// \brief Current contact drift acceleration (acceleration only due to the Coriolis and centrifugal effects) for the constraint frame 1.
    Motion contact1_acceleration_drift;
    /// \brief Current contact drift acceleration (acceleration only due to the Coriolis and centrifugal effects) for the constraint frame 2.
    Motion contact2_acceleration_drift;
    /// \brief Contact deviation from the reference acceleration (a.k.a the error)
    Motion contact_acceleration_deviation;
    VectorOfMatrix6 extended_motion_propagators_joint1;
    VectorOfMatrix6 lambdas_joint1;
    VectorOfMatrix6 extended_motion_propagators_joint2;
    Matrix6x dv1_dq, da1_dq, da1_dv, da1_da;
    Matrix6x dv2_dq, da2_dq, da2_dv, da2_da;
    MatrixX dvc_dq, dac_dq, dac_dv, dac_da;
    /// \brief Default constructor
    RigidConstraintDataTpl() {}
    explicit RigidConstraintDataTpl(const ContactModel & contact_model)
    : contact_force(Force::Zero())
    , contact_placement_error(Motion::Zero())
    , contact1_velocity(Motion::Zero())
    , contact2_velocity(Motion::Zero())
    , contact_velocity_error(Motion::Zero())
    , contact_acceleration(Motion::Zero())
    , contact_acceleration_desired(Motion::Zero())
    , contact_acceleration_error(Motion::Zero())
    , contact1_acceleration_drift(Motion::Zero())
    , contact2_acceleration_drift(Motion::Zero())
    , contact_acceleration_deviation(Motion::Zero())
    , extended_motion_propagators_joint1(contact_model.depth_joint1,Matrix6::Zero())
    , lambdas_joint1(contact_model.depth_joint1,Matrix6::Zero())
    , extended_motion_propagators_joint2(contact_model.depth_joint2,Matrix6::Zero())
    , dv1_dq(6,contact_model.nv)
    , da1_dq(6,contact_model.nv)
    , da1_dv(6,contact_model.nv)
    , da1_da(6,contact_model.nv)
    , dv2_dq(6,contact_model.nv)
    , da2_dq(6,contact_model.nv)
    , da2_dv(6,contact_model.nv)
    , da2_da(6,contact_model.nv)
    , dvc_dq(contact_model.size(),contact_model.nv)
    , dac_dq(contact_model.size(),contact_model.nv)
    , dac_dv(contact_model.size(),contact_model.nv)
    , dac_da(contact_model.size(),contact_model.nv)
    bool operator==(const RigidConstraintDataTpl & other) const
      && oMc1 == other.oMc1
      && oMc2 == other.oMc2
      && c1Mc2 == other.c1Mc2
      && contact_placement_error == other.contact_placement_error
      && contact1_velocity == other.contact1_velocity
      && contact2_velocity == other.contact2_velocity
      && contact_velocity_error == other.contact_velocity_error
      && contact_acceleration == other.contact_acceleration
      && contact_acceleration_desired == other.contact_acceleration_desired
      && contact_acceleration_error == other.contact_acceleration_error
      && contact1_acceleration_drift == other.contact1_acceleration_drift
      && contact2_acceleration_drift == other.contact2_acceleration_drift
      && contact_acceleration_deviation == other.contact_acceleration_deviation
      && extended_motion_propagators_joint1 == other.extended_motion_propagators_joint1
      && lambdas_joint1 == other.lambdas_joint1
      && extended_motion_propagators_joint2 == other.extended_motion_propagators_joint2
      && dv1_dq == other.dv1_dq
      && da1_dq == other.da1_dq
      && da1_dv == other.da1_dv
      && da1_da == other.da1_da
      && dv2_dq == other.dv2_dq
      && da2_dq == other.da2_dq
      && da2_dv == other.da2_dv
      && da2_da == other.da2_da
      && dvc_dq == other.dvc_dq
      && dac_dq == other.dac_dq
      && dac_dv == other.dac_dv
      && dac_da == other.dac_da
    bool operator!=(const RigidConstraintDataTpl & other) const
#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_algorithm_contact_info_hpp__