- Sep 03, 2019
[dynamic dim - hermite python] Binding done for cubic hermite spline with dynamic dimension - Test OK
[Binding python] Delete references to point of dimension 6 / Edit name of variable with point of dimension 3
[Serialization] Add template on save and load function for serialization => Now able to load in abstract pointer
Modif of Pierre : Add docstring in python API for piecewise polynomial and polynomial / Init T_min and T_max in empty constructor of curves
[Version boost] Remove warning for boost serialization version => Do something in function of version if needed ?
Add Python bindings for serialization of bezier,hermite,polynomial curves/piecewise curves => All tests ok
Use serialization/archive functions for serialization / Delete test class for serialization / Make test ok (not python test for serialization)
auto reformat may have moved a few other things ;)
[curve_constraint/ exact_cubic] Add dim to curve_constraint template to make it works with dynamic size + fix exact_cubic with dynamic size => Tests OK