Humanoid Path Planner - RBPRM-CORBA module
Copyright 2015 LAAS-CNRS
Author: Steve Tonneau
hpp-rbprm-corba implements python bindings for hpp-rbprm, and presents a few example files. Please refer to this link for information on hpp-rbprm.
Installation from binary package repository
- Add robotpkg to your apt configuration:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install robotpkg-hpp-rbprm-corba
- Then, you will need to export some variables to allow you system to find the executables:
export PATH=${PATH:+$PATH:}/opt/openrobots/bin:/opt/openrobots/sbin
export MANPATH=${MANPATH:+$MANPATH:}/opt/openrobots/man
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH="$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:/opt/openrobots/share"
export DEVEL_HPP_DIR=/opt/openrobots/
(you may want to add these to your .bashrc file)
Installation From source on ubuntu-16.04 64 bit with ros-kinetic
- Follow this instructions : (select 'Devellopement" in the list)
- Once this installation is complete, run
make rbprm
Optional: installing viewer and python bindings for dependencies
If you are planning to use the visualization tools used by the Gepetto team, along with python examples, you may need a few extra steps:
- Install the gepetto-viwer server
sudo apt install -qqy robotpkg-py27-qt4-gepetto-viewer-corba
sudo apt install -qqy robotpkg-py27-qt4-hpp-gepetto-viewer
- Install the pinocchio bindings
sudo apt install -qqy robotpkg-py27-pinocchio
- Install the dae extension for osg
sudo apt install -qqy robotpkg-osg-dae
Open $DEVEL_DIR/install/share/doc/hpp-rbprm-corba/doxygen-html/index.html in a web brower and you will have access to the code documentation. If you are using ipython, the documentation of the methods implemented is also directly available in a python console.
To see the planner in action, one example from our IJRR submission with HyQ is available. Examples with HRP-2 are also provided, though they can only be executed if you have access to HRP-2 model.
- If you installed the planner form binaries, you need to download the scripts as explained here. Otherwise you can find them directly in script/scenarios/demos folder. For the binary proceudre, create a folder and cd in to it, then type
Make the script executable:
chmod +x
The planning is decomposed in two phases / scripts. First, a root path is computed (* files). Then, the contacts are generated along the computed path (* files). The scripts are located in the folder /scripts/scenarios/demos.
To see the different steps of the process run
``$ ./`
The script include comments explaining the different calls to the library. You can call the different methods a() ... d() to see the different steps of the planning.