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@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ class CorbaClient:
Container for corba clients to various interfaces.
def __init__ (self):
self.basic = BasicClient ()
self.affordance = AffClient ()
def __init__ (self, postContextId=""):
self.basic = BasicClient (postContextId=postContextId)
self.affordance = AffClient (postContextId=postContextId)
## \brief Load and handle an AffordanceTool for analysis of the environment.
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ class CorbaClient:
# analysis tools more intuitive for the user.
class AffordanceTool (object):
## Constructor
def __init__ (self):
self.client = CorbaClient ()
def __init__ (self, postContextId=""):
self.client = CorbaClient (postContextId=postContextId)
## \brief Remove an obstacle from outer objects of a joint body.
# This function also deletes all affordance objects created
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
return self.deleteAffordances (obstacleName)
## \brief Reset the current configuration of the given affordance
# type requirement to default values.
# type requirement to default values.
def resetAffordanceConfig (self):
self.client.affordance.affordance.resetAffordanceConfig ()
@@ -65,30 +65,30 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
# The configuration vector has size 3 and comprises the error margin,
# the angle margin for neighbouring triangles and the minimum area,
# in that order.
# \param affType affordance type for which the change is made
# \param conf configuration vector of size 3
def setAffordanceConfig (self, affType, config):
return self.client.affordance.affordance.setAffordanceConfig(affType, config)
## \brief Returns the configuration of the given affordance type requirement
# \param affType affordance type for which the configuration is requested
def getAffordanceConfig (self, affType):
return self.client.affordance.affordance.getAffordanceConfig(affType)
## \brief Changes the error margin used to evaluate the affordance requirement
# of a given affordance type
# \param affType affordance type for which the change is made
# \param margin new value for the error margin
def setMargin (self, affType, margin):
return self.client.affordance.affordance.setMargin (affType, margin)
return self.client.affordance.affordance.setMargin (affType, margin)
## \brief Changes the angle margin used to evaluate whether neighbouring
# triangles form part of the potential affordance as the current
# triangle.
# \param affType affordance type for which the change is made
# \param nbTriMargin new value for the neighbouring triangle margin
def setNeighbouringTriangleMargin (self, affType, nbTriMargin):
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
return self.client.affordance.affordance.setMinimumArea (affType, minArea)
## \brief Analyse all loaded obstacles in the problem solver.
# All found affordance objects are added to their corresponding
# container in problem solver.
def analyseAll (self):
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
## \brief Get vertex points of all triangles of an affordance type.
# Returns the global position of of all vertices of the triangles
# of individual affordance obstacles of given type. Useful for
# of individual affordance obstacles of given type. Useful for
# visualisation purposes. The size of the return variable is the number
# of affordance obstacles of the requested type. The order of the
# returned objects is the same as that returned by the function
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
# \param affordanceType name of the affordance type for which
# the triangle points will be provided.
def getAffordancePoints (self, affordanceType):
return self.client.affordance.affordance.getAffordancePoints \
return self.client.affordance.affordance.getAffordancePoints \
## \brief Get list of affordance types used in affordance analysis.
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
## \brief Get list of CollisionObstacle names corresponding to affordance objects
# of a scpecific type.
# Helper function that returns a list of the reference collisionObstacles
# (as string type) for all affordance object of given affordance type. The
# return variable has the same size as the number of affordance obstacles
@@ -164,14 +164,14 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
# \param package ros package containing the urdf file
# \param filename filename name of the urdf file without extension
# \param prefix prefix added to object names in case the same file
# \param prefix prefix added to object names in case the same file
# is loaded several times. It should not cointain the '/' character
# \param Viewer viewer object to load loaded obstacles to visualiser
# \param meshPackageName meshPackageName ros package containing the geometry files
# (collada, stl,...) if different from package
# \param guiOnly whether to control only gepetto-viewer-server
def loadObstacleModel (self, package, filename, prefix, \
Viewer, meshPackageName=None, guiOnly=False):
Viewer, meshPackageName=None, guiOnly=False):
Viewer.loadObstacleModel (package, filename, prefix, \
meshPackageName, guiOnly)
import re
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
# The nodes correspond to the triangles (and their global position)
# of all affordance objects of the given affordance type. The naming
# convention is as follows:
# "AffordanceType-ReferenceObstacleName.indexInAffObjectVector.triangleIndex"
# "AffordanceType-ReferenceObstacleName.indexInAffObjectVector.triangleIndex"
# where indexInAffObjectVector is the index of one affordance object in the
# vector corresponding to the given affordance type (within a container in
# problem solver). triangleIndex is the index of one triangle within the
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
# \groupName name of group in the viewer that the objects will be added to
# \colour vector of length 4 (normalized rgba). Colours defined in the interval [0, 1]
def visualiseAllAffordances (self, affType, Viewer, colour):
if len(colour) < 4 : # if the colour is only rgb we suppose alpha = 1
if len(colour) < 4 : # if the colour is only rgb we suppose alpha = 1
colour = colour + [1]
self.deleteNode (str (affType), True, Viewer)
objs = self.getAffordancePoints (affType)
@@ -213,46 +213,46 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
for tri in aff:
Viewer.client.gui.addTriangleFace (str (affType) + '-' + \
str (refs[objs.index (aff)]) + '.' + \
str (objs.index (aff)) + '.' + str(count), \
tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], [colour[0], colour[1], colour[2], colour[3]])
str (objs.index (aff)) + '.' + str(count), \
tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], [colour[0], colour[1], colour[2], colour[3]])
Viewer.client.gui.addToGroup (str (affType) + '-' + \
str (refs[objs.index (aff)]) + '.' + \
str (objs.index (aff)) + '.' + str(count), str (affType))
str (refs[objs.index (aff)]) + '.' + \
str (objs.index (aff)) + '.' + str(count), str (affType))
count += 1
groupNodes = Viewer.client.gui.getGroupNodeList(Viewer.sceneName)
Viewer.client.gui.addToGroup (str (affType), Viewer.sceneName)
# By default, oldest node is displayed in front. Removing and re-adding
# object from scene assure that the new triangles are displayed on top
# object from scene assure that the new triangles are displayed on top
for groupNode in groupNodes :
## \brief Visualise affordance surfaces of given type for one obstacle.
# For a given affordance type and collisionObstacle, this function
# visualised the affordance surfaces and adds them as triangles into
# the viewer. If no obstacleName is provided, the visualiseAllAffordances
# function is executed instead.
# If a name is given, the affordance surfaces for the corresponding
# obstacle are first deleted, and if no node of the name affType is
# found, it is created. Then, the function adds nodes to this group.
# The nodes correspond to the triangles (and their global position)
# of all affordance objects of the given affordance type. The naming
# convention is as follows:
# "AffordanceType-ReferenceObstacleName.indexInAffObjectVector.triangleIndex"
# where indexInAffObjectVector is the index of one affordance object in the
# vector corresponding to the given affordance type (within a container in
# problem solver). triangleIndex is the index of one triangle within the
# current affordance object.
# \param affType the type of affordance to be visualised
# \param Viewer viewer object to load affordance objects to visualiser
# \colour vector of length 4 (normalized rgba). Colours defined in the interval [0, 1]
# \param obstacleName Name of collision obstacle for which affordances
# will be visualised
## \brief Visualise affordance surfaces of given type for one obstacle.
# For a given affordance type and collisionObstacle, this function
# visualised the affordance surfaces and adds them as triangles into
# the viewer. If no obstacleName is provided, the visualiseAllAffordances
# function is executed instead.
# If a name is given, the affordance surfaces for the corresponding
# obstacle are first deleted, and if no node of the name affType is
# found, it is created. Then, the function adds nodes to this group.
# The nodes correspond to the triangles (and their global position)
# of all affordance objects of the given affordance type. The naming
# convention is as follows:
# "AffordanceType-ReferenceObstacleName.indexInAffObjectVector.triangleIndex"
# where indexInAffObjectVector is the index of one affordance object in the
# vector corresponding to the given affordance type (within a container in
# problem solver). triangleIndex is the index of one triangle within the
# current affordance object.
# \param affType the type of affordance to be visualised
# \param Viewer viewer object to load affordance objects to visualiser
# \colour vector of length 4 (normalized rgba). Colours defined in the interval [0, 1]
# \param obstacleName Name of collision obstacle for which affordances
# will be visualised
def visualiseAffordances (self, affType, Viewer, colour, obstacleName=""):
if len(colour) < 4 : # if the colour is only rgb we suppose alpha = 1
if len(colour) < 4 : # if the colour is only rgb we suppose alpha = 1
colour = colour + [1]
if obstacleName == "":
return self.visualiseAllAffordances (affType, Viewer, colour)
@@ -270,46 +270,46 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
str (refs[objs.index (aff)]) + '.' + \
str (objs.index (aff)) + '.' + str(count)
Viewer.client.gui.addTriangleFace (name, \
tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], [colour[0], colour[1], colour[2], colour[3]])
tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], [colour[0], colour[1], colour[2], colour[3]])
Viewer.client.gui.addToGroup (name, str (affType))
count += 1
groupNodes = Viewer.client.gui.getGroupNodeList(Viewer.sceneName)
Viewer.client.gui.addToGroup (str (affType), Viewer.sceneName)
# By default, oldest node is displayed in front. Removing and re-adding i
# object from scene assure that the new triangles are displayed on top
# object from scene assure that the new triangles are displayed on top
for groupNode in groupNodes :
## \brief Delete affordances for given object.
# Deletes affordance objects both from problem solver and from viewer.
# If no objectName provided, all affordances will be deleted.
# \param Viewer viewer object to erase affordance objects from visualiser
# \param obstacleName name of obstacle the affordances of which will
# be deleted.
## \brief Delete affordances for given object.
# Deletes affordance objects both from problem solver and from viewer.
# If no objectName provided, all affordances will be deleted.
# \param Viewer viewer object to erase affordance objects from visualiser
# \param obstacleName name of obstacle the affordances of which will
# be deleted.
def deleteAffordances (self, Viewer, obstacleName=""):
self.deleteAffordancesFromViewer (Viewer, obstacleName)
return self.client.affordance.affordance.deleteAffordances (obstacleName)
## \brief Delete affordance surfaces from viewer.
# For a given collisionObstacle, delete all nodes in viewer that
# correspond to its affordance surfaces. The function goes through,
# for all affordance types, the list of nodes in the group, and deletes
# the nodes that have obstacleName as part of their name.
# \param Viewer viewer object to erase affordance objects from visualiser
# \param obstacleName Name of collision obstacle for which affordances
# will be deleted
## \brief Delete affordance surfaces from viewer.
# For a given collisionObstacle, delete all nodes in viewer that
# correspond to its affordance surfaces. The function goes through,
# for all affordance types, the list of nodes in the group, and deletes
# the nodes that have obstacleName as part of their name.
# \param Viewer viewer object to erase affordance objects from visualiser
# \param obstacleName Name of collision obstacle for which affordances
# will be deleted
def deleteAffordancesFromViewer (self, Viewer, obstacleName=""):
affs = self.getAffordanceTypes ()
if obstacleName == "":
for aff in affs:
self.deleteNode (aff, True, Viewer)
for aff in affs:
self.deleteNode (aff, True, Viewer)
import re
for aff in affs:
@@ -326,32 +326,32 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
count += 1
## \brief Delete affordances of given type for a collisionObstacle.
# If no objectName provided, all affordances of given type will be
# deleted. Deleted affordance objects from problem solver and viewer.
# \param affordanceType type of affordance to be deleted
# \param Viewer viewer object to erase affordance objects from visualiser
# \param obstacleName name of obstacle the affordances of which will
# be deleted.
## \brief Delete affordances of given type for a collisionObstacle.
# If no objectName provided, all affordances of given type will be
# deleted. Deleted affordance objects from problem solver and viewer.
# \param affordanceType type of affordance to be deleted
# \param Viewer viewer object to erase affordance objects from visualiser
# \param obstacleName name of obstacle the affordances of which will
# be deleted.
def deleteAffordancesByType (self, affordanceType, Viewer, obstacleName=""):
self.deleteAffordancesByTypeFromViewer (affordanceType, Viewer, obstacleName)
return self.client.affordance.affordance.deleteAffordancesByType(affordanceType, obstacleName)
## \brief Delete affordance objects of given type from viewer for a collisionObstacle
# For a given collisionObstacle, delete nodes in viewer that correspond
# to a specific affordance type. The function goes through, for all
# affordance types, the list of nodes in the group, and deletes the
# nodes that have obstacleName as part of their name. If no obstacleName
# is given, all affordance ojbects of type affordanceType are deleted
# from viewer.
# \param affordanceType type of affordance to be deleted
# \param Viewer viewer object to erase affordance objects from visualiser
# \param obstacleName name of obstacle the affordances of which will
# be deleted.
## \brief Delete affordance objects of given type from viewer for a collisionObstacle
# For a given collisionObstacle, delete nodes in viewer that correspond
# to a specific affordance type. The function goes through, for all
# affordance types, the list of nodes in the group, and deletes the
# nodes that have obstacleName as part of their name. If no obstacleName
# is given, all affordance ojbects of type affordanceType are deleted
# from viewer.
# \param affordanceType type of affordance to be deleted
# \param Viewer viewer object to erase affordance objects from visualiser
# \param obstacleName name of obstacle the affordances of which will
# be deleted.
def deleteAffordancesByTypeFromViewer (self, affordanceType, Viewer, obstacleName=""):
if obstacleName == "":
Viewer.client.gui.deleteNode (affordanceType, True)
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
count = 0
while count < len(refs):
if refs[count] == obstacleName:
toDelete = aff + '-' + refs[count]
toDelete = aff + '-' + refs[count]
nodes = Viewer.client.gui.getNodeList()
for node in nodes:
splt = re.split ('\.', node)
@@ -373,16 +373,16 @@ class AffordanceTool (object):
count += 1
## \brief Delete node from visualiser
# \param nodeName name of node to be deleted
# \param all boolean that determines ...?
# \param Viewer viewer object used to execute deletion function
## \brief Delete node from visualiser
# \param nodeName name of node to be deleted
# \param all boolean that determines ...?
# \param Viewer viewer object used to execute deletion function
def deleteNode (self, nodeName, all, Viewer):
return Viewer.client.gui.deleteNode (nodeName, all)
# get list of obstacles in problem solver.
# \param collision whether to return obstacle for collision (boolean)
# \param distance whether to return obstacles for distance
# computation (boolean).