- Jan 16, 2017
Rohan Budhiraja authored
* Arms have 8 DOF instead of 7 (include last gripper joint) * include the grippers as a fixed joint
- Dec 31, 2016
Rohan Budhiraja authored
[urdf] Change talos_small.urdf to use the smaller STL meshes. * depends on urdfdom>=0.2.9. does not depend on Catkin * remove package.xml * add submodule cmake NOTE: ASSIMP is angry with the header of the bigger STL files like arm_1.stl
- Dec 23, 2016
Rohan Budhiraja authored
*talos_small(without gripper), *talos_full_collision(loading collision geometry) *talos_full(loading full mesh geometry)
Rohan Budhiraja authored
*make talos_description into current package. remove other sub-packages *Contains srdf file with feet specificities, halfSitting and disabled collision pairs *Contains urdf file for loading simpler "collision" geometry in visual models.
- Dec 22, 2016
Rohan Budhiraja authored