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  Copyright (C) 2010 CNRS

  Author: Florent Lamiraux
import wrap, signal_base, new
entityClassNameList = []
if 'display' not in globals().keys():
    def display(s):

def commandMethod(name, docstring) :
    def method(self, *arg):
        return wrap.entity_execute_command(self.obj, name, arg)
def initEntity(self, name):
    Common constructor of Entity classes
    Entity.__init__(self, self.className, name)
    if not self.__class__.commandCreated:
        # Get list of commands of the Entity object
        commands = wrap.entity_list_commands(self.obj)
        # for each command, add a method with the name of the command
        for command in commands:
            docstring = wrap.entity_get_command_docstring(self.obj, command)
            setattrpath(self.__class__, command, commandMethod(command, docstring))
        self.__class__.commandCreated = True

class PyEntityFactoryClass(type):
    The class build dynamically a new class type, and return the reference
    on the class-type object. The class type is not added to any context.
    def __new__(factory, className ):
        EntityClass = type.__new__(factory, className, (Entity,), {})
        EntityClass.className = className
        EntityClass.__init__ = initEntity
        EntityClass.commandCreated = False
        return EntityClass

def PyEntityFactory( className, context ):
    Build a new class type by calling the factory, and add it
    to the given context.
    EntityClass = PyEntityFactoryClass( className )
    context[ className ] = EntityClass
    return EntityClass

def updateEntityClasses(dictionary):
    For all c++entity types that are not in the pyentity class list (entityClassNameList)
    run the factory and store the new type in the given context (dictionary).
    cxx_entityList = wrap.factory_get_entity_class_list()
    for e in filter(lambda x: not x in entityClassNameList, cxx_entityList):
        # Store new class in dictionary with class name
        PyEntityFactory( e,dictionary )
        # Store class name in local list
    This class binds dynamicgraph::Entity C++ class
    obj = None
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    def __init__(self, className, instanceName):
        Constructor: if not called by a child class, create and store a pointer
        to a C++ Entity object.
        object.__setattr__(self, 'obj', wrap.create_entity(className, instanceName) )
        return wrap.entity_get_name(self.obj)
    def __str__(self) :
        return wrap.display_entity(self.obj)

    def signal (self, name) :
        Get a signal of the entity from signal name
        signalPt = wrap.entity_get_signal(self.obj, name)
        return signal_base.SignalBase(name = "", obj = signalPt)
    def displaySignals(self) :
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Nicolas Mansard committed
        Print the list of signals into standard output: temporary.
        display ("--- <" + + "> signal list: ")
            display("    |-- <" + str(s))
        display("    `-- <" + str(signals[-1]))
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Nicolas Mansard committed
        Return the list of signals
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Nicolas Mansard committed
        sl = wrap.entity_list_signals(self.obj)
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Florent Lamiraux committed
        return map(lambda pyObj: signal_base.SignalBase(obj=pyObj), sl)
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Nicolas Mansard committed
        Return the list of commands.
        return wrap.entity_list_commands(self.obj)

    def globalHelp(self):
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Nicolas Mansard committed
        Print a short description of each command.
        for cstr in self.commands():
            for i in range(len(cstr),15):
                ctitle+=' '
            for docstr in wrap.entity_get_command_docstring(self.obj,cstr).split('\n'):
                if (len(docstr)>0) and (not docstr.isspace()):

    def help( self,comm=None ):
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Nicolas Mansard committed
        With no arg, print the global help. With arg the name of
        a specific command, print the help associated to the command.
        if comm is None:
            object.__getattr__(self, name)
    def boundNewCommand(self,cmdName):
        At construction, all existing commands are bound directly in the class.
        This method enables to bound new commands dynamically. These new bounds
        are not made with the class, but directly with the object instance.
        if (cmdName in self.__dict__) | (cmdName in self.__class__.__dict__):
            print "Warning: command ",cmdName," will overwrite an object attribute."
        docstring = wrap.entity_get_command_docstring(self.obj, cmdName)
        cmd = commandMethod(cmdName,docstring)
        # Limitation (todo): does not handle for path attribute name (see setattrpath).
        setattr(self,cmdName,new.instancemethod( cmd, self,self.__class__))

    def boundAllNewCommands(self):
        For all commands that are not attribute of the object instance nor of the
        class, a new attribute of the instance is created to bound the command.
        cmdList = wrap.entity_list_commands(self.obj)
        cmdList = filter(lambda x: not x in self.__dict__, cmdList)
        cmdList = filter(lambda x: not x in self.__class__.__dict__, cmdList)
        for cmd in cmdList:
            self.boundNewCommand( cmd )

   # Script short-cuts: don't use this syntaxt in python coding,
    # use it for debuging online only!
    def sigs(self):