Example 2
In this example, we have example 1 plus:
- Adding another Queue so that the boss can get the results back
- Transmitting numpy objects over the network
Test locally
In one shell: ./manager.py
In another: ./boss.py
And in many others: ./minion.py
Test on multiple computers
We suppose that the host of the manager will be HOST (e.g. nyusan, CHECK AVAILABILITY before using it), user is USER and docker registery gitlab.laas.fr:4567/USER/multiprocessing-examples
First build and push the docker.
docker build --build-arg HOST=nyusan -t "$IMAGE" .
docker login gitlab.laas.fr:4567 # only required once
docker push gitlab.laas.fr:4567/$USER/multiprocessing-examples:example-2
Launch the manager on your central CPU:
docker run --rm -p 7481:7481 -it "$IMAGE" /app/manager.py
If the boss is not on the local network, forward the port 7481 to the manager CPU:
ssh -L 7481:localhost:7481 $USER@nyusan.laas.fr
Launch the boss on your personal computer, with or without docker.
docker run --rm -it "$IMAGE" /app/boss.py
Then launch the minions on the available CPUs of your network:
docker run --rm -it "$IMAGE"