Scripts for Gepetto
Gets the projects / namespaces / branches to process from the Gepetto Dashboard
(activate keep_doc
on the branches you need)
Run them in this order in a cron job to put the last generated doxygen HTML from gitlab on
./ <tag> [<package name>]
Creates a signed tag named v<tag>
and push it.
Also creates <package name>-<tag>.tar.gz{,.sig}
including submodules.
Can be usefull if you don't have the JRL cmake submodule, otherwise just use make release VERSION=x.y.z && make dist
usage: [-h] [--image IMAGE] [-ss START_TIME] [-to END_TIME] [-n N]
[-fs FS] [--no-magic] [-c]
rush author title
Append a title slide to a video. Optionnaly cut it and crop it.
positional arguments:
rush filename of the rush
author speaker's name
title talk's title
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--image IMAGE title image
-ss START_TIME, --start-time START_TIME
start of the video
-to END_TIME, --end-time END_TIME
end of the video
-n N number of the video in a playlist (0 for no playlist)
-fs FS font size
-c, --crop Crop the speaker only from the video
usage: [-h] [-v] filename
Parse muscod's logs to get NDIS, the number of iterations & total computation
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
The first allows to check that the camera is configured correctly. If you are not satisfied, you have to use the web interface.
The second records the current view. It is meant to be run in eur0c:/local/axis
usage: my_lib version_to_avoid
This script searches all the .so files in the current directory. The first arg is a string contained in the dependencies of the library you are looking for. The second arg is a string contained in the dependencies that you want to reject. The script will display the names of the .so files which meet these criteria.