* __Note:__ The camera must be calibrated for good results. See [this section](#usb-camera-calibration)
### Details
#### object_pose_estimation.py node :
This node subscribe to a rectified color image topic (default is `/usb_cam_0/image_rect_color`) and run cosypose on the latest image and publish the results on `/cosyobject_list` topic. (then loop).
#### pose_estimation.py node :
This node creates a service `/pose_estimation`. It expects, as an input for each call :
* The camera intrinsic matrix
* The image
***Optionally** A list of `CosyObjects` for warm-starting the pose estimation.
(If this list is not empty, then the detection phased is skipped and the pose estimation is only run on the given objects.)
#### pose_estimation_loop.py node :
This node simply calls the `/pose_estimation` indefinitely.
It subscribes to a camera image topic, and run the pose estimation in loop on the latest image. It then publishes the results on the `/cosyobject_list` topic.
(It can also "track" objects by warm-starting every estimation with the result of the previous one)
#### rviz_translator.py node :
This node subscribe to the `/cosyobject_list` topic (published by object_pose_estimation.py node) and transforms the incoming messages to other format that are displayable by rviz. By default, it publishes on :