@@ -118,12 +118,6 @@ void generateRandomTransforms(FCL_REAL extents[6], std::vector<Transform3f>& tra
@@ -118,12 +118,6 @@ void generateRandomTransforms(FCL_REAL extents[6], std::vector<Transform3f>& tra
/// @brief Generate n random transforms whose translations are constrained by extents. Also generate another transforms2 which have additional random translation & rotation to the transforms generated.
/// @brief Generate n random transforms whose translations are constrained by extents. Also generate another transforms2 which have additional random translation & rotation to the transforms generated.
/// @brief Generate n random tranforms and transform2 with addtional random translation/rotation. The transforms and transform2 are used as initial and goal configurations for the first mesh. The second mesh is in I. This is used for continuous collision detection checking.