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Add ddp in talos-torque control and python scripts to use sot-torque-control and TSID for controlling the robot in position and torque

Noelie Ramuzat requested to merge nramuzat/talos-torque-control:devel into devel

The scripts and allow to replicate the ex1 and 2 of the TSID jupyter notebooks in position and torque control in Gazebo with Talos (see the jupyter here).

It should be use with the sot-torque-control package, after the merging request 71.

The scripts use the entity simpleInverseDyn which implements 5 tasks in TSID:

  • CoM
  • Contacts 6D (one for each foot)
  • Base orientation (named waist)
  • Posture

Add also a doxygen documentation for launching the examples in simulation.

Edited by Noelie Ramuzat

Merge request reports
