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  • jcarpent/eigenpy
  • gsaurel/eigenpy
  • stack-of-tasks/eigenpy
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import user_type
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import user_type
# from packaging import version # from packaging import version
...@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ cols = 20 ...@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ cols = 20
def test(dtype): def test(dtype):
mat = np.array(np.ones((rows, cols)).astype(np.intc), dtype=dtype) rng = np.random.default_rng()
mat = np.random.rand(rows, cols).astype(dtype) mat = np.ones((rows, cols), dtype=dtype)
mat = rng.random((rows, cols)).astype(dtype)
mat_copy = mat.copy() mat_copy = mat.copy()
assert (mat == mat_copy).all() assert (mat == mat_copy).all()
assert not (mat != mat_copy).all() assert not (mat != mat_copy).all()
...@@ -43,6 +44,11 @@ def test(dtype): ...@@ -43,6 +44,11 @@ def test(dtype):
mat2 = np.matmul(mat, mat.T) mat2 = np.matmul(mat, mat.T)
assert np.isclose(mat2.astype(np.double), mat2_ref).all() assert np.isclose(mat2.astype(np.double), mat2_ref).all()
vec = np.ones((rows,), dtype=dtype)
norm = np.linalg.norm(vec)
norm_ref = np.linalg.norm(vec.astype(np.double))
assert norm == norm_ref
def test_cast(from_dtype, to_dtype): def test_cast(from_dtype, to_dtype):
np.can_cast(from_dtype, to_dtype) np.can_cast(from_dtype, to_dtype)
...@@ -62,8 +68,17 @@ test_cast(np.int64, user_type.CustomDouble) ...@@ -62,8 +68,17 @@ test_cast(np.int64, user_type.CustomDouble)
test_cast(user_type.CustomDouble, np.int32) test_cast(user_type.CustomDouble, np.int32)
test_cast(np.int32, user_type.CustomDouble) test_cast(np.int32, user_type.CustomDouble)
v = user_type.CustomDouble(1) v = user_type.CustomDouble(1)
a = np.array(v) a = np.array(v)
assert type(v) == a.dtype.type assert type(v) is a.dtype.type
test_cast(user_type.CustomFloat, np.float32)
test_cast(np.double, user_type.CustomFloat)
test_cast(user_type.CustomFloat, np.int64)
test_cast(np.int64, user_type.CustomFloat)
test_cast(user_type.CustomFloat, np.int32)
test_cast(np.int32, user_type.CustomFloat)
import importlib
variant_module = importlib.import_module("@MODNAME@")
V1 = variant_module.V1
V2 = variant_module.V2
VariantHolder = variant_module.VariantHolder
VariantFullHolder = variant_module.VariantFullHolder
make_variant = variant_module.make_variant
make_variant_full_none = variant_module.make_variant_full_none
make_variant_full_float = variant_module.make_variant_full_float
make_variant_full_int = variant_module.make_variant_full_int
make_variant_full_bool = variant_module.make_variant_full_bool
make_variant_full_str = variant_module.make_variant_full_str
make_variant_full_complex = variant_module.make_variant_full_complex
variant = make_variant()
assert isinstance(variant, V1)
v1 = V1()
v1.v = 10
v2 = V2()
v2.v = "c"
variant_holder = VariantHolder()
# Test copy from variant alternative V1 to non initialized variant
variant_holder.variant = v1
assert isinstance(variant_holder.variant, V1)
assert variant_holder.variant.v == v1.v
# variant_holder.variant is a copy of v1
variant_holder.variant.v = 11
assert v1.v != variant_holder.variant.v
# Test variant_holder.variant return by reference
# v1 reference variant_holder.variant
v1 = variant_holder.variant
variant_holder.variant.v = 100
assert variant_holder.variant.v == 100
assert v1.v == 100
v1.v = 1000
assert variant_holder.variant.v == 1000
assert v1.v == 1000
# Test with the second alternative type
variant_holder.variant = v2
assert isinstance(variant_holder.variant, V2)
assert variant_holder.variant.v == v2.v
# Test variant that hold a None value
v_full = make_variant_full_none()
assert v_full is None
# Test variant that hold a float value
v_full = make_variant_full_float()
assert v_full == 3.14
assert isinstance(v_full, float)
# Test variant that hold a int value
v_full = make_variant_full_int()
assert v_full == 3
assert isinstance(v_full, int)
# Test variant that hold a bool value
v_full = make_variant_full_bool()
assert not v_full
assert isinstance(v_full, bool)
# Test variant that hold a str value
v_full = make_variant_full_str()
assert v_full == "str"
assert isinstance(v_full, str)
# Test variant that hold a complex value
v_full = make_variant_full_complex()
assert v_full == 1 + 0j
assert isinstance(v_full, complex)
variant_full_holder = VariantFullHolder()
# Test None
v_none = variant_full_holder.variant
assert v_none is None
variant_full_holder.variant = None
assert v_none is None
# Test V1
v1 = V1()
v1.v = 10
variant_full_holder.variant = v1
assert variant_full_holder.variant.v == 10
assert isinstance(variant_full_holder.variant, V1)
# Test V1 ref
v1 = variant_full_holder.variant
v1.v = 100
assert variant_full_holder.variant.v == 100
variant_full_holder.variant = None
# Test bool
variant_full_holder.variant = True
assert variant_full_holder.variant
assert isinstance(variant_full_holder.variant, bool)
# Test int
variant_full_holder.variant = 3
assert variant_full_holder.variant == 3
assert isinstance(variant_full_holder.variant, int)
# Test float
variant_full_holder.variant = 3.14
assert variant_full_holder.variant == 3.14
assert isinstance(variant_full_holder.variant, float)
# Test str
variant_full_holder.variant = "str"
assert variant_full_holder.variant == "str"
assert isinstance(variant_full_holder.variant, str)
# Test complex
variant_full_holder.variant = 1 + 0j
assert variant_full_holder.variant == 1 + 0j
assert isinstance(variant_full_holder.variant, complex)
from __future__ import print_function
import eigenpy import eigenpy
assert eigenpy.checkVersionAtLeast(0, 0, 0) assert eigenpy.checkVersionAtLeast(0, 0, 0)
* Copyright 2024 CNRS INRIA
#include <iostream>
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> vector1x1(const Scalar& value) {
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> ReturnType;
ReturnType mat(1, 1);
mat.coeffRef(0, 0) = value;
return mat;
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> matrix1x1(const Scalar& value) {
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> ReturnType;
ReturnType mat(1, 1);
mat.coeffRef(0, 0) = value;
return mat;
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> diagonal(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> >&
diag_values) {
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> ReturnType;
ReturnType mat(diag_values.size(), diag_values.size());
for (Eigen::Index k = 0; k < diag_values.size(); ++k)
mat.coeffRef(k, k) = diag_values[k];
return mat;
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> emptyVector() {
return Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options>();
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> emptyMatrix() {
return Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options>();
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
void print(const Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options>& mat) {
std::cout << mat << std::endl;
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> copy(
const Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options>& mat) {
return mat;
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
void expose_functions() {
namespace bp = boost::python;
bp::def("vector1x1", vector1x1<Scalar, Options>);
bp::def("matrix1x1", matrix1x1<Scalar, Options>);
bp::def("print", print<Scalar, Options>);
bp::def("copy", copy<Scalar, Options>);
bp::def("diagonal", diagonal<Scalar, Options>);
bp::def("emptyVector", emptyVector<Scalar, Options>);
bp::def("emptyMatrix", emptyMatrix<Scalar, Options>);
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(sparse_matrix) {
namespace bp = boost::python;
expose_functions<double, Eigen::ColMajor>();
expose_functions<double, Eigen::RowMajor>();
/// @file
/// @copyright Copyright 2023 CNRS INRIA
#include "eigenpy/std-array.hpp"
using Eigen::VectorXd;
std::array<int, 3> get_arr_3_ints() { return {1, 2, 3}; }
std::array<VectorXd, 3> get_arr_3_vecs() {
std::array<VectorXd, 3> out;
return out;
struct test_struct {
std::array<int, 3> integs;
std::array<VectorXd, 2> vecs;
test_struct() {
integs = {42, 3, -1};
vecs[0].setRandom(4); // 4 randoms between [-1,1]
vecs[1].setZero(11); // 11 zeroes
using namespace eigenpy;
StdArrayPythonVisitor<std::array<int, 3>, true>::expose("StdArr3_int");
StdVectorPythonVisitor<std::vector<int>, true>::expose("StdVec_int");
exposeStdArrayEigenSpecificType<VectorXd, 2>("VectorXd");
exposeStdArrayEigenSpecificType<VectorXd, 3>("VectorXd");
bp::def("get_arr_3_ints", get_arr_3_ints);
bp::def("get_arr_3_vecs", get_arr_3_vecs);
bp::class_<test_struct>("test_struct", bp::init<>(bp::args("self")))
.def_readwrite("integs", &test_struct::integs)
.def_readwrite("vecs", &test_struct::vecs);
/// @file
/// @copyright Copyright 2023 CNRS INRIA
#include <eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp>
#include <eigenpy/std-map.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;
template <typename T1>
bp::dict std_map_to_dict(const std::map<std::string, T1>& map) {
bp::dict dictionnary;
for (auto const& x : map) {
dictionnary[x.first] = x.second;
return dictionnary;
template <typename T1>
std::map<std::string, T1> copy(const std::map<std::string, T1>& map) {
std::map<std::string, T1> out = map;
return out;
template <typename T1>
boost::unordered_map<std::string, T1> copy_boost(
const boost::unordered_map<std::string, T1>& obj) {
return obj;
struct X {
X() = delete;
X(int x) : val(x) {}
int val;
std::string, double, std::less<std::string>,
std::allocator<std::pair<const std::string, double> >,
eigenpy::GenericMapVisitor<boost::unordered_map<std::string, int> >::expose(
using StdMap_X = std::map<std::string, X>;
bp::class_<X>("X", bp::init<int>()).def_readwrite("val", &X::val);
// this just needs to compile
"StdMap_X", eigenpy::overload_base_get_item_for_map<StdMap_X>());
bp::def("std_map_to_dict", std_map_to_dict<double>);
bp::def("copy", copy<double>);
bp::def("copy_boost", copy_boost<int>);
bp::def("copy_X", +[](const StdMap_X& m) { return m; });
/// @file
/// @copyright Copyright 2023 CNRS INRIA
#include <eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp>
#include <eigenpy/std-pair.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
bp::tuple std_pair_to_tuple(const std::pair<T1, T2>& pair) {
return bp::make_tuple(pair.first, pair.second);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
std::pair<T1, T2> copy(const std::pair<T1, T2>& pair) {
return pair;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
const std::pair<T1, T2>& passthrough(const std::pair<T1, T2>& pair) {
return pair;
typedef std::pair<int, double> PairType;
bp::def("std_pair_to_tuple", std_pair_to_tuple<int, double>);
bp::def("copy", copy<int, double>);
bp::def("passthrough", passthrough<int, double>,
/// @file
/// @copyright Copyright 2023 CNRS INRIA
#include <eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp>
#include <eigenpy/std-unique-ptr.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <complex>
namespace bp = boost::python;
struct V1 {
V1() = default;
V1(double p_v) : v(p_v) {}
double v = 100;
std::unique_ptr<int> make_unique_int() { return std::make_unique<int>(10); }
std::unique_ptr<V1> make_unique_v1() { return std::make_unique<V1>(10); }
std::unique_ptr<V1> make_unique_null() { return nullptr; }
std::unique_ptr<std::string> make_unique_str() {
return std::make_unique<std::string>("str");
std::unique_ptr<std::complex<double> > make_unique_complex() {
return std::make_unique<std::complex<double> >(1., 0.);
struct UniquePtrHolder {
: int_ptr(std::make_unique<int>(20)),
complex_ptr(std::make_unique<std::complex<double> >(1., 0.)) {}
std::unique_ptr<int> int_ptr;
std::unique_ptr<V1> v1_ptr;
std::unique_ptr<V1> null_ptr;
std::unique_ptr<std::string> str_ptr;
std::unique_ptr<std::complex<double> > complex_ptr;
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(std_unique_ptr) {
bp::class_<V1>("V1", bp::init<>()).def_readwrite("v", &V1::v);
bp::def("make_unique_int", make_unique_int);
bp::def("make_unique_v1", make_unique_v1);
bp::def("make_unique_null", make_unique_null,
bp::def("make_unique_str", make_unique_str);
bp::def("make_unique_complex", make_unique_complex);
boost::python::class_<UniquePtrHolder, boost::noncopyable>("UniquePtrHolder",
...@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ void setZero(std::vector<MatType, Eigen::aligned_allocator<MatType> > &Ms) { ...@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ void setZero(std::vector<MatType, Eigen::aligned_allocator<MatType> > &Ms) {
} }
} }
struct CustomTestStruct {
bool operator==(const CustomTestStruct &) const { return true; }
namespace bp = boost::python; namespace bp = boost::python;
using namespace eigenpy; using namespace eigenpy;
...@@ -49,4 +53,19 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(std_vector) { ...@@ -49,4 +53,19 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(std_vector) {
typedef Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> RefXd; typedef Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> RefXd;
StdVectorPythonVisitor<std::vector<RefXd>, true>::expose("StdVec_MatRef"); StdVectorPythonVisitor<std::vector<RefXd>, true>::expose("StdVec_MatRef");
bp::def("setZero", setZero<Eigen::MatrixXd>, "Sets the coeffs to 0."); bp::def("setZero", setZero<Eigen::MatrixXd>, "Sets the coeffs to 0.");
// Test matrix modification
// Mat2d don't have tolist, reserve, mutable __getitem__ and from list
// conversion
// exposeStdVectorEigenSpecificType must add those methods to StdVec_Mat2d
bp::class_<std::vector<Eigen::Matrix2d> >("StdVec_Mat2d")
std::vector<Eigen::Matrix2d> >());
// Test API regression:
// Exposing a `std::vector` with documentation doesn't clash with
// exposing a `std::vector` with a visitor
StdVectorPythonVisitor<std::vector<CustomTestStruct> >::expose(
"StdVec_CustomTestStruct", "some documentation");
} }
...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ template <typename Scalar, int Rank> ...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ template <typename Scalar, int Rank>
struct TensorContainer { struct TensorContainer {
typedef Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, Rank> Tensor; typedef Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, Rank> Tensor;
typedef Eigen::TensorRef<Tensor> TensorRef; typedef Eigen::TensorRef<Tensor> TensorRef;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rank, 1> Dimensions; typedef Eigen::Matrix<typename Tensor::Index, Rank, 1> Dimensions;
Tensor m_tensor; Tensor m_tensor;
TensorContainer(const Dimensions& dims) { TensorContainer(const Dimensions& dims) {
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#include <iostream>
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/type_info.hpp"
struct Dummy {};
using namespace Eigen;
namespace bp = boost::python;
...@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ struct NumTraits<CustomType<Scalar> > { ...@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ struct NumTraits<CustomType<Scalar> > {
} }
static int digits10() { return std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::digits10; } static int digits10() { return std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::digits10; }
static int max_digits10() {
return std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max_digits10;
}; };
} // namespace Eigen } // namespace Eigen
...@@ -198,14 +201,19 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(user_type) { ...@@ -198,14 +201,19 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(user_type) {
eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, double>(true); eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, double>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<double, DoubleType>(true); eigenpy::registerCast<double, DoubleType>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, float>(false);
eigenpy::registerCast<float, DoubleType>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, int>(false); eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, int>(false);
eigenpy::registerCast<int, DoubleType>(true); eigenpy::registerCast<int, DoubleType>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, long long>(false); eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, long long>(false);
eigenpy::registerCast<long long, DoubleType>(true); eigenpy::registerCast<long long, DoubleType>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, long>(false); eigenpy::registerCast<DoubleType, long>(false);
eigenpy::registerCast<long, DoubleType>(true); eigenpy::registerCast<long, DoubleType>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<FloatType, double>(true); eigenpy::registerCast<FloatType, double>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<double, FloatType>(false); eigenpy::registerCast<double, FloatType>(false);
eigenpy::registerCast<FloatType, float>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<float, FloatType>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<FloatType, long long>(false); eigenpy::registerCast<FloatType, long long>(false);
eigenpy::registerCast<long long, FloatType>(true); eigenpy::registerCast<long long, FloatType>(true);
eigenpy::registerCast<FloatType, int>(false); eigenpy::registerCast<FloatType, int>(false);
/// @file
/// @copyright Copyright 2024 CNRS INRIA
#include <eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp>
#include <eigenpy/variant.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <complex>
#cmakedefine TEST_TYPE @TEST_TYPE@
namespace bp = boost::python;
struct V1 {
int v;
struct V2 {
char v;
typedef VARIANT<V1, V2> MyVariant;
template <typename Variant>
struct MyVariantNoneHelper {};
template <typename... Alternatives>
struct MyVariantNoneHelper<boost::variant<Alternatives...> > {
typedef VARIANT<boost::blank, Alternatives...> type;
template <typename... Alternatives>
struct MyVariantNoneHelper<std::variant<Alternatives...> > {
typedef VARIANT<std::monostate, Alternatives...> type;
typedef typename MyVariantNoneHelper<
VARIANT<V1, bool, int, double, std::string, std::complex<double> > >::type
MyVariant make_variant() { return V1(); }
MyVariantFull make_variant_full_none() { return MyVariantFull(); }
MyVariantFull make_variant_full_float() { return 3.14; }
MyVariantFull make_variant_full_int() { return 3; }
MyVariantFull make_variant_full_bool() { return false; }
MyVariantFull make_variant_full_str() { return std::string("str"); }
MyVariantFull make_variant_full_complex() { return std::complex<double>(1., 0.); }
struct VariantHolder {
MyVariant variant;
struct VariantFullHolder {
MyVariantFull variant;
using namespace eigenpy;
bp::class_<V1>("V1", bp::init<>()).def_readwrite("v", &V1::v);
bp::class_<V2>("V2", bp::init<>()).def_readwrite("v", &V2::v);
typedef eigenpy::VariantConverter<MyVariant> Converter;
bp::def("make_variant", make_variant);
boost::python::class_<VariantHolder>("VariantHolder", bp::init<>())
typedef eigenpy::VariantConverter<MyVariantFull> ConverterFull;
bp::def("make_variant_full_none", make_variant_full_none);
bp::def("make_variant_full_float", make_variant_full_float);
bp::def("make_variant_full_int", make_variant_full_int);
bp::def("make_variant_full_bool", make_variant_full_bool);
bp::def("make_variant_full_str", make_variant_full_str);
bp::def("make_variant_full_complex", make_variant_full_complex);
boost::python::class_<VariantFullHolder>("VariantFullHolder", bp::init<>())