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  • jcarpent/eigenpy
  • gsaurel/eigenpy
  • stack-of-tasks/eigenpy
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with 2674 additions and 667 deletions
* Copyright 2019, INRIA
* Copyright 2019 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_expose_hpp__
......@@ -7,29 +7,22 @@
#include "eigenpy/registration.hpp"
namespace eigenpy
namespace internal
/// \brief Allows a template specialization.
template<typename T>
struct call_expose
static inline void run() { T::expose(); }
} // namespace internal
/// \brief Call the expose function of a given type T.
template<typename T>
inline void expose()
namespace eigenpy {
/// \brief Allows a template specialization.
template <typename T>
struct call {
static inline void expose() { T::expose(); }
/// \brief Call the expose function of a given type T.
template <typename T>
inline void expose() {
if (!register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type<T>()) call<T>::expose();
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_expose_hpp__
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_expose_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2019, INRIA
* Copyright 2014-2024 CNRS INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_fwd_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_fwd_hpp__
#if defined(__clang__)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#if (__cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703))
#if (__cplusplus >= 201402L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201403))
#if (__cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1600))
#define EIGENPY_STRING_LITERAL(string) #string
#define _EIGENPY_PPCAT(A, B) A##B
// For more details, visit
#define EIGENPY_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x)
#define EIGENPY_PRAGMA_MESSAGE(the_message) \
EIGENPY_PRAGMA(GCC message the_message)
#define EIGENPY_PRAGMA_WARNING(the_message) \
EIGENPY_PRAGMA(GCC warning the_message)
#define EIGENPY_PRAGMA_DEPRECATED(the_message) \
EIGENPY_PRAGMA_WARNING(Deprecated : the_message)
#define EIGENPY_PRAGMA_DEPRECATED_HEADER(old_header, new_header) \
Deprecated header file : #old_header has been replaced \
by #new_header.\n Please use #new_header instead of #old_header.)
#elif defined(WIN32)
#define EIGENPY_PRAGMA(x) __pragma(#x)
#define EIGENPY_PRAGMA_MESSAGE(the_message) \
#define EIGENPY_PRAGMA_WARNING(the_message) \
#define EIGENPY_DEPRECATED_MACRO(macro, the_message) \
EIGENPY_STRINGCAT("this macro is deprecated: ", the_message))
#define EIGENPY_DEPRECATED_FILE(the_message) \
EIGENPY_STRINGCAT("this file is deprecated: ", the_message))
#include "eigenpy/config.hpp"
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
// Silence a warning about a deprecated use of boost bind by boost python
// at least fo boost 1.73 to 1.75
// ref.
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/scope.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace eigenpy {
namespace bp = boost::python;
#include "eigenpy/numpy.hpp"
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <numpy/numpyconfig.h>
#ifdef NPY_1_8_API_VERSION
#include <unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor>
#include <numpy/noprefix.h>
#define EIGENPY_NO_ALIGNMENT_VALUE Eigen::Unaligned
#define EIGENPY_UNUSED_VARIABLE(var) (void)(var)
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include <memory>
#define EIGENPY_SHARED_PTR_HOLDER_TYPE(T) ::std::shared_ptr<T>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#define EIGENPY_SHARED_PTR_HOLDER_TYPE(T) ::boost::shared_ptr<T>
namespace eigenpy {
// Default Scalar value can't be defined in the declaration
// because of a CL bug.
// See
template <typename MatType, typename Scalar>
struct EigenToPy;
template <typename MatType, typename Scalar>
struct EigenFromPy;
template <typename T>
struct remove_const_reference {
typedef typename boost::remove_const<
typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type>::type type;
template <typename EigenType>
struct get_eigen_base_type {
typedef typename remove_const_reference<EigenType>::type EigenType_;
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_base_of<Eigen::MatrixBase<EigenType_>, EigenType_>,
typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_base_of<Eigen::SparseMatrixBase<EigenType_>, EigenType_>,
typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_base_of<Eigen::TensorBase<EigenType_>, EigenType_>,
Eigen::TensorBase<EigenType_>, void>::type
>::type>::type _type;
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_const<typename boost::remove_reference<EigenType>::type>,
const _type, _type>::type type;
template <typename EigenType>
struct get_eigen_plain_type;
template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
struct get_eigen_plain_type<Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> > {
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<
Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> >::PlainObjectType type;
template <typename TensorType>
struct get_eigen_plain_type<Eigen::TensorRef<TensorType> > {
typedef TensorType type;
#include "eigenpy/expose.hpp"
namespace internal {
template <class T1, class T2>
struct has_operator_equal_impl {
template <class U, class V>
static auto check(U *) -> decltype(std::declval<U>() == std::declval<V>());
template <typename, typename>
static auto check(...) -> std::false_type;
using type = typename std::is_same<bool, decltype(check<T1, T2>(0))>::type;
} // namespace internal
template <class T1, class T2 = T1>
struct has_operator_equal : internal::has_operator_equal_impl<T1, T2>::type {};
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_fwd_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/alignment.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/id.hpp"
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_fwd_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2019, INRIA
* Copyright 2018-2023, INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_geometry_conversion_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_geometry_conversion_hpp__
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
namespace eigenpy
namespace bp = boost::python;
template<typename Scalar,int Options=0>
struct EulerAnglesConvertor
typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,1,Options> Vector3;
typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,3,Options> Matrix3;
typedef typename Vector3::Index Index;
typedef typename Eigen::AngleAxis<Scalar> AngleAxis;
static void expose()
bp::args("mat (dim 3x3)","a0","a1","a2"),
"It returns the Euler-angles of the rotation matrix mat using the convention defined by the triplet (a0,a1,a2).");
bp::args("ea (vector of Euler angles)","a0","a1","a2"),
"It returns the rotation matrix associated to the Euler angles using the convention defined by the triplet (a0,a1,a2).");
static Vector3 toEulerAngles(const Matrix3 & mat,
Index a0,
Index a1,
Index a2)
return mat.eulerAngles(a0,a1,a2);
static Matrix3 fromEulerAngles(const Vector3 & ea,
Index a0,
Index a1,
Index a2)
Matrix3 mat;
mat = AngleAxis(ea[0], Vector3::Unit(a0))
* AngleAxis(ea[1], Vector3::Unit(a1))
* AngleAxis(ea[2], Vector3::Unit(a2));
return mat;
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // define __eigenpy_geometry_conversion_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename Scalar, int Options = 0>
struct EulerAnglesConvertor {
typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1, Options> Vector3;
typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3, Options> Matrix3;
typedef typename Vector3::Index Index;
typedef typename Eigen::AngleAxis<Scalar> AngleAxis;
static void expose() {
bp::def("toEulerAngles", &EulerAnglesConvertor::toEulerAngles,
bp::args("rotation_matrix", "a0", "a1", "a2"),
"It returns the Euler-angles of the rotation matrix mat using the "
"convention defined by the triplet (a0,a1,a2).");
bp::def("fromEulerAngles", &EulerAnglesConvertor::fromEulerAngles,
bp::args("euler_angles", "a0", "a1", "a2"),
"It returns the rotation matrix associated to the Euler angles "
"using the convention defined by the triplet (a0,a1,a2).");
static Vector3 toEulerAngles(const Matrix3& mat, Index a0, Index a1,
Index a2) {
return mat.eulerAngles(a0, a1, a2);
static Matrix3 fromEulerAngles(const Vector3& ea, Index a0, Index a1,
Index a2) {
Matrix3 mat;
mat = AngleAxis(ea[0], Vector3::Unit(a0)) *
AngleAxis(ea[1], Vector3::Unit(a1)) *
AngleAxis(ea[2], Vector3::Unit(a2));
return mat;
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // define __eigenpy_geometry_conversion_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2019, INRIA
* Copyright 2018-2020, INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_geometry_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_geometry_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy_export.h"
#include "eigenpy/config.hpp"
namespace eigenpy
void EIGENPY_EXPORT exposeQuaternion();
void EIGENPY_EXPORT exposeAngleAxis();
void EIGENPY_EXPORT exposeGeometryConversion();
} // namespace eigenpy
namespace eigenpy {
#endif // define __eigenpy_geometry_hpp__
void EIGENPY_DLLAPI exposeQuaternion();
void EIGENPY_DLLAPI exposeAngleAxis();
void EIGENPY_DLLAPI exposeGeometryConversion();
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // define __eigenpy_geometry_hpp__
// Copyright (c) 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_id_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_id_hpp__
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
namespace eigenpy {
/// \brief Add the Python method id to retrieving a unique id for a given object
/// exposed with Boost.Python
template <class C>
struct IdVisitor : public bp::def_visitor<IdVisitor<C> > {
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const {
cl.def("id", &id, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the unique identity of an object.\n"
"For object held in C++, it corresponds to its memory address.");
static boost::int64_t id(const C& self) {
return boost::int64_t(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&self));
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_id_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2019, INRIA
/// Copyright (c) 2016-2024 CNRS INRIA
/// This file was originally taken from Pinocchio (header
/// <pinocchio/bindings/python/utils/std-vector.hpp>)
#ifndef __eigenpy_map_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_map_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/pickle-vector.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/registration.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/empty-visitor.hpp"
#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/map_indexing_suite.hpp>
#include <boost/python/stl_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/python/to_python_converter.hpp>
namespace eigenpy {
/// \brief Change the behavior of indexing (method __getitem__ in Python).
/// This is suitable e.g. for container of Eigen matrix objects if you want to
/// mutate them.
/// \sa overload_base_get_item_for_std_vector
template <typename Container>
struct overload_base_get_item_for_map
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
overload_base_get_item_for_map<Container> > {
typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Container::value_type::second_type data_type;
typedef typename Container::key_type key_type;
typedef typename Container::key_type index_type;
template <class Class>
void visit(Class& cl) const {
cl.def("__getitem__", &base_get_item);
static boost::python::object base_get_item(
boost::python::back_reference<Container&> container, PyObject* i_) {
index_type idx = convert_index(container.get(), i_);
typename Container::iterator i = container.get().find(idx);
if (i == container.get().end()) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Invalid key");
typename boost::python::to_python_indirect<
data_type&, boost::python::detail::make_reference_holder>
return boost::python::object(boost::python::handle<>(convert(i->second)));
static index_type convert_index(Container& /*container*/, PyObject* i_) {
boost::python::extract<key_type const&> i(i_);
if (i.check()) {
return i();
} else {
boost::python::extract<key_type> i(i_);
if (i.check()) return i();
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Invalid index type");
return index_type();
// The following snippet of code has been taken from the header
// The Crocoddyl library is written by Carlos Mastalli, Nicolas Mansard and
// Rohan Budhiraja.
namespace bp = boost::python;
* @brief Create a pickle interface for the map type
* @param[in] Container Map type to be pickled
* \sa Pickle
template <typename Container>
struct PickleMap : public PickleVector<Container> {
static void setstate(bp::object op, bp::tuple tup) {
Container& o = bp::extract<Container&>(op)();
bp::stl_input_iterator<typename Container::value_type> begin(tup[0]), end;
o.insert(begin, end);
/// Conversion from dict to map solution proposed in
/// This template encapsulates the conversion machinery.
template <typename Container>
struct dict_to_map {
static void register_converter() {
/// Check if conversion is possible
static void* convertible(PyObject* object) {
// Check if it is a list
if (!PyObject_GetIter(object)) return 0;
return object;
/// Perform the conversion
static void construct(PyObject* object,
bp::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data) {
// convert the PyObject pointed to by `object` to a bp::dict
bp::handle<> handle(bp::borrowed(object)); // "smart ptr"
bp::dict dict(handle);
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
#include "eigenpy/exception.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/stride.hpp"
namespace eigenpy
template<typename MatType, typename InputScalar, int IsVector>
struct MapNumpyTraits {};
/* Wrap a numpy::array with an Eigen::Map. No memory copy. */
template<typename MatType, typename InputScalar>
struct MapNumpy
typedef MapNumpyTraits<MatType, InputScalar, MatType::IsVectorAtCompileTime> Impl;
typedef typename Impl::EigenMap EigenMap;
typedef typename Impl::Stride Stride;
static inline EigenMap map( PyArrayObject* pyArray );
} // namespace eigenpy
/* --- DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* --- DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* --- DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
namespace eigenpy
template<typename MatType, typename InputScalar>
struct MapNumpyTraits<MatType,InputScalar,0>
typedef typename StrideType<MatType>::type Stride;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<InputScalar,MatType::RowsAtCompileTime,MatType::ColsAtCompileTime> EquivalentInputMatrixType;
typedef Eigen::Map<EquivalentInputMatrixType,EIGENPY_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_VALUE,Stride> EigenMap;
static EigenMap mapImpl( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
assert( PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == 2 );
assert( (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0]<INT_MAX)
&& (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1]<INT_MAX)
&& (PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0)<INT_MAX)
&& (PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 1)<INT_MAX) );
const int R = (int)PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0];
const int C = (int)PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1];
const long int itemsize = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(pyArray);
const int stride1 = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / (int)itemsize;
const int stride2 = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 1) / (int)itemsize;
Stride stride(stride2,stride1);
if( (MatType::RowsAtCompileTime!=R)
&& (MatType::RowsAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
{ throw eigenpy::Exception("The number of rows does not fit with the matrix type."); }
if( (MatType::ColsAtCompileTime!=C)
&& (MatType::ColsAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
{ throw eigenpy::Exception("The number of columns does not fit with the matrix type."); }
InputScalar* pyData = reinterpret_cast<InputScalar*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
return EigenMap( pyData, R,C, stride );
// get a pointer to memory into which we construct the map
// this is provided by the Python runtime
typedef bp::converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<Container> storage_type;
void* storage = reinterpret_cast<storage_type*>(data)->storage.bytes;
// placement-new allocate the result
new (storage) Container();
// iterate over the dictionary `dict`, fill up the map `map`
Container& map(*(static_cast<Container*>(storage)));
bp::list keys(dict.keys());
int keycount(static_cast<int>(bp::len(keys)));
for (int i = 0; i < keycount; ++i) {
// get the key
bp::object keyobj(keys[i]);
bp::extract<typename Container::key_type> keyproxy(keyobj);
if (!keyproxy.check()) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Bad key type");
typename Container::key_type key = keyproxy();
// get the corresponding value
bp::object valobj(dict[keyobj]);
bp::extract<typename Container::mapped_type> valproxy(valobj);
if (!valproxy.check()) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Bad value type");
typename Container::mapped_type val = valproxy();
map.emplace(key, val);
template<typename MatType, typename InputScalar>
struct MapNumpyTraits<MatType,InputScalar,1>
typedef typename StrideType<MatType>::type Stride;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<InputScalar,MatType::RowsAtCompileTime,MatType::ColsAtCompileTime> EquivalentInputMatrixType;
typedef Eigen::Map<EquivalentInputMatrixType,EIGENPY_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_VALUE,Stride> EigenMap;
static EigenMap mapImpl( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
assert( PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) <= 2 );
int rowMajor;
if( PyArray_NDIM(pyArray)==1 ) rowMajor = 0;
else if (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0] == 0) rowMajor = 0; // handle zero-size vector
else if (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1] == 0) rowMajor = 1; // handle zero-size vector
else rowMajor = (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0]>PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1])?0:1;
assert( (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[rowMajor]< INT_MAX)
&& (PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, rowMajor) ));
const int R = (int)PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[rowMajor];
const long int itemsize = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(pyArray);
const int stride = (int) PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, rowMajor) / (int) itemsize;;
if( (MatType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime!=R)
&& (MatType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
{ throw eigenpy::Exception("The number of elements does not fit with the vector type."); }
InputScalar* pyData = reinterpret_cast<InputScalar*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
return EigenMap( pyData, R, Stride(stride) );
// remember the location for later
data->convertible = storage;
static bp::dict todict(Container& self) {
bp::dict dict;
typename Container::const_iterator it;
for (it = self.begin(); it != self.end(); ++it) {
dict.setdefault(it->first, it->second);
return dict;
/// Policies which handle the non-default constructible case
/// and set_item() using emplace().
template <class Container, bool NoProxy>
struct emplace_set_derived_policies
: bp::map_indexing_suite<
Container, NoProxy,
emplace_set_derived_policies<Container, NoProxy> > {
typedef typename Container::key_type index_type;
typedef typename Container::value_type::second_type data_type;
typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
using DerivedPolicies =
bp::detail::final_map_derived_policies<Container, NoProxy>;
template <class Class>
static void extension_def(Class& cl) {
// Wrap the map's element (value_type)
std::string elem_name = "map_indexing_suite_";
bp::object class_name(cl.attr("__name__"));
bp::extract<std::string> class_name_extractor(class_name);
elem_name += class_name_extractor();
elem_name += "_entry";
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
typedef typename mpl::if_<
mpl::and_<boost::is_class<data_type>, mpl::bool_<!NoProxy> >,
bp::return_internal_reference<>, bp::default_call_policies>::type
bp::class_<value_type>(elem_name.c_str(), bp::no_init)
.def("__repr__", &DerivedPolicies::print_elem)
.def("data", &DerivedPolicies::get_data, get_data_return_policy())
.def("key", &DerivedPolicies::get_key);
template<typename MatType, typename InputScalar>
typename MapNumpy<MatType,InputScalar>::EigenMap MapNumpy<MatType,InputScalar>::map( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
return Impl::mapImpl(pyArray);
static void set_item(Container& container, index_type i, data_type const& v) {
container.emplace(i, v);
* @brief Expose the map-like container, e.g. (std::map).
* @param[in] Container Container to expose.
* @param[in] NoProxy When set to false, the elements will be copied when
* returned to Python.
template <class Container, bool NoProxy = false>
struct GenericMapVisitor
: public emplace_set_derived_policies<Container, NoProxy>,
public dict_to_map<Container> {
typedef dict_to_map<Container> FromPythonDictConverter;
template <typename DerivedVisitor>
static void expose(const std::string& class_name,
const std::string& doc_string,
const bp::def_visitor<DerivedVisitor>& visitor) {
namespace bp = bp;
if (!register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type<Container>()) {
bp::class_<Container>(class_name.c_str(), doc_string.c_str())
.def("todict", &FromPythonDictConverter::todict, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the map type as a Python dictionary.")
// Register conversion
static void expose(const std::string& class_name,
const std::string& doc_string = "") {
expose(class_name, doc_string, EmptyPythonVisitor());
template <typename DerivedVisitor>
static void expose(const std::string& class_name,
const bp::def_visitor<DerivedVisitor>& visitor) {
expose(class_name, "", visitor);
} // namespace eigenpy
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_map_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2019, INRIA
* Copyright 2018-2023, INRIA
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
"This header file is now useless and should not be included anymore.")
#ifndef __eigenpy_memory_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_memory_hpp__
#include <boost/python.hpp>
* This section contains a convenience MACRO which allows an easy specialization of
* Boost Python Object allocator for struct data types containing Eigen objects and requiring
* strict alignment.
* This code was proposed as an stackoverflow answer:
* Leading to this page proposing the solution:
* This section contains a convenience MACRO which allows an easy specialization
* of Boost Python Object allocator for struct data types containing Eigen
* objects and requiring strict alignment.
namespace boost { namespace python { namespace objects { \
template<> \
struct instance< value_holder<__VA_ARGS__> > \
{ \
typedef value_holder<__VA_ARGS__> Data; \
PyObject_VAR_HEAD \
PyObject* dict; \
PyObject* weakrefs; \
instance_holder* objects; \
typedef type_with_alignment< \
::boost::alignment_of<Data>::value \
>::type align_t; \
union \
{ \
align_t align; \
char bytes[sizeof(Data) + 16]; \
} storage; \
}; \
template<class Derived> \
struct make_instance_impl<__VA_ARGS__, value_holder<__VA_ARGS__>, Derived> \
{ \
typedef __VA_ARGS__ T; \
typedef value_holder<__VA_ARGS__> Holder; \
typedef objects::instance<Holder> instance_t; \
template <class Arg> \
static inline PyObject* execute(Arg & x) \
{ \
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((mpl::or_<is_class<T>, is_union<T> >)); \
PyTypeObject* type = Derived::get_class_object(x); \
if (type == 0) \
return python::detail::none(); \
PyObject* raw_result = type->tp_alloc(type, objects::additional_instance_size<Holder>::value); \
if (raw_result != 0) \
{ \
python::detail::decref_guard protect(raw_result); \
instance_t* instance = (instance_t*)(void*)raw_result; \
Holder* holder = Derived::construct(&instance->storage, (PyObject*)instance, x); \
holder->install(raw_result); \
Py_ssize_t holder_offset = reinterpret_cast<Py_ssize_t>(holder) \
- reinterpret_cast<Py_ssize_t>(&instance->storage) \
+ static_cast<Py_ssize_t>(offsetof(instance_t, storage)); \
Py_SIZE(instance) = holder_offset; \
protect.cancel(); \
} \
return raw_result; \
} \
}; \
template<> \
struct make_instance<__VA_ARGS__, value_holder<__VA_ARGS__> > \
: make_instance_impl<__VA_ARGS__, value_holder<__VA_ARGS__>, make_instance<__VA_ARGS__,value_holder<__VA_ARGS__> > > \
{ \
template <class U> \
static inline PyTypeObject* get_class_object(U &) \
{ \
return converter::registered<__VA_ARGS__>::converters.get_class_object(); \
} \
static inline value_holder<__VA_ARGS__>* construct(void* storage, PyObject* instance, reference_wrapper<__VA_ARGS__ const> x) \
{ \
void* aligned_storage = reinterpret_cast<void*>((reinterpret_cast<size_t>(storage) & ~(size_t(15))) + 16); \
value_holder<__VA_ARGS__>* new_holder = new (aligned_storage) value_holder<__VA_ARGS__>(instance, x); \
return new_holder; \
} \
}; \
"it is no more needed.")
#endif // __eigenpy_memory_hpp__
#endif // __eigenpy_memory_hpp__
* Copyright 2020-2023 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_numpy_allocator_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_numpy_allocator_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen-allocator.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/numpy-type.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/register.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename EigenType, typename BaseType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl;
template <typename EigenType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_matrix;
template <typename MatType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl<
MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase<typename remove_const_reference<MatType>::type> >
: numpy_allocator_impl_matrix<MatType> {};
template <typename MatType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl<
const MatType,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<typename remove_const_reference<MatType>::type> >
: numpy_allocator_impl_matrix<const MatType> {};
// template <typename MatType>
// struct numpy_allocator_impl<MatType &, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> > :
// numpy_allocator_impl_matrix<MatType &>
template <typename MatType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl<const MatType &, const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> >
: numpy_allocator_impl_matrix<const MatType &> {};
template <typename EigenType,
typename BaseType = typename get_eigen_base_type<EigenType>::type>
struct NumpyAllocator : numpy_allocator_impl<EigenType, BaseType> {};
template <typename MatType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_matrix {
template <typename SimilarMatrixType>
static PyArrayObject *allocate(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<SimilarMatrixType> &mat, npy_intp nd,
npy_intp *shape) {
typedef typename SimilarMatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
const int code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_SimpleNew(
static_cast<int>(nd), shape, code);
// Copy data
EigenAllocator<SimilarMatrixType>::copy(mat, pyArray);
return pyArray;
template <typename TensorType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_tensor;
template <typename TensorType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl<TensorType, Eigen::TensorBase<TensorType> >
: numpy_allocator_impl_tensor<TensorType> {};
template <typename TensorType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl<const TensorType,
const Eigen::TensorBase<TensorType> >
: numpy_allocator_impl_tensor<const TensorType> {};
template <typename TensorType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_tensor {
template <typename TensorDerived>
static PyArrayObject *allocate(const TensorDerived &tensor, npy_intp nd,
npy_intp *shape) {
const int code = Register::getTypeCode<typename TensorDerived::Scalar>();
PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_SimpleNew(
static_cast<int>(nd), shape, code);
// Copy data
static_cast<const TensorDerived &>(tensor), pyArray);
return pyArray;
template <typename MatType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_matrix<MatType &> {
template <typename SimilarMatrixType>
static PyArrayObject *allocate(Eigen::PlainObjectBase<SimilarMatrixType> &mat,
npy_intp nd, npy_intp *shape) {
typedef typename SimilarMatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
enum {
if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code,, NPY_ARRAY_MEMORY_CONTIGUOUS | NPY_ARRAY_ALIGNED);
return pyArray;
} else {
return NumpyAllocator<MatType>::allocate(mat, nd, shape);
template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_matrix<Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> > {
typedef Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
static PyArrayObject *allocate(RefType &mat, npy_intp nd, npy_intp *shape) {
typedef typename RefType::Scalar Scalar;
enum {
if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
const bool reverse_strides = MatType::IsRowMajor || (mat.rows() == 1);
Eigen::DenseIndex inner_stride = reverse_strides ? mat.outerStride()
: mat.innerStride(),
outer_stride = reverse_strides ? mat.innerStride()
: mat.outerStride();
#if NPY_ABI_VERSION < 0x02000000
const int elsize = call_PyArray_DescrFromType(Scalar_type_code)->elsize;
const int elsize =
npy_intp strides[2] = {elsize * inner_stride, elsize * outer_stride};
PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code,
return pyArray;
} else {
return NumpyAllocator<MatType>::allocate(mat, nd, shape);
template <typename MatType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_matrix<const MatType &> {
template <typename SimilarMatrixType>
static PyArrayObject *allocate(
const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<SimilarMatrixType> &mat, npy_intp nd,
npy_intp *shape) {
typedef typename SimilarMatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
enum {
if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code,
const_cast<Scalar *>(,
return pyArray;
} else {
return NumpyAllocator<MatType>::allocate(mat, nd, shape);
template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_matrix<
const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> > {
typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
static PyArrayObject *allocate(RefType &mat, npy_intp nd, npy_intp *shape) {
typedef typename RefType::Scalar Scalar;
enum {
if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
const bool reverse_strides = MatType::IsRowMajor || (mat.rows() == 1);
Eigen::DenseIndex inner_stride = reverse_strides ? mat.outerStride()
: mat.innerStride(),
outer_stride = reverse_strides ? mat.innerStride()
: mat.outerStride();
#if NPY_ABI_VERSION < 0x02000000
const int elsize = call_PyArray_DescrFromType(Scalar_type_code)->elsize;
const int elsize =
npy_intp strides[2] = {elsize * inner_stride, elsize * outer_stride};
PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code,
strides, const_cast<Scalar *>(,
return pyArray;
} else {
return NumpyAllocator<MatType>::allocate(mat, nd, shape);
template <typename TensorType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_tensor<Eigen::TensorRef<TensorType> > {
typedef Eigen::TensorRef<TensorType> RefType;
static PyArrayObject *allocate(RefType &tensor, npy_intp nd,
npy_intp *shape) {
typedef typename RefType::Scalar Scalar;
static const bool IsRowMajor = TensorType::Options & Eigen::RowMajorBit;
enum {
if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
// static const Index NumIndices = TensorType::NumIndices;
// const int elsize =
// call_PyArray_DescrFromType(Scalar_type_code)->elsize; npy_intp
// strides[NumIndices];
PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code, NULL,
const_cast<Scalar *>(,
return pyArray;
} else {
return NumpyAllocator<TensorType>::allocate(tensor, nd, shape);
template <typename TensorType>
struct numpy_allocator_impl_tensor<const Eigen::TensorRef<const TensorType> > {
typedef const Eigen::TensorRef<const TensorType> RefType;
static PyArrayObject *allocate(RefType &tensor, npy_intp nd,
npy_intp *shape) {
typedef typename RefType::Scalar Scalar;
static const bool IsRowMajor = TensorType::Options & Eigen::RowMajorBit;
enum {
if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code, NULL,
const_cast<Scalar *>(,
return pyArray;
} else {
return NumpyAllocator<TensorType>::allocate(tensor, nd, shape);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_numpy_allocator_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2023, INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_numpy_map_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_numpy_map_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/exception.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/stride.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename MatType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride, bool IsVector = MatType::IsVectorAtCompileTime>
struct numpy_map_impl_matrix;
template <typename EigenType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride,
typename BaseType = typename get_eigen_base_type<EigenType>::type>
struct numpy_map_impl;
template <typename MatType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride>
struct numpy_map_impl<MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> >
: numpy_map_impl_matrix<MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride> {};
template <typename MatType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride>
struct numpy_map_impl<const MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> >
: numpy_map_impl_matrix<const MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue,
Stride> {};
template <typename MatType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride>
struct numpy_map_impl_matrix<MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride,
false> {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<InputScalar, MatType::RowsAtCompileTime,
MatType::ColsAtCompileTime, MatType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Map<EquivalentInputMatrixType, AlignmentValue, Stride>
static EigenMap map(PyArrayObject* pyArray, bool swap_dimensions = false) {
enum {
OuterStrideAtCompileTime = Stride::OuterStrideAtCompileTime,
InnerStrideAtCompileTime = Stride::InnerStrideAtCompileTime,
assert(PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == 2 || PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == 1);
const long int itemsize = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(pyArray);
int inner_stride = -1, outer_stride = -1;
int rows = -1, cols = -1;
if (PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == 2) {
assert((PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0] < INT_MAX) &&
(PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1] < INT_MAX) &&
(PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) < INT_MAX) &&
(PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 1) < INT_MAX));
rows = (int)PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0];
cols = (int)PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1];
if (EquivalentInputMatrixType::IsRowMajor) {
inner_stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 1) / (int)itemsize;
outer_stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / (int)itemsize;
} else {
inner_stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / (int)itemsize;
outer_stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 1) / (int)itemsize;
} else if (PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == 1) {
assert((PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0] < INT_MAX) &&
(PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) < INT_MAX));
if (!swap_dimensions) {
rows = (int)PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0];
cols = 1;
if (EquivalentInputMatrixType::IsRowMajor) {
outer_stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / (int)itemsize;
inner_stride = 0;
} else {
inner_stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / (int)itemsize;
outer_stride = 0;
} else {
rows = 1;
cols = (int)PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0];
if (EquivalentInputMatrixType::IsRowMajor) {
inner_stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / (int)itemsize;
outer_stride = 0;
} else {
inner_stride = 0;
outer_stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / (int)itemsize;
// Specific care for Eigen::Stride<-1,0>
if (InnerStrideAtCompileTime == 0 &&
OuterStrideAtCompileTime == Eigen::Dynamic) {
outer_stride = std::max(inner_stride, outer_stride);
inner_stride = 0;
Stride stride(
OuterStrideAtCompileTime == Eigen::Dynamic ? outer_stride
: OuterStrideAtCompileTime,
InnerStrideAtCompileTime == Eigen::Dynamic ? inner_stride
: InnerStrideAtCompileTime);
if ((MatType::RowsAtCompileTime != rows) &&
(MatType::RowsAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic)) {
throw eigenpy::Exception(
"The number of rows does not fit with the matrix type.");
if ((MatType::ColsAtCompileTime != cols) &&
(MatType::ColsAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic)) {
throw eigenpy::Exception(
"The number of columns does not fit with the matrix type.");
InputScalar* pyData = reinterpret_cast<InputScalar*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
return EigenMap(pyData, rows, cols, stride);
template <typename MatType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride>
struct numpy_map_impl_matrix<MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride,
true> {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<InputScalar, MatType::RowsAtCompileTime,
MatType::ColsAtCompileTime, MatType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Map<EquivalentInputMatrixType, AlignmentValue, Stride>
static EigenMap map(PyArrayObject* pyArray, bool swap_dimensions = false) {
assert(PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) <= 2);
int rowMajor;
if (PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == 1)
rowMajor = 0;
else if (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0] == 0)
rowMajor = 0; // handle zero-size vector
else if (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1] == 0)
rowMajor = 1; // handle zero-size vector
rowMajor = (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0] > PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1]) ? 0 : 1;
assert(PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[rowMajor] < INT_MAX);
const int R = (int)PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[rowMajor];
const long int itemsize = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(pyArray);
const int stride = (int)PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, rowMajor) / (int)itemsize;
if ((MatType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime != R) &&
(MatType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic)) {
throw eigenpy::Exception(
"The number of elements does not fit with the vector type.");
InputScalar* pyData = reinterpret_cast<InputScalar*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
assert(Stride(stride).inner() == stride &&
"Stride should be a dynamic stride");
return EigenMap(pyData, R, Stride(stride));
template <typename TensorType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride>
struct numpy_map_impl_tensor;
template <typename TensorType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride>
struct numpy_map_impl<TensorType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride,
Eigen::TensorBase<TensorType> >
: numpy_map_impl_tensor<TensorType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride> {};
template <typename TensorType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride>
struct numpy_map_impl<const TensorType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride,
const Eigen::TensorBase<TensorType> >
: numpy_map_impl_tensor<const TensorType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue,
Stride> {};
template <typename TensorType, typename InputScalar, int AlignmentValue,
typename Stride>
struct numpy_map_impl_tensor {
typedef TensorType Tensor;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorType>::Index Index;
static const int Options = Eigen::internal::traits<TensorType>::Options;
static const int NumIndices = TensorType::NumIndices;
typedef Eigen::Tensor<InputScalar, NumIndices, Options, Index>
typedef typename EquivalentInputTensorType::Dimensions Dimensions;
typedef Eigen::TensorMap<EquivalentInputTensorType, Options> EigenMap;
static EigenMap map(PyArrayObject* pyArray, bool swap_dimensions = false) {
assert(PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == NumIndices || NumIndices == Eigen::Dynamic);
Eigen::DSizes<Index, NumIndices> dimensions;
for (int k = 0; k < PyArray_NDIM(pyArray); ++k)
dimensions[k] = PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[k];
InputScalar* pyData = reinterpret_cast<InputScalar*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
return EigenMap(pyData, dimensions);
/* Wrap a numpy::array with an Eigen::Map. No memory copy. */
template <typename EigenType, typename InputScalar,
typename Stride = typename StrideType<EigenType>::type>
struct NumpyMap
: numpy_map_impl<EigenType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride> {};
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // define __eigenpy_numpy_map_hpp__
* Copyright 2018-2023 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_numpy_type_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_numpy_type_hpp__
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/register.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/scalar-conversion.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename Scalar>
bool np_type_is_convertible_into_scalar(const int np_type) {
const auto scalar_np_code =
if (scalar_np_code >= NPY_USERDEF)
return np_type == Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
if (scalar_np_code == np_type) return true;
// Manage type promotion
switch (np_type) {
case NPY_BOOL:
return FromTypeToType<bool, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_INT8:
return FromTypeToType<int8_t, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_INT16:
return FromTypeToType<int16_t, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_INT32:
return FromTypeToType<int32_t, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_INT64:
return FromTypeToType<int64_t, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_UINT8:
return FromTypeToType<uint8_t, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_UINT16:
return FromTypeToType<uint16_t, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_UINT32:
return FromTypeToType<uint32_t, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_UINT64:
return FromTypeToType<uint64_t, Scalar>::value;
#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
// Manage NPY_INT on Windows (NPY_INT32 is NPY_LONG).
// See
case NPY_INT:
return FromTypeToType<int32_t, Scalar>::value;
case NPY_UINT:
return FromTypeToType<uint32_t, Scalar>::value;
#endif // WIN32
#if defined __APPLE__
// Manage NPY_LONGLONG on Mac (NPY_INT64 is NPY_LONG)..
// long long and long are both the same type
// but NPY_LONGLONG and NPY_LONG are different dtype.
// See
return FromTypeToType<int64_t, Scalar>::value;
return FromTypeToType<uint64_t, Scalar>::value;
#endif // MAC
return FromTypeToType<float, Scalar>::value;
return FromTypeToType<std::complex<float>, Scalar>::value;
return FromTypeToType<double, Scalar>::value;
return FromTypeToType<std::complex<double>, Scalar>::value;
return FromTypeToType<long double, Scalar>::value;
return FromTypeToType<std::complex<long double>, Scalar>::value;
return false;
struct EIGENPY_DLLAPI NumpyType {
static NumpyType& getInstance();
static bp::object make(PyArrayObject* pyArray, bool copy = false);
static bp::object make(PyObject* pyObj, bool copy = false);
static void sharedMemory(const bool value);
static bool sharedMemory();
static const PyTypeObject* getNumpyArrayType();
bp::object pyModule;
// Numpy types
bp::object NumpyArrayObject;
PyTypeObject* NumpyArrayType;
bool shared_memory;
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_numpy_type_hpp__
* Copyright 2020-2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_numpy_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_numpy_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/config.hpp"
// For compatibility with Numpy 2.x. See:
// When building with MSVC, Python headers use some pragma operator to link
// against the Python DLL.
// Unfortunately, it can link against the wrong build type of the library
// leading to some linking issue.
// Boost::Python provides a helper specifically dedicated to selecting the right
// Python library depending on build type, so let's make use of it.
// Numpy headers drags Python with them. As a result, it
// is necessary to include this helper before including Numpy.
// See:
#include <boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp>
#include <numpy/numpyconfig.h>
#ifdef NPY_1_8_API_VERSION
// Allow compiling against NumPy 1.x and 2.x. See:
#if NPY_ABI_VERSION < 0x02000000
#define PyArray_DescrProto PyArray_Descr
#include <numpy/ndarrayobject.h>
#include <numpy/ufuncobject.h>
#if NPY_ABI_VERSION < 0x02000000
static inline PyArray_ArrFuncs* PyDataType_GetArrFuncs(PyArray_Descr* descr) {
return descr->f;
/* PEP 674 disallow using macros as l-values
see :
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x030900A4 && !defined(Py_SET_TYPE)
static inline void _Py_SET_TYPE(PyObject* o, PyTypeObject* type) {
Py_TYPE(o) = type;
#define Py_SET_TYPE(o, type) _Py_SET_TYPE((PyObject*)(o), type)
#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
#define EIGENPY_GET_PY_ARRAY_TYPE(array) \
#define EIGENPY_GET_PY_ARRAY_TYPE(array) PyArray_MinScalarType(array)->type_num
#include <complex>
namespace eigenpy {
void EIGENPY_DLLAPI import_numpy();
int EIGENPY_DLLAPI PyArray_TypeNum(PyTypeObject* type);
// By default, the Scalar is considered as a Python object
template <typename Scalar, typename Enable = void>
struct NumpyEquivalentType {
enum { type_code = NPY_USERDEF };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<bool> {
enum { type_code = NPY_BOOL };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<char> {
enum { type_code = NPY_INT8 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<unsigned char> {
enum { type_code = NPY_UINT8 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<int8_t> {
enum { type_code = NPY_INT8 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<int16_t> {
enum { type_code = NPY_INT16 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<uint16_t> {
enum { type_code = NPY_UINT16 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<int32_t> {
enum { type_code = NPY_INT32 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<uint32_t> {
enum { type_code = NPY_UINT32 };
// On Windows, long is a 32 bytes type but it's a different type than int
// See
#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<long> {
enum { type_code = NPY_INT32 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<unsigned long> {
enum { type_code = NPY_UINT32 };
#endif // WIN32
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<int64_t> {
enum { type_code = NPY_INT64 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<uint64_t> {
enum { type_code = NPY_UINT64 };
// On Mac, long is a 64 bytes type but it's a different type than int64_t
// See
#if defined __APPLE__
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<long> {
enum { type_code = NPY_INT64 };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<unsigned long> {
enum { type_code = NPY_UINT64 };
#endif // MAC
// On Linux, long long is a 64 bytes type but it's a different type than int64_t
// See
#if defined __linux__
#include <type_traits>
template <typename Scalar>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<int64_t, long long>::value &&
std::is_same<Scalar, long long>::value>::type> {
enum { type_code = NPY_LONGLONG };
template <typename Scalar>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<
Scalar, typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<uint64_t, unsigned long long>::value &&
std::is_same<Scalar, unsigned long long>::value>::type> {
enum { type_code = NPY_ULONGLONG };
#endif // Linux
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<float> {
enum { type_code = NPY_FLOAT };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<double> {
enum { type_code = NPY_DOUBLE };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<long double> {
enum { type_code = NPY_LONGDOUBLE };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<std::complex<float> > {
enum { type_code = NPY_CFLOAT };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<std::complex<double> > {
enum { type_code = NPY_CDOUBLE };
template <>
struct NumpyEquivalentType<std::complex<long double> > {
enum { type_code = NPY_CLONGDOUBLE };
template <typename Scalar>
bool isNumpyNativeType() {
if ((int)NumpyEquivalentType<Scalar>::type_code == NPY_USERDEF) return false;
return true;
} // namespace eigenpy
namespace eigenpy {
#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
EIGENPY_DLLAPI bool call_PyArray_Check(PyObject*);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI PyObject* call_PyArray_SimpleNew(int nd, npy_intp* shape,
int np_type);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI PyObject* call_PyArray_New(PyTypeObject* py_type_ptr, int nd,
npy_intp* shape, int np_type,
void* data_ptr, int options);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI PyObject* call_PyArray_New(PyTypeObject* py_type_ptr, int nd,
npy_intp* shape, int np_type,
npy_intp* strides, void* data_ptr,
int options);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI int call_PyArray_ObjectType(PyObject*, int);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI PyTypeObject* getPyArrayType();
EIGENPY_DLLAPI PyArray_Descr* call_PyArray_DescrFromType(int typenum);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI void call_PyArray_InitArrFuncs(PyArray_ArrFuncs* funcs);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI int call_PyArray_RegisterDataType(PyArray_DescrProto* dtype);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI int call_PyArray_RegisterCanCast(PyArray_Descr* descr,
int totype,
EIGENPY_DLLAPI PyArray_Descr* call_PyArray_MinScalarType(PyArrayObject* arr);
EIGENPY_DLLAPI int call_PyArray_RegisterCastFunc(
PyArray_Descr* descr, int totype, PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc* castfunc);
inline bool call_PyArray_Check(PyObject* py_obj) {
return PyArray_Check(py_obj);
inline PyObject* call_PyArray_SimpleNew(int nd, npy_intp* shape, int np_type) {
return PyArray_SimpleNew(nd, shape, np_type);
inline PyObject* call_PyArray_New(PyTypeObject* py_type_ptr, int nd,
npy_intp* shape, int np_type, void* data_ptr,
int options) {
return PyArray_New(py_type_ptr, nd, shape, np_type, NULL, data_ptr, 0,
options, NULL);
inline PyObject* call_PyArray_New(PyTypeObject* py_type_ptr, int nd,
npy_intp* shape, int np_type,
npy_intp* strides, void* data_ptr,
int options) {
return PyArray_New(py_type_ptr, nd, shape, np_type, strides, data_ptr, 0,
options, NULL);
inline int call_PyArray_ObjectType(PyObject* obj, int val) {
return PyArray_ObjectType(obj, val);
inline PyTypeObject* getPyArrayType() { return &PyArray_Type; }
inline PyArray_Descr* call_PyArray_DescrFromType(int typenum) {
return PyArray_DescrFromType(typenum);
inline void call_PyArray_InitArrFuncs(PyArray_ArrFuncs* funcs) {
inline int call_PyArray_RegisterDataType(PyArray_DescrProto* dtype) {
return PyArray_RegisterDataType(dtype);
inline PyArray_Descr* call_PyArray_MinScalarType(PyArrayObject* arr) {
return PyArray_MinScalarType(arr);
inline int call_PyArray_RegisterCanCast(PyArray_Descr* descr, int totype,
return PyArray_RegisterCanCast(descr, totype, scalar);
inline int call_PyArray_RegisterCastFunc(PyArray_Descr* descr, int totype,
PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc* castfunc) {
return PyArray_RegisterCastFunc(descr, totype, castfunc);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_numpy_hpp__
/// Copyright (c) 2023 CNRS INRIA
/// Definitions for exposing boost::optional<T> types.
/// Also works with std::optional.
#ifndef __eigenpy_optional_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_optional_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen-from-python.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/registration.hpp"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <optional>
#define EIGENPY_DEFAULT_OPTIONAL boost::optional
namespace boost {
namespace python {
namespace converter {
template <typename T>
struct expected_pytype_for_arg<boost::optional<T> >
: expected_pytype_for_arg<T> {};
template <typename T>
struct expected_pytype_for_arg<std::optional<T> > : expected_pytype_for_arg<T> {
} // namespace converter
} // namespace python
} // namespace boost
namespace eigenpy {
namespace detail {
/// Helper struct to decide which type is the "none" type for a specific
/// optional<T> implementation.
template <template <typename> class OptionalTpl>
struct nullopt_helper {};
template <>
struct nullopt_helper<boost::optional> {
typedef boost::none_t type;
static type value() { return boost::none; }
template <>
struct nullopt_helper<std::optional> {
typedef std::nullopt_t type;
static type value() { return std::nullopt; }
template <typename NoneType>
struct NoneToPython {
static PyObject *convert(const NoneType &) { Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static void registration() {
if (!check_registration<NoneType>()) {
bp::to_python_converter<NoneType, NoneToPython, false>();
template <typename T,
template <typename> class OptionalTpl = EIGENPY_DEFAULT_OPTIONAL>
struct OptionalToPython {
static PyObject *convert(const OptionalTpl<T> &obj) {
if (obj)
return bp::incref(bp::object(*obj).ptr());
else {
return bp::incref(bp::object().ptr()); // None
static PyTypeObject const *get_pytype() {
return bp::converter::registered_pytype<T>::get_pytype();
static void registration() {
if (!check_registration<OptionalTpl<T> >()) {
bp::to_python_converter<OptionalTpl<T>, OptionalToPython, true>();
template <typename T,
template <typename> class OptionalTpl = EIGENPY_DEFAULT_OPTIONAL>
struct OptionalFromPython {
static void *convertible(PyObject *obj_ptr);
static void construct(PyObject *obj_ptr,
bp::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data *memory);
static void registration();
template <typename T, template <typename> class OptionalTpl>
void *OptionalFromPython<T, OptionalTpl>::convertible(PyObject *obj_ptr) {
if (obj_ptr == Py_None) {
return obj_ptr;
bp::extract<T> bp_obj(obj_ptr);
if (!bp_obj.check())
return 0;
return obj_ptr;
template <typename T, template <typename> class OptionalTpl>
void OptionalFromPython<T, OptionalTpl>::construct(
PyObject *obj_ptr, bp::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data *memory) {
// create storage
using rvalue_storage_t =
bp::converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<OptionalTpl<T> >;
void *storage =
reinterpret_cast<rvalue_storage_t *>(reinterpret_cast<void *>(memory))
if (obj_ptr == Py_None) {
new (storage) OptionalTpl<T>(nullopt_helper<OptionalTpl>::value());
} else {
const T value = bp::extract<T>(obj_ptr);
new (storage) OptionalTpl<T>(value);
memory->convertible = storage;
template <typename T, template <typename> class OptionalTpl>
void OptionalFromPython<T, OptionalTpl>::registration() {
&convertible, &construct, bp::type_id<OptionalTpl<T> >(),
bp::converter::expected_pytype_for_arg<OptionalTpl<T> >::get_pytype);
} // namespace detail
/// Register converters for the type `optional<T>` to Python.
/// By default \tparam optional is `EIGENPY_DEFAULT_OPTIONAL`.
template <typename T,
template <typename> class OptionalTpl = EIGENPY_DEFAULT_OPTIONAL>
struct OptionalConverter {
static void registration() {
detail::OptionalToPython<T, OptionalTpl>::registration();
detail::OptionalFromPython<T, OptionalTpl>::registration();
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // __eigenpy_optional_hpp__
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 CNRS INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_utils_pickle_vector_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_utils_pickle_vector_hpp__
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/stl_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/python/tuple.hpp>
namespace eigenpy {
/// \brief Create a pickle interface for the std::vector
/// \tparam VecType Vector Type to pickle
template <typename VecType>
struct PickleVector : boost::python::pickle_suite {
static boost::python::tuple getinitargs(const VecType&) {
return boost::python::make_tuple();
static boost::python::tuple getstate(boost::python::object op) {
return boost::python::make_tuple(
boost::python::list(boost::python::extract<const VecType&>(op)()));
static void setstate(boost::python::object op, boost::python::tuple tup) {
if (boost::python::len(tup) > 0) {
VecType& o = boost::python::extract<VecType&>(op)();
boost::python::stl_input_iterator<typename VecType::value_type> begin(
while (begin != end) {
static bool getstate_manages_dict() { return true; }
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_utils_pickle_vector_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2019, INRIA
* Copyright 2014-2023 CNRS INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_quaternion_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_quaternion_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/exception.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen-from-python.hpp"
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
namespace boost {
namespace python {
namespace converter {
#include "eigenpy/exception.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/registration.hpp"
namespace eigenpy
class ExceptionIndex : public Exception
ExceptionIndex(int index,int imin,int imax) : Exception("")
std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Index " << index << " out of range " << imin << ".."<< imax <<".";
message = oss.str();
namespace bp = boost::python;
template<typename QuaternionDerived> class QuaternionVisitor;
namespace internal
template<typename Scalar, int Options>
struct call_expose< Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar,Options> >
typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar,Options> type;
static inline void run()
} // namespace internal
template<typename Quaternion>
class QuaternionVisitor
: public bp::def_visitor< QuaternionVisitor<Quaternion> >
typedef Eigen::QuaternionBase<Quaternion> QuaternionBase;
typedef typename QuaternionBase::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename Quaternion::Coefficients Coefficients;
typedef typename QuaternionBase::Vector3 Vector3;
typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,1> Vector4;
typedef typename QuaternionBase::Matrix3 Matrix3;
typedef typename QuaternionBase::AngleAxisType AngleAxis;
template<class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const
.def(bp::init<>("Default constructor"))
.def(bp::init<Matrix3>((bp::arg("matrixRotation")),"Initialize from rotation matrix."))
.def(bp::init<AngleAxis>((bp::arg("angleaxis")),"Initialize from angle axis."))
.def(bp::init<Quaternion>((bp::arg("clone")),"Copy constructor."))
(bp::arg("u"),bp::arg("v"))),"Initialize from two vector u,v")
"Initialize from coefficients.\n\n"
"... note:: The order of coefficients is *w*, *x*, *y*, *z*. "
"The [] operator numbers them differently, 0...4 for *x* *y* *z* *w*!"))
&QuaternionVisitor::setCoeff<0>,"The x coefficient.")
&QuaternionVisitor::setCoeff<1>,"The y coefficient.")
&QuaternionVisitor::setCoeff<2>,"The z coefficient.")
&QuaternionVisitor::setCoeff<3>,"The w coefficient.")
// .def("isApprox",(bool (Quaternion::*)(const Quaternion &))&Quaternion::template isApprox<Quaternion>,
// "Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other.")
// .def("isApprox",(bool (Quaternion::*)(const Quaternion &, const Scalar prec))&Quaternion::template isApprox<Quaternion>,
// "Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other, within the precision determined by prec..")
.def("isApprox",(bool (*)(const Quaternion &))&isApprox,
"Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other.")
.def("isApprox",(bool (*)(const Quaternion &, const Scalar prec))&isApprox,
"Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other, within the precision determined by prec..")
/* --- Methods --- */
.def("coeffs",(const Vector4 & (Quaternion::*)()const)&Quaternion::coeffs,
.def("matrix",&Quaternion::matrix,"Returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix. Similar to toRotationMatrix.")
.def("toRotationMatrix",&Quaternion::toRotationMatrix,"Returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix.")
.def("setFromTwoVectors",&setFromTwoVectors,((bp::arg("a"),bp::arg("b"))),"Set *this to be the quaternion which transform a into b through a rotation."
.def("conjugate",&Quaternion::conjugate,"Returns the conjugated quaternion. The conjugate of a quaternion represents the opposite rotation.")
.def("inverse",&Quaternion::inverse,"Returns the quaternion describing the inverse rotation.")
.def("setIdentity",&Quaternion::setIdentity,bp::return_self<>(),"Set *this to the idendity rotation.")
.def("norm",&Quaternion::norm,"Returns the norm of the quaternion's coefficients.")
.def("normalize",&Quaternion::normalize,"Normalizes the quaternion *this.")
.def("normalized",&Quaternion::normalized,"Returns a normalized copy of *this.")
.def("squaredNorm",&Quaternion::squaredNorm,"Returns the squared norm of the quaternion's coefficients.")
.def("dot",&Quaternion::template dot<Quaternion>,bp::arg("other"),"Returns the dot product of *this with other"
"Geometrically speaking, the dot product of two unit quaternions corresponds to the cosine of half the angle between the two rotations.")
.def("_transformVector",&Quaternion::_transformVector,bp::arg("vector"),"Rotation of a vector by a quaternion.")
.def("vec",&vec,"Returns a vector expression of the imaginary part (x,y,z).")
.def("angularDistance",&Quaternion::template angularDistance<Quaternion>,"Returns the angle (in radian) between two rotations.")
"Returns the spherical linear interpolation between the two quaternions *this and other at the parameter t in [0;1].")
/* --- Operators --- */
.def(bp::self * bp::self)
.def(bp::self *= bp::self)
.def(bp::self * bp::other<Vector3>())
bp::arg("quat"),"Set *this from an quaternion quat and returns a reference to *this.",bp::return_self<>())
.def("assign",(Quaternion & (Quaternion::*)(const AngleAxis &))&Quaternion::operator=,
bp::arg("aa"),"Set *this from an angle-axis aa and returns a reference to *this.",bp::return_self<>())
// .def("FromTwoVectors",&Quaternion::template FromTwoVectors<Vector3,Vector3>,
// bp::args("a","b"),
// "Returns the quaternion which transform a into b through a rotation.")
"Returns the quaternion which transform a into b through a rotation.",
.def("Identity",&Quaternion::Identity,"Returns a quaternion representing an identity rotation.")
template<int i>
static void setCoeff(Quaternion & self, Scalar value) { self.coeffs()[i] = value; }
template<int i>
static Scalar getCoeff(Quaternion & self) { return self.coeffs()[i]; }
static Quaternion & setFromTwoVectors(Quaternion & self, const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b)
{ return self.setFromTwoVectors(a,b); }
template<typename OtherQuat>
static Quaternion & assign(Quaternion & self, const OtherQuat & quat)
{ return self = quat; }
static Quaternion* FromTwoVectors(const Vector3& u, const Vector3& v)
Quaternion* q(new Quaternion); q->setFromTwoVectors(u,v);
return q;
static bool isApprox(const Quaternion & self, const Quaternion & other,
const Scalar prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision)
return self.isApprox(other,prec);
static bool __eq__(const Quaternion& u, const Quaternion& v)
return u.isApprox(v,1e-9);
static bool __ne__(const Quaternion& u, const Quaternion& v)
return !__eq__(u,v);
static Scalar __getitem__(const Quaternion & self, int idx)
if((idx<0) || (idx>=4)) throw eigenpy::ExceptionIndex(idx,0,3);
return self.coeffs()[idx];
static void __setitem__(Quaternion& self, int idx, const Scalar value)
if((idx<0) || (idx>=4)) throw eigenpy::ExceptionIndex(idx,0,3);
self.coeffs()[idx] = value;
static int __len__() { return 4; }
static Vector3 vec(const Quaternion & self) { return self.vec(); }
static std::string print(const Quaternion & self)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "(x,y,z,w) = " << self.coeffs().transpose() << std::endl;
return ss.str();
static Quaternion slerp(const Quaternion & self, const Scalar t, const Quaternion & other)
{ return self.slerp(t,other); }
static void expose()
"Quaternion representing rotation.\n\n"
"Supported operations "
"('q is a Quaternion, 'v' is a Vector3): "
"'q*q' (rotation composition), "
"'q*=q', "
"'q*v' (rotating 'v' by 'q'), "
"'q==q', 'q!=q', 'q[0..3]'.",
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_quaternion_hpp__
/// \brief Template specialization of rvalue_from_python_data
template <typename Quaternion>
struct rvalue_from_python_data<Eigen::QuaternionBase<Quaternion> const&>
: ::eigenpy::rvalue_from_python_data<Quaternion const&> {
template <class Quaternion>
struct implicit<Quaternion, Eigen::QuaternionBase<Quaternion> > {
typedef Quaternion Source;
typedef Eigen::QuaternionBase<Quaternion> Target;
static void* convertible(PyObject* obj) {
// Find a converter which can produce a Source instance from
// obj. The user has told us that Source can be converted to
// Target, and instantiating construct() below, ensures that
// at compile-time.
return implicit_rvalue_convertible_from_python(
obj, registered<Source>::converters)
? obj
: 0;
static void construct(PyObject* obj, rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data) {
void* storage = ((rvalue_from_python_storage<Target>*)data)->storage.bytes;
arg_from_python<Source> get_source(obj);
bool convertible = get_source.convertible();
new (storage) Source(get_source());
// record successful construction
data->convertible = storage;
} // namespace converter
} // namespace python
} // namespace boost
namespace eigenpy {
class ExceptionIndex : public Exception {
ExceptionIndex(int index, int imin, int imax) : Exception("") {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Index " << index << " out of range " << imin << ".." << imax << ".";
message = oss.str();
template <typename QuaternionDerived>
class QuaternionVisitor;
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
struct call<Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar, Options> > {
typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar, Options> Quaternion;
static inline void expose() { QuaternionVisitor<Quaternion>::expose(); }
static inline bool isApprox(
const Quaternion& self, const Quaternion& other,
const Scalar& prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) {
return self.isApprox(other, prec);
template <typename Quaternion>
class QuaternionVisitor
: public bp::def_visitor<QuaternionVisitor<Quaternion> > {
typedef Eigen::QuaternionBase<Quaternion> QuaternionBase;
typedef typename QuaternionBase::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename Quaternion::Coefficients Coefficients;
typedef typename QuaternionBase::Vector3 Vector3;
typedef Coefficients Vector4;
typedef typename QuaternionBase::Matrix3 Matrix3;
typedef typename QuaternionBase::AngleAxisType AngleAxis;
call<Quaternion>::isApprox, 2, 3)
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const {
bp::default_call_policies(), (bp::arg("R"))),
"Initialize from rotation matrix.\n"
"\tR : a rotation matrix 3x3.")
bp::default_call_policies(), (bp::arg("aa"))),
"Initialize from an angle axis.\n"
"\taa: angle axis object.")
"Copy constructor.\n"
"\tquat: a quaternion.")
(bp::arg("u"), bp::arg("v"))),
"Initialize from two vectors u and v")
"Initialize from a vector 4D.\n"
"\tvec4 : a 4D vector representing quaternion coefficients in the "
"order xyzw.")
"Default constructor")
(bp::arg("w"), bp::arg("x"), bp::arg("y"), bp::arg("z"))),
"Initialize from coefficients.\n\n"
"... note:: The order of coefficients is *w*, *x*, *y*, *z*. "
"The [] operator numbers them differently, 0...4 for *x* *y* *z* "
.add_property("x", &QuaternionVisitor::getCoeff<0>,
&QuaternionVisitor::setCoeff<0>, "The x coefficient.")
.add_property("y", &QuaternionVisitor::getCoeff<1>,
&QuaternionVisitor::setCoeff<1>, "The y coefficient.")
.add_property("z", &QuaternionVisitor::getCoeff<2>,
&QuaternionVisitor::setCoeff<2>, "The z coefficient.")
.add_property("w", &QuaternionVisitor::getCoeff<3>,
&QuaternionVisitor::setCoeff<3>, "The w coefficient.")
.def("isApprox", &call<Quaternion>::isApprox,
bp::args("self", "other", "prec"),
"Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other, "
"within the precision determined by prec."))
/* --- Methods --- */
(const Vector4& (Quaternion::*)() const) & Quaternion::coeffs,
bp::arg("self"), "Returns a vector of the coefficients (x,y,z,w)",
.def("matrix", &Quaternion::matrix, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix. Similar to "
.def("toRotationMatrix", &Quaternion::toRotationMatrix,
// bp::arg("self"), // Bug in Boost.Python
"Returns an equivalent rotation matrix.")
.def("setFromTwoVectors", &setFromTwoVectors,
((bp::arg("self"), bp::arg("a"), bp::arg("b"))),
"Set *this to be the quaternion which transforms a into b through "
"a rotation.",
.def("conjugate", &Quaternion::conjugate, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the conjugated quaternion.\n"
"The conjugate of a quaternion represents the opposite rotation.")
.def("inverse", &Quaternion::inverse, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the quaternion describing the inverse rotation.")
.def("setIdentity", &Quaternion::setIdentity, bp::arg("self"),
"Set *this to the identity rotation.", bp::return_self<>())
.def("norm", &Quaternion::norm, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the norm of the quaternion's coefficients.")
.def("normalize", &Quaternion::normalize, bp::arg("self"),
"Normalizes the quaternion *this.", bp::return_self<>())
.def("normalized", &normalized, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns a normalized copy of *this.",
.def("squaredNorm", &Quaternion::squaredNorm, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the squared norm of the quaternion's coefficients.")
.def("dot", &Quaternion::template dot<Quaternion>,
(bp::arg("self"), bp::arg("other")),
"Returns the dot product of *this with an other Quaternion.\n"
"Geometrically speaking, the dot product of two unit quaternions "
"corresponds to the cosine of half the angle between the two "
.def("_transformVector", &Quaternion::_transformVector,
(bp::arg("self"), bp::arg("vector")),
"Rotation of a vector by a quaternion.")
.def("vec", &vec, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns a vector expression of the imaginary part (x,y,z).")
// (bp::arg("self"),bp::arg("other")), // Bug in
// Boost.Python
&Quaternion::template angularDistance<Quaternion>,
"Returns the angle (in radian) between two rotations.")
.def("slerp", &slerp, bp::args("self", "t", "other"),
"Returns the spherical linear interpolation between the two "
"quaternions *this and other at the parameter t in [0;1].")
/* --- Operators --- */
.def(bp::self * bp::self)
.def(bp::self *= bp::self)
.def(bp::self * bp::other<Vector3>())
.def("__eq__", &QuaternionVisitor::__eq__)
.def("__ne__", &QuaternionVisitor::__ne__)
.def("__abs__", &Quaternion::norm)
.def("__len__", &QuaternionVisitor::__len__)
.def("__setitem__", &QuaternionVisitor::__setitem__)
.def("__getitem__", &QuaternionVisitor::__getitem__)
.def("assign", &assign<Quaternion>, bp::args("self", "quat"),
"Set *this from an quaternion quat and returns a reference to "
(Quaternion & (Quaternion::*)(const AngleAxis&)) &
bp::args("self", "aa"),
"Set *this from an angle-axis aa and returns a reference to *this.",
.def("__str__", &print)
.def("__repr__", &print)
// .def("FromTwoVectors",&Quaternion::template
// FromTwoVectors<Vector3,Vector3>,
// bp::args("a","b"),
// "Returns the quaternion which transform a into b through a
// rotation.")
.def("FromTwoVectors", &FromTwoVectors, bp::args("a", "b"),
"Returns the quaternion which transforms a into b through a "
.def("Identity", &Identity,
"Returns a quaternion representing an identity rotation.",
static Quaternion* normalized(const Quaternion& self) {
return new Quaternion(self.normalized());
template <int i>
static void setCoeff(Quaternion& self, Scalar value) {
self.coeffs()[i] = value;
template <int i>
static Scalar getCoeff(Quaternion& self) {
return self.coeffs()[i];
static Quaternion& setFromTwoVectors(Quaternion& self, const Vector3& a,
const Vector3& b) {
return self.setFromTwoVectors(a, b);
template <typename OtherQuat>
static Quaternion& assign(Quaternion& self, const OtherQuat& quat) {
return self = quat;
static Quaternion* Identity() {
Quaternion* q(new Quaternion);
return q;
static Quaternion* FromCoefficients(Scalar w, Scalar x, Scalar y, Scalar z) {
Quaternion* q(new Quaternion(w, x, y, z));
return q;
static Quaternion* FromAngleAxis(const AngleAxis& aa) {
Quaternion* q(new Quaternion(aa));
return q;
static Quaternion* FromTwoVectors(const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3> u,
const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3> v) {
Quaternion* q(new Quaternion);
q->setFromTwoVectors(u, v);
return q;
static Quaternion* FromOtherQuaternion(const Quaternion& other) {
Quaternion* q(new Quaternion(other));
return q;
static Quaternion* DefaultConstructor() { return new Quaternion; }
static Quaternion* FromOneVector(const Eigen::Ref<const Vector4> v) {
Quaternion* q(new Quaternion(v[3], v[0], v[1], v[2]));
return q;
static Quaternion* FromRotationMatrix(const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix3> R) {
Quaternion* q(new Quaternion(R));
return q;
static bool __eq__(const Quaternion& u, const Quaternion& v) {
return u.coeffs() == v.coeffs();
static bool __ne__(const Quaternion& u, const Quaternion& v) {
return !__eq__(u, v);
static Scalar __getitem__(const Quaternion& self, int idx) {
if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= 4)) throw eigenpy::ExceptionIndex(idx, 0, 3);
return self.coeffs()[idx];
static void __setitem__(Quaternion& self, int idx, const Scalar value) {
if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= 4)) throw eigenpy::ExceptionIndex(idx, 0, 3);
self.coeffs()[idx] = value;
static int __len__() { return 4; }
static Vector3 vec(const Quaternion& self) { return self.vec(); }
static std::string print(const Quaternion& self) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "(x,y,z,w) = " << self.coeffs().transpose() << std::endl;
return ss.str();
static Quaternion slerp(const Quaternion& self, const Scalar t,
const Quaternion& other) {
return self.slerp(t, other);
static void expose() {
typedef EIGENPY_SHARED_PTR_HOLDER_TYPE(Quaternion) HolderType;
typedef ::boost::python::detail::not_specified HolderType;
bp::class_<Quaternion, HolderType>(
"Quaternion representing rotation.\n\n"
"Supported operations "
"('q is a Quaternion, 'v' is a Vector3): "
"'q*q' (rotation composition), "
"'q*=q', "
"'q*v' (rotating 'v' by 'q'), "
"'q==q', 'q!=q', 'q[0..3]'.",
// Cast to Eigen::QuaternionBase and vice-versa
bp::implicitly_convertible<Quaternion, QuaternionBase>();
// bp::implicitly_convertible<QuaternionBase,Quaternion >();
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_quaternion_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2019, INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_ref_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_ref_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/stride.hpp"
// For old Eigen versions, EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC is not defined.
// We must define it just in the scope of this file.
namespace eigenpy
template<typename PlainObjectTypeT>
struct Ref
: Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectTypeT,EIGENPY_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_VALUE,typename StrideType<PlainObjectTypeT>::type>
typedef Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectTypeT,EIGENPY_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_VALUE,typename eigenpy::template StrideType<PlainObjectTypeT>::type> Base;
typedef Eigen::internal::traits<Base> Traits;
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Ref(const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<Derived>& expr,
typename Eigen::internal::enable_if<bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime),Derived>::type* = 0);
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<Base>::Scalar Scalar; /*!< \brief Numeric type, e.g. float, double, int or std::complex<float>. */ \
typedef typename Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar; /*!< \brief The underlying numeric type for composed scalar types. \details In cases where Scalar is e.g. std::complex<T>, T were corresponding to RealScalar. */ \
typedef typename Base::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType; /*!< \brief The return type for coefficient access. \details Depending on whether the object allows direct coefficient access (e.g. for a MatrixXd), this type is either 'const Scalar&' or simply 'Scalar' for objects that do not allow direct coefficient access. */
typedef typename Eigen::internal::ref_selector<Base>::type Nested;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<Base>::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<Base>::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<Base>::Index StorageIndex;
enum { RowsAtCompileTime = Eigen::internal::traits<Base>::RowsAtCompileTime,
ColsAtCompileTime = Eigen::internal::traits<Base>::ColsAtCompileTime,
Flags = Eigen::internal::traits<Base>::Flags,
SizeAtCompileTime = Base::SizeAtCompileTime,
MaxSizeAtCompileTime = Base::MaxSizeAtCompileTime,
IsVectorAtCompileTime = Base::IsVectorAtCompileTime };
using Base::derived;
using Base::const_cast_derived;
typedef typename Base::PacketScalar PacketScalar;
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Ref(Eigen::PlainObjectBase<Derived>& expr,
typename Eigen::internal::enable_if<bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime),Derived>::type* = 0)
: Base(expr.derived())
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Ref(const Eigen::DenseBase<Derived>& expr,
typename Eigen::internal::enable_if<bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime),Derived>::type* = 0)
: Base(expr.derived())
#if EIGEN_COMP_MSVC_STRICT && (EIGEN_COMP_MSVC < 1900 || defined(__CUDACC_VER__)) // for older MSVC versions, as well as 1900 && CUDA 8, using the base operator is sufficient (cf Bugs 1000, 1324)
using Base::operator =;
#elif EIGEN_COMP_CLANG // workaround clang bug (see
using Base::operator =; \
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Ref& operator=(const Ref& other) { Base::operator=(other); return *this; } \
template <typename OtherDerived> \
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Ref& operator=(const Eigen::DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) { Base::operator=(other.derived()); return *this; }
using Base::operator =; \
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Ref& operator=(const Ref& other) \
{ \
Base::operator=(other); \
return *this; \
}; // struct Ref<PlainObjectType>
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_ref_hpp__
// Copyright (c) 2020 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_register_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_register_hpp__
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "eigenpy/exception.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/numpy.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
/// \brief Structure collecting all the types registers in Numpy via EigenPy
struct EIGENPY_DLLAPI Register {
static PyArray_Descr *getPyArrayDescr(PyTypeObject *py_type_ptr);
static PyArray_Descr *getPyArrayDescrFromTypeNum(const int type_num);
template <typename Scalar>
static PyArray_Descr *getPyArrayDescrFromScalarType() {
if (!isNumpyNativeType<Scalar>()) {
const std::type_info &info = typeid(Scalar);
if (instance().type_to_py_type_bindings.find(&info) !=
instance().type_to_py_type_bindings.end()) {
PyTypeObject *py_type = instance().type_to_py_type_bindings[&info];
return instance().py_array_descr_bindings[py_type];
} else
return nullptr;
} else {
PyArray_Descr *new_descr =
return new_descr;
template <typename Scalar>
static bool isRegistered() {
return isRegistered(Register::getPyType<Scalar>());
static bool isRegistered(PyTypeObject *py_type_ptr);
static int getTypeCode(PyTypeObject *py_type_ptr);
template <typename Scalar>
static PyTypeObject *getPyType() {
if (!isNumpyNativeType<Scalar>()) {
const PyTypeObject *const_py_type_ptr =
if (const_py_type_ptr == NULL) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "The type " << typeid(Scalar).name()
<< " does not have a registered converter inside Boot.Python."
<< std::endl;
throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());
PyTypeObject *py_type_ptr = const_cast<PyTypeObject *>(const_py_type_ptr);
return py_type_ptr;
} else {
PyArray_Descr *new_descr =
return new_descr->typeobj;
template <typename Scalar>
static PyArray_Descr *getPyArrayDescr() {
if (!isNumpyNativeType<Scalar>()) {
return getPyArrayDescr(getPyType<Scalar>());
} else {
return call_PyArray_DescrFromType(NumpyEquivalentType<Scalar>::type_code);
template <typename Scalar>
static int getTypeCode() {
if (isNumpyNativeType<Scalar>())
return NumpyEquivalentType<Scalar>::type_code;
else {
const std::type_info &info = typeid(Scalar);
if (instance().type_to_py_type_bindings.find(&info) !=
instance().type_to_py_type_bindings.end()) {
PyTypeObject *py_type = instance().type_to_py_type_bindings[&info];
int code = instance().py_array_code_bindings[py_type];
return code;
} else
return -1; // type not registered
static int registerNewType(
PyTypeObject *py_type_ptr, const std::type_info *type_info_ptr,
const int type_size, const int alignment, PyArray_GetItemFunc *getitem,
PyArray_SetItemFunc *setitem, PyArray_NonzeroFunc *nonzero,
PyArray_CopySwapFunc *copyswap, PyArray_CopySwapNFunc *copyswapn,
PyArray_DotFunc *dotfunc, PyArray_FillFunc *fill,
PyArray_FillWithScalarFunc *fillwithscalar);
static Register &instance();
Register() {};
struct Compare_PyTypeObject {
bool operator()(const PyTypeObject *a, const PyTypeObject *b) const {
return std::string(a->tp_name) < std::string(b->tp_name);
struct Compare_TypeInfo {
bool operator()(const std::type_info *a, const std::type_info *b) const {
return std::string(a->name()) < std::string(b->name());
typedef std::map<const std::type_info *, PyTypeObject *, Compare_TypeInfo>
MapInfo type_to_py_type_bindings;
typedef std::map<PyTypeObject *, PyArray_Descr *, Compare_PyTypeObject>
MapDescr py_array_descr_bindings;
typedef std::map<PyTypeObject *, int, Compare_PyTypeObject> MapCode;
MapCode py_array_code_bindings;
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // __eigenpy_register_hpp__
......@@ -6,54 +6,72 @@
#ifndef __eigenpy_registration_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_registration_hpp__
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/scope.hpp>
namespace eigenpy
/// \brief Check at runtime the registration of the type T inside the boost python registry.
/// \tparam T The type to check the registration.
/// \returns true if the type T is already registered.
template<typename T>
inline bool check_registration()
namespace bp = boost::python;
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/registration_class.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
/// \brief Check at runtime the registration of the type T inside the boost
/// python registry.
/// \tparam T The type to check the registration.
/// \returns true if the type T is already registered.
template <typename T>
inline bool check_registration() {
const bp::type_info info = bp::type_id<T>();
const bp::converter::registration* reg = bp::converter::registry::query(info);
if (reg == NULL)
return false;
else if ((*reg).m_to_python == NULL)
return false;
return true;
/// \brief Symlink to the current scope the already registered class T.
/// \returns true if the type T is effectively symlinked.
/// \tparam T The type to symlink.
template <typename T>
inline bool register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type() {
if (eigenpy::check_registration<T>()) {
const bp::type_info info = bp::type_id<T>();
const bp::converter::registration* reg = bp::converter::registry::query(info);
if (reg == NULL) return false;
else if ((*reg).m_to_python == NULL) return false;
const bp::converter::registration* reg =
bp::handle<> class_obj(reg->get_class_object());
bp::scope().attr(reg->get_class_object()->tp_name) = bp::object(class_obj);
return true;
/// \brief Symlink to the current scope the already registered class T.
/// \returns true if the type T is effectively symlinked.
/// \tparam T The type to symlink.
template<typename T>
inline bool register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type()
namespace bp = boost::python;
const bp::type_info info = bp::type_id<T>();
const bp::converter::registration* reg = bp::converter::registry::query(info);
bp::handle<> class_obj(reg->get_class_object());
bp::scope().attr(reg->get_class_object()->tp_name) = bp::object(class_obj);
return true;
return false;
return false;
/// Same as \see register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type() but apply \p
/// visitor on \tparam T if it already exists
template <typename T, typename Visitor>
inline bool register_symbolic_link_to_registered_type(const Visitor& visitor) {
if (eigenpy::check_registration<T>()) {
const bp::type_info info = bp::type_id<T>();
const bp::converter::registration* reg =
bp::handle<> class_obj(reg->get_class_object());
bp::object object(class_obj);
bp::scope().attr(reg->get_class_object()->tp_name) = object;
registration_class<T> cl(object);
return true;
return false;
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_registration_hpp__
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_registration_hpp__
* Copyright 2023, INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_registration_class_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_registration_class_hpp__
#include <boost/python/class.hpp>
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
/*! Copy of the \see boost::python::class_
* This class allow to add methods to an existing class without registering it
* again.
template <class W>
class registration_class {
using self = registration_class;
/// \p object Hold the namespace of the class that will be modified
registration_class(bp::object object) : m_object(object) {}
/// \see boost::python::class_::def(bp::def_visitor<Derived> const& visitor)
template <class Visitor>
self& def(Visitor const& visitor) {
return *this;
template <class DerivedVisitor>
self& def(bp::def_visitor<DerivedVisitor> const& visitor) {
static_cast<DerivedVisitor const&>(visitor).visit(*this);
return *this;
/// \see boost::python::class_::def(char const* name, F f)
template <class F>
self& def(char const* name, F f) {
def_impl(bp::detail::unwrap_wrapper((W*)0), name, f,
bp::detail::def_helper<char const*>(0), &f);
return *this;
/// \see boost::python::class_::def(char const* name, A1 a1, A2 const& a2)
template <class A1, class A2>
self& def(char const* name, A1 a1, A2 const& a2) {
def_maybe_overloads(name, a1, a2, &a2);
return *this;
/// \see boost::python::class_::def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2
/// const& a2)
template <class Fn, class A1, class A2>
self& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2) {
def_impl(bp::detail::unwrap_wrapper((W*)0), name, fn,
bp::detail::def_helper<A1, A2>(a1, a2), &fn);
return *this;
/// \see boost::python::class_::def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2
/// const& a2, A3 const& a3)
template <class Fn, class A1, class A2, class A3>
self& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2, A3 const& a3) {
def_impl(bp::detail::unwrap_wrapper((W*)0), name, fn,
bp::detail::def_helper<A1, A2, A3>(a1, a2, a3), &fn);
return *this;
/// \see boost::python::class_::def_impl(T*, char const* name, Fn fn, Helper
/// const& helper, ...)
template <class T, class Fn, class Helper>
inline void def_impl(T*, char const* name, Fn fn, Helper const& helper, ...) {
m_object, name,
make_function(fn, helper.policies(), helper.keywords(),
bp::detail::get_signature(fn, (T*)0)),
def_default(name, fn, helper,
/// \see boost::python::class_::def_default(char const* name, Fn, Helper
/// const& helper, boost::mpl::bool_<true>)
template <class Fn, class Helper>
inline void def_default(char const* name, Fn, Helper const& helper,
boost::mpl::bool_<true>) {
W, Fn>::must_be_derived_class_member(helper.default_implementation());
m_object, name,
make_function(helper.default_implementation(), helper.policies(),
/// \see boost::python::class_::def_default(char const*, Fn, Helper const&,
/// boost::mpl::bool_<false>)
template <class Fn, class Helper>
inline void def_default(char const*, Fn, Helper const&,
boost::mpl::bool_<false>) {}
/// \see boost::python::class_::def_maybe_overloads(char const* name, SigT
/// sig,OverloadsT const& overloads,bp::detail::overloads_base const*)
template <class OverloadsT, class SigT>
void def_maybe_overloads(char const* name, SigT sig,
OverloadsT const& overloads,
bp::detail::overloads_base const*)
bp::detail::define_with_defaults(name, overloads, *this,
/// \see boost::python::class_::def_maybe_overloads(char const* name, Fn fn,
/// A1 const& a1, ...)
template <class Fn, class A1>
void def_maybe_overloads(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, ...) {
def_impl(bp::detail::unwrap_wrapper((W*)0), name, fn,
bp::detail::def_helper<A1>(a1), &fn);
bp::object m_object;
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_registration_class_hpp__
// Copyright (c) 2014-2024 CNRS INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_scalar_conversion_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_scalar_conversion_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/config.hpp"
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/conversion_traits.hpp>
#include <complex>
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename Source, typename Target>
struct FromTypeToType
: public boost::mpl::if_c<std::is_same<Source, Target>::value,
typename boost::numeric::conversion_traits<
Source, Target>::subranged>::type {};
/// FromTypeToType specialization to manage std::complex
template <typename ScalarSource, typename ScalarTarget>
struct FromTypeToType<std::complex<ScalarSource>, std::complex<ScalarTarget> >
: public boost::mpl::if_c<
std::is_same<ScalarSource, ScalarTarget>::value, std::true_type,
typename boost::numeric::conversion_traits<
ScalarSource, ScalarTarget>::subranged>::type {};
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // __eigenpy_scalar_conversion_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_scipy_allocator_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_scipy_allocator_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen-allocator.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/scipy-type.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/register.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename EigenType, typename BaseType>
struct scipy_allocator_impl;
template <typename EigenType>
struct scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix;
template <typename MatType>
struct scipy_allocator_impl<
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase<typename remove_const_reference<MatType>::type> >
: scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix<MatType> {};
template <typename MatType>
struct scipy_allocator_impl<
const MatType, const Eigen::SparseMatrixBase<
typename remove_const_reference<MatType>::type> >
: scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix<const MatType> {};
// template <typename MatType>
// struct scipy_allocator_impl<MatType &, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> > :
// scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix<MatType &>
template <typename MatType>
struct scipy_allocator_impl<const MatType &,
const Eigen::SparseMatrixBase<MatType> >
: scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix<const MatType &> {};
template <typename EigenType,
typename BaseType = typename get_eigen_base_type<EigenType>::type>
struct ScipyAllocator : scipy_allocator_impl<EigenType, BaseType> {};
template <typename MatType>
struct scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix {
template <typename SimilarMatrixType>
static PyObject *allocate(
const Eigen::SparseCompressedBase<SimilarMatrixType> &mat_,
bool copy = false) {
typedef typename SimilarMatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename SimilarMatrixType::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
enum { IsRowMajor = SimilarMatrixType::IsRowMajor };
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> DataVector;
typedef const Eigen::Map<const DataVector> MapDataVector;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<StorageIndex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> StorageIndexVector;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<int32_t, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> ScipyStorageIndexVector;
typedef const Eigen::Map<const StorageIndexVector> MapStorageIndexVector;
SimilarMatrixType &mat = mat_.const_cast_derived();
bp::object scipy_sparse_matrix_type =
MapDataVector data(mat.valuePtr(), mat.nonZeros());
MapStorageIndexVector outer_indices(
mat.outerIndexPtr(), (IsRowMajor ? mat.rows() : mat.cols()) + 1);
MapStorageIndexVector inner_indices(mat.innerIndexPtr(), mat.nonZeros());
bp::object scipy_sparse_matrix;
if (mat.rows() == 0 &&
mat.cols() == 0) // handle the specific case of empty matrix
// PyArray_Descr* npy_type =
// Register::getPyArrayDescrFromScalarType<Scalar>(); bp::dict args;
// args["dtype"] =
// bp::object(bp::handle<>(bp::borrowed(npy_type->typeobj)));
// args["shape"] = bp::object(bp::handle<>(bp::borrowed(Py_None)));
// scipy_sparse_matrix =
// scipy_sparse_matrix_type(*bp::make_tuple(0,0),**args);
scipy_sparse_matrix = scipy_sparse_matrix_type(
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>(0, 0));
} else if (mat.nonZeros() == 0) {
scipy_sparse_matrix =
scipy_sparse_matrix_type(bp::make_tuple(mat.rows(), mat.cols()));
} else {
scipy_sparse_matrix = scipy_sparse_matrix_type(bp::make_tuple(
ScipyStorageIndexVector(inner_indices.template cast<int32_t>()),
outer_indices.template cast<int32_t>()))); //,
// bp::make_tuple(mat.rows(),
// mat.cols())));
return scipy_sparse_matrix.ptr();
// template <typename MatType>
// struct scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix<MatType &> {
// template <typename SimilarMatrixType>
// static PyArrayObject *allocate(Eigen::PlainObjectBase<SimilarMatrixType>
// &mat,
// npy_intp nd, npy_intp *shape) {
// typedef typename SimilarMatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
// enum {
// SimilarMatrixType::IsRowMajor ? NPY_ARRAY_CARRAY : NPY_ARRAY_FARRAY
// };
// if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
// const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
// PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
// getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code,
// return pyArray;
// } else {
// return NumpyAllocator<MatType>::allocate(mat, nd, shape);
// }
// }
// };
// template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
// struct scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix<Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options,
// Stride> > {
// typedef Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
// static PyArrayObject *allocate(RefType &mat, npy_intp nd, npy_intp *shape)
// {
// typedef typename RefType::Scalar Scalar;
// enum {
// };
// if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
// const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
// const bool reverse_strides = MatType::IsRowMajor || (mat.rows() == 1);
// Eigen::DenseIndex inner_stride = reverse_strides ? mat.outerStride()
// : mat.innerStride(),
// outer_stride = reverse_strides ? mat.innerStride()
// : mat.outerStride();
// const int elsize =
// call_PyArray_DescrFromType(Scalar_type_code)->elsize; npy_intp
// strides[2] = {elsize * inner_stride, elsize * outer_stride};
// PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
// getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code,
// return pyArray;
// } else {
// return NumpyAllocator<MatType>::allocate(mat, nd, shape);
// }
// }
// };
// template <typename MatType>
// struct scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix<const MatType &> {
// template <typename SimilarMatrixType>
// static PyArrayObject *allocate(
// const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<SimilarMatrixType> &mat, npy_intp nd,
// npy_intp *shape) {
// typedef typename SimilarMatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
// enum {
// NPY_ARRAY_MEMORY_CONTIGUOUS_RO = SimilarMatrixType::IsRowMajor
// };
// if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
// const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
// PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
// getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code,
// const_cast<Scalar *>(,
// return pyArray;
// } else {
// return NumpyAllocator<MatType>::allocate(mat, nd, shape);
// }
// }
// };
// template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
// struct scipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix<
// const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> > {
// typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
// static PyArrayObject *allocate(RefType &mat, npy_intp nd, npy_intp *shape)
// {
// typedef typename RefType::Scalar Scalar;
// enum {
// };
// if (NumpyType::sharedMemory()) {
// const int Scalar_type_code = Register::getTypeCode<Scalar>();
// const bool reverse_strides = MatType::IsRowMajor || (mat.rows() == 1);
// Eigen::DenseIndex inner_stride = reverse_strides ? mat.outerStride()
// : mat.innerStride(),
// outer_stride = reverse_strides ? mat.innerStride()
// : mat.outerStride();
// const int elsize =
// call_PyArray_DescrFromType(Scalar_type_code)->elsize; npy_intp
// strides[2] = {elsize * inner_stride, elsize * outer_stride};
// PyArrayObject *pyArray = (PyArrayObject *)call_PyArray_New(
// getPyArrayType(), static_cast<int>(nd), shape, Scalar_type_code,
// strides, const_cast<Scalar *>(,
// return pyArray;
// } else {
// return NumpyAllocator<MatType>::allocate(mat, nd, shape);
// }
// }
// };
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_scipy_allocator_hpp__