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  • jcarpent/eigenpy
  • gsaurel/eigenpy
  • stack-of-tasks/eigenpy
3 results
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with 1767 additions and 341 deletions
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_sparse_sparse_solver_base_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_sparse_sparse_solver_base_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen/EigenBase.hpp"
#include <Eigen/SparseCholesky>
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename SimplicialDerived>
struct SparseSolverBaseVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
SparseSolverBaseVisitor<SimplicialDerived> > {
typedef SimplicialDerived Solver;
typedef typename SimplicialDerived::MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, MatrixType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
cl.def("solve", &solve<DenseVectorXs>, bp::args("self", "b"),
"Returns the solution x of A x = b using the current "
"decomposition of A.")
.def("solve", &solve<DenseMatrixXs>, bp::args("self", "B"),
"Returns the solution X of A X = B using the current "
"decomposition of A where B is a right hand side matrix.")
.def("solve", &solve<MatrixType>, bp::args("self", "B"),
"Returns the solution X of A X = B using the current "
"decomposition of A where B is a right hand side matrix.");
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver &self, const MatrixOrVector &vec) {
return self.solve(vec);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_sparse_sparse_solver_base_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_accelerate_accelerate_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_accelerate_accelerate_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen/EigenBase.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/sparse/SparseSolverBase.hpp"
#include <Eigen/AccelerateSupport>
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename AccelerateDerived>
struct AccelerateImplVisitor : public boost::python::def_visitor<
AccelerateImplVisitor<AccelerateDerived> > {
typedef AccelerateDerived Solver;
typedef typename AccelerateDerived::MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef MatrixType CholMatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
.def("analyzePattern", &Solver::analyzePattern,
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Performs a symbolic decomposition on the sparcity of matrix.\n"
"This function is particularly useful when solving for several "
"problems having the same structure.")
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const MatrixType &matrix)) & Solver::compute,
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes the sparse Cholesky decomposition of a given matrix.",
.def("factorize", &Solver::factorize, bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Performs a numeric decomposition of a given matrix.\n"
"The given matrix must has the same sparcity than the matrix on "
"which the symbolic decomposition has been performed.\n"
"See also analyzePattern().")
.def("info", &Solver::info, bp::arg("self"),
"NumericalIssue if the input contains INF or NaN values or "
"overflow occured. Returns Success otherwise.")
.def("setOrder", &Solver::setOrder, bp::arg("self"), "Set order");
static void expose(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc = "") {
bp::class_<Solver, boost::noncopyable>(name.c_str(), doc.c_str(),
.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
.def(bp::init<MatrixType>(bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs and performs the "
"factorization from a given matrix."));
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_accelerate_accelerate_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_base_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_base_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen/EigenBase.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/sparse/SparseSolverBase.hpp"
#include <Eigen/CholmodSupport>
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename CholdmodDerived>
struct CholmodBaseVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<CholmodBaseVisitor<CholdmodDerived> > {
typedef CholdmodDerived Solver;
typedef typename CholdmodDerived::MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef MatrixType CholMatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
cl.def("analyzePattern", &Solver::analyzePattern,
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Performs a symbolic decomposition on the sparcity of matrix.\n"
"This function is particularly useful when solving for several "
"problems having the same structure.")
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const MatrixType &matrix)) & Solver::compute,
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes the sparse Cholesky decomposition of a given matrix.",
.def("determinant", &Solver::determinant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the determinant of the underlying matrix from the "
"current factorization.")
.def("factorize", &Solver::factorize, bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Performs a numeric decomposition of a given matrix.\n"
"The given matrix must has the same sparcity than the matrix on "
"which the symbolic decomposition has been performed.\n"
"See also analyzePattern().")
.def("info", &Solver::info, bp::arg("self"),
"NumericalIssue if the input contains INF or NaN values or "
"overflow occured. Returns Success otherwise.")
.def("logDeterminant", &Solver::logDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the log determinant of the underlying matrix from the "
"current factorization.")
.def("setShift", &Solver::setShift, (bp::args("self", "offset")),
"Sets the shift parameters that will be used to adjust the "
"diagonal coefficients during the numerical factorization.\n"
"During the numerical factorization, the diagonal coefficients "
"are transformed by the following linear model: d_ii = offset + "
"The default is the identity transformation with offset=0.",
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_base_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_decomposition_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_decomposition_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/sparse/cholmod/CholmodBase.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename CholdmodDerived>
struct CholmodDecompositionVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
CholmodDecompositionVisitor<CholdmodDerived> > {
typedef CholdmodDerived Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
.def("setMode", &Solver::setMode, bp::args("self", "mode"),
"Set the mode for the Cholesky decomposition.");
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef
// __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_decomposition_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_simplicial_ldlt_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_simplicial_ldlt_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/sparse/cholmod/CholmodDecomposition.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_ = Eigen::Lower>
struct CholmodSimplicialLDLTVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
CholmodSimplicialLDLTVisitor<MatrixType_, UpLo_> > {
typedef MatrixType_ MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::CholmodSimplicialLDLT<MatrixType_, UpLo_> Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
.def(bp::init<MatrixType>(bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs and performs the LDLT "
"factorization from a given matrix."))
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"CholmodSimplicialLDLT_" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
bp::class_<Solver, boost::noncopyable>(
"A simplicial direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on "
"This class allows to solve for A.X = B sparse linear problems via a "
"simplicial LL^T Cholesky factorization using the Cholmod library."
"This simplicial variant is equivalent to Eigen's built-in "
"SimplicialLDLT class."
"Therefore, it has little practical interest. The sparse matrix A must "
"be selfadjoint and positive definite."
"The vectors or matrices X and B can be either dense or sparse.",
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef
// __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_simplicial_ldlt_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_simplicial_llt_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_simplicial_llt_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/sparse/cholmod/CholmodDecomposition.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_ = Eigen::Lower>
struct CholmodSimplicialLLTVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
CholmodSimplicialLLTVisitor<MatrixType_, UpLo_> > {
typedef MatrixType_ MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::CholmodSimplicialLLT<MatrixType_, UpLo_> Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
.def(bp::init<MatrixType>(bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs and performs the LLT "
"factorization from a given matrix."))
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"CholmodSimplicialLLT_" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
bp::class_<Solver, boost::noncopyable>(
"A simplicial direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on "
"This class allows to solve for A.X = B sparse linear problems via a "
"simplicial LL^T Cholesky factorization using the Cholmod library."
"This simplicial variant is equivalent to Eigen's built-in "
"SimplicialLLT class."
"Therefore, it has little practical interest. The sparse matrix A must "
"be selfadjoint and positive definite."
"The vectors or matrices X and B can be either dense or sparse.",
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef
// __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_simplicial_llt_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_supernodal_llt_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_supernodal_llt_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/sparse/cholmod/CholmodDecomposition.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_ = Eigen::Lower>
struct CholmodSupernodalLLTVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
CholmodSupernodalLLTVisitor<MatrixType_, UpLo_> > {
typedef MatrixType_ MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT<MatrixType_, UpLo_> Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
.def(bp::init<MatrixType>(bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs and performs the LLT "
"factorization from a given matrix."))
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"CholmodSupernodalLLT_" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
bp::class_<Solver, boost::noncopyable>(
"A supernodal direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on "
"This class allows to solve for A.X = B sparse linear problems via a "
"supernodal LL^T Cholesky factorization using the Cholmod library."
"This supernodal variant performs best on dense enough problems, e.g., "
"3D FEM, or very high order 2D FEM."
"The sparse matrix A must be selfadjoint and positive definite. The "
"vectors or matrices X and B can be either dense or sparse.",
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef
// __eigenpy_decomposition_sparse_cholmod_cholmod_supernodal_llt_hpp__
// Copyright (C) 2020 INRIA
// Copyright (C) 2024 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_deprecation_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_deprecation_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
enum class DeprecationType { DEPRECATION, FUTURE };
namespace detail {
inline PyObject *deprecationTypeToPyObj(DeprecationType dep) {
switch (dep) {
case DeprecationType::DEPRECATION:
return PyExc_DeprecationWarning;
case DeprecationType::FUTURE:
return PyExc_FutureWarning;
default: // The switch handles all cases explicitly, this should never be
// triggered.
throw std::invalid_argument(
"Undefined DeprecationType - this should never be triggered.");
} // namespace detail
/// @brief A Boost.Python call policy which triggers a Python warning on
/// precall.
template <DeprecationType deprecation_type = DeprecationType::DEPRECATION,
class BasePolicy = bp::default_call_policies>
struct deprecation_warning_policy : BasePolicy {
using result_converter = typename BasePolicy::result_converter;
using argument_package = typename BasePolicy::argument_package;
deprecation_warning_policy(const std::string &warning_msg)
: BasePolicy(), m_what(warning_msg) {}
std::string what() const { return m_what; }
const BasePolicy *derived() const {
return static_cast<const BasePolicy *>(this);
template <class ArgPackage>
bool precall(const ArgPackage &args) const {
m_what.c_str(), 1);
return derived()->precall(args);
const std::string m_what;
template <DeprecationType deprecation_type = DeprecationType::DEPRECATION,
class BasePolicy = bp::default_call_policies>
struct deprecated_function
: deprecation_warning_policy<deprecation_type, BasePolicy> {
deprecated_function(const std::string &msg =
"This function has been marked as deprecated, and "
"will be removed in the future.")
: deprecation_warning_policy<deprecation_type, BasePolicy>(msg) {}
template <DeprecationType deprecation_type = DeprecationType::DEPRECATION,
class BasePolicy = bp::default_call_policies>
struct deprecated_member
: deprecation_warning_policy<deprecation_type, BasePolicy> {
deprecated_member(const std::string &msg =
"This attribute or method has been marked as "
"deprecated, and will be removed in the future.")
: deprecation_warning_policy<deprecation_type, BasePolicy>(msg) {}
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_deprecation_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2023, INRIA
* Copyright 2018-2024, INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_details_hpp__
......@@ -17,24 +17,69 @@
#include "eigenpy/scalar-conversion.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename MatType, typename EigenEquivalentType>
EIGENPY_DEPRECATED void enableEigenPySpecific() {
template <typename MatType>
void enableEigenPySpecific() {
if (check_registration<MatType>()) return;
template <typename EigenType,
typename BaseType = typename get_eigen_base_type<EigenType>::type,
typename Scalar = typename EigenType::Scalar>
struct expose_eigen_type_impl;
template <typename MatType, typename Scalar>
struct expose_eigen_type_impl<MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType>, Scalar> {
static void run() {
if (check_registration<MatType>()) return;
// to-python
// to-python
EigenToPyConverter<Eigen::Ref<MatType> >::registration();
EigenToPyConverter<const Eigen::Ref<const MatType> >::registration();
EigenToPyConverter<Eigen::Ref<MatType> >::registration();
EigenToPyConverter<const Eigen::Ref<const MatType> >::registration();
// from-python
template <typename MatType, typename Scalar>
struct expose_eigen_type_impl<MatType, Eigen::SparseMatrixBase<MatType>,
Scalar> {
static void run() {
if (check_registration<MatType>()) return;
// to-python
// #if EIGEN_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3, 2, 0)
// EigenToPyConverter<Eigen::Ref<MatType> >::registration();
// EigenToPyConverter<const Eigen::Ref<const MatType> >::registration();
// #endif
// from-python
template <typename TensorType, typename Scalar>
struct expose_eigen_type_impl<TensorType, Eigen::TensorBase<TensorType>,
Scalar> {
static void run() {
if (check_registration<TensorType>()) return;
// to-python
EigenToPyConverter<Eigen::TensorRef<TensorType> >::registration();
const Eigen::TensorRef<const TensorType> >::registration();
// from-python
// from-python
template <typename MatType>
void enableEigenPySpecific() {
} // namespace eigenpy
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -12,13 +12,12 @@
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename C>
template <typename EigenType,
typename BaseType = typename get_eigen_base_type<EigenType>::type>
struct expected_pytype_for_arg {};
template <typename Scalar, int Rows, int Cols, int Options, int MaxRows,
int MaxCols>
struct expected_pytype_for_arg<
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols> > {
template <typename MatType>
struct expected_pytype_for_arg<MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> > {
static PyTypeObject const *get_pytype() {
PyTypeObject const *py_type = eigenpy::getPyArrayType();
return py_type;
......@@ -59,44 +58,43 @@ struct copy_if_non_const<const MatType, true> {
template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
struct referent_storage_eigen_ref;
template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
template <typename _RefType>
struct referent_storage_eigen_ref {
typedef Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
typedef _RefType RefType;
typedef typename get_eigen_plain_type<RefType>::type PlainObjectType;
typedef typename ::eigenpy::aligned_storage<
::boost::python::detail::referent_size<RefType &>::value>::type
: pyArray(NULL),
ref_ptr(reinterpret_cast<RefType *>(ref_storage.bytes)) {}
referent_storage_eigen_ref(const RefType &ref, PyArrayObject *pyArray,
MatType *mat_ptr = NULL)
PlainObjectType *plain_ptr = NULL)
: pyArray(pyArray),
ref_ptr(reinterpret_cast<RefType *>(ref_storage.bytes)) {
new (ref_storage.bytes) RefType(ref);
~referent_storage_eigen_ref() {
if (mat_ptr != NULL && PyArray_ISWRITEABLE(pyArray))
copy_if_non_const<MatType>::run(*mat_ptr, pyArray);
if (plain_ptr != NULL && PyArray_ISWRITEABLE(pyArray))
copy_if_non_const<PlainObjectType>::run(*plain_ptr, pyArray);
if (mat_ptr != NULL) mat_ptr->~MatType();
if (plain_ptr != NULL) plain_ptr->~PlainObjectType();
AlignedStorage ref_storage;
PyArrayObject *pyArray;
MatType *mat_ptr;
PlainObjectType *plain_ptr;
RefType *ref_ptr;
......@@ -110,18 +108,16 @@ namespace detail {
template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
struct referent_storage<Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> &> {
typedef ::eigenpy::details::referent_storage_eigen_ref<MatType, Options,
typedef Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
typedef ::eigenpy::details::referent_storage_eigen_ref<RefType> StorageType;
typedef typename ::eigenpy::aligned_storage<
referent_size<StorageType &>::value>::type type;
template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
struct referent_storage<const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> &> {
typedef ::eigenpy::details::referent_storage_eigen_ref<const MatType, Options,
typedef Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
typedef ::eigenpy::details::referent_storage_eigen_ref<RefType> StorageType;
typedef typename ::eigenpy::aligned_storage<
referent_size<StorageType &>::value>::type type;
......@@ -173,7 +169,7 @@ struct rvalue_from_python_data<Eigen::PlainObjectBase<Derived> const &>
template <typename MatType, int Options, typename Stride>
struct rvalue_from_python_data<Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> &>
: rvalue_from_python_storage<Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> &> {
typedef Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> T;
typedef Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
#if (!defined(__MWERKS__) || __MWERKS__ >= 0x3000) && \
(!defined(__EDG_VERSION__) || __EDG_VERSION__ >= 245) && \
......@@ -181,7 +177,7 @@ struct rvalue_from_python_data<Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> &>
!defined(BOOST_PYTHON_SYNOPSIS) /* Synopsis' OpenCXX has trouble parsing \
this */
// This must always be a POD struct with m_data its first member.
stage1) == 0);
......@@ -199,9 +195,7 @@ struct rvalue_from_python_data<Eigen::Ref<MatType, Options, Stride> &>
// Destroys any object constructed in the storage.
~rvalue_from_python_data() {
typedef ::eigenpy::details::referent_storage_eigen_ref<MatType, Options,
typedef ::eigenpy::details::referent_storage_eigen_ref<RefType> StorageType;
if (this->stage1.convertible == this->storage.bytes)
static_cast<StorageType *>((void *)this->storage.bytes)->~StorageType();
......@@ -212,7 +206,7 @@ struct rvalue_from_python_data<
const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> &>
: rvalue_from_python_storage<
const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> &> {
typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> T;
typedef Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> RefType;
#if (!defined(__MWERKS__) || __MWERKS__ >= 0x3000) && \
(!defined(__EDG_VERSION__) || __EDG_VERSION__ >= 245) && \
......@@ -220,7 +214,7 @@ struct rvalue_from_python_data<
!defined(BOOST_PYTHON_SYNOPSIS) /* Synopsis' OpenCXX has trouble parsing \
this */
// This must always be a POD struct with m_data its first member.
stage1) == 0);
......@@ -238,9 +232,7 @@ struct rvalue_from_python_data<
// Destroys any object constructed in the storage.
~rvalue_from_python_data() {
typedef ::eigenpy::details::referent_storage_eigen_ref<const MatType,
Options, Stride>
typedef ::eigenpy::details::referent_storage_eigen_ref<RefType> StorageType;
if (this->stage1.convertible == this->storage.bytes)
static_cast<StorageType *>((void *)this->storage.bytes)->~StorageType();
......@@ -269,8 +261,23 @@ void eigen_from_py_construct(
memory->convertible = storage->storage.bytes;
template <typename MatType, typename _Scalar>
struct EigenFromPy {
template <typename EigenType,
typename BaseType = typename get_eigen_base_type<EigenType>::type>
struct eigen_from_py_impl {
typedef typename EigenType::Scalar Scalar;
/// \brief Determine if pyObj can be converted into a MatType object
static void *convertible(PyObject *pyObj);
/// \brief Allocate memory and copy pyObj in the new storage
static void construct(PyObject *pyObj,
bp::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data *memory);
static void registration();
template <typename MatType>
struct eigen_from_py_impl<MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> > {
typedef typename MatType::Scalar Scalar;
/// \brief Determine if pyObj can be converted into a MatType object
......@@ -283,8 +290,14 @@ struct EigenFromPy {
static void registration();
template <typename MatType, typename _Scalar>
void *EigenFromPy<MatType, _Scalar>::convertible(PyObject *pyObj) {
template <typename EigenType,
typename Scalar =
typename boost::remove_reference<EigenType>::type::Scalar>
struct EigenFromPy : eigen_from_py_impl<EigenType> {};
template <typename MatType>
void *eigen_from_py_impl<MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> >::convertible(
PyObject *pyObj) {
if (!call_PyArray_Check(reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(pyObj))) return 0;
PyArrayObject *pyArray = reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject *>(pyObj);
......@@ -384,26 +397,33 @@ void *EigenFromPy<MatType, _Scalar>::convertible(PyObject *pyObj) {
return pyArray;
template <typename MatType, typename _Scalar>
void EigenFromPy<MatType, _Scalar>::construct(
template <typename MatType>
void eigen_from_py_impl<MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> >::construct(
PyObject *pyObj, bp::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data *memory) {
eigen_from_py_construct<MatType>(pyObj, memory);
template <typename MatType, typename _Scalar>
void EigenFromPy<MatType, _Scalar>::registration() {
template <typename MatType>
void eigen_from_py_impl<MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> >::registration() {
reinterpret_cast<void *(*)(_object *)>(&EigenFromPy::convertible),
&EigenFromPy::construct, bp::type_id<MatType>()
reinterpret_cast<void *(*)(_object *)>(&eigen_from_py_impl::convertible),
&eigen_from_py_impl::construct, bp::type_id<MatType>()
template <typename EigenType,
typename BaseType = typename get_eigen_base_type<EigenType>::type>
struct eigen_from_py_converter_impl;
template <typename EigenType>
struct EigenFromPyConverter : eigen_from_py_converter_impl<EigenType> {};
template <typename MatType>
struct EigenFromPyConverter {
struct eigen_from_py_converter_impl<MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> > {
static void registration() {
......@@ -535,4 +555,10 @@ struct EigenFromPy<const Eigen::Ref<const MatType, Options, Stride> > {
} // namespace eigenpy
#include "eigenpy/tensor/eigen-from-python.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/sparse/eigen-from-python.hpp"
#endif // __eigenpy_eigen_from_python_hpp__
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright (c) 2020 INRIA
// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_eigen_typedef_hpp__
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
EIGENPY_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, Options, TypeSuffix, Eigen::Dynamic, X) \
EIGENPY_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, Options, TypeSuffix, 2) \
EIGENPY_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, Options, TypeSuffix, 3) \
EIGENPY_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, Options, TypeSuffix, 4)
EIGENPY_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, Options, TypeSuffix, 4) \
EIGENPY_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, Options, TypeSuffix, 1, 1) \
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Options> SparseMatrixX##TypeSuffix
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_eigen_typedef_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_eigen_eigen_base_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_eigen_eigen_base_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename Derived>
struct EigenBaseVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<EigenBaseVisitor<Derived> > {
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
cl.def("cols", &Derived::cols, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of columns.")
.def("rows", &Derived::rows, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of rows.")
.def("size", &Derived::rows, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of coefficients, which is rows()*cols().");
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_eigen_eigen_base_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2020, INRIA
* Copyright 2018-2024, INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_eigenpy_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_eigenpy_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/deprecated.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen-typedef.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/expose.hpp"
/// Custom CallPolicies
#include "eigenpy/std-unique-ptr.hpp"
......@@ -19,22 +22,20 @@ namespace eigenpy {
void EIGENPY_DLLAPI enableEigenPy();
/* Enable the Eigen--Numpy serialization for the templated MatrixBase class.
* The second template argument is used for inheritance of Eigen classes. If
* using a native Eigen::MatrixBase, simply repeat the same arg twice. */
bool EIGENPY_DLLAPI withTensorSupport();
/* Enable the Eigen--Numpy serialization for the templated MatType class.*/
template <typename MatType>
void enableEigenPySpecific();
/* Enable the Eigen--Numpy serialization for the templated MatrixBase class.
* The second template argument is used for inheritance of Eigen classes. If
* using a native Eigen::MatrixBase, simply repeat the same arg twice. */
template <typename MatType, typename EigenEquivalentType>
EIGENPY_DEPRECATED void enableEigenPySpecific();
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void exposeType() {
......@@ -56,11 +57,19 @@ EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void exposeType() {
template <typename Scalar>
EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void exposeType() {
exposeType<Scalar, 0>();
enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, 1> >();
enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, 2> >();
enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, 3> >();
} // namespace eigenpy
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