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  • jcarpent/eigenpy
  • gsaurel/eigenpy
  • stack-of-tasks/eigenpy
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with 1963 additions and 125 deletions
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FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt-get update -y && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -qqy \
build-essential \
cmake \
cmake-curses-gui \
vim \
gdb \
git \
libboost-all-dev \
libeigen3-dev \
liburdfdom-dev \
RUN git clone --recursive -j2 -b devel
WORKDIR /src/eigenpy/build
RUN make -sj2
"nodes": {
"flake-parts": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs-lib": "nixpkgs-lib"
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1738453229,
"narHash": "sha256-7H9XgNiGLKN1G1CgRh0vUL4AheZSYzPm+zmZ7vxbJdo=",
"owner": "hercules-ci",
"repo": "flake-parts",
"rev": "32ea77a06711b758da0ad9bd6a844c5740a87abd",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "hercules-ci",
"repo": "flake-parts",
"type": "github"
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"lastModified": 1738410390,
"narHash": "sha256-xvTo0Aw0+veek7hvEVLzErmJyQkEcRk6PSR4zsRQFEc=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "3a228057f5b619feb3186e986dbe76278d707b6e",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "nixos-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"nixpkgs-lib": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1738452942,
"narHash": "sha256-vJzFZGaCpnmo7I6i416HaBLpC+hvcURh/BQwROcGIp8=",
"type": "tarball",
"url": ""
"original": {
"type": "tarball",
"url": ""
"root": {
"inputs": {
"flake-parts": "flake-parts",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"
"root": "root",
"version": 7
description = "Bindings between Numpy and Eigen using Boost.Python";
inputs = {
flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
outputs =
inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
systems =;
perSystem =
{ pkgs, self', ... }:
apps.default = {
type = "app";
program = pkgs.python3.withPackages (_: [ self'.packages.default ]);
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell { inputsFrom = [ self'.packages.default ]; };
packages = {
default = self'.packages.eigenpy;
eigenpy = pkgs.python3Packages.eigenpy.overrideAttrs (_: {
src = pkgs.lib.fileset.toSource {
root = ./.;
fileset = pkgs.lib.fileset.unions [
* Copyright 2023 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_alignment_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_alignment_hpp__
#include <boost/python/detail/referent_storage.hpp>
#include <boost/python/converter/arg_from_python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/converter/rvalue_from_python_data.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/aligned_storage.hpp>
#include <eigenpy/utils/is-aligned.hpp>
namespace eigenpy {
template <std::size_t size, std::size_t alignment = EIGENPY_DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES>
struct aligned_storage {
union type {
typename ::boost::aligned_storage<size, alignment>::type data;
char bytes[size];
template <class Data>
struct aligned_instance {
PyObject_VAR_HEAD PyObject *dict;
PyObject *weakrefs;
boost::python::instance_holder *objects;
typename aligned_storage<sizeof(Data)>::type storage;
inline void *aligned_malloc(
std::size_t size, std::size_t alignment = EIGENPY_DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES) {
void *original = std::malloc(size + alignment);
if (original == 0) return 0;
if (is_aligned(original, alignment)) return original;
void *aligned =
reinterpret_cast<void *>((reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(original) &
~(std::size_t(alignment - 1))) +
*(reinterpret_cast<void **>(aligned) - 1) = original;
return aligned;
} // namespace eigenpy
namespace boost {
namespace python {
namespace detail {
template <typename Scalar, int Rows, int Cols, int Options, int MaxRows,
int MaxCols>
struct referent_storage<
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols> &> {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols> T;
typename eigenpy::aligned_storage<referent_size<T &>::value>::type type;
template <typename Scalar, int Rows, int Cols, int Options, int MaxRows,
int MaxCols>
struct referent_storage<
const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols> &> {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols> T;
typename eigenpy::aligned_storage<referent_size<T &>::value>::type type;
template <typename Scalar, int Rank, int Options, typename IndexType>
struct referent_storage<Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, Rank, Options, IndexType> &> {
typedef Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, Rank, Options, IndexType> T;
typename eigenpy::aligned_storage<referent_size<T &>::value>::type type;
template <typename Scalar, int Rank, int Options, typename IndexType>
struct referent_storage<
const Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, Rank, Options, IndexType> &> {
typedef Eigen::Tensor<Scalar, Rank, Options, IndexType> T;
typename eigenpy::aligned_storage<referent_size<T &>::value>::type type;
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
struct referent_storage<Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar, Options> &> {
typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar, Options> T;
typename eigenpy::aligned_storage<referent_size<T &>::value>::type type;
template <typename Scalar, int Options>
struct referent_storage<const Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar, Options> &> {
typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar, Options> T;
typename eigenpy::aligned_storage<referent_size<T &>::value>::type type;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace python
} // namespace boost
namespace boost {
namespace python {
namespace objects {
// Force alignment of instance with value_holder
template <typename Derived>
struct instance<value_holder<Derived> >
: ::eigenpy::aligned_instance<value_holder<Derived> > {};
} // namespace objects
} // namespace python
} // namespace boost
namespace eigenpy {
template <class T>
struct call_destructor {
static void run(void *bytes) {
typedef typename boost::remove_const<
typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type>::type T_;
static_cast<T_ *>((void *)bytes)->~T_();
template <class T>
struct rvalue_from_python_data
: ::boost::python::converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<T> {
#if (!defined(__MWERKS__) || __MWERKS__ >= 0x3000) && \
(!defined(__EDG_VERSION__) || __EDG_VERSION__ >= 245) && \
(!defined(__DECCXX_VER) || __DECCXX_VER > 60590014) && \
!defined(BOOST_PYTHON_SYNOPSIS) /* Synopsis' OpenCXX has trouble parsing \
this */
// This must always be a POD struct with m_data its first member.
::boost::python::converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<T>, stage1) ==
// The usual constructor
::boost::python::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data const
&_stage1) {
this->stage1 = _stage1;
// This constructor just sets m_convertible -- used by
// implicitly_convertible<> to perform the final step of the
// conversion, where the construct() function is already known.
rvalue_from_python_data(void *convertible) {
this->stage1.convertible = convertible;
// Destroys any object constructed in the storage.
~rvalue_from_python_data() {
if (this->stage1.convertible == this->storage.bytes) {
void *storage = reinterpret_cast<void *>(this->storage.bytes);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // __eigenpy_alignment_hpp__
* Copyright 2014-2019, CNRS
* Copyright 2018-2019, INRIA
* Copyright 2014-2023 CNRS INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_angle_axis_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_angle_axis_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
namespace eigenpy
namespace bp = boost::python;
template<typename AngleAxis> class AngleAxisVisitor;
namespace internal
template<typename Scalar>
struct call_expose< Eigen::AngleAxis<Scalar> >
typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<Scalar> type;
static inline void run()
} // namespace internal
template<typename AngleAxis>
class AngleAxisVisitor
: public bp::def_visitor< AngleAxisVisitor<AngleAxis> >
typedef typename AngleAxis::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename AngleAxis::Vector3 Vector3;
typedef typename AngleAxis::Matrix3 Matrix3;
typedef typename Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar,0> Quaternion;
template<class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const
.def(bp::init<>("Default constructor"))
"Initialize from angle and axis."))
"Initialize from a rotation matrix"))
.def(bp::init<Quaternion>(bp::arg("quaternion"),"Initialize from a quaternion."))
.def(bp::init<AngleAxis>(bp::arg("copy"),"Copy constructor."))
/* --- Properties --- */
bp::make_function((const Vector3 & (AngleAxis::*)()const)&AngleAxis::axis,
&AngleAxisVisitor::setAxis,"The rotation axis.")
(Scalar (AngleAxis::*)()const)&AngleAxis::angle,
&AngleAxisVisitor::setAngle,"The rotation angle.")
/* --- Methods --- */
.def("inverse",&AngleAxis::inverse,"Return the inverse rotation.")
.def("fromRotationMatrix",&AngleAxis::template fromRotationMatrix<Matrix3>,
bp::arg("Sets *this from a 3x3 rotation matrix."),bp::return_self<>())
.def("toRotationMatrix",&AngleAxis::toRotationMatrix,"Constructs and returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix.")
.def("matrix",&AngleAxis::matrix,"Returns an equivalent rotation matrix.")
.def("isApprox",(bool (AngleAxis::*)(const AngleAxis &))&AngleAxis::isApprox,
"Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other.")
.def("isApprox",(bool (AngleAxis::*)(const AngleAxis &, const Scalar prec))&AngleAxis::isApprox,
"Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other, within the precision determined by prec.")
/* --- Operators --- */
.def(bp::self * bp::other<Vector3>())
.def(bp::self * bp::other<Quaternion>())
.def(bp::self * bp::self)
static void setAxis(AngleAxis & self, const Vector3 & axis)
{ self.axis() = axis; }
static void setAngle( AngleAxis & self, const Scalar & angle)
{ self.angle() = angle; }
static bool __eq__(const AngleAxis & u, const AngleAxis & v)
{ return u.isApprox(v); }
static bool __ne__(const AngleAxis & u, const AngleAxis & v)
{ return !__eq__(u,v); }
static std::string print(const AngleAxis & self)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "angle: " << self.angle() << std::endl;
ss << "axis: " << self.axis().transpose() << std::endl;
return ss.str();
static void expose()
"AngleAxis representation of rotations.\n\n",
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif //ifndef __eigenpy_angle_axis_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename AngleAxis>
class AngleAxisVisitor;
template <typename Scalar>
struct call<Eigen::AngleAxis<Scalar> > {
typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<Scalar> AngleAxis;
static inline void expose() { AngleAxisVisitor<AngleAxis>::expose(); }
static inline bool isApprox(
const AngleAxis& self, const AngleAxis& other,
const Scalar& prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) {
return self.isApprox(other, prec);
template <typename AngleAxis>
class AngleAxisVisitor : public bp::def_visitor<AngleAxisVisitor<AngleAxis> > {
typedef typename AngleAxis::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename AngleAxis::Vector3 Vector3;
typedef typename AngleAxis::Matrix3 Matrix3;
typedef typename Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar, 0> Quaternion;
typedef Eigen::RotationBase<AngleAxis, 3> RotationBase;
call<AngleAxis>::isApprox, 2, 3)
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const {
cl.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
.def(bp::init<Scalar, Vector3>(bp::args("self", "angle", "axis"),
"Initialize from angle and axis."))
.def(bp::init<Matrix3>(bp::args("self", "R"),
"Initialize from a rotation matrix"))
.def(bp::init<Quaternion>(bp::args("self", "quaternion"),
"Initialize from a quaternion."))
.def(bp::init<AngleAxis>(bp::args("self", "copy"), "Copy constructor."))
/* --- Properties --- */
bp::make_function((Vector3 & (AngleAxis::*)()) & AngleAxis::axis,
&AngleAxisVisitor::setAxis, "The rotation axis.")
.add_property("angle", (Scalar(AngleAxis::*)() const)&AngleAxis::angle,
&AngleAxisVisitor::setAngle, "The rotation angle.")
/* --- Methods --- */
.def("inverse", &AngleAxis::inverse, bp::arg("self"),
"Return the inverse rotation.")
&AngleAxis::template fromRotationMatrix<Matrix3>,
(bp::arg("self"), bp::arg("rotation matrix")),
"Sets *this from a 3x3 rotation matrix", bp::return_self<>())
.def("toRotationMatrix", &AngleAxis::toRotationMatrix,
// bp::arg("self"),
"Constructs and returns an equivalent rotation matrix.")
.def("matrix", &AngleAxis::matrix, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns an equivalent rotation matrix.")
.def("isApprox", &call<AngleAxis>::isApprox,
bp::args("self", "other", "prec"),
"Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other, "
"within the precision determined by prec."))
/* --- Operators --- */
.def(bp::self * bp::other<Vector3>())
.def(bp::self * bp::other<Quaternion>())
.def(bp::self * bp::self)
.def("__eq__", &AngleAxisVisitor::__eq__)
.def("__ne__", &AngleAxisVisitor::__ne__)
.def("__str__", &print)
.def("__repr__", &print);
static void setAxis(AngleAxis& self, const Vector3& axis) {
self.axis() = axis;
static void setAngle(AngleAxis& self, const Scalar& angle) {
self.angle() = angle;
static bool __eq__(const AngleAxis& u, const AngleAxis& v) {
return u.axis() == v.axis() && v.angle() == u.angle();
static bool __ne__(const AngleAxis& u, const AngleAxis& v) {
return !__eq__(u, v);
static std::string print(const AngleAxis& self) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "angle: " << self.angle() << std::endl;
ss << "axis: " << self.axis().transpose() << std::endl;
return ss.str();
static void expose() {
"AngleAxis", "AngleAxis representation of a rotation.\n\n", bp::no_init)
// Cast to Eigen::RotationBase
bp::implicitly_convertible<AngleAxis, RotationBase>();
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_angle_axis_hpp__
* Copyright 2020 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_computation_info_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_computation_info_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/fwd.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
inline void exposeComputationInfo() {
.value("Success", Eigen::Success)
.value("NumericalIssue", Eigen::NumericalIssue)
.value("NoConvergence", Eigen::NoConvergence)
.value("InvalidInput", Eigen::InvalidInput);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // define __eigenpy_decompositions_computation_info_hpp__
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 CNRS INRIA
// Copyright (c) 2023 Heriot-Watt University
#ifndef __eigenpy_utils_copyable_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_utils_copyable_hpp__
#include <boost/python.hpp>
namespace eigenpy {
/// \brief Add the Python method copy to allow a copy of this by calling the
/// copy constructor.
template <class C>
struct CopyableVisitor : public bp::def_visitor<CopyableVisitor<C> > {
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const {
cl.def("copy", &copy, bp::arg("self"), "Returns a copy of *this.");
cl.def("__copy__", &copy, bp::arg("self"), "Returns a copy of *this.");
cl.def("__deepcopy__", &deepcopy, bp::args("self", "memo"),
"Returns a deep copy of *this.");
static C copy(const C& self) { return C(self); }
static C deepcopy(const C& self, bp::dict) { return C(self); }
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_utils_copyable_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_col_piv_houselholder_qr_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_col_piv_houselholder_qr_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
#include <Eigen/QR>
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct ColPivHouseholderQRSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
ColPivHouseholderQRSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, MatrixType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
typedef Eigen::ColPivHouseholderQR<MatrixType> Solver;
typedef Solver Self;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
"Default constructor.\n"
"The default constructor is useful in cases in which the "
"user intends to perform decompositions via "
.def(bp::init<Eigen::DenseIndex, Eigen::DenseIndex>(
bp::args("self", "rows", "cols"),
"Default constructor with memory preallocation.\n"
"Like the default constructor but with preallocation of the "
"internal data according to the specified problem size. "))
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs a QR factorization from a given matrix.\n"
"This constructor computes the QR factorization of the matrix "
"matrix by calling the method compute()."))
.def("absDeterminant", &Self::absDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix of "
"which *this is the QR decomposition.\n"
"It has only linear complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the "
"dimension of the square matrix) as the QR decomposition has "
"already been computed.\n"
"Note: This is only for square matrices.")
.def("logAbsDeterminant", &Self::logAbsDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the natural log of the absolute value of the determinant "
"of the matrix of which *this is the QR decomposition.\n"
"It has only linear complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the "
"dimension of the square matrix) as the QR decomposition has "
"already been computed.\n"
"Note: This is only for square matrices. This method is useful to "
"work around the risk of overflow/underflow that's inherent to "
"determinant computation.")
.def("dimensionOfKernel", &Self::dimensionOfKernel, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the dimension of the kernel of the matrix of which *this "
"is the QR decomposition.")
.def("info", &Self::info, bp::arg("self"),
"Reports whether the QR factorization was successful.\n"
"Note: This function always returns Success. It is provided for "
"compatibility with other factorization routines.")
.def("isInjective", &Self::isInjective, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with this QR decomposition "
"represents an injective linear map, i.e. has trivial kernel; "
"false otherwise.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("isInvertible", &Self::isInvertible, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with the QR decomposition "
"is invertible.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("isSurjective", &Self::isSurjective, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with this QR decomposition "
"represents a surjective linear map; false otherwise.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("maxPivot", &Self::maxPivot, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the absolute value of the biggest pivot, i.e. the "
"biggest diagonal coefficient of U.")
.def("nonzeroPivots", &Self::nonzeroPivots, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of nonzero pivots in the QR decomposition. "
"Here nonzero is meant in the exact sense, not in a fuzzy sense. "
"So that notion isn't really intrinsically interesting, but it is "
"still useful when implementing algorithms.")
.def("rank", &Self::rank, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the rank of the matrix associated with the QR "
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
(Self & (Self::*)(const RealScalar &)) & Self::setThreshold,
bp::args("self", "threshold"),
"Allows to prescribe a threshold to be used by certain methods, "
"such as rank(), who need to determine when pivots are to be "
"considered nonzero. This is not used for the QR decomposition "
"When it needs to get the threshold value, Eigen calls "
"threshold(). By default, this uses a formula to automatically "
"determine a reasonable threshold. Once you have called the "
"present method setThreshold(const RealScalar&), your value is "
"used instead.\n"
"Note: A pivot will be considered nonzero if its absolute value "
"is strictly greater than |pivot| ⩽ threshold×|maxpivot| where "
"maxpivot is the biggest pivot.",
.def("threshold", &Self::threshold, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the threshold that will be used by certain methods such "
"as rank().")
.def("matrixQR", &Self::matrixQR, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the matrix where the Householder QR decomposition is "
"stored in a LAPACK-compatible way.",
.def("matrixR", &Self::matrixR, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the matrix where the result Householder QR is stored.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType> &matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes the QR factorization of given matrix.",
.def("inverse", inverse, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the inverse of the matrix associated with the QR "
.def("solve", &solve<MatrixXs>, bp::args("self", "B"),
"Returns the solution X of A X = B using the current "
"decomposition of A where B is a right hand side matrix.");
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"ColPivHouseholderQR" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
"This class performs a rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix A "
"into matrices P, Q and R such that:\n"
"by using Householder transformations. Here, P is a permutation "
"matrix, Q a unitary matrix and R an upper triangular matrix.\n"
"This decomposition performs column pivoting in order to be "
"rank-revealing and improve numerical stability. It is slower than "
"HouseholderQR, and faster than FullPivHouseholderQR.",
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver &self, const MatrixOrVector &vec) {
return self.solve(vec);
static MatrixXs inverse(const Self &self) { return self.inverse(); }
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_col_piv_houselholder_qr_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_complete_orthogonal_decomposition_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_complete_orthogonal_decomposition_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
#include <Eigen/QR>
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct CompleteOrthogonalDecompositionSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
CompleteOrthogonalDecompositionSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, MatrixType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
typedef Eigen::CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition<MatrixType> Solver;
typedef Solver Self;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
"Default constructor.\n"
"The default constructor is useful in cases in which the "
"user intends to perform decompositions via "
.def(bp::init<Eigen::DenseIndex, Eigen::DenseIndex>(
bp::args("self", "rows", "cols"),
"Default constructor with memory preallocation.\n"
"Like the default constructor but with preallocation of the "
"internal data according to the specified problem size. "))
.def(bp::init<MatrixType>(bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs a complete orthogonal "
"factorization from a given matrix.\n"
"This constructor computes the complete "
"orthogonal factorization of the matrix "
"matrix by calling the method compute()."))
.def("absDeterminant", &Self::absDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix "
"associated with the complete orthogonal decomposition.\n"
"It has only linear complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the "
"dimension of the square matrix) as the complete orthogonal "
"decomposition has "
"already been computed.\n"
"Note: This is only for square matrices.")
.def("logAbsDeterminant", &Self::logAbsDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the natural log of the absolute value of the determinant "
"of the matrix of which *this is the complete orthogonal "
"It has only linear complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the "
"dimension of the square matrix) as the complete orthogonal "
"decomposition has "
"already been computed.\n"
"Note: This is only for square matrices. This method is useful to "
"work around the risk of overflow/underflow that's inherent to "
"determinant computation.")
.def("dimensionOfKernel", &Self::dimensionOfKernel, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the dimension of the kernel of the matrix of which *this "
"is the complete orthogonal decomposition.")
.def("info", &Self::info, bp::arg("self"),
"Reports whether the complete orthogonal factorization was "
"Note: This function always returns Success. It is provided for "
"compatibility with other factorization routines.")
.def("isInjective", &Self::isInjective, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with this complete "
"orthogonal decomposition "
"represents an injective linear map, i.e. has trivial kernel; "
"false otherwise.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("isInvertible", &Self::isInvertible, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with the complete "
"orthogonal decomposition "
"is invertible.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("isSurjective", &Self::isSurjective, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with this complete "
"orthogonal decomposition "
"represents a surjective linear map; false otherwise.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("maxPivot", &Self::maxPivot, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the absolute value of the biggest pivot, i.e. the "
"biggest diagonal coefficient of U.")
.def("nonzeroPivots", &Self::nonzeroPivots, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of nonzero pivots in the complete orthogonal "
"decomposition. "
"Here nonzero is meant in the exact sense, not in a fuzzy sense. "
"So that notion isn't really intrinsically interesting, but it is "
"still useful when implementing algorithms.")
.def("rank", &Self::rank, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the rank of the matrix associated with the complete "
"orthogonal "
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
(Self & (Self::*)(const RealScalar &)) & Self::setThreshold,
bp::args("self", "threshold"),
"Allows to prescribe a threshold to be used by certain methods, "
"such as rank(), who need to determine when pivots are to be "
"considered nonzero. This is not used for the complete orthogonal "
"decomposition "
"When it needs to get the threshold value, Eigen calls "
"threshold(). By default, this uses a formula to automatically "
"determine a reasonable threshold. Once you have called the "
"present method setThreshold(const RealScalar&), your value is "
"used instead.\n"
"Note: A pivot will be considered nonzero if its absolute value "
"is strictly greater than |pivot| ⩽ threshold×|maxpivot| where "
"maxpivot is the biggest pivot.",
.def("threshold", &Self::threshold, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the threshold that will be used by certain methods such "
"as rank().")
.def("matrixQTZ", &Self::matrixQTZ, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the matrix where the complete orthogonal decomposition "
"is stored.",
.def("matrixT", &Self::matrixT, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the matrix where the complete orthogonal decomposition "
"is stored.",
.def("matrixZ", &Self::matrixZ, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the matrix Z.")
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType> &matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes the complete orthogonal factorization of given matrix.",
.def("pseudoInverse", pseudoInverse, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the pseudo-inverse of the matrix associated with the "
"complete orthogonal "
.def("solve", &solve<MatrixXs>, bp::args("self", "B"),
"Returns the solution X of A X = B using the current "
"decomposition of A where B is a right hand side matrix.");
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
"This class performs a rank-revealing complete orthogonal "
"decomposition of a matrix A into matrices P, Q, T, and Z such that:\n"
"by using Householder transformations. Here, P is a permutation "
"matrix, Q and Z are unitary matrices and T an upper triangular matrix "
"of size rank-by-rank. A may be rank deficient.",
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver &self, const MatrixOrVector &vec) {
return self.solve(vec);
static MatrixXs pseudoInverse(const Self &self) {
return self.pseudoInverse();
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef
// __eigenpy_decompositions_complete_orthogonal_decomposition_hpp__
* Copyright 2020 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_eigen_solver_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_eigen_solver_hpp__
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
#include "eigenpy/eigen-to-python.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct EigenSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<EigenSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef Eigen::EigenSolver<MatrixType> Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const {
cl.def(bp::init<>("Default constructor"))
bp::arg("size"), "Default constructor with memory preallocation"))
.def(bp::init<MatrixType, bp::optional<bool> >(
bp::args("matrix", "compute_eigen_vectors"),
"Computes eigendecomposition of given matrix"))
.def("eigenvalues", &Solver::eigenvalues, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the eigenvalues of given matrix.",
.def("eigenvectors", &Solver::eigenvectors, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the eigenvectors of given matrix.")
.def("compute", &EigenSolverVisitor::compute_proxy<MatrixType>,
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes the eigendecomposition of given matrix.",
(Solver &
(Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType>& matrix, bool)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix", "compute_eigen_vectors"),
"Computes the eigendecomposition of given matrix.",
.def("getMaxIterations", &Solver::getMaxIterations, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the maximum number of iterations.")
.def("setMaxIterations", &Solver::setMaxIterations,
bp::args("self", "max_iter"),
"Sets the maximum number of iterations allowed.",
.def("pseudoEigenvalueMatrix", &Solver::pseudoEigenvalueMatrix,
"Returns the block-diagonal matrix in the "
.def("pseudoEigenvectors", &Solver::pseudoEigenvectors, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the pseudo-eigenvectors of given matrix.",
.def("info", &Solver::info, bp::arg("self"),
"NumericalIssue if the input contains INF or NaN values or "
"overflow occured. Returns Success otherwise.");
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"EigenSolver" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string& name) {
bp::class_<Solver>(name.c_str(), bp::no_init)
template <typename MatrixType>
static Solver& compute_proxy(Solver& self,
const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType>& matrix) {
return self.compute(matrix);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_eigen_solver_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_full_piv_houselholder_qr_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_full_piv_houselholder_qr_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
#include <Eigen/QR>
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct FullPivHouseholderQRSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
FullPivHouseholderQRSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, MatrixType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
typedef Eigen::FullPivHouseholderQR<MatrixType> Solver;
typedef Solver Self;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
"Default constructor.\n"
"The default constructor is useful in cases in which the "
"user intends to perform decompositions via "
.def(bp::init<Eigen::DenseIndex, Eigen::DenseIndex>(
bp::args("self", "rows", "cols"),
"Default constructor with memory preallocation.\n"
"Like the default constructor but with preallocation of the "
"internal data according to the specified problem size. "))
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs a QR factorization from a given matrix.\n"
"This constructor computes the QR factorization of the matrix "
"matrix by calling the method compute()."))
.def("absDeterminant", &Self::absDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix of "
"which *this is the QR decomposition.\n"
"It has only linear complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the "
"dimension of the square matrix) as the QR decomposition has "
"already been computed.\n"
"Note: This is only for square matrices.")
.def("logAbsDeterminant", &Self::logAbsDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the natural log of the absolute value of the determinant "
"of the matrix of which *this is the QR decomposition.\n"
"It has only linear complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the "
"dimension of the square matrix) as the QR decomposition has "
"already been computed.\n"
"Note: This is only for square matrices. This method is useful to "
"work around the risk of overflow/underflow that's inherent to "
"determinant computation.")
.def("dimensionOfKernel", &Self::dimensionOfKernel, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the dimension of the kernel of the matrix of which *this "
"is the QR decomposition.")
.def("isInjective", &Self::isInjective, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with this QR decomposition "
"represents an injective linear map, i.e. has trivial kernel; "
"false otherwise.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("isInvertible", &Self::isInvertible, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with the QR decomposition "
"is invertible.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("isSurjective", &Self::isSurjective, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix associated with this QR decomposition "
"represents a surjective linear map; false otherwise.\n"
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
.def("maxPivot", &Self::maxPivot, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the absolute value of the biggest pivot, i.e. the "
"biggest diagonal coefficient of U.")
.def("nonzeroPivots", &Self::nonzeroPivots, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of nonzero pivots in the QR decomposition. "
"Here nonzero is meant in the exact sense, not in a fuzzy sense. "
"So that notion isn't really intrinsically interesting, but it is "
"still useful when implementing algorithms.")
.def("rank", &Self::rank, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the rank of the matrix associated with the QR "
"Note: This method has to determine which pivots should be "
"considered nonzero. For that, it uses the threshold value that "
"you can control by calling setThreshold(threshold).")
(Self & (Self::*)(const RealScalar &)) & Self::setThreshold,
bp::args("self", "threshold"),
"Allows to prescribe a threshold to be used by certain methods, "
"such as rank(), who need to determine when pivots are to be "
"considered nonzero. This is not used for the QR decomposition "
"When it needs to get the threshold value, Eigen calls "
"threshold(). By default, this uses a formula to automatically "
"determine a reasonable threshold. Once you have called the "
"present method setThreshold(const RealScalar&), your value is "
"used instead.\n"
"Note: A pivot will be considered nonzero if its absolute value "
"is strictly greater than |pivot| ⩽ threshold×|maxpivot| where "
"maxpivot is the biggest pivot.",
.def("threshold", &Self::threshold, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the threshold that will be used by certain methods such "
"as rank().")
.def("matrixQR", &Self::matrixQR, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the matrix where the Householder QR decomposition is "
"stored in a LAPACK-compatible way.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType> &matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes the QR factorization of given matrix.",
.def("inverse", inverse, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the inverse of the matrix associated with the QR "
.def("solve", &solve<MatrixXs>, bp::args("self", "B"),
"Returns the solution X of A X = B using the current "
"decomposition of A where B is a right hand side matrix.");
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"FullPivHouseholderQR" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
"This class performs a rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix A "
"into matrices P, P', Q and R such that:\n"
"by using Householder transformations. Here, P and P' are permutation "
"matrices, Q a unitary matrix and R an upper triangular matrix.\n"
"This decomposition performs a very prudent full pivoting in order to "
"be rank-revealing and achieve optimal numerical stability. The "
"trade-off is that it is slower than HouseholderQR and "
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver &self, const MatrixOrVector &vec) {
return self.solve(vec);
static MatrixXs inverse(const Self &self) { return self.inverse(); }
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_full_piv_houselholder_qr_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_houselholder_qr_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_houselholder_qr_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
#include <Eigen/QR>
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct HouseholderQRSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
HouseholderQRSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, MatrixType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
typedef Eigen::HouseholderQR<MatrixType> Solver;
typedef Solver Self;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
"Default constructor.\n"
"The default constructor is useful in cases in which the "
"user intends to perform decompositions via "
.def(bp::init<Eigen::DenseIndex, Eigen::DenseIndex>(
bp::args("self", "rows", "cols"),
"Default constructor with memory preallocation.\n"
"Like the default constructor but with preallocation of the "
"internal data according to the specified problem size. "))
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs a QR factorization from a given matrix.\n"
"This constructor computes the QR factorization of the matrix "
"matrix by calling the method compute()."))
.def("absDeterminant", &Self::absDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix of "
"which *this is the QR decomposition.\n"
"It has only linear complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the "
"dimension of the square matrix) as the QR decomposition has "
"already been computed.\n"
"Note: This is only for square matrices.")
.def("logAbsDeterminant", &Self::logAbsDeterminant, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the natural log of the absolute value of the determinant "
"of the matrix of which *this is the QR decomposition.\n"
"It has only linear complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the "
"dimension of the square matrix) as the QR decomposition has "
"already been computed.\n"
"Note: This is only for square matrices. This method is useful to "
"work around the risk of overflow/underflow that's inherent to "
"determinant computation.")
.def("matrixQR", &Self::matrixQR, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the matrix where the Householder QR decomposition is "
"stored in a LAPACK-compatible way.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType> &matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes the QR factorization of given matrix.",
.def("solve", &solve<MatrixXs>, bp::args("self", "B"),
"Returns the solution X of A X = B using the current "
"decomposition of A where B is a right hand side matrix.");
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"HouseholderQR" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
"This class performs a QR decomposition of a matrix A into matrices Q "
"and R such that A=QR by using Householder transformations.\n"
"Here, Q a unitary matrix and R an upper triangular matrix. The result "
"is stored in a compact way compatible with LAPACK.\n"
"Note that no pivoting is performed. This is not a rank-revealing "
"decomposition. If you want that feature, use FullPivHouseholderQR or "
"ColPivHouseholderQR instead.\n"
"This Householder QR decomposition is faster, but less numerically "
"stable and less feature-full than FullPivHouseholderQR or "
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver &self, const MatrixOrVector &vec) {
return self.solve(vec);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_houselholder_qr_hpp__
* Copyright 2020-2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_ldlt_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_ldlt_hpp__
#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen/EigenBase.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct LDLTSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<LDLTSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, MatrixType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
typedef Eigen::LDLT<MatrixType> Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
cl.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
bp::args("self", "size"),
"Default constructor with memory preallocation"))
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs a LDLT factorization from a given matrix."))
.def("isNegative", &Solver::isNegative, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix is negative (semidefinite).")
.def("isPositive", &Solver::isPositive, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns true if the matrix is positive (semidefinite).")
.def("matrixL", &matrixL, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the lower triangular matrix L.")
.def("matrixU", &matrixU, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the upper triangular matrix U.")
.def("vectorD", &vectorD, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the coefficients of the diagonal matrix D.")
.def("transpositionsP", &transpositionsP, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the permutation matrix P.")
.def("matrixLDLT", &Solver::matrixLDLT, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the LDLT decomposition matrix.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::MatrixBase<VectorXs> &,
const RealScalar &)) &
Solver::template rankUpdate<VectorXs>,
bp::args("self", "vector", "sigma"), bp::return_self<>())
.def("adjoint", &Solver::adjoint, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the adjoint, that is, a reference to the decomposition "
"itself as if the underlying matrix is self-adjoint.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType> &matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix"), "Computes the LDLT of given matrix.",
.def("info", &Solver::info, bp::arg("self"),
"NumericalIssue if the input contains INF or NaN values or "
"overflow occured. Returns Success otherwise.")
.def("rcond", &Solver::rcond, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns an estimate of the reciprocal condition number of the "
.def("reconstructedMatrix", &Solver::reconstructedMatrix,
"Returns the matrix represented by the decomposition, i.e., it "
"returns the product: L L^*. This function is provided for debug "
.def("solve", &solve<VectorXs>, bp::args("self", "b"),
"Returns the solution x of A x = b using the current "
"decomposition of A.")
.def("solve", &solve<MatrixXs>, bp::args("self", "B"),
"Returns the solution X of A X = B using the current "
"decomposition of A where B is a right hand side matrix.")
.def("setZero", &Solver::setZero, bp::arg("self"),
"Clear any existing decomposition.");
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"LDLT" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
"Robust Cholesky decomposition of a matrix with pivoting.\n\n"
"Perform a robust Cholesky decomposition of a positive semidefinite or "
"negative semidefinite matrix $ A $ such that $ A = P^TLDL^*P $, where "
"P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with a unit diagonal "
"and D is a diagonal matrix.\n\n"
"The decomposition uses pivoting to ensure stability, so that L will "
"have zeros in the bottom right rank(A) - n submatrix. Avoiding the "
"square root on D also stabilizes the computation.",
static MatrixType matrixL(const Solver &self) { return self.matrixL(); }
static MatrixType matrixU(const Solver &self) { return self.matrixU(); }
static VectorXs vectorD(const Solver &self) { return self.vectorD(); }
static MatrixType transpositionsP(const Solver &self) {
return self.transpositionsP() *
MatrixType::Identity(self.matrixL().rows(), self.matrixL().rows());
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver &self, const MatrixOrVector &vec) {
return self.solve(vec);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_ldlt_hpp__
* Copyright 2020-2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_llt_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_llt_hpp__
#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen/EigenBase.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct LLTSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<LLTSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, MatrixType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
typedef Eigen::LLT<MatrixType> Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
cl.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
bp::args("self", "size"),
"Default constructor with memory preallocation"))
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Constructs a LLT factorization from a given matrix."))
.def("matrixL", &matrixL, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the lower triangular matrix L.")
.def("matrixU", &matrixU, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the upper triangular matrix U.")
.def("matrixLLT", &Solver::matrixLLT, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the LLT decomposition matrix.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const VectorXs &, const RealScalar &)) &
Solver::template rankUpdate<VectorXs>,
bp::args("self", "vector", "sigma"), bp::return_self<>())
const VectorXs &,
const RealScalar &))&Solver::template rankUpdate<VectorXs>,
bp::args("self", "vector", "sigma"))
.def("adjoint", &Solver::adjoint, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the adjoint, that is, a reference to the decomposition "
"itself as if the underlying matrix is self-adjoint.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType> &matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix"), "Computes the LLT of given matrix.",
.def("info", &Solver::info, bp::arg("self"),
"NumericalIssue if the input contains INF or NaN values or "
"overflow occured. Returns Success otherwise.")
.def("rcond", &Solver::rcond, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns an estimate of the reciprocal condition number of the "
.def("reconstructedMatrix", &Solver::reconstructedMatrix,
"Returns the matrix represented by the decomposition, i.e., it "
"returns the product: L L^*. This function is provided for debug "
.def("solve", &solve<VectorXs>, bp::args("self", "b"),
"Returns the solution x of A x = b using the current "
"decomposition of A.")
.def("solve", &solve<MatrixXs>, bp::args("self", "B"),
"Returns the solution X of A X = B using the current "
"decomposition of A where B is a right hand side matrix.");
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"LLT" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
"Standard Cholesky decomposition (LL^T) of a matrix and associated "
"This class performs a LL^T Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric, "
"positive definite matrix A such that A = LL^* = U^*U, where L is "
"lower triangular.\n\n"
"While the Cholesky decomposition is particularly useful to solve "
"selfadjoint problems like D^*D x = b, for that purpose, we recommend "
"the Cholesky decomposition without square root which is more stable "
"and even faster. Nevertheless, this standard Cholesky decomposition "
"remains useful in many other situations like generalised eigen "
"problems with hermitian matrices.",
static MatrixType matrixL(const Solver &self) { return self.matrixL(); }
static MatrixType matrixU(const Solver &self) { return self.matrixU(); }
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver &self, const MatrixOrVector &vec) {
return self.solve(vec);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_llt_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_permutation_matrix_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_permutation_matrix_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen/EigenBase.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <int SizeAtCompileTime, int MaxSizeAtCompileTime = SizeAtCompileTime,
typename StorageIndex_ = int>
struct PermutationMatrixVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<PermutationMatrixVisitor<
SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, StorageIndex_> > {
typedef StorageIndex_ StorageIndex;
typedef Eigen::PermutationMatrix<SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime,
typedef typename PermutationMatrix::DenseMatrixType DenseMatrixType;
typedef PermutationMatrix Self;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<StorageIndex, SizeAtCompileTime, 1, 0,
MaxSizeAtCompileTime, 1>
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
cl.def(bp::init<const Eigen::DenseIndex>(bp::args("self", "size"),
"Default constructor"))
bp::args("self", "indices"),
"The indices array has the meaning that the permutations sends "
"each integer i to indices[i].\n"
"It is your responsibility to check that the indices array that "
"you passes actually describes a permutation, i.e., each value "
"between 0 and n-1 occurs exactly once, where n is the array's "
+[](const PermutationMatrix &self) {
return VectorIndex(self.indices());
bp::arg("self"), "The stored array representing the permutation.")
bp::args("self", "i", "j"),
"Multiplies self by the transposition (ij) on the left.",
bp::args("self", "i", "j"),
"Multiplies self by the transposition (ij) on the right.",
(void(PermutationMatrix::*)()) & PermutationMatrix::setIdentity,
"Sets self to be the identity permutation matrix.")
(void(PermutationMatrix::*)(Eigen::DenseIndex)) &
bp::args("self", "size"),
"Sets self to be the identity permutation matrix of given size.")
.def("toDenseMatrix", &PermutationMatrix::toDenseMatrix,
"Returns a numpy array object initialized from this permutation "
+[](const PermutationMatrix &self) -> PermutationMatrix {
return self.transpose();
bp::arg("self"), "Returns the tranpose permutation matrix.")
+[](const PermutationMatrix &self) -> PermutationMatrix {
return self.inverse();
bp::arg("self"), "Returns the inverse permutation matrix.")
.def("resize", &PermutationMatrix::resize, bp::args("self", "size"),
"Resizes to given size.")
.def(bp::self * bp::self)
static void expose(const std::string &name) {
"Permutation matrix.\n"
"This class represents a permutation matrix, "
"internally stored as a vector of integers.",
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_permutation_matrix_hpp__
* Copyright 2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_qr_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_qr_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/HouseholderQR.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/FullPivHouseholderQR.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/ColPivHouseholderQR.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/decompositions/CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition.hpp"
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_qr_hpp__
* Copyright 2020-2024 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_self_adjoint_eigen_solver_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_self_adjoint_eigen_solver_hpp__
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
#include "eigenpy/eigen-to-python.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct SelfAdjointEigenSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<
SelfAdjointEigenSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType> Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const {
cl.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
bp::args("self", "size"),
"Default constructor with memory preallocation"))
.def(bp::init<MatrixType, bp::optional<int> >(
bp::args("self", "matrix", "options"),
"Computes eigendecomposition of given matrix"))
.def("eigenvalues", &Solver::eigenvalues, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the eigenvalues of given matrix.",
.def("eigenvectors", &Solver::eigenvectors, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the eigenvectors of given matrix.",
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes the eigendecomposition of given matrix.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType>& matrix,
int options)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix", "options"),
"Computes the eigendecomposition of given matrix.",
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Computes eigendecomposition of given matrix using a closed-form "
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const MatrixType& matrix, int options)) &
bp::args("self", "matrix", "options"),
"Computes eigendecomposition of given matrix using a closed-form "
.def("operatorInverseSqrt", &Solver::operatorInverseSqrt,
bp::arg("self"), "Computes the inverse square root of the matrix.")
.def("operatorSqrt", &Solver::operatorSqrt, bp::arg("self"),
"Computes the inverse square root of the matrix.")
.def("info", &Solver::info, bp::arg("self"),
"NumericalIssue if the input contains INF or NaN values or "
"overflow occured. Returns Success otherwise.");
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"SelfAdjointEigenSolver" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string& name) {
bp::class_<Solver>(name.c_str(), bp::no_init)
template <typename MatrixType>
static Solver& compute_proxy(Solver& self,
const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType>& matrix) {
return self.compute(matrix);
static Solver& computeDirect_proxy(Solver& self, const MatrixType& matrix) {
return self.computeDirect(matrix);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_self_adjoint_eigen_solver_hpp__
* Copyright 2020 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_decompositions_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_decompositions_hpp__
#include "eigenpy/config.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
void EIGENPY_DLLAPI exposeDecompositions();
void EIGENPY_DLLAPI exposeCholmod();
void EIGENPY_DLLAPI exposeAccelerate();
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // define __eigenpy_decompositions_decompositions_hpp__
* Copyright 2021 INRIA
#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_minres_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_minres_hpp__
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/IterativeSolvers>
#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/utils/scalar-name.hpp"
namespace eigenpy {
template <typename _Solver>
struct IterativeSolverBaseVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<IterativeSolverBaseVisitor<_Solver> > {
typedef _Solver Solver;
typedef typename Solver::MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename Solver::Preconditioner Preconditioner;
typedef typename Solver::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename Solver::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const {
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType>& matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "A"),
"Initializes the iterative solver for the sparsity pattern of the "
"matrix A for further solving Ax=b problems.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType>& matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "A"),
"Initializes the iterative solver with the numerical values of the "
"matrix A for further solving Ax=b problems.",
(Solver & (Solver::*)(const Eigen::EigenBase<MatrixType>& matrix)) &
bp::args("self", "A"),
"Initializes the iterative solver with the matrix A for further "
"solving Ax=b problems.",
.def("rows", &Solver::rows, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of rows.")
.def("cols", &Solver::cols, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of columns.")
.def("tolerance", &Solver::tolerance, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the tolerance threshold used by the stopping criteria.")
.def("setTolerance", &Solver::setTolerance,
bp::args("self", "tolerance"),
"Sets the tolerance threshold used by the stopping criteria.\n"
"This value is used as an upper bound to the relative residual "
"error: |Ax-b|/|b|.\n"
"The default value is the machine precision given by "
(Preconditioner & (Solver::*)()) & Solver::preconditioner,
"Returns a read-write reference to the preconditioner for custom "
.def("maxIterations", &Solver::maxIterations, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the max number of iterations.\n"
"It is either the value setted by setMaxIterations or, by "
"default, twice the number of columns of the matrix.")
.def("setMaxIterations", &Solver::setMaxIterations,
bp::args("self", "max_iterations"),
"Sets the max number of iterations.\n"
"Default is twice the number of columns of the matrix.",
"iterations", &Solver::iterations, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the number of iterations performed during the last solve.")
.def("error", &Solver::error, bp::arg("self"),
"Returns the tolerance error reached during the last solve.\n"
"It is a close approximation of the true relative residual error "
.def("info", &Solver::error, bp::arg("info"),
"Returns Success if the iterations converged, and NoConvergence "
.def("solveWithGuess", &solveWithGuess<MatrixXs, MatrixXs>,
bp::args("self", "b", "x0"),
"Returns the solution x of A x = b using the current "
"decomposition of A and x0 as an initial solution.")
"solve", &solve<MatrixXs>, bp::args("self", "b"),
"Returns the solution x of A x = b using the current decomposition "
"of A where b is a right hand side matrix or vector.");
template <typename MatrixOrVector1, typename MatrixOrVector2>
static MatrixOrVector1 solveWithGuess(const Solver& self,
const MatrixOrVector1& b,
const MatrixOrVector2& guess) {
return self.solveWithGuess(b, guess);
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver& self,
const MatrixOrVector& mat_or_vec) {
MatrixOrVector res = self.solve(mat_or_vec);
return res;
template <typename _MatrixType>
struct MINRESSolverVisitor
: public boost::python::def_visitor<MINRESSolverVisitor<_MatrixType> > {
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, MatrixType::Options>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
typedef Eigen::MINRES<MatrixType> Solver;
template <class PyClass>
void visit(PyClass& cl) const {
cl.def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"), "Default constructor"))
bp::args("self", "matrix"),
"Initialize the solver with matrix A for further Ax=b solving.\n"
"This constructor is a shortcut for the default constructor "
"followed by a call to compute()."))
static void expose() {
static const std::string classname =
"MINRES" + scalar_name<Scalar>::shortname();
static void expose(const std::string& name) {
bp::class_<Solver, boost::noncopyable>(
"A minimal residual solver for sparse symmetric problems.\n"
"This class allows to solve for A.x = b sparse linear problems using "
"the MINRES algorithm of Paige and Saunders (1975). The sparse matrix "
"A must be symmetric (possibly indefinite). The vectors x and b can be "
"either dense or sparse.\n"
"The maximal number of iterations and tolerance value can be "
"controlled via the setMaxIterations() and setTolerance() methods. The "
"defaults are the size of the problem for the maximal number of "
"iterations and NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon() for the tolerance.\n",
template <typename MatrixOrVector>
static MatrixOrVector solve(const Solver& self, const MatrixOrVector& vec) {
return self.solve(vec);
} // namespace eigenpy
#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_minres_hpp__