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  • cberge/dynamic-graph
  • ostasse/dynamic-graph
  • gsaurel/dynamic-graph
  • stack-of-tasks/dynamic-graph
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with 894 additions and 803 deletions
......@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <dynamic-graph/fwd.hh>
#include <dynamic-graph/dynamic-graph-api.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/exception-factory.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/dynamic-graph-api.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/fwd.hh>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
namespace dynamicgraph {
/*! @ingroup dgraph
......@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ class DYNAMIC_GRAPH_DLLAPI PoolStorage {
/*! \brief Sorted set of entities with unique key (name). */
typedef std::map<std::string, Entity*> Entities;
typedef std::map<std::string, Entity *> Entities;
/// \brief Get unique instance of the class.
static PoolStorage* getInstance();
static PoolStorage *getInstance();
/// \brief Destroy the unique instance of the class
static void destroy();
......@@ -56,47 +56,47 @@ class DYNAMIC_GRAPH_DLLAPI PoolStorage {
\par[in] entname: The name of the entity,
\par[in] ent: Pointer towards the entity.
void registerEntity(const std::string& entname, Entity* ent);
void registerEntity(const std::string &entname, Entity *ent);
/*! \brief Unregister an entity.
\par[in] entname: The name of the entity,
void deregisterEntity(const std::string& entname);
void deregisterEntity(const std::string &entname);
/*! \brief Unregister an entity.
\par[in] entity: iterator in the map,
void deregisterEntity(const Entities::iterator& entity);
void deregisterEntity(const Entities::iterator &entity);
/*! \brief Get an entity.
\par[in] entname: The name of the entity,
\return Pointer towards the entity.
Entity& getEntity(const std::string& name);
Entity &getEntity(const std::string &name);
/// Const access to entity map
const Entities& getEntityMap() const;
const Entities &getEntityMap() const;
/*! \brief Test if the entity exists. */
bool existEntity(const std::string& name);
bool existEntity(const std::string &name);
/*! \brief Test if the entity exists. If it does, return a pointer on it. */
bool existEntity(const std::string& name, Entity*& ptr);
bool existEntity(const std::string &name, Entity *&ptr);
/*! \brief Disallocate an entity.
\par[in] entname: The name of the entity,
void clearPlugin(const std::string& name);
void clearPlugin(const std::string &name);
/*! @} */
/// \brief Get a signal by name
/// \param sigpath stream containing a string of the form "entity.signal"
SignalBase<int>& getSignal(std::istringstream& sigpath);
SignalBase<int> &getSignal(std::istringstream &sigpath);
/*! \brief This method write a graph description on the file named
FileName. */
void writeGraph(const std::string& aFileName);
void writeCompletionList(std::ostream& os);
void writeGraph(const std::string &aFileName);
void writeCompletionList(std::ostream &os);
/*! \name Fields of the class to manage the three entities.
......@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ class DYNAMIC_GRAPH_DLLAPI PoolStorage {
PoolStorage() {}
static PoolStorage* instance_;
static PoolStorage *instance_;
inline PoolStorage& g_pool() { return *PoolStorage::getInstance(); }
inline PoolStorage &g_pool() { return *PoolStorage::getInstance(); }
} // end of namespace dynamicgraph.
......@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
#include <dynamic-graph/dynamic-graph-api.h>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <dynamic-graph/fwd.hh>
#include <dynamic-graph/dynamic-graph-api.h>
namespace dynamicgraph {
namespace CPU {
......@@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ class DYNAMIC_GRAPH_DLLAPI ProcessList {
/// \class This class gather information on a specific CPU.
/// This class gather information on a specific CPU.
int cpu_id_;
inline unsigned long long int computePeriod(unsigned long long int &a, unsigned long long int &b) {
inline unsigned long long int computePeriod(unsigned long long int &a,
unsigned long long int &b) {
return (a > b) ? a - b : 0;
......@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ class DYNAMIC_GRAPH_DLLAPI CPUData {
/// \class This class gathers information on a computer.
/// This class gathers information on a computer.
/// This includes a list of CPU
// -*- mode: c++ -*-
// Copyright 2018, Joseph Mirabel LAAS-CNRS
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <dynamic-graph/config.hh>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
namespace dynamicgraph {
/// \ingroup debug
/// \brief Stream for the real-time logger.
/// You should inherit from this class in order to redirect the logs where you
/// want.
/// \sa LoggerIOStream
class LoggerStream {
virtual void write(const char *c) = 0;
/// Write to an ostream object.
/// The easieast is to use the macro dgADD_OSTREAM_TO_RTLOG(ostr) where
/// `ostr` can be `std::cout` or an std::ofstream...
class LoggerIOStream : public LoggerStream {
LoggerIOStream(std::ostream &os) : os_(os) {}
virtual ~LoggerIOStream() {}
virtual void write(const char *c) { os_ << c; }
std::ostream &os_;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<LoggerStream> LoggerStreamPtr_t;
class RealTimeLogger;
/// \cond DEVEL
/// \brief write entries to intenal buffer.
/// The entry starts when an instance is created and ends when is is deleted.
/// This class is only used by RealTimeLogger.
class RTLoggerStream {
inline RTLoggerStream(RealTimeLogger *logger, std::ostream &os)
: ok_(logger != NULL), logger_(logger), os_(os) {}
template <typename T>
inline RTLoggerStream &operator<<(T t) {
if (ok_) os_ << t;
return *this;
inline RTLoggerStream &operator<<(std::ostream &(*pf)(std::ostream &)) {
if (ok_) os_ << pf;
return *this;
inline ~RTLoggerStream();
inline bool isNull() { return !ok_; }
const bool ok_;
RealTimeLogger *logger_;
std::ostream &os_;
/// \endcond DEVEL
/// \ingroup debug
/// \brief Main class of the real-time logger.
/// It is intended to be used like this:
/// \code
/// #define ENABLE_RT_LOG
/// #include <dynamic-graph/real-time-logger.h>
/// // Somewhere in the main function of your executable
/// int main (int argc, char** argv) {
/// dgADD_OSTREAM_TO_RTLOG (std::cout);
/// }
/// // Somewhere in your library
/// dgRTLOG() << "your message. Prefer to use \n than std::endl."
/// \endcode
/// \note Thread safety. This class expects to have:
/// - only one reader: the one who take the log entries and write them
/// somewhere.
/// - one writer at a time. Writing to the logs is **never** a blocking
/// operation. If the resource is busy, the log entry is discarded.
class DYNAMIC_GRAPH_DLLAPI RealTimeLogger {
static RealTimeLogger &instance();
static void destroy();
/// \todo add an argument to preallocate the internal string
/// to a given size.
RealTimeLogger(const std::size_t &bufferSize);
inline void clearOutputStreams() { outputs_.clear(); }
inline void addOutputStream(const LoggerStreamPtr_t &os) {
/// Write next message to output.
/// It does nothing if the buffer is empty.
/// \return true if it wrote something
bool spinOnce();
/// Return an object onto which a real-time thread can write.
/// The message is considered finished when the object is destroyed.
RTLoggerStream front();
/// Return an empty stream object.
RTLoggerStream emptyStream() { return RTLoggerStream(NULL, oss_); }
inline void frontReady() {
backIdx_ = (backIdx_ + 1) % buffer_.size();
inline bool empty() const { return frontIdx_ == backIdx_; }
inline bool full() const {
return ((backIdx_ + 1) % buffer_.size()) == frontIdx_;
inline std::size_t size() const {
if (frontIdx_ <= backIdx_)
return backIdx_ - frontIdx_;
return backIdx_ + buffer_.size() - frontIdx_;
inline std::size_t getBufferSize() { return buffer_.size(); }
struct Data {
std::stringbuf buf;
std::vector<LoggerStreamPtr_t> outputs_;
std::vector<Data *> buffer_;
/// Index of the next value to be read.
std::size_t frontIdx_;
/// Index of the slot where to write next value
/// (does not contain valid data).
std::size_t backIdx_;
std::ostream oss_;
/// The writer mutex.
boost::mutex wmutex;
std::size_t nbDiscarded_;
struct thread;
static RealTimeLogger *instance_;
static thread *thread_;
RTLoggerStream::~RTLoggerStream() {
if (ok_) {
os_ << std::ends;
} // end of namespace dynamicgraph
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