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c++ implementation of differential action model abstract and LQR + Python bindings

In this PR, I have written the following c++ classes and their Python bindings:

  • DifferentialActionModelAbstract and DifferentialActionDataAbstract
  • DifferentialActionModelLQR and DifferentialActionDataLQR

Additionally, I have included Python scripts for bindings benchmarking. This benchmarking includes the unicycle and LQR systems. Other further changes are:

  1. Added the LQRDerived python class
  2. Renamed the binding header files lqr.hpp and unicycle.hpp to action-lqr.hpp and action-unicycle.hpp. This resembles the same organization inside the c++ library.
  3. Added ncost (default argument) in the differential action model abstraction. This resembles the action model one.
  4. Formatted the Python code for unit-testing

All the changes have been successfully tested in my PC. Unfortunately the CI isn't working properly.

This PR solves the issues: #176 (closed) and #177 (closed)

Merge request reports
