GTPED (Green Transportation Problem for E-commerce Deliveries)
(WORK IN PROGRESS : we are waiting for the publication of the paper to finalise the repository). This repository brings additional material to the paper "A Green Transportation Problem for E-commerce Deliveries" submitted in 2024 by T. Le Brun, M.J Huguet, S.U Ngueveu and R. Grigoras. It contains the instances used so as details on the manner to obtain them, and also detailed results. Finally, it contains additional tables that are not included in the published paper. Please refer to the article to get the whole context.
We share the dataset2 based on realistic data that we used to test our model. The detail of the data generation is provided in the tables. Instances are stored under .jld format, a format specific to the Julia language.
We share the output files obtained along the different benches of tests for the GTP-ED, with additional data compared to what is presented in the article. Results are stored under a classical .txt format.
Additional material
We provide extra information and tables of results that could not be included in the article due to a lack of space.
The instances and results are open source. Please cite the article "A Green Transportation Problem for E-commerce Deliveries" while using its.
Authors and contact
Repository created and maintained by Théo Le Brun, please contact for any information.