... | ... | @@ -29,6 +29,22 @@ The number of tasks available to the user and their stack size can be set in `pr |
If you do not plan to use such tasks, you can set `CONFIG_OWNTECH_SCHEDULING_ENABLE_ASYNCHRONOUS_TASKS` to `n`, fully disabling the functionality and freeing associated memory.
## Available functions list
All functions are available on the `scheduuling` object after including `Scheduling.h`.
### Functions related to the uninterruptible synchronous task
* `int8_t defineUninterruptibleSynchronousTask(void (*periodic_task)(), uint32_t task_period_us)`
* `void startUninterruptibleSynchronousTask()`
### Functions related to the asynchronous tasks
* `int8_t defineAsynchronousTask(task_function_t routine)`
* `void startAsynchronousTask(uint8_t task_number)`
* `void suspendCurrentTaskMs(uint32_t duration_ms)`
* `void suspendCurrentTaskUs(uint32_t duration_us)`
# Module enable and dependencies
This module is loaded by default. The user explicitly has to set `CONFIG_OWNTECH_SCHEDULING=n` in `prj.conf` to prevent the module from loading.
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