#+TITLE: Memo on catkin tools and vcs for the SoT
* Introduction
This memo explains how to handle super build (set of packages) with catkin tools.
catkin tools should not confused with catkin_make. They can be installed independently from ROS.
* Handling the repositories (VCS)
** Checking out the SoT infra-structure
The set of repositories can be handled using the vcs software
The repositories for the SoT can be specified in a file sot_talos.repos as follows:
#+begin_src yaml
type: git
url: https://github.com/olivier-stasse/robotpkg_helpers.git
version: master
type: git
url: https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/dynamic-graph.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: git@github.com:stack-of-tasks/dynamic-graph-python.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/dynamic_graph_bridge.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: git@github.com:stack-of-tasks/dynamic_graph_bridge_msgs.git
version: master
type: git
url: git@github.com:stack-of-tasks/jrl-walkgen.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: git@github.com:stack-of-tasks/roscontrol_sot.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/sot-core.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: git@github.com:stack-of-tasks/sot-dynamic-pinocchio.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/sot-pattern-generator.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/sot-talos.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: git@gepgitlab.laas.fr:loco-3d/sot-talos-balance.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/sot-tools.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: git@github.com:stack-of-tasks/sot-torque-control.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: git@github.com:stack-of-tasks/talos_data.git
version: cmake-export
type: git
url: https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/talos_metapkg_roscontrol_sot.git
version: pal
type: git
url: https://github.com/olivier-stasse/tsid.git
version: cmake-export
#+begin_src bash
vcs import < sot_talos.repos
You can create your own file by going in the src directory of your workspace, and then type:
#+begin_src bash
vcs export --repos > sot_talos.repos
** Getting the current status of the repos
In the src directory of the workspace
#+begin_src bash
vcs status -quiet
* Compiling and testing the packages
** Setting the cmake args
For instance we want to force the system to be in debug mode
and to set some variables we can use the following command:
#+begin_src bash
catkin config --install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG
It forces the package to be installed in the install folder,
and forces all the CMake aware packages to be compiled in DEBUG mode.
A more involved example is the following:
#+begin_src bash
local_cmake_args="--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG "
local_cmake_args="${local_cmake_args} -DPYTHON_STANDARD_LAYOUT:BOOL=ON"
local_cmake_args="${local_cmake_args} -DPYTHON_DEB_LAYOUT:BOOL=OFF"
local_cmake_args="${local_cmake_args} -DSETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT:BOOL=OFF"
catkin_config_args="--install -w $HOME/devel-src/sot_bionic_ws"
catkin_config_args="${catking_config_args} ${local_cmake_args}"
catkin config ${catkin_config_args} --
** Compiling
*** Compiling everything
catkin build
*** Compiling a specific package with its dependencies
For instance the following command is compiling the dynamic-graph-python
catkin build dynamic-graph-python
** Clean all the build part
#+begin_src bash
catkin clean
** Running tests
Example running the test programs of the package dynamic-graph-python in the workspace root directory:
#+begin_src bash
catkin test dynamic-graph-python
Note: make sure that the install directory is specified in the environment variables: LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH for instance.
** Computing coverage
You need to add to the CXX_FLAGS and the LD_FLAGS the value --coverage:
#+begin_src bash
catkin config --append --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="--coverage" -DCMAKE_LD_FLAGS="--coverage"
Then run the test:
#+begin_src bash
catkin test dynamic-graph-python
And in the workspace root directory you need to run:
#+begin_src bash
gcovr -r .
#+end_src |
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