diff --git a/python/unittests/dynSimpleTest.py b/python/unittests/dynSimpleTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8df55304a5836e6f3f92e8152225e0c6a3665db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/unittests/dynSimpleTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# ______________________________________________________________________________
+# ******************************************************************************
+#       Robot: HRP-2 N.14
+#       Tasks: Rotate the head and move the arms
+# ______________________________________________________________________________
+# ******************************************************************************  
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core import *
+from dynamic_graph.sot.dynamics import *
+from dynamic_graph.sot.dyninv import *
+from dynamic_graph.script_shortcuts import optionalparentheses
+from dynamic_graph import plug
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.viewer_helper import addRobotViewer,VisualPinger
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.thread_interruptible_loop import *
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.attime import attime
+from dynamic_graph.sot.dyninv.robot_specific import pkgDataRootDir, modelName, robotDimension, initialConfig, gearRatio, inertiaRotor
+from dynamic_graph.sot.dyninv.meta_task_dyn_6d import MetaTaskDyn6d
+from dynamic_graph.sot.dyninv.meta_tasks_dyn import MetaTaskDynCom, MetaTaskDynPosture, AddContactHelper, gotoNd
+from numpy import *
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- ROBOT DYNAMIC SIMULATION -------------------------------------------------
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+robotName = 'hrp14small'
+robotDim   = robotDimension[robotName]
+RobotClass = RobotDynSimu
+robot      = RobotClass("robot")
+robot.set( initialConfig[robotName] )
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- MAIN LOOP ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def inc():
+    robot.increment(dt)
+    attime.run(robot.control.time)
+    # verif.record()
+def loop():
+    inc()
+# --- shortcuts -------------------------------------------------
+def go(): runner.play()
+def stop(): runner.pause()
+def next(): inc()
+def iter():         print 'iter = ',robot.state.time
+def status():       print runner.isPlay
+#---- DYN --------------------------------------------------------------------
+modelDir          = pkgDataRootDir[robotName]
+xmlDir            = pkgDataRootDir[robotName]
+specificitiesPath = xmlDir + '/HRP2SpecificitiesSmall.xml'
+jointRankPath     = xmlDir + '/HRP2LinkJointRankSmall.xml'
+dyn = Dynamic("dyn")
+dyn.inertiaRotor.value = inertiaRotor[robotName]
+dyn.gearRatio.value    = gearRatio[robotName]
+dyn.acceleration.value = robotDim*(0.,)
+# --- OPERATIONAL TASKS (For HRP2-14)-----------------------------------------
+taskWaist = MetaTaskDyn6d('taskWaist', dyn, 'waist', 'waist')
+taskChest = MetaTaskDyn6d('taskChest', dyn, 'chest', 'chest')
+taskHead  = MetaTaskDyn6d('taskHead', dyn, 'head', 'gaze')
+taskrh    = MetaTaskDyn6d('rh', dyn, 'rh', 'right-wrist')
+tasklh    = MetaTaskDyn6d('lh', dyn, 'lh', 'left-wrist')
+for task in [ taskWaist, taskChest, taskHead, taskrh, tasklh]:
+    task.feature.frame('current')
+    task.gain.setConstant(50)
+    task.task.dt.value = dt
+    task.featureDes.velocity.value=(0,0,0,0,0,0)
+# CoM Task
+taskCom = MetaTaskDynCom(dyn,dt)
+# Posture Task
+taskPosture = MetaTaskDynPosture(dyn,dt)
+# Angular position and velocity limits
+taskLim = TaskDynLimits('taskLim')
+taskLim.dt.value = dt
+taskLim.referencePosInf.value = dyn.lowerJl.value
+taskLim.referencePosSup.value = dyn.upperJl.value
+#dqup = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 220, 250, 230, 290, 520, 200, 220, 250, 230, 290, 520, 250, 140, 390, 390, 240, 140, 240, 130, 270, 180, 330, 240, 140, 240, 130, 270, 180, 330)
+dqup = (1000,)*robotDim
+taskLim.referenceVelInf.value = tuple([-val*pi/180 for val in dqup])
+taskLim.referenceVelSup.value = tuple([ val*pi/180 for val in dqup])
+# --- Stack of tasks controller  ---------------------------------------------
+sot     = SolverDynReduced('sot')
+contact = AddContactHelper(sot)
+sot.breakFactor.value = 10
+plug(sot.solution, robot.control)
+# ---- CONTACT: Contact definition -------------------------------------------
+# Left foot contact
+contactLF = MetaTaskDyn6d('contact_lleg',dyn,'lf','left-ankle')
+contactLF.name = "LF"
+# Right foot contact
+contactRF = MetaTaskDyn6d('contact_rleg',dyn,'rf','right-ankle')
+contactRF.name = "RF"
+contactRF.support = ((0.11,-0.08,-0.08,0.11),(-0.045,-0.045,0.07,0.07),(-0.105,-0.105,-0.105,-0.105))
+contactLF.support = ((0.11,-0.08,-0.08,0.11),(-0.07,-0.07,0.045,0.045),(-0.105,-0.105,-0.105,-0.105))
+# Imposed erordot = 0
+# --- TRACE ------------------------------------------------------------------
+from dynamic_graph.tracer import *
+tr = Tracer('tr')
+# --- RUN --------------------------------------------------------------------
+lh0 = tuple([x[3] for x in dyn.lh.value])
+rh0 = tuple([x[3] for x in dyn.rh.value])
+r = radians
+       ,(lambda: sot.push(taskChest.task.name), "Add Chest to the SoT")
+       ,(lambda: taskChest.feature.keep(), "Keep Chest")
+       ,(lambda: sot.push(taskHead.task.name), "Add Head to the SoT")
+       ,(lambda: gotoNd(taskHead, (0, 0, 0, 0, r(25), -r(40)), "111000"), "Rotate Head to the right")
+       ,(lambda: sot.push(taskrh.task.name), "Add Right hand to the SoT")
+       ,(lambda: gotoNd(taskrh, (rh0[0]-0.3, rh0[1]-0.4, 0), "000011"), "Move right hand")
+       )
+       ,(lambda: gotoNd( taskHead, (0, 0, 0, 0, r(25), r(40)), "111000"), "Rotate Head to the left")
+       ,(lambda: sot.push(tasklh.task.name), "Add Left hand to the SoT")
+       ,(lambda: gotoNd(tasklh, (lh0[0]+0.3, lh0[1]+0.4, 0), "000011"), "Move left hand")
+       )
+       ,(lambda: gotoNd(taskHead, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), "111000"), "Rotate Head to the center")
+       ,(lambda: gotoNd(tasklh, (lh0[0], lh0[1], 0), "000011"),  "Return left hand to initial position")
+       ,(lambda: gotoNd(taskrh, (rh0[0], rh0[1], 0), "000011"),  "Return right hand to initial position")
+       )
+attime(600, stop, "Stopped")