/* * Copyright 2010, * François Bleibel, * Olivier Stasse, * * CNRS/AIST * * This file is part of sot-dynamic. * sot-dynamic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * sot-dynamic is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along * with sot-dynamic. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <sot-dynamic/force-compensation.h> #include <sot/core/debug.hh> #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h> #include <sot/core/macros-signal.hh> using namespace dynamicgraph::sot; using namespace dynamicgraph; DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(ForceCompensationPlugin,"ForceCompensation"); /* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */ ForceCompensation:: ForceCompensation(void) :usingPrecompensation(false) {} ForceCompensationPlugin:: ForceCompensationPlugin( const std::string & name ) :Entity(name) ,calibrationStarted(false) ,torsorSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::torsorIN") ,worldRhandSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(MatrixRotation)::worldRhand") ,handRsensorSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(MatrixRotation)::handRsensor") ,translationSensorComSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector3)::sensorCom") ,gravitySIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::gravity") ,precompensationSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::precompensation") ,gainSensorSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(matrix6)::gain") ,deadZoneLimitSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::deadZoneLimit") ,transSensorJointSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::sensorJoint") ,inertiaJointSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(matrix6)::inertiaJoint") ,velocitySIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::velocity") ,accelerationSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::acceleration") ,handXworldSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2( ForceCompensation::computeHandXworld, worldRhandSIN,MatrixRotation, translationSensorComSIN,ml::Vector ), "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(MatrixForce)::handXworld" ) ,handVsensorSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_1( ForceCompensation::computeHandVsensor, handRsensorSIN,MatrixRotation), "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(MatrixForce)::handVsensor" ) ,torsorDeadZoneSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::torsorNullifiedIN") ,sensorXhandSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2( ForceCompensation::computeSensorXhand, handRsensorSIN,MatrixRotation, transSensorJointSIN,ml::Vector ), "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(MatrixForce)::sensorXhand" ) // ,inertiaSensorSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2( ForceCompensation::computeInertiaSensor, // inertiaJointSIN,ml::Matrix, // sensorXhandSOUT,MatrixForce ), // "ForceCompensation("+name+")::output(MatrixForce)::inertiaSensor" ) ,momentumSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_4(ForceCompensation::computeMomentum, velocitySIN,ml::Vector, accelerationSIN,ml::Vector, sensorXhandSOUT,MatrixForce, inertiaJointSIN,ml::Matrix), "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(Vector6)::momentum" ) ,momentumSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::momentumIN") ,torsorCompensatedSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_7(ForceCompensation::computeTorsorCompensated, torsorSIN,ml::Vector, precompensationSIN,ml::Vector, gravitySIN,ml::Vector, handXworldSOUT,MatrixForce, handVsensorSOUT,MatrixForce, gainSensorSIN,ml::Matrix, momentumSIN,ml::Vector), "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(Vector6)::torsor" ) ,torsorDeadZoneSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2(ForceCompensation::computeDeadZone, torsorDeadZoneSIN,ml::Vector, deadZoneLimitSIN,ml::Vector), "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(Vector6)::torsorNullified" ) ,calibrationTrigerSOUT( boost::bind(&ForceCompensationPlugin::calibrationTriger, this,_1,_2), torsorSIN << worldRhandSIN, "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(Dummy)::calibrationTriger") { sotDEBUGIN(5); signalRegistration( torsorSIN<< worldRhandSIN << handRsensorSIN << translationSensorComSIN << gravitySIN << precompensationSIN << gainSensorSIN << deadZoneLimitSIN << transSensorJointSIN << inertiaJointSIN << velocitySIN << accelerationSIN << handXworldSOUT << handVsensorSOUT << torsorDeadZoneSIN << sensorXhandSOUT //<< inertiaSensorSOUT << momentumSOUT << momentumSIN << torsorCompensatedSOUT << torsorDeadZoneSOUT << calibrationTrigerSOUT ); torsorDeadZoneSIN.plug(&torsorCompensatedSOUT); // By default, I choose: momentum is not compensated. // momentumSIN.plug( &momentumSOUT ); ml::Vector v(6); v.fill(0); momentumSIN = v; sotDEBUGOUT(5); } ForceCompensationPlugin:: ~ForceCompensationPlugin( void ) { return; } /* --- CALIB --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- CALIB --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- CALIB --------------------------------------------------------------- */ MatrixRotation ForceCompensation::I3; void ForceCompensation:: clearCalibration( void ) { torsorList.clear(); rotationList.clear(); } void ForceCompensation:: addCalibrationValue( const ml::Vector& /*torsor*/, const MatrixRotation & /*worldRhand*/ ) { sotDEBUGIN(45); // sotDEBUG(25) << "Add torsor: t"<<torsorList.size() <<" = " << torsor; // sotDEBUG(25) << "Add Rotation: wRh"<<torsorList.size() <<" = " << worldRhand; // torsorList.push_back(torsor); // rotationList.push_back(worldRhand); sotDEBUGOUT(45); } ml::Vector ForceCompensation:: calibrateTransSensorCom( const ml::Vector& gravity, const MatrixRotation& /*handRsensor*/ ) { // sotDEBUGIN(25); // ml::Vector grav3(3); // ml::Vector Rgrav3(3),tau(3),Rtau(3); // for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j ) { grav3(j)=gravity(j); } // std::list< ml::Vector >::iterator iterTorsor = torsorList.begin(); // std::list< MatrixRotation >::const_iterator iterRotation // = rotationList.begin(); // const unsigned int NVAL = torsorList.size(); // if( 0==NVAL ) // { // ml::Vector zero(3); zero.fill(0); // return zero; // } // if(NVAL!=rotationList.size() ) // { // // TODO: ERROR THROW // } // ml::Matrix torsors( 3,NVAL ); // ml::Matrix gravitys( 3,NVAL ); // for( unsigned int i=0;i<NVAL;++i ) // { // if( (torsorList.end()==iterTorsor)||(rotationList.end()==iterRotation) ) // { // // TODO: ERROR THROW // break; // } // const ml::Vector & torsor = *iterTorsor; // const MatrixRotation & worldRhand = *iterRotation; // for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j ) { tau(j)=torsor(j+3); } // handRsensor.multiply(tau,Rtau); // worldRhand.transpose().multiply( grav3,Rgrav3 ); // for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j ) // { // torsors( j,i ) = -Rtau(j); // gravitys( j,i ) = Rgrav3(j); // } // sotDEBUG(35) << "R" << i << " = " << worldRhand; // sotDEBUG(35) << "Rtau" << i << " = " << Rtau; // sotDEBUG(35) << "Rg" << i << " = " << Rgrav3; // iterTorsor++; iterRotation++; // } // sotDEBUG(35) << "Rgs = " << gravitys; // sotDEBUG(35) << "Rtaus = " << torsors; // ml::Matrix gravsInv( gravitys.nbCols(),gravitys.nbRows() ); // sotDEBUG(25) << "Compute the pinv..." << std::endl; // gravitys.pseudoInverse(gravsInv); // sotDEBUG(25) << "Compute the pinv... [DONE]" << std::endl; // sotDEBUG(25) << "gravsInv = " << gravsInv << std::endl; // ml::Matrix Skew(3,3); // torsors.multiply( gravsInv,Skew ); // sotDEBUG(25) << "Skew = " << Skew << std::endl; // ml::Vector sc(3); // sc(0)=(Skew(2,1)-Skew(1,2))*.5 ; // sc(1)=(Skew(0,2)-Skew(2,0))*.5 ; // sc(2)=(Skew(1,0)-Skew(0,1))*.5 ; // sotDEBUG(15) << "SC = " << sc << std::endl; // /* TAKE the antisym constraint into account inside the minimization pbm. */ // sotDEBUGOUT(25); // return sc; return gravity; } ml::Vector ForceCompensation:: calibrateGravity( const MatrixRotation& /*handRsensor*/, bool /*precompensationCalibration*/, const MatrixRotation& /*hand0RsensorArg*/ ) { sotDEBUGIN(25); // MatrixRotation hand0Rsensor; // if( &hand0Rsensor==&I3 ) hand0Rsensor.setIdentity(); // else hand0Rsensor=hand0RsensorArg; // std::list< ml::Vector >::const_iterator iterTorsor = torsorList.begin(); // std::list< MatrixRotation >::const_iterator iterRotation // = rotationList.begin(); // const unsigned int NVAL = torsorList.size(); // if(NVAL!=rotationList.size() ) // { // // TODO: ERROR THROW // } // if( 0==NVAL ) // { // ml::Vector zero(6); zero.fill(0); // return zero; // } // ml::Vector force(3),forceHand(3),forceWorld(3); // ml::Vector sumForce(3); sumForce.fill(0); // for( unsigned int i=0;i<NVAL;++i ) // { // if( (torsorList.end()==iterTorsor)||(rotationList.end()==iterRotation) ) // { // // TODO: ERROR THROW // break; // } // const ml::Vector & torsor = *iterTorsor; // const MatrixRotation & R = *iterRotation; // /* The sensor read [-] the value, and the grav is [-] the sensor force. // * [-]*[-] = [+] -> force = + torsor(1:3). */ // for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j ) { force(j)=-torsor(j); } // handRsensor.multiply(force,forceHand); // if( usingPrecompensation ) // { // ml::Matrix R_I(3,3); R_I = R.transpose(); // R_I -= hand0Rsensor; // R_I.pseudoInverse(.01).multiply( forceHand,forceWorld ); // } // else // { R.multiply( forceHand,forceWorld ); } // sotDEBUG(35) << "R(" << i << "*3+1:" << i << "*3+3,:) = " << R << "';"; // sotDEBUG(35) << "rhFs(" << i << "*3+1:" << i << "*3+3) = " << forceHand; // sotDEBUG(45) << "fworld(" << i << "*3+1:" << i << "*3+3) = " << forceWorld; // sumForce+= forceWorld; // iterTorsor++; iterRotation++; // } // sumForce*= (1./NVAL); // sotDEBUG(35) << "Fmean = " << sumForce; // sumForce.resize(6,false); // sumForce(3)=sumForce(4)=sumForce(5)=0.; // sotDEBUG(25)<<"mg = " << sumForce<<std::endl; sotDEBUGOUT(25); ml::Vector sumForce(3); sumForce.fill(0); return sumForce; } /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */ MatrixForce& ForceCompensation:: computeHandXworld( const MatrixRotation & worldRhand, const ml::Vector & transSensorCom, MatrixForce& res ) { sotDEBUGIN(35); sotDEBUG(25) << "wRrh = " << worldRhand <<std::endl; sotDEBUG(25) << "SC = " << transSensorCom <<std::endl; MatrixRotation R; worldRhand.transpose(R); MatrixHomogeneous scRw; scRw.buildFrom( R,transSensorCom); sotDEBUG(25) << "scMw = " << scRw <<std::endl; res.buildFrom( scRw ); sotDEBUG(15) << "scXw = " << res <<std::endl; sotDEBUGOUT(35); return res; } MatrixForce& ForceCompensation:: computeHandVsensor( const MatrixRotation & handRsensor, MatrixForce& res ) { sotDEBUGIN(35); for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j ) { res(i,j)=handRsensor(i,j); res(i+3,j+3)=handRsensor(i,j); res(i+3,j)=0.; res(i,j+3)=0.; } sotDEBUG(25) << "hVs" << res << std::endl; sotDEBUGOUT(35); return res; } MatrixForce& ForceCompensation:: computeSensorXhand( const MatrixRotation & /*handRsensor*/, const ml::Vector & transJointSensor, MatrixForce& res ) { sotDEBUGIN(35); /* Force Matrix to pass from the joint frame (ie frame located * at the position of the motor, in which the acc is computed by Spong) * to the frame SensorHand where all the forces are expressed (ie * frame located at the sensor position bu oriented like the hand). */ MatrixRotation sensorRhand; sensorRhand.setIdentity(); //handRsensor.transpose(sensorRhand); MatrixHomogeneous sensorMhand; sensorMhand.buildFrom( sensorRhand,transJointSensor ); res.buildFrom( sensorMhand ); sotDEBUG(25) << "shXJ" << res << std::endl; sotDEBUGOUT(35); return res; } // ml::Matrix& ForceCompensation:: // computeInertiaSensor( const ml::Matrix& inertiaJoint, // const MatrixForce& sensorXhand, // ml::Matrix& res ) // { // sotDEBUGIN(35); // /* Inertia felt at the sensor position, expressed in the orientation // * of the hand. */ // res.resize(6,6); // sensorXhand.multiply( inertiaJoint,res ); // sotDEBUGOUT(35); // return res; // } ml::Vector& ForceCompensation:: computeTorsorCompensated( const ml::Vector& torqueInput, const ml::Vector& torquePrecompensation, const ml::Vector& gravity, const MatrixForce& handXworld, const MatrixForce& handVsensor, const ml::Matrix& gainSensor, const ml::Vector& momentum, ml::Vector& res ) { sotDEBUGIN(35); /* Torsor in the sensor frame: K*(-torsred-gamma)+sVh*hXw*mg */ /* Torsor in the hand frame: hVs*K*(-torsred-gamma)+hXw*mg */ /* With gamma expressed in the sensor frame (gamma_s = sVh*gamma_h) */ sotDEBUG(25) << "t_nc = " << torqueInput; ml::Vector torquePrecompensated(6); //if( usingPrecompensation ) { torqueInput.addition( torquePrecompensation,torquePrecompensated ); } //else { torquePrecompensated = torqueInput; } sotDEBUG(25) << "t_pre = " << torquePrecompensated; ml::Vector torqueS(6), torqueRH(6); gainSensor.multiply( torquePrecompensated,torqueS ); handVsensor.multiply( torqueS,res ); sotDEBUG(25) << "t_rh = " << res; ml::Vector grh(6); handXworld.multiply(gravity,grh); grh *= -1; sotDEBUG(25) << "g_rh = " << grh; res+=grh; sotDEBUG(25) << "fcomp = " << res; res+=momentum; sotDEBUG(25) << "facc = " << res; /* TODO res += m xddot */ sotDEBUGOUT(35); return res; } ml::Vector& ForceCompensation:: crossProduct_V_F( const ml::Vector& velocity, const ml::Vector& force, ml::Vector& res ) { /* [ v;w] x [ f;tau ] = [ w x f; v x f + w x tau ] */ ml::Vector v(3),w(3),f(3),tau(3); for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) { v(i)=velocity(i); w(i) = velocity(i+3); f(i) = force(i); tau(i) = force(i+3); } ml::Vector res1(3),res2a(3),res2b; w.crossProduct( f,res1 ); v.crossProduct( f,res2a ); w.crossProduct( tau,res2b ); res2a+= res2b; res.resize(6); for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) { res(i)=res1(i); res(i+3)=res2a(i); } return res; } ml::Vector& ForceCompensation:: computeMomentum( const ml::Vector& velocity, const ml::Vector& acceleration, const MatrixForce& sensorXhand, const ml::Matrix& inertiaJoint, ml::Vector& res ) { sotDEBUGIN(35); /* Fs + Fext = I acc + V x Iv */ ml::Vector Iacc(6); inertiaJoint.multiply( acceleration,Iacc ); res.resize(6); sensorXhand.multiply( Iacc,res ); ml::Vector Iv(6); inertiaJoint.multiply( velocity,Iv); ml::Vector vIv(6); crossProduct_V_F( velocity,Iv,vIv ); ml::Vector XvIv(6); sensorXhand.multiply( vIv,XvIv); res+= XvIv; sotDEBUGOUT(35); return res; } ml::Vector& ForceCompensation:: computeDeadZone( const ml::Vector& torqueInput, const ml::Vector& deadZone, ml::Vector& res ) { sotDEBUGIN(35); if( torqueInput.size()>deadZone.size() ) return res; res.resize(torqueInput.size()); for( unsigned int i=0;i<torqueInput.size();++i ) { const double th = fabs(deadZone(i)); if( (torqueInput(i)<th)&&(torqueInput(i)>-th) ) { res(i)=0; } else if(torqueInput(i)<0) res(i)=torqueInput(i)+th; else res(i)=torqueInput(i)-th; } sotDEBUGOUT(35); return res; } ForceCompensationPlugin::sotDummyType& ForceCompensationPlugin:: calibrationTriger( ForceCompensationPlugin::sotDummyType& dummy,int /*time*/ ) { // sotDEBUGIN(45); // if(! calibrationStarted ) { sotDEBUGOUT(45); return dummy=0; } // addCalibrationValue( torsorSIN(time),worldRhandSIN(time) ); // sotDEBUGOUT(45); return dummy=1; } /* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */ void ForceCompensationPlugin:: commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine, std::istringstream& cmdArgs, std::ostream& os ) { if( "help"==cmdLine ) { os << "ForceCompensation: " << " - clearCalibration" << std::endl << " - {start|stop}Calibration [wait <time_sec>]" << std::endl << " - calibrateGravity\t[only {x|y|z}]" << std::endl << " - calibratePosition" << std::endl << " - precomp [{true|false}]: get/set the " << "precompensation due to sensor calib." << std::endl; } // else if( "clearCalibration" == cmdLine ) // { // clearCalibration(); // } // else if( "startCalibration" == cmdLine ) // { // calibrationStarted = true; // cmdArgs >> std::ws; // if( cmdArgs.good() ) // { // std::string cmdWait; cmdArgs>>cmdWait>>std::ws; // if( (cmdWait == "wait")&&(cmdArgs.good()) ) // { // double timeSec; cmdArgs >> timeSec; // unsigned int timeMSec= (unsigned int)(round(timeSec*1000*1000)); // sotDEBUG(15) << "Calibration: wait for " << timeMSec << "us."<<std::endl; // usleep( timeMSec ); // calibrationStarted = false; // } // } // } // else if( "stopCalibration" == cmdLine ) // { // calibrationStarted = false; // } // else if( "calibrateGravity" == cmdLine ) // { // if( calibrationStarted ) // { // os<< "Calibration phase is on, stop it first."<<std::endl; // return; // } // ml::Vector grav = calibrateGravity( handRsensorSIN.accessCopy(), // usingPrecompensation ); // cmdArgs >> std::ws; // if( cmdArgs.good() ) // { // std::string cmdOnly; cmdArgs>>cmdOnly>>std::ws; // if( (cmdOnly == "only")&&(cmdArgs.good()) ) // { // std::string xyz; cmdArgs >> xyz; // if( "x"==xyz ) { grav(1)=grav(2)=0.; } // else if( "y"==xyz ) { grav(0)=grav(2)=0.; } // else if( "z"==xyz ) { grav(0)=grav(1)=0.; } // } // } // gravitySIN = grav; // } // else if( "calibratePosition" == cmdLine ) // { // if( calibrationStarted ) // { // return; // os<< "Calibration phase is on, stop it first."<<std::endl; // } // ml::Vector position(3); // position = calibrateTransSensorCom( gravitySIN.accessCopy(), // handRsensorSIN.accessCopy() ); // transSensorComSIN = position; // } else if( "precomp" == cmdLine ) { cmdArgs>>std::ws; if( cmdArgs.good() ) { cmdArgs >> usingPrecompensation; } else { os << "precompensation = " << usingPrecompensation <<std::endl; } } else if( "compensateMomentum" == cmdLine ) { cmdArgs>>std::ws; if( cmdArgs.good() ) { bool use; cmdArgs >> use; if( use ) momentumSIN.plug( &momentumSOUT ); else { ml::Vector m(6); m.resize(0); momentumSIN = m; } } else { os << "compensateMomentum = " << (momentumSIN.getPtr()!=&momentumSIN) <<std::endl; } } else{ Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os ); } }