From 313146af05760662128138390dc90af0c1ff7156 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rohan Budhiraja <>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 20:34:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [cpp] change joint-limits to model class + temporary fix for

 include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h                 |  40 ++-
 src/dynamic-command.h                         |  23 ++
 .../sot/dynamics/            | 118 ++++---
 src/sot-dynamic.cpp                           | 322 +++++++++++-------
 unitTesting/test_config.cpp                   |   2 +
 unitTesting/two_link.urdf                     |  47 +--
 6 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h b/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h
index 85e9b53..eeb247f 100644
--- a/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 #include <pinocchio/multibody/parser/urdf.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/algorithm/rnea.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/algorithm/jacobian.hpp>
+#include <pinocchio/algorithm/operational-frames.hpp>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -173,24 +174,23 @@ class SOTDYNAMIC_EXPORT Dynamic
   /* --- MODEL CREATION --- */
-  /// \brief parse a urdf file to create robot model
+  /// \brief sets a urdf filepath to create robot model. Call parseUrdfFile to parse
   /// \param path file location.
-  /// \note creates a pinocchio model. needs urdfdom libraries to parse.
   void setUrdfFile( const std::string& path );
-  //TODO:
-  //  void parseAndAddFrames(se3::Model& pinocchio_model,
-  //			 const std::string& filename);
-  /// \name Construction of a robot by commands
-  ///@{
+  /// \brief parses a urdf filepath to create robot model. Call setUrdfFile to give path
+  /// \param none.
+  /// \note creates a pinocchio model. needs urdfdom libraries to parse.
+  void parseUrdfFile(void);
   /// \brief Create an empty device
   void createRobot();
-  void displayModel(){ std::cout<<m_model<<std::endl; };
+  void displayModel() const 
+  { std::cout<<m_model<<std::endl; };
   /// \brief create a joint
   /// \param inJointName name of the joint,
@@ -336,11 +336,19 @@ class SOTDYNAMIC_EXPORT Dynamic
   /// \return result vector
   dg::Vector& getMaxEffortLimits(dg::Vector& res,const int&);
- protected:
-  dg::Matrix& computeGenericJacobian(int jointId,dg::Matrix& res,int time );
-  dg::Matrix& computeGenericEndeffJacobian(int jointId,dg::Matrix& res,int time );
-  MatrixHomogeneous& computeGenericPosition(int jointId,MatrixHomogeneous& res,int time );
+  //  dg::Vector& getAnklePositionInFootFrame() const;
+    protected:
+  dg::Matrix& computeGenericJacobian(bool isFrame,
+				     int jointId,
+				     dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  dg::Matrix& computeGenericEndeffJacobian(bool isFrame,
+					   int jointId,
+					   dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  MatrixHomogeneous& computeGenericPosition(bool isFrame, 
+					    int jointId,
+					    MatrixHomogeneous& res,int time );
   dg::Vector& computeGenericVelocity(int jointId,dg::Vector& res,int time );
   dg::Vector& computeGenericAcceleration(int jointId,dg::Vector& res,int time );
@@ -371,12 +379,12 @@ class SOTDYNAMIC_EXPORT Dynamic
   dg::Vector getPinocchioVel(int);
   dg::Vector getPinocchioAcc(int);
-  typedef std::pair<std::string,dg::Matrix> JointDetails;
+  typedef std::pair<std::string,Eigen::Matrix4d> JointDetails;
   std::map<std::string, JointDetails> jointMap_;
   std::vector<std::string> jointTypes;
-  std::map<std::string,std::string> specificitiesMap;
+  //std::map<std::string,std::string> specificitiesMap;
diff --git a/src/dynamic-command.h b/src/dynamic-command.h
index bd4b4fe..c8668dd 100644
--- a/src/dynamic-command.h
+++ b/src/dynamic-command.h
@@ -55,6 +55,29 @@ namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
     }; // class SetFiles
+    // Command Parse
+    class Parse : public Command
+    {
+    public:
+      virtual ~Parse() {}
+      /// Create command and store it in Entity
+      /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+      /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+      Parse(Dynamic& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
+	Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring)
+      {
+      }
+      virtual Value doExecute()
+      {
+	Dynamic& robot = static_cast<Dynamic&>(owner());
+	if(! robot.init ) robot.parseUrdfFile();
+	else std::cout << "  !! Already parsed." << std::endl;
+	// return void
+	return Value();
+      }
+    }; // class Parse
     // Command CreateRobot
     class CreateRobot : public Command
diff --git a/src/dynamic_graph/sot/dynamics/ b/src/dynamic_graph/sot/dynamics/
index 7a56201..a565072 100755
--- a/src/dynamic_graph/sot/dynamics/
+++ b/src/dynamic_graph/sot/dynamics/
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ class AbstractHumanoidRobot (object):
       - rightAnkle,
       - Gaze.
+    Operational points are mapped to the actual joints in the robot model
+    via 'OperationalPointsMap' dictionary.
+    This attribute *must* be defined in the subclasses
     Other attributes require to be defined:
         - halfSitting: half-sitting position is the robot initial pose.
             This attribute *must* be defined in subclasses.
@@ -65,6 +69,8 @@ class AbstractHumanoidRobot (object):
     OperationalPoints = ['left-wrist', 'right-wrist',
                          'left-ankle', 'right-ankle',
     Operational points are specific interesting points of the robot
     used to control it.
@@ -91,7 +97,6 @@ class AbstractHumanoidRobot (object):
     frames = dict()
     Additional frames defined by using OpPointModifier.
@@ -163,51 +168,48 @@ class AbstractHumanoidRobot (object):
         return model
-    def loadModelFromJrlDynamics(self, name, modelDir, modelName,
-                                 specificitiesPath, jointRankPath,
-                                 dynamicType):
+    def loadModelFromUrdf(self, name, urdfPath,
+                          dynamicType):
-        Load a model using the jrl-dynamics parser. This parser looks
-        for VRML files in which kinematics and dynamics information
-        have been added by extending the VRML format.
-        It is mainly used by OpenHRP.
+        Load a model using the pinocchio urdf parser. This parser looks
+        for urdf files in which kinematics and dynamics information
+        have been added.
         Additional information are located in two different XML files.
         model = dynamicType(name)
-        self.setProperties(model)
-        model.setFiles(modelDir, modelName,
-                       specificitiesPath, jointRankPath)
+        #TODO: setproperty flags in sot-pinocchio
+        #self.setProperties(model)
+        model.setFile(urdfPath)
         return model
-    def setProperties(self, model):
-        model.setProperty('TimeStep', str(self.timeStep))
-        model.setProperty('ComputeAcceleration', 'false')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeAccelerationCoM', 'false')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeBackwardDynamics', 'false')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeCoM', 'false')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeMomentum', 'false')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeSkewCom', 'false')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeVelocity', 'false')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeZMP', 'false')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeAccelerationCoM', 'true')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeCoM', 'true')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeVelocity', 'true')
-        model.setProperty('ComputeZMP', 'true')
-        if self.enableZmpComputation:
-            model.setProperty('ComputeBackwardDynamics', 'true')
-            model.setProperty('ComputeAcceleration', 'true')
-            model.setProperty('ComputeMomentum', 'true')
+    #TODO: put these flags in sot-pinocchio
+    #def setProperties(self, model):
+    #    model.setProperty('TimeStep', str(self.timeStep))
+    #
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeAcceleration', 'false')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeAccelerationCoM', 'false')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeBackwardDynamics', 'false')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeCoM', 'false')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeMomentum', 'false')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeSkewCom', 'false')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeVelocity', 'false')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeZMP', 'false')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeAccelerationCoM', 'true')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeCoM', 'true')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeVelocity', 'true')
+    #    model.setProperty('ComputeZMP', 'true')
+    #
+    #    if self.enableZmpComputation:
+    #        model.setProperty('ComputeBackwardDynamics', 'true')
+    #        model.setProperty('ComputeAcceleration', 'true')
+    #        model.setProperty('ComputeMomentum', 'true')
     def initializeOpPoints(self, model):
         for op in self.OperationalPoints:
-            model.createOpPoint(op, op)
+            model.createOpPoint(self.OperationalPointsMap[op], self.OperationalPointsMap[op])
     def createFrame(self, frameName, transformation, operationalPoint):
         frame = OpPointModifier(frameName)
@@ -263,27 +265,27 @@ class AbstractHumanoidRobot (object):
-        # --- additional frames ---
-        self.frames = dict()
-        frameName = 'rightHand'
-        self.frames [frameName] = self.createFrame (
-            "{0}_{1}".format (, frameName),
-            self.dynamic.getHandParameter (True), "right-wrist")
+        #TODO: hand parameters through srdf --- additional frames ---
+        #self.frames = dict()
+        #frameName = 'rightHand'
+        #self.frames [frameName] = self.createFrame (
+        #    "{0}_{1}".format (, frameName),
+        #    self.dynamic.getHandParameter (True), "right-wrist")
         # rightGripper is an alias for the rightHand:
-        self.frames ['rightGripper'] = self.frames [frameName]
+        #self.frames ['rightGripper'] = self.frames [frameName]
-        frameName = 'leftHand'
-        self.frames [frameName] = self.createFrame (
-            "{0}_{1}".format (, frameName),
-            self.dynamic.getHandParameter (False), "left-wrist")
+        #frameName = 'leftHand'
+        #self.frames [frameName] = self.createFrame (
+        #    "{0}_{1}".format (, frameName),
+        #    self.dynamic.getHandParameter (False), "left-wrist")
         # leftGripper is an alias for the leftHand:
-        self.frames ["leftGripper"] = self.frames [frameName]
+        #self.frames ["leftGripper"] = self.frames [frameName]
-        for (frameName, transformation, signalName) in self.AdditionalFrames:
-            self.frames[frameName] = self.createFrame(
-                "{0}_{1}".format(, frameName),
-                transformation,
-                signalName)
+        #for (frameName, transformation, signalName) in self.AdditionalFrames:
+        #    self.frames[frameName] = self.createFrame(
+        #        "{0}_{1}".format(, frameName),
+        #        transformation,
+        #        signalName)
     def addTrace(self, entityName, signalName):
         if self.tracer:
@@ -371,21 +373,25 @@ class AbstractHumanoidRobot (object):
         for op in self.OperationalPoints:
-            self.dynamic.signal(op).recompute(self.device.state.time+1)
-            self.dynamic.signal('J'+op).recompute(self.device.state.time+1)
+            self.dynamic.signal(self.OperationalPointsMap[op]).recompute(self.device.state.time+1)
+            self.dynamic.signal('J'+self.OperationalPointsMap[op]).recompute(self.device.state.time+1)
 class HumanoidRobot(AbstractHumanoidRobot):
     halfSitting = [] #FIXME
     name = None
     filename = None
     def __init__(self, name, filename, tracer = None):
         AbstractHumanoidRobot.__init__(self, name, tracer)
         self.filename = filename
-        self.dynamic = \
-            self.loadModelFromKxml ( + '_dynamics', self.filename)
+        self.OperationalPointsMap ={'left-wrist'  : 'left-wrist',
+                                    'right-wrist' : 'right-wrist',
+                                    'left-ankle'  : 'left-ankle',
+                                    'right-ankle' : 'right-ankle',
+                                    'gaze'        : 'gaze'}
+        self.dynamic = self.loadModelFromKxml ( + '_dynamics', self.filename)
         self.dimension = self.dynamic.getDimension()
         self.halfSitting = self.dimension*(0.,)
diff --git a/src/sot-dynamic.cpp b/src/sot-dynamic.cpp
index e1bfd9a..c6fc097 100644
--- a/src/sot-dynamic.cpp
+++ b/src/sot-dynamic.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
  * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
  * with sot-dynamic.  If not, see <>.
-#include <limits>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot-dynamic/dynamic.h>
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <boost/format.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/algorithm/kinematics.hpp>
-#include <pinocchio/algorithm/joint-limits.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/algorithm/center-of-mass.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/spatial/motion.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/algorithm/crba.hpp>
@@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ Dynamic( const std::string & name)
-  ,m_urdfPath()
+  ,m_urdfPath("")
@@ -128,18 +126,18 @@ Dynamic( const std::string & name)
-  //TODO: wrist and ankle have different roll-pitch-yaw frames. Confirm which?
+  //TODO: gaze_joint is fixed joint: not one of pinocchio joint types. Confirm specificities joint.
-    specificitiesMap["right-wrist"] = "RWristRoll";
-    specificitiesMap["left-wrist"] = "RWristRoll";
-    specificitiesMap["right-ankle"] = "RWristRoll";
-    specificitiesMap["left-ankle"] = "RWristRoll";
-    specificitiesMap["gaze"] = "";
-    specificitiesMap["waist"] = "";
-    specificitiesMap["chest"] = "";
+  specificitiesMap["right-wrist"] = "RWristPitch";
+  specificitiesMap["left-wrist"] = "LWristPitch";
+  specificitiesMap["right-ankle"] = "LAnkleRoll";
+  specificitiesMap["left-ankle"] = "RAnkleRoll";
+  specificitiesMap["gaze"] = "HeadRoll";
+  specificitiesMap["waist"] = "waist";
+  specificitiesMap["chest"] = "TrunkYaw";
   //if( build ) buildModel();
@@ -184,6 +182,16 @@ Dynamic( const std::string & name)
 	     new command::SetFile(*this, docstring));
+  docstring =
+    "\n"
+    "    Parse files in order to build the robot.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "      Input:\n"
+    "        - none \n"
+    "\n";
+  addCommand("parse",
+	     new command::Parse(*this, docstring));
   docstring =
     "    Display the current robot configuration.\n"
@@ -243,7 +251,7 @@ Dynamic( const std::string & name)
   addCommand("createJoint", new command::CreateJoint(*this, docstring));
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Add a child joint\n"
+    "    Add a child Body\n"
     "    \n"
     "      Input:\n"
     "        - a string: name of the parent body,\n"
@@ -273,15 +281,25 @@ Dynamic( const std::string & name)
 	     new command::GetDimension(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Write the robot kinematic chain in a file.\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        a string: a filename.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("write",
-	       new command::Write(*this, docstring));
-    //TODO: add specifities commands
+  docstring = "    \n"
+    "    Write the robot kinematic chain in a file.\n"
+    "    \n"
+    "      Input:\n"
+    "        a string: a filename.\n"
+    "    \n";
+  addCommand("write",
+	     new command::Write(*this, docstring));
+  //TODO: add specifities commands
+  /*
+  docstring = "    \n"
+    "    Get ankle position in left foot frame.\n"
+    "    \n";
+  addCommand("getAnklePositionInFootFrame",
+	     new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Dynamic, dynamicgraph::Vector>
+	     (*this, &Dynamic::getAnklePositionInFootFrame, docstring));
+  */
   docstring = "    \n"
     "    Set the position of the center of mass of a body\n"
     "    \n"
@@ -384,26 +402,35 @@ Dynamic::~Dynamic( void ) {
 //Import from urdf file
 void Dynamic::setUrdfFile(const std::string& filename) {
-  //  m_model = new se3::Model();
-  m_model = se3::urdf::buildModel(filename);
-  this->m_urdfPath = filename;
+  m_urdfPath = filename;
+  sotDEBUG(15)<<"Urdf file path: "<<m_urdfPath<<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+void Dynamic::parseUrdfFile() {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  if (m_urdfPath.empty()) std::cerr<<"Set input file first"<<std::endl;
+  m_model = se3::urdf::buildModel(this->m_urdfPath, false);
   if (m_data) delete m_data;
   m_data = new se3::Data(m_model);
-  se3::jointLimits(m_model, *m_data, Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(m_model.nq));
+  std::vector<se3::Frame>::const_iterator it = m_model.operational_frames.begin();
+  for(;it!=m_model.operational_frames.end();it++)
+    sotDEBUG(15)<<"Operational Frames Added: "<<it->name<<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15)<<m_model<<std::endl;
+  displayModel();
 //Create an empty robot
 void Dynamic::createRobot()
-  //  if (m_model) {
-  //m_model.~Model();
-    delete m_data;
-    //}
+  delete m_data;
   m_model= se3::Model();
   m_data = new se3::Data(m_model);
+  init=true;
@@ -422,7 +449,8 @@ void Dynamic::createJoint(const std::string& inJointName,
 			       " already exists in the model.");
   if(std::find(jointTypes.begin(),jointTypes.end(),inJointType) != jointTypes.end()) {
-    JointDetails jointDetails(inJointType,inPosition);
+    Eigen::Matrix4d inposition_ = inPosition;
+    JointDetails jointDetails(inJointType,inposition_);
     jointMap_[inJointName] = jointDetails;
   else {
@@ -444,7 +472,6 @@ void Dynamic::addBody(const std::string& inParentName,
 void Dynamic::addBody(const std::string& inParentName,
 		      const std::string& inJointName,
 		      const std::string& inChildName,
@@ -512,7 +539,6 @@ void Dynamic::addBody(const std::string& inParentName,
   if(m_data) delete m_data;
   m_data = new se3::Data(m_model);
-  se3::jointLimits(m_model, *m_data, Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(m_model.nq));
@@ -580,11 +606,12 @@ void Dynamic::setDofBounds(const std::string& inJointName,
 			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
 			       " has been created.");
   se3::Model::Index joint_index = m_model.getJointId(inJointName);
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
   int prev_cumulative_nq = se3::idx_q(m_model.joints[joint_index]);  
   assert(se3::nq(m_model.joints[joint_index]) > inDofId);
-  m_data->lowerPositionLimit(prev_cumulative_nq+inDofId) = inMinValue;
-  m_data->upperPositionLimit(prev_cumulative_nq+inDofId) = inMaxValue;
+  m_model.lowerPositionLimit(prev_cumulative_nq+inDofId) = inMinValue;
+  m_model.upperPositionLimit(prev_cumulative_nq+inDofId) = inMaxValue;
@@ -598,9 +625,8 @@ void Dynamic::setLowerPositionLimit(const std::string& inJointName,
   se3::Model::Index joint_index = m_model.getJointId(inJointName);
   int prev_cumulative_nq = se3::idx_q(m_model.joints[joint_index]);  
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
   assert (se3::nq(m_model.joints[joint_index])==1 && "Joint is not revolute");
-  m_data->lowerPositionLimit(prev_cumulative_nq) = lowPos;
+  m_model.lowerPositionLimit(prev_cumulative_nq) = lowPos;
@@ -613,9 +639,8 @@ void Dynamic::setLowerPositionLimit(const std::string& inJointName,
   se3::Model::Index joint_index = m_model.getJointId(inJointName);
   int prev_cumulative_nq = se3::idx_q(m_model.joints[joint_index]);  
   int current_nq = se3::nq(m_model.joints[joint_index]);
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
   assert (lowPos.size()==current_nq);
-  m_data->lowerPositionLimit.segment(prev_cumulative_nq,current_nq) = lowPos;
+  m_model.lowerPositionLimit.segment(prev_cumulative_nq,current_nq) = lowPos;
@@ -628,9 +653,8 @@ void Dynamic::setUpperPositionLimit(const std::string& inJointName,
 			       " has been created.");
   se3::Model::Index joint_index = m_model.getJointId(inJointName);
   int prev_cumulative_nq = se3::idx_q(m_model.joints[joint_index]);  
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
   assert (se3::nq(m_model.joints[joint_index])==1 && "Joint is not revolute");
-  m_data->upperPositionLimit(prev_cumulative_nq) = upPos;
+  m_model.upperPositionLimit(prev_cumulative_nq) = upPos;
@@ -645,8 +669,7 @@ void Dynamic::setUpperPositionLimit(const std::string& inJointName,
   int current_nq = se3::nq(m_model.joints[joint_index]);
   assert (upPos.size()==current_nq);
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
-  m_data->upperPositionLimit.segment(prev_cumulative_nq,current_nq) = upPos;
+  m_model.upperPositionLimit.segment(prev_cumulative_nq,current_nq) = upPos;
@@ -660,8 +683,7 @@ void Dynamic::setMaxVelocityLimit(const std::string& inJointName,
   int prev_cumulative_nv = se3::idx_v(m_model.joints[joint_index]);  
   assert (se3::nv(m_model.joints[joint_index])==1 && "Joint is not revolute");
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
-  m_data->velocityLimit(prev_cumulative_nv) = maxVel;
+  m_model.velocityLimit(prev_cumulative_nv) = maxVel;
@@ -674,9 +696,8 @@ void Dynamic::setMaxVelocityLimit(const std::string& inJointName,
   se3::Model::Index joint_index = m_model.getJointId(inJointName);
   int prev_cumulative_nv = se3::idx_v(m_model.joints[joint_index]);  
   int current_nv = se3::nv(m_model.joints[joint_index]);
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
   assert (maxVel.size()==current_nv);
-  m_data->velocityLimit.segment(prev_cumulative_nv,current_nv) = maxVel;
+  m_model.velocityLimit.segment(prev_cumulative_nv,current_nv) = maxVel;
@@ -690,9 +711,8 @@ void Dynamic::setMaxEffortLimit(const std::string& inJointName,
 			       " has been created.");
   se3::Model::Index joint_index = m_model.getJointId(inJointName);
   int prev_cumulative_nv = se3::idx_v(m_model.joints[joint_index]);  
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
   assert (se3::nv(m_model.joints[joint_index])==1 && "Joint is not revolute");
-  m_data->effortLimit(prev_cumulative_nv) = maxEffort;
+  m_model.effortLimit(prev_cumulative_nv) = maxEffort;
@@ -706,9 +726,8 @@ void Dynamic::setMaxEffortLimit(const std::string& inJointName,
   se3::Model::Index joint_index = m_model.getJointId(inJointName);
   int prev_cumulative_nv = se3::idx_v(m_model.joints[joint_index]);  
   int current_nv = se3::nv(m_model.joints[joint_index]);
-  //TODO: Only change in data->vector. No change in the joint model class. Potential bug
   assert (maxEffort.size()==current_nv);
-  m_data->effortLimit.segment(prev_cumulative_nv,current_nv) = maxEffort;
+  m_model.effortLimit.segment(prev_cumulative_nv,current_nv) = maxEffort;
@@ -721,7 +740,7 @@ getLowerPositionLimits(dg::Vector& res, const int&)
-  res = m_data->lowerPositionLimit;
+  res = m_model.lowerPositionLimit;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "lowerLimit (" << res << ")=" << std::endl;
   return res;
@@ -732,7 +751,7 @@ getUpperPositionLimits(dg::Vector& res, const int&)
-  res = m_data->upperPositionLimit;
+  res = m_model.upperPositionLimit;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "upperLimit (" << res << ")=" <<std::endl;
   return res;
@@ -743,7 +762,7 @@ getUpperVelocityLimits(dg::Vector& res, const int&)
-  res = m_data->velocityLimit;
+  res = m_model.velocityLimit;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "upperVelocityLimit (" << res << ")=" <<std::endl;
   return res;
@@ -754,11 +773,30 @@ getMaxEffortLimits(dg::Vector& res, const int&)
-  res = m_data->effortLimit;
+  res = m_model.effortLimit;
   return res;
+//TODO: To be set via srdf file
+/*dynamicgraph::Vector Dynamic::getAnklePositionInFootFrame() const
+  if (!m_data) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  dg::Vector anklePosition(3);
+  foot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(anklePosition);
+  dynamicgraph::Vector res(3);
+  res(0) = anklePosition[0];
+  res(1) = anklePosition[1];
+  res(2) = anklePosition[2];
+  return res;
 /* ---------------- INTERNAL ------------------------------------------------ */
 dg::Vector Dynamic::getPinocchioPos(int time)
@@ -821,16 +859,28 @@ Eigen::VectorXd Dynamic::getPinocchioAcc(int time)
 dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > & Dynamic::
 createJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame, const std::string& jointName )
-  int jointId = m_model.getJointId(jointName);
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > * sig
-    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int >
-    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericJacobian,this,jointId,_1,_2),
-      newtonEulerSINTERN,
-      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > * sig;
+  if(m_model.existFrame(jointName)) {
+    int frameId = m_model.getFrameId(jointName);
+    sig = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int >
+      ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericJacobian,this,true,frameId,_1,_2),
+	newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  }
+  else if(m_model.existJointName(jointName)) {
+    int jointId = m_model.getJointId(jointName); 
+    sig = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int >
+      ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericJacobian,this,false,jointId,_1,_2),
+	newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  }
+  else SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
+				  "Robot has no joint corresponding to " + jointName);
   genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
   signalRegistration( *sig );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
   return *sig;
@@ -838,16 +888,25 @@ dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > & Dynamic::
 createEndeffJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame, const std::string& jointName )
-  int jointId = m_model.getJointId(jointName);
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > * sig
-    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int >
-    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericEndeffJacobian,this,jointId,_1,_2),
-      newtonEulerSINTERN,
-      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > * sig;
+  if(m_model.existFrame(jointName)) {
+    int frameId = m_model.getFrameId(jointName);
+    sig = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int >
+      ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericEndeffJacobian,this,true,frameId,_1,_2),
+	newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  }
+  else if(m_model.existJointName(jointName)) {
+    int jointId = m_model.getJointId(jointName); 
+    sig = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int >
+      ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericEndeffJacobian,this,false,jointId,_1,_2),
+	newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  }
+  else SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
+				  "Robot has no joint corresponding to " + jointName);
   genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
   signalRegistration( *sig );
   return *sig;
@@ -856,15 +915,26 @@ dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >& Dynamic::
 createPositionSignal( const std::string& signame, const std::string& jointName)
-  int jointId = m_model.getJointId(jointName);
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > * sig
-    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >
-    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericPosition,this,jointId,_1,_2),
-      newtonEulerSINTERN,
-      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > * sig;
+  if(m_model.existFrame(jointName)) {
+    int frameId = m_model.getFrameId(jointName);
+    sig = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >
+      ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericPosition,this,true,frameId,_1,_2),
+	newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
+  }
+  else if(m_model.existJointName(jointName)) {
+    int jointId = m_model.getJointId(jointName); 
+    sig = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >
+      ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericPosition,this,false,jointId,_1,_2),
+	newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
+  }
+  else SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
+				  "Robot has no joint corresponding to " + jointName);
   genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
   signalRegistration( *sig );
   return *sig;
@@ -1034,9 +1104,9 @@ dg::Vector& Dynamic::computeZmp( dg::Vector& res,int time )
     return res;
-//In world frame
+//In world coordinates
 dg::Matrix& Dynamic::
-computeGenericJacobian( int jointId,dg::Matrix& res,int time )
+computeGenericJacobian(bool isFrame, int jointId, dg::Matrix& res,int time )
@@ -1044,25 +1114,32 @@ computeGenericJacobian( int jointId,dg::Matrix& res,int time )
   se3::Data::Matrix6x m_output = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6,m_model.nv);
-  //Computes Jacobian in world frame. 
-  se3::getJacobian<false>(m_model,*m_data,(se3::Model::Index)jointId,m_output);
+  //Computes Jacobian in world coordinates. 
+  if(isFrame){
+    se3::framesForwardKinematics(m_model,*m_data);
+    se3::getFrameJacobian<false>(m_model,*m_data,(se3::Model::Index)jointId,m_output);
+  }
+  else se3::getJacobian<false>(m_model,*m_data,(se3::Model::Index)jointId,m_output);
   res = m_output;
   return res;
 dg::Matrix& Dynamic::
-computeGenericEndeffJacobian( int jointId,dg::Matrix& res,int time )
+computeGenericEndeffJacobian(bool isFrame, int jointId,dg::Matrix& res,int time )
-  //In local Frame.
+  //In local coordinates.
   se3::Data::Matrix6x m_output = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6,m_model.nv);
-  se3::getJacobian<true>(m_model,*m_data,(se3::Model::Index)jointId,m_output);
+  if(isFrame){
+    se3::framesForwardKinematics(m_model,*m_data);
+    se3::getFrameJacobian<true>(m_model,*m_data,(se3::Model::Index)jointId,m_output);
+  }
+  else se3::getJacobian<true>(m_model,*m_data,(se3::Model::Index)jointId,m_output);
   res = m_output;
@@ -1071,18 +1148,25 @@ computeGenericEndeffJacobian( int jointId,dg::Matrix& res,int time )
 MatrixHomogeneous& Dynamic::
-computeGenericPosition( int jointId, MatrixHomogeneous& res, int time)
+computeGenericPosition(bool isFrame, int jointId, MatrixHomogeneous& res, int time)
-  res.matrix()= m_data->oMi[jointId].toHomogeneousMatrix();
+  if(isFrame){
+    //TODO: Confirm if we need this. Already being called when calculating jacobian
+    //se3::framesForwardKinematics(m_model,*m_data);
+    res.matrix()= m_data->oMof[jointId].toHomogeneousMatrix();
+  }
+  else res.matrix()= m_data->oMi[jointId].toHomogeneousMatrix();
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
   return res;
 dg::Vector& Dynamic::
 computeGenericVelocity( int jointId, dg::Vector& res,int time )
@@ -1321,7 +1405,7 @@ commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
   else if( cmdLine == "parse" ) {
-    if(!init)  std::cout << "No file parsed, run command setFile" << std::endl;
+    if(!init)  parseUrdfFile();
     else std::cout << "  !! Already parsed." <<std::endl;
   else if( cmdLine == "displayFile" ) {
@@ -1398,6 +1482,28 @@ commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
        << "  - {create|destroy}Position\t:handle position signals." <<std::endl
        << "  - {create|destroy}OpPoint\t:handle Operation Point (ie pos+jac) signals." <<std::endl
        << "  - {create|destroy}Acceleration\t:handle acceleration signals." <<std::endl
+      /*TODO: Put these flags for computations (copied from
+    def setProperties(self, model):
+        model.setProperty('TimeStep', str(self.timeStep))
+        model.setProperty('ComputeAcceleration', 'false')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeAccelerationCoM', 'false')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeBackwardDynamics', 'false')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeCoM', 'false')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeMomentum', 'false')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeSkewCom', 'false')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeVelocity', 'false')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeZMP', 'false')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeAccelerationCoM', 'true')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeCoM', 'true')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeVelocity', 'true')
+        model.setProperty('ComputeZMP', 'true')
+        if self.enableZmpComputation:
+            model.setProperty('ComputeBackwardDynamics', 'true')
+            model.setProperty('ComputeAcceleration', 'true')
+            model.setProperty('ComputeMomentum', 'true')
+      */
       //       << "  - {get|set}Property <name> [<val>]: set/get the property." <<std::endl
       //       << "  - displayProperties: print the prop-val couples list." <<std::endl
        << "  - ndof\t\t\t: display the number of DOF of the robot."<< std::endl;
@@ -1411,56 +1517,26 @@ commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+//jointName is either a fixed-joint (pinocchio operational frame) or a 
+//movable joint (pinocchio joint-variant).
 void Dynamic::cmd_createOpPointSignals( const std::string& opPointName,
 					const std::string& jointName )
-  if(std::find(m_model.names.begin(),
-	       m_model.names.end(),
-	       jointName)!=m_model.names.end()) {
-  }
-  else
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
-			       "Robot has no joint corresponding to " + jointName);
 void Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianWorldSignal( const std::string& signalName,
 					     const std::string& jointName )
-  if(std::find(m_model.names.begin(),
-	       m_model.names.end(),
-	       jointName)!=m_model.names.end()) {
     createJacobianSignal(signalName, jointName);
-  }
-  else
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
-			       "Robot has no joint corresponding to " + jointName);
 void Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianEndEffectorSignal( const std::string& signalName,
 					     const std::string& jointName )
-  if(std::find(m_model.names.begin(),
-	       m_model.names.end(),
-	       jointName)!=m_model.names.end()) {
     createEndeffJacobianSignal(signalName, jointName);
-  }
-  else
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
-			       "Robot has no joint corresponding to " + jointName);
 void Dynamic::cmd_createPositionSignal( const std::string& signalName,
 					const std::string& jointName )
-  SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
-			     "Robot has no joint corresponding to " + jointName);
-  if(std::find(m_model.names.begin(),
-	       m_model.names.end(),
-	       jointName)!=m_model.names.end()) {
     createPositionSignal(signalName, jointName);
-  }
-  else
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
-			       "Robot has no joint corresponding to " + jointName);
diff --git a/unitTesting/test_config.cpp b/unitTesting/test_config.cpp
index 8010561..09c212a 100644
--- a/unitTesting/test_config.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/test_config.cpp
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (config)
   //Parse urdf file
+  dynamic_.parseUrdfFile();
+  dynamic_.displayModel();  
diff --git a/unitTesting/two_link.urdf b/unitTesting/two_link.urdf
index d20a2d2..570717d 100644
--- a/unitTesting/two_link.urdf
+++ b/unitTesting/two_link.urdf
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
     <origin xyz="1 0 0"/>
     <limit effort="12" lower="0" upper="3.14" velocity="10"/>
   <link name="CHILD1">
       <origin xyz="0.5 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
@@ -37,48 +35,11 @@
       <inertia ixx="1" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="1" iyz="0" izz="1" />
-  <link name="CHILD3">
-    <inertial>
-      <origin xyz="0.5 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
-      <mass value="20"/>
-      <inertia ixx="1" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="1" iyz="0" izz="1" />
-    </inertial>
-  </link>
-  <link name="CHILD4">
-    <inertial>
-      <origin xyz="0.5 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
-      <mass value="20"/>
-      <inertia ixx="1" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="1" iyz="0" izz="1" />
-    </inertial>
-  </link>
-  <link name="CHILD5">
-    <inertial>
-      <origin xyz="0.5 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
-      <mass value="20"/>
-      <inertia ixx="1" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="1" iyz="0" izz="1" />
-    </inertial>
-  </link>
-  <joint name="JOINT3" type="revolute">
-    <axis xyz="0 0 1"/>
+  <joint name="FRAMEJOINT1" type="fixed">
     <parent link="CHILD2"/>
     <child link="CHILD3"/>
-    <origin xyz="1 0 0"/>
-    <limit effort="100" lower="0" upper="3.14" velocity="10"/>
+    <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 -0.16"/>
-  <joint name="JOINT4" type="revolute">
-    <axis xyz="0 0 1"/>
-    <parent link="CHILD3"/>
-    <child link="CHILD4"/>
-    <origin xyz="1 0 0"/>
-    <limit effort="100" lower="0" upper="3.14" velocity="10"/>
-  </joint>
-  <joint name="JOINT5" type="revolute">
-    <axis xyz="0 0 1"/>
-    <parent link="CHILD4"/>
-    <child link="CHILD5"/>
-    <origin xyz="1 0 0"/>
-    <limit effort="100" lower="0" upper="3.14" velocity="10"/>
-  </joint>
+  <link name="CHILD3"/>