diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index ebc7c505d5c5aa37d0795504c740048c8a8a8ac3..64ea09c9dce5b3377e6d59d47d2668681deb1bf4 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ ADD_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCY("sot-core >= 2.5")
 # List plug-ins that will be compiled.
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ SET(libs
-LIST(APPEND libs dynamic_plugin)
+LIST(APPEND plugins dynamic)
 # Add dependency toward sot-dynamic library in pkg-config file.
 # Search for dependencies.
 # Boost
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index aafe650c56414731bb0bccb03b866b7a7db7fb19..f7e7781f24abb9db0da73c1e8b0f18602980d24c 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ SET(integrator-force-rk4_plugins_dependencies integrator-force)
 SET(integrator-force-exact_plugins_dependencies integrator-force)
-FOREACH(lib ${libs})
+FOREACH(lib ${plugins})
   ADD_LIBRARY(${lib} SHARED ${lib}.cpp)
@@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ FOREACH(lib ${libs})
 # Main Library
-ADD_LIBRARY(dynamic SHARED dynamic.cpp)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dynamic jrl-dynamics)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dynamic sot-core)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(dynamic dynamic-graph)
-PKG_CONFIG_USE_DEPENDENCY(dynamic jrl-dynamics)
-PKG_CONFIG_USE_DEPENDENCY(dynamic sot-core)
-PKG_CONFIG_USE_DEPENDENCY(dynamic dynamic-graph)
 # Install empty __init__.py files in intermediate directories.
diff --git a/src/dynamic.cpp b/src/dynamic.cpp
index 199faee8b24f3c74a10aae175883fdb64168533d..78b1d2cd98c2cd878456657aeb87cc7a003c6c5f 100644
--- a/src/dynamic.cpp
+++ b/src/dynamic.cpp
@@ -18,2041 +18,10 @@
  * with sot-dynamic.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot-dynamic/dynamic.h>
-#include <boost/version.hpp>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-#include <jrl/mal/matrixabstractlayer.hh>
-#include <abstract-robot-dynamics/humanoid-dynamic-robot.hh>
-#include <abstract-robot-dynamics/robot-dynamics-object-constructor.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
-#include "../src/dynamic-command.h"
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-const std::string dynamicgraph::sot::Dynamic::CLASS_NAME = "Dynamic";
-using namespace std;
-static matrix4d maalToMatrix4d(const ml::Matrix& inMatrix)
-  matrix4d homogeneous;
-  for (unsigned int r=0; r<4; r++) {
-    for (unsigned int c=0; c<4; c++) {
-      homogeneous(r,c) = inMatrix(r,c);
-    }
-  }
-  return homogeneous;
-static vector3d maalToVector3d(const ml::Vector& inVector)
-  vector3d vector;
-  vector(0) = inVector(0);
-  vector(1) = inVector(1);
-  vector(2) = inVector(2);
-  return vector;
-static matrix3d maalToMatrix3d(const ml::Matrix& inMatrix)
-  matrix3d matrix;
-  for (unsigned int r=0; r<3; r++) {
-    for (unsigned int c=0; c<3; c++) {
-      matrix(r,c) = inMatrix(r,c);
-    }
-  }
-  return matrix;
-Dynamic( const std::string & name, bool build )
-  :Entity(name)
-  ,m_HDR(NULL)
-  ,vrmlDirectory()
-  ,vrmlMainFile()
-  ,xmlSpecificityFile()
-  ,xmlRankFile()
-  ,init(false)
-  ,jointPositionSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::position")
-  ,freeFlyerPositionSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffposition")
-  ,jointVelocitySIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::velocity")
-  ,freeFlyerVelocitySIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffvelocity")
-  ,jointAccelerationSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::acceleration")
-  ,freeFlyerAccelerationSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffacceleration")
-  ,firstSINTERN( boost::bind(&Dynamic::initNewtonEuler,this,_1,_2),
-		 sotNOSIGNAL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::intern(dummy)::init" )
-  ,newtonEulerSINTERN( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeNewtonEuler,this,_1,_2),
-		       firstSINTERN<<jointPositionSIN<<freeFlyerPositionSIN
-		       <<jointVelocitySIN<<freeFlyerVelocitySIN
-		       <<jointAccelerationSIN<<freeFlyerAccelerationSIN,
-		       "sotDynamic("+name+")::intern(dummy)::newtoneuleur" )
-  ,zmpSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeZmp,this,_1,_2),
-	    newtonEulerSINTERN,
-	    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::zmp" )
-  ,JcomSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeJcom,this,_1,_2),
-	     newtonEulerSINTERN,
-	     "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::Jcom" )
-  ,comSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeCom,this,_1,_2),
-	    newtonEulerSINTERN,
-	    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::com" )
-  ,inertiaSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeInertia,this,_1,_2),
-		newtonEulerSINTERN,
-		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertia" )
-  ,footHeightSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeFootHeight,this,_1,_2),
-		   newtonEulerSINTERN,
-		   "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(double)::footHeight" )
-  ,upperJlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getUpperJointLimits,this,_1,_2),
-		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::upperJl" )
-  ,lowerJlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getLowerJointLimits,this,_1,_2),
-		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::lowerJl" )
-  ,upperVlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getUpperVelocityLimits,this,_1,_2),
-    sotNOSIGNAL,
-    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::upperVl" )
-  ,lowerVlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getLowerVelocityLimits,this,_1,_2),
-    sotNOSIGNAL,
-    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::lowerVl" )
-  ,upperTlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getUpperTorqueLimits,this,_1,_2),
-    sotNOSIGNAL,
-    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::upperTl" )
-  ,lowerTlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getLowerTorqueLimits,this,_1,_2),
-    sotNOSIGNAL,
-    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::lowerTl" )
-  ,inertiaRotorSOUT( "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertiaRotor" )
-  ,gearRatioSOUT( "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::gearRatio" )
-  ,inertiaRealSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeInertiaReal,this,_1,_2),
-		    inertiaSOUT << gearRatioSOUT << inertiaRotorSOUT,
-		    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertiaReal" )
-  ,MomentaSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeMomenta,this,_1,_2),
-		newtonEulerSINTERN,
-		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::momenta" )
-  ,AngularMomentumSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeAngularMomentum,this,_1,_2),
-			newtonEulerSINTERN,
-			"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::angularmomentum" )
-  ,dynamicDriftSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeTorqueDrift,this,_1,_2),
-		     newtonEulerSINTERN,
-		     "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::dynamicDrift" )
-  sotDEBUGIN(5);
-  if( build ) buildModel();
-  firstSINTERN.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
-  //DEBUG: Why =0? should be function. firstSINTERN.setConstant(0);
-  signalRegistration(jointPositionSIN);
-  signalRegistration(freeFlyerPositionSIN);
-  signalRegistration(jointVelocitySIN);
-  signalRegistration(freeFlyerVelocitySIN);
-  signalRegistration(jointAccelerationSIN);
-  signalRegistration(freeFlyerAccelerationSIN);
-  signalRegistration(zmpSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(comSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(JcomSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(footHeightSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(upperJlSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(lowerJlSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(upperVlSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(lowerVlSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(upperTlSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(lowerTlSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(inertiaSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(inertiaRealSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(inertiaRotorSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(gearRatioSOUT);
-  signalRegistration( MomentaSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(AngularMomentumSOUT);
-  signalRegistration(dynamicDriftSOUT);
-  //
-  // Commands
-  //
-  std::string docstring;
-  // setFiles
-  docstring =
-    "\n"
-    "    Define files to parse in order to build the robot.\n"
-    "\n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - a string: directory containing main wrl file,\n"
-    "        - a string: name of wrl file,\n"
-    "        - a string: xml file containing humanoid specificities,\n"
-    "        - a string: xml file defining order of joints in configuration"
-    " vector.\n"
-    "\n";
-  addCommand("setFiles",
-	     new command::SetFiles(*this, docstring));
-  // parse
-  docstring =
-    "\n"
-    "    Parse files to build an instance ot robot.\n"
-    "\n"
-    "      No input.\n"
-    "      Files are defined by command setFiles \n"
-    "\n";
-    addCommand("parse",
-	       new command::Parse(*this, docstring));
-    {
-      using namespace ::dynamicgraph::command;
-      // CreateOpPoint
-      docstring = "    \n"
-	"    Create an operational point attached to a robot joint local frame.\n"
-	"    \n"
-	"      Input: \n"
-	"        - a string: name of the operational point,\n"
-	"        - a string: name the joint, among (gaze, left-ankle, right ankle\n"
-	"          , left-wrist, right-wrist, waist, chest).\n"
-	"\n";
-      addCommand("createOpPoint",
-		 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&Dynamic::cmd_createOpPointSignals,
-				  docstring));
-      docstring = docCommandVoid2("Create a jacobian (world frame) signal only for one joint.",
-				  "string (signal name)","string (joint name)");
-      addCommand("createJacobian",
-		 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianWorldSignal,
-				  docstring));
-      docstring = docCommandVoid2("Create a jacobian (endeff frame) signal only for one joint.",
-				  "string (signal name)","string (joint name)");
-      addCommand("createJacobianEndEff",
-		 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianEndEffectorSignal,
-				  docstring));
-      docstring = docCommandVoid2("Create a position (matrix homo) signal only for one joint.",
-				  "string (signal name)","string (joint name)");
-      addCommand("createPosition",
-		 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&Dynamic::cmd_createPositionSignal,docstring));
-    }
-    // SetProperty
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set a property.\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the property,\n"
-      "        - a string: value of the property.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setProperty", new command::SetProperty(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Get a property\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the property,\n"
-      "      Return:\n"
-      "        - a string: value of the property\n";
-    addCommand("getProperty", new command::GetProperty(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Create an empty robot\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("createRobot", new command::CreateRobot(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Create a joint\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
-      "        - a string: type of the joint in ['freeflyer', 'rotation',\n"
-      "                    'translation', 'anchor'],\n"
-      "        - a matrix: (homogeneous) position of the joint.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("createJoint", new command::CreateJoint(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set the root joint of the robot\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the joint.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setRootJoint", new command::SetRootJoint(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Add a child joint to a joint\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the parent joint,\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the child joint.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("addJoint", new command::AddJoint(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set the bounds of a joint degree of freedom\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: the name of the joint,\n"
-      "        - a non-negative integer: the dof id in the joint\n"
-      "        - a floating point number: the minimal value,\n"
-      "        - a floating point number: the maximal value.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setDofBounds", new command::SetDofBounds(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set the mass of the body attached to a joint\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
-      "        - a floating point number: the mass of the body.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setMass", new command::SetMass(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set the position of the center of mass of a body\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
-      "        - a vector: the coordinate of the center of mass in the local\n"
-      "                    frame of the joint.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setLocalCenterOfMass",
-	       new command::SetLocalCenterOfMass(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set inertia matrix of a body attached to a joint\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
-      "        - a matrix: inertia matrix.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setInertiaMatrix",
-	       new command::SetInertiaMatrix(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set specific joints of humanoid robot\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
-      "        - a string: type of the joint in ['waist', 'chest',"
-      " 'left-wrist',\n"
-      "                    'right-wrist', 'left-ankle', 'right-ankle',"
-      " 'gaze']\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setSpecificJoint",
-	       new command::SetSpecificJoint(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set hand parameters\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a boolean: whether right hand or not,\n"
-      "        - a vector: the center of the hand in the wrist local frame,\n"
-      "        - a vector: the thumb axis in the wrist local frame,\n"
-      "        - a vector: the forefinger axis in the wrist local frame,\n"
-      "        - a vector: the palm normal in the wrist local frame.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setHandParameters",
-	       new command::SetHandParameters(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set foot parameters\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a boolean: whether right foot or not,\n"
-      "        - a floating point number: the sole length,\n"
-      "        - a floating point number: the sole width,\n"
-      "        - a vector: the position of the ankle in the foot local frame.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setFootParameters",
-	       new command::SetFootParameters(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Set parameters of the gaze\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        - a vector: the gaze origin,\n"
-      "        - a vector: the gaze direction.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("setGazeParameters",
-	       new command::SetGazeParameters(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Initialize kinematic chain of robot\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("initializeRobot",
-	       new command::InitializeRobot(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Get the dimension of the robot configuration.\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Return:\n"
-      "        an unsigned int: the dimension.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("getDimension",
-	       new command::GetDimension(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Write the robot kinematic chain in a file.\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input:\n"
-      "        a string: a filename.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("write",
-	       new command::Write(*this, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Get left foot sole length.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("getSoleLength",
-	       new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Dynamic, double>
-	       (*this, &Dynamic::getSoleLength, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Get left foot sole width.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("getSoleWidth",
-	       new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Dynamic, double>
-	       (*this, &Dynamic::getSoleWidth, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Get ankle position in left foot frame.\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand("getAnklePositionInFootFrame",
-	       new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Dynamic, ml::Vector>
-	       (*this, &Dynamic::getAnklePositionInFootFrame, docstring));
-    docstring = "    \n"
-      "    Get geometric parameters of hand.\n"
-      "    \n"
-      "      Input\n"
-      "        - a boolean: whether right foot or not,\n"
-      "      Return\n"
-      "        - a matrix 4 by 4 the columns of which respectively represent\n"
-      "          - the thumb axis,\n"
-      "          - the forefinger axis,\n"
-      "          - the palm normal,\n"
-      "          - the hand center.\n"
-      "        Note that the last line is (0 0 0 1).\n"
-      "    \n";
-    addCommand ("getHandParameter",
-		new command::GetHandParameter (*this, docstring));
-  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
-void Dynamic::
-buildModel( void )
-  sotDEBUGIN(5);
-  djj::ObjectFactory aRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor;
-  m_HDR = aRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor.createHumanoidDynamicRobot();
-  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
-~Dynamic( void )
-  sotDEBUGIN(5);
-  if( 0!=m_HDR )
-    {
-      delete m_HDR;
-      m_HDR = 0;
-    }
-  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
-	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
-	++iter )
-    {
-      SignalBase<int>* sigPtr = *iter;
-      delete sigPtr;
-    }
-  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
-  return;
-/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Dynamic::
-setVrmlDirectory( const std::string& filename )
-  vrmlDirectory = filename;
-void Dynamic::
-setVrmlMainFile( const std::string& filename )
-  vrmlMainFile = filename;
-void Dynamic::
-setXmlSpecificityFile( const std::string& filename )
-  xmlSpecificityFile = filename;
-void Dynamic::
-setXmlRankFile( const std::string& filename )
-  xmlRankFile = filename;
-// Helper macro for Dynamic::parseConfigFiles().
-// Check that all required files exist or throw an exception
-// otherwise.
-#if BOOST_VERSION < 104601
-  do									\
-    {									\
-      if (!boost::filesystem::exists (PATH)				\
-	  || boost::filesystem::is_directory (PATH))			\
-	{								\
-	  boost::format fmt ("Failed to open the %s (%s).");		\
-	  fmt % (FILE_DESCRIPTION) % robotModelPath.file_string ();	\
-	  								\
-	  SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic					\
-	    (ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,				\
-	     fmt.str ());						\
-	}								\
-    }									\
-  while (0)
-  do									\
-    {									\
-      if (!boost::filesystem::exists (PATH)				\
-	  || boost::filesystem::is_directory (PATH))			\
-	{								\
-	  boost::format fmt ("Failed to open the %s (%s).");		\
-	  fmt % (FILE_DESCRIPTION) % robotModelPath.string ();	\
-	  								\
-	  SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic					\
-	    (ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,				\
-	     fmt.str ());						\
-	}								\
-    }									\
-  while (0)
-#endif // BOOST_VERSION < 104600
-void Dynamic::parseConfigFiles()
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  // Construct the full path to the robot model.
-  boost::filesystem::path robotModelPath (vrmlDirectory);
-  robotModelPath /= vrmlMainFile;
-  boost::filesystem::path xmlRankPath (xmlRankFile);
-  boost::filesystem::path xmlSpecificityPath (xmlSpecificityFile);
-  CHECK_FILE (robotModelPath, "HRP-2 model");
-  CHECK_FILE (xmlRankPath, "XML rank file");
-  CHECK_FILE (xmlSpecificityFile, "XML specificity file");
-  try
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(35) << "Parse the vrml."<<endl;
-#if BOOST_VERSION < 104600
-      std::string robotModelPathStr (robotModelPath.file_string());
-      std::string xmlRankPathStr (xmlRankPath.file_string());
-      std::string xmlSpecificityPathStr (xmlSpecificityPath.file_string());
-      std::string robotModelPathStr (robotModelPath.string());
-      std::string xmlRankPathStr (xmlRankPath.string());
-      std::string xmlSpecificityPathStr (xmlSpecificityPath.string());
-#endif //BOOST_VERSION < 104600
-      djj::parseOpenHRPVRMLFile (*m_HDR,
-				 robotModelPathStr,
-				 xmlRankPathStr,
-				 xmlSpecificityPathStr);
-    }
-  catch (...)
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-				  "Error while parsing." );
-    }
-  init = true;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-#undef CHECK_FILE
-/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
-dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > & Dynamic::
-createJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint )
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig
-    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int >
-    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericJacobian,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
-      newtonEulerSINTERN,
-      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
-  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
-  signalRegistration( *sig );
-  return *sig;
-dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > & Dynamic::
-createEndeffJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint )
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig
-    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int >
-    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericEndeffJacobian,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
-      newtonEulerSINTERN,
-      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
-  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
-  signalRegistration( *sig );
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return *sig;
-void Dynamic::
-destroyJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame )
-  bool deletable = false;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig = & jacobiansSOUT( signame );
-  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
-	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
-	++iter )
-    {
-      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
-    }
-  if(! deletable )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
-				     "Cannot destroy signal",
-				     " (while trying to remove generic jac. signal <%s>).",
-				     signame.c_str() );
-    }
-  signalDeregistration( signame );
-  delete sig;
-/* --- POINT --- */
-/* --- POINT --- */
-/* --- POINT --- */
-dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >& Dynamic::
-createPositionSignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint)
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > * sig
-    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >
-    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericPosition,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
-      newtonEulerSINTERN,
-      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
-  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
-  signalRegistration( *sig );
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return *sig;
-void Dynamic::
-destroyPositionSignal( const std::string& signame )
-  bool deletable = false;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > * sig = & positionsSOUT( signame );
-  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
-	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
-	++iter )
-    {
-      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
-    }
-  if(! deletable )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
-				     "Cannot destroy signal",
-				     " (while trying to remove generic pos. signal <%s>).",
-				     signame.c_str() );
-    }
-  signalDeregistration( signame );
-  delete sig;
-/* --- VELOCITY --- */
-/* --- VELOCITY --- */
-/* --- VELOCITY --- */
-SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >& Dynamic::
-createVelocitySignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint )
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig
-    = new SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >
-    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericVelocity,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
-      newtonEulerSINTERN,
-      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(ml::Vector)::"+signame );
-  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
-  signalRegistration( *sig );
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return *sig;
-void Dynamic::
-destroyVelocitySignal( const std::string& signame )
-  bool deletable = false;
-  SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig = & velocitiesSOUT( signame );
-  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
-	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
-	++iter )
-    {
-      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
-    }
-  if(! deletable )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
-				     "Cannot destroy signal",
-				     " (while trying to remove generic pos. signal <%s>).",
-				     signame.c_str() );
-    }
-  signalDeregistration( signame );
-  delete sig;
-/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
-/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
-/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
-dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >& Dynamic::
-createAccelerationSignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint )
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig
-    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >
-    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericAcceleration,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
-      newtonEulerSINTERN,
-      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
-  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
-  signalRegistration( *sig );
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return *sig;
-void Dynamic::
-destroyAccelerationSignal( const std::string& signame )
-  bool deletable = false;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig = & accelerationsSOUT( signame );
-  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
-	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
-	++iter )
-    {
-      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
-    }
-  if(! deletable )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
-				  getName() + ":cannot destroy signal",
-				  " (while trying to remove generic acc "
-				  "signal <%s>).",
-				  signame.c_str() );
-    }
-  signalDeregistration( signame );
-  delete sig;
-/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <jrl/mal/boostspecific.hh>
-static void MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2( const vector3d& source,
-				ml::Vector & res )
-  sotDEBUG(5) << source <<endl;
-  res(0) = source[0];
-  res(1) = source[1];
-  res(2) = source[2];
-ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
-computeGenericJacobian( CjrlJoint * aJoint,ml::Matrix& res,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
-  res.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return res;
-ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
-computeGenericEndeffJacobian( CjrlJoint * aJoint,ml::Matrix& res,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
-  ml::Matrix J,V(6,6);
-  J.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
-  /* --- TODO --- */
-  MatrixHomogeneous M;
-  computeGenericPosition(aJoint,M,time);
-  //M=M.inverse();
-  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    for( int j=0;j<3;++j )
-      {
-	V(i,j)=M(j,i);
-	V(i+3,j+3)=M(j,i);
-	V(i+3,j)=0.;
-	V(i,j+3)=0.;
-      }
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "0Jn = "<< J;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "V = "<< V;
-  V.multiply(J,res);
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return res;
-MatrixHomogeneous& Dynamic::
-computeGenericPosition( CjrlJoint * aJoint,MatrixHomogeneous& res,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  const matrix4d & m4 = aJoint->currentTransformation();
-  res.resize(4,4);
-  for( int i=0;i<4;++i )
-    for( int j=0;j<4;++j )
-      res(i,j) = MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(m4,i,j);
-  //  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
-  //res.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
-  // adaptation to the new dynamic -- to be optimized
-    matrix4d initialTr;
-    initialTr = aJoint->initialPosition();
-    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,0,3) = 0.0;
-    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,1,3) = 0.0;
-    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,2,3) = 0.0;
-    matrix4d invrot;
-    for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
-      for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++)
-        {
-  	MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j)=0.0;
-  	for(unsigned int k=0;k<3;k++)
-  	  {
-  	    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j)+=
-  	      MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(res,i,k) *
-  	      MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,j,k);
-  	  }
-        }
-    for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
-      for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++)
-        MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(res,i,j) =
-  	MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j);
-    //end of the adaptation
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-computeGenericVelocity( CjrlJoint* j,ml::Vector& res,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  CjrlRigidVelocity aRV = j->jointVelocity();
-  vector3d al= aRV.linearVelocity();
-  vector3d ar= aRV.rotationVelocity();
-  res.resize(6);
-  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    {
-      res(i)=al(i);
-      res(i+3)=ar(i);
-    }
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-computeGenericAcceleration( CjrlJoint* j,ml::Vector& res,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  CjrlRigidAcceleration aRA = j->jointAcceleration();
-  vector3d al= aRA.linearAcceleration();
-  vector3d ar= aRA.rotationAcceleration(); // TODO: Dont copy, reference.
-  res.resize(6);
-  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    {
-      res(i)=al(i);
-      res(i+3)=ar(i);
-    }
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-computeZmp( ml::Vector& ZMPval,int time )
-  if (ZMPval.size()!=3)
-    ZMPval.resize(3);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2(m_HDR->zeroMomentumPoint(),ZMPval);
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return ZMPval;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-computeMomenta(ml::Vector & Momenta, int time)
-  vector3d LinearMomentum, AngularMomentum;
-  if (Momenta.size()!=6)
-    Momenta.resize(6);
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  LinearMomentum = m_HDR->linearMomentumRobot();
-  AngularMomentum = m_HDR->angularMomentumRobot();
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
-    {
-      Momenta(i)   = LinearMomentum(i);
-      Momenta(i+3) = AngularMomentum(i);
-    }
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25) << "Momenta :" << Momenta ;
-  return Momenta;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-computeAngularMomentum(ml::Vector & Momenta, int time)
-  vector3d  AngularMomentum;
-  if (Momenta.size()!=3)
-    Momenta.resize(3);
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  AngularMomentum = m_HDR->angularMomentumRobot();
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
-    {
-      Momenta(i) = AngularMomentum(i);
-    }
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25) << "AngularMomenta :" << Momenta ;
-  return Momenta;
-ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
-computeJcom( ml::Matrix& Jcom,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  matrixNxP jacobian;
-  jacobian.resize(3, m_HDR->numberDof());
-  m_HDR->getJacobianCenterOfMass(*m_HDR->rootJoint(), jacobian);
-  Jcom.initFromMotherLib(jacobian);
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return Jcom;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-computeCom( ml::Vector& com,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  com.resize(3);
-  MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2(m_HDR->positionCenterOfMass(),com);
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return com;
-ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
-computeInertia( ml::Matrix& A,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  m_HDR->computeInertiaMatrix();
-  A.initFromMotherLib(m_HDR->inertiaMatrix());
-  if( 1==debugInertia )
-    {
-      for( unsigned int i=0;i<18;++i )
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
-	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
-	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
-      for( unsigned int i=20;i<22;++i )
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
-	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
-	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
-      for( unsigned int i=28;i<36;++i )
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
-	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
-	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
-    }
-  else if( 2==debugInertia )
-    {
-      for( unsigned int i=0;i<18;++i )
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
-	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
-	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
-      for( unsigned int i=20;i<22;++i )
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
-	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
-	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
-      for( unsigned int i=28;i<29;++i )
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
-	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
-	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
-      for( unsigned int i=35;i<36;++i )
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
-	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
-	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
-    }
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return A;
-ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
-computeInertiaReal( ml::Matrix& res,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  const ml::Matrix & A = inertiaSOUT(time);
-  const ml::Vector & gearRatio = gearRatioSOUT(time);
-  const ml::Vector & inertiaRotor = inertiaRotorSOUT(time);
-  res = A;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<gearRatio.size();++i )
-    res(i,i) += (gearRatio(i)*gearRatio(i)*inertiaRotor(i));
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return res;
-double& Dynamic::
-computeFootHeight (double&, int time)
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
-  CjrlFoot* RightFoot = m_HDR->rightFoot();
-  vector3d AnkleInLocalRefFrame;
-  RightFoot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(AnkleInLocalRefFrame);
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return AnkleInLocalRefFrame[2];
-/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& Dynamic::
-jacobiansSOUT( const std::string& name )
-  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
-  try {
-    dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& res
-      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& >( sigabs );
-    return res;
-  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
-				  "Impossible cast.",
-				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type matrix.",
-				  name.c_str());
-  }
-dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& Dynamic::
-positionsSOUT( const std::string& name )
-  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
-  try {
-    dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& res
-      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& >( sigabs );
-    return res;
-  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
-				  "Impossible cast.",
-				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type matrixHomo.",
-				  name.c_str());
-  }
-dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& Dynamic::
-velocitiesSOUT( const std::string& name )
-  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
-  try {
-    dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& res
-      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& >( sigabs );
-    return res;
- } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
-				  "Impossible cast.",
-				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type Vector.",
-				  name.c_str());
-  }
-dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& Dynamic::
-accelerationsSOUT( const std::string& name )
-  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
-  try {
-    dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& res
-      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& >( sigabs );
-    return res;
-  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
-				  "Impossible cast.",
-				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type Vector.",
-				  name.c_str());
-  }
-int& Dynamic::
-computeNewtonEuler( int& dummy,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  ml::Vector pos = jointPositionSIN(time); // TODO &pos
-  ml::Vector vel = jointVelocitySIN(time);
-  ml::Vector acc = jointAccelerationSIN(time);
-  sotDEBUG(5) << "computeNewtonEuler: " << pos << endl;
-  firstSINTERN(time);
-  if( freeFlyerPositionSIN )
-    {
-      const ml::Vector& ffpos = freeFlyerPositionSIN(time);
-      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) pos(i) = ffpos(i) ;
-      sotDEBUG(5) << "computeNewtonEuler: (" << name << ") ffpos = " << ffpos << endl;
-   }
-  sotDEBUG(5) << "computeNewtonEuler: (" << name << ") pos = " << pos << endl;
-  if( freeFlyerVelocitySIN )
-    {
-      const ml::Vector& ffvel = freeFlyerVelocitySIN(time);
-      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) vel(i) = ffvel(i);
-    }
-  if( freeFlyerAccelerationSIN )
-    {
-      const ml::Vector& ffacc = freeFlyerAccelerationSIN(time);
-      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) acc(i) = ffacc(i);
-    }
-  if(! m_HDR->currentConfiguration(pos.accessToMotherLib()))
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
-				  getName() +
-				  ": position vector size incorrect",
-				  " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
-				  pos.size(),
-				  m_HDR->currentConfiguration().size() );
-    }
-  if(! m_HDR->currentVelocity(vel.accessToMotherLib()) )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
-				  getName() +
-				  ": velocity vector size incorrect",
-				  " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
-				  vel.size(),
-				  m_HDR->currentVelocity().size() );
-    }
-  if(! m_HDR->currentAcceleration(acc.accessToMotherLib()) )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
-				  getName() +
-				  ": acceleration vector size incorrect",
-				  " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
-				  acc.size(),
-				  m_HDR->currentAcceleration().size() );
-    }
-  m_HDR->computeForwardKinematics();
-  sotDEBUG(1)<< "pos = " <<pos <<endl;
-  sotDEBUG(1)<< "vel = " <<vel <<endl;
-  sotDEBUG(1)<< "acc = " <<acc <<endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return dummy;
-int& Dynamic::
-initNewtonEuler( int& dummy,int time )
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  firstSINTERN.setReady(false);
-  computeNewtonEuler(dummy,time);
-  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    m_HDR->computeForwardKinematics();
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return dummy;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-getUpperJointLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
-  res.resize( NBJ );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
-    {
-      res(i)=m_HDR->upperBoundDof( i );
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "upperLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-getLowerJointLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
-  res.resize( NBJ );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
-    {
-      res(i)=m_HDR->lowerBoundDof( i );
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "lowerLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-getUpperVelocityLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
-  res.resize( NBJ );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
-    {
-      res(i)=m_HDR->upperVelocityBoundDof( i );
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "upperVelocityLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-getLowerVelocityLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
-  res.resize( NBJ );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
-    {
-      res(i)=m_HDR->lowerVelocityBoundDof( i );
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "lowerVelocityLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-getUpperTorqueLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
-  res.resize( NBJ );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
-    {
-      res(i)=m_HDR->upperTorqueBoundDof( i );
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "upperTorqueLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-getLowerTorqueLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
-  res.resize( NBJ );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
-    {
-      res(i)=m_HDR->lowerTorqueBoundDof( i );
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "lowerTorqueLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-  return res;
-ml::Vector& Dynamic::
-computeTorqueDrift( ml::Vector& tauDrift,const int  & iter )
-  sotDEBUGIN(25);
-  newtonEulerSINTERN(iter);
-  const unsigned int NB_JOINTS = jointPositionSIN.accessCopy().size();
-  tauDrift.resize(NB_JOINTS);
-  const vectorN& Torques = m_HDR->currentJointTorques();
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NB_JOINTS; ++i ) tauDrift(i) = Torques(i);
-  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-  return tauDrift;
-/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-CjrlJoint* Dynamic::getJointByName( const std::string& jointName )
-  if (jointName ==  "gaze") {
-    return m_HDR->gazeJoint();
-  } else if (jointName == "left-ankle") {
-    return m_HDR->leftAnkle();
-  } else if (jointName == "right-ankle") {
-    return m_HDR->rightAnkle();
-  } else if (jointName == "left-wrist") {
-    return m_HDR->leftWrist();
-  } else if (jointName == "right-wrist") {
-    return m_HDR->rightWrist();
-  } else if (jointName == "waist") {
-    return m_HDR->waist();
-  } else if (jointName == "chest") {
-    return m_HDR->chest();
-  } else if (jointName == "gaze") {
-    return m_HDR->gazeJoint();
-  } 
-  // left toe
-  else if (jointName == "left-toe") 
-  {
-    if (m_HDR->leftAnkle()->countChildJoints () == 0)
-    	throw ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC," The robot has no toes");
-    else
-		return m_HDR->leftAnkle()->childJoint(0);
-  } 
-  // right toe
-  else if (jointName == "right-toe") {
-    if (m_HDR->rightAnkle()->countChildJoints () == 0)
-    	throw ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC," The robot has no toes");
-    else
-		return m_HDR->rightAnkle()->childJoint(0);
-  }
-  else {
-    std::vector< CjrlJoint* > jv = m_HDR->jointVector ();
-    for (std::vector< CjrlJoint* >::const_iterator it = jv.begin();
-	 it != jv.end(); it++) {
-      if ((*it)->getName () == jointName) {
-	return *it;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  throw ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
-			 jointName + " is not a valid name."
-			 " Valid names are \n"
-			 "gaze, left-ankle, right-ankle, left-wrist,"
-			 " right-wrist, waist, chest, or any joint name.");
-void Dynamic::cmd_createOpPointSignals( const std::string& opPointName,
-				 const std::string& jointName )
-  CjrlJoint* joint = getJointByName(jointName);
-  createEndeffJacobianSignal(std::string("J")+opPointName, joint);
-  createPositionSignal(opPointName, joint);
-void Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianWorldSignal( const std::string& signalName,
-				 const std::string& jointName )
-  CjrlJoint* joint = getJointByName(jointName);
-  createJacobianSignal(signalName, joint);
-void Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianEndEffectorSignal( const std::string& signalName,
-					     const std::string& jointName )
-  CjrlJoint* joint = getJointByName(jointName);
-  createEndeffJacobianSignal(signalName, joint);
-void Dynamic::cmd_createPositionSignal( const std::string& signalName,
-					const std::string& jointName )
-  CjrlJoint* joint = getJointByName(jointName);
-  createPositionSignal(signalName, joint);
-/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Dynamic::
-commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
-	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
-	     std::ostream& os )
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In { Cmd " << cmdLine <<endl;
-  std::string filename;
-  if( cmdLine == "debugInertia" )
-    {
-      cmdArgs>>ws; if(cmdArgs.good())
-		     {
-		       std::string arg; cmdArgs >> arg;
-		       if( (arg=="true")||(arg=="1") )
-			 { debugInertia = 1; }
-		       else if( (arg=="2")||(arg=="grip") )
-			 { debugInertia = 2; }
-		       else debugInertia=0;
-		     }
-      else { os << "debugInertia = " << debugInertia << std::endl; }
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "setVrmlDir" )
-    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlDirectory( filename );  }
-  else if( cmdLine == "setVrml" )
-    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlMainFile( filename );  }
-  else if( cmdLine == "setXmlSpec" )
-    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlSpecificityFile( filename );  }
-  else if( cmdLine == "setXmlRank" )
-    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlRankFile( filename );  }
-  else if( cmdLine == "setFiles" )
-    {
-      cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlDirectory( filename );
-      cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlMainFile( filename );
-      cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlSpecificityFile( filename );
-      cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlRankFile( filename );
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "displayFiles" )
-    {
-      cmdArgs >> ws; bool filespecified = false;
-      if( cmdArgs.good() )
-	{
-	  filespecified = true;
-	  std::string filetype; cmdArgs >> filetype;
-	  sotDEBUG(15) << " Request: " << filetype << std::endl;
-	  if( "vrmldir" == filetype ) { os << vrmlDirectory << std::endl; }
-	  else if( "xmlspecificity" == filetype ) { os << xmlSpecificityFile << std::endl; }
-	  else if( "xmlrank" == filetype ) { os << xmlRankFile << std::endl; }
-	  else if( "vrmlmain" == filetype ) { os << vrmlMainFile << std::endl; }
-	  else filespecified = false;
-	}
-      if( ! filespecified )
-	{
-	  os << "  - VRML Directory:\t\t\t" << vrmlDirectory <<endl
-	     << "  - XML Specificity File:\t\t" << xmlSpecificityFile <<endl
-	     << "  - XML Rank File:\t\t\t" << xmlRankFile <<endl
-	     << "  - VRML Main File:\t\t\t" << vrmlMainFile <<endl;
-	}
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "parse" )
-    {
-      if(! init )parseConfigFiles(); else cout << "  !! Already parsed." <<endl;
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "createJacobian" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
-      //createJacobianSignal(Jname,rank);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "destroyJacobian" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      destroyJacobianSignal(Jname);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "createPosition" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
-      //createPositionSignal(Jname,rank);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "destroyPosition" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      destroyPositionSignal(Jname);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "createVelocity" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
-      //createVelocitySignal(Jname,rank);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "destroyVelocity" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      destroyVelocitySignal(Jname);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "createAcceleration" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
-      //createAccelerationSignal(Jname,rank);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "destroyAcceleration" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      destroyAccelerationSignal(Jname);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "createEndeffJacobian" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
-      //createEndeffJacobianSignal(Jname,rank);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "createOpPoint" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
-      //createEndeffJacobianSignal(string("J")+Jname,rank);
-      //createPositionSignal(Jname,rank);
-      sotDEBUG(15)<<endl;
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "destroyOpPoint" )
-    {
-      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
-      destroyJacobianSignal(string("J")+Jname);
-      destroyPositionSignal(Jname);
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "ndof" ) { os << m_HDR->numberDof() <<endl; return; }
-  else if( cmdLine == "setComputeCom" )
-    {
-      unsigned int b; cmdArgs >> b;
-      comActivation((b!=0));
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "setComputeZmp" )
-    {
-      unsigned int b; cmdArgs >> b;
-      zmpActivation((b!=0));
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "setProperty" )
-    {
-      string prop,val; cmdArgs >> prop;
-      if( cmdArgs.good() ) cmdArgs >> val; else val="true";
-      m_HDR->setProperty( prop,val );
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "getProperty" )
-    {
-      string prop,val; cmdArgs >> prop;
-      m_HDR->getProperty( prop,val );
-      os<<val<<endl;
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "displayProperties" )
-    {
-      std::istringstream iss("ComputeVelocity ComputeCoM ComputeAccelerationCoM ComputeMomentum ComputeZMP ComputeBackwardDynamics");
-      string prop,val; const unsigned int STR_SIZE=30;
-      while( iss.good() )
-	{
-	  iss>>prop;
-	  m_HDR->getProperty( prop,val );
-	  os<<prop;
-	  for( unsigned int i=prop.length();i<STR_SIZE;++i ) os<<" ";
-	  os<<" -> "<<val <<endl;
-	}
-    }
-  else if( cmdLine == "help" )
-    {
-      os << "Dynamics:"<<endl
-	 << "  - setVrmlDir - setVrml - setXmlSpec - setXmlRanks <file>" <<endl
-	 << "\t\t\t\t:set the config files" <<endl
-	 << "  - setFiles <%1> ... <%4>\t:set files in the order cited above" <<endl
-	 << "  - displayFiles\t\t\t:display the 5 config files" <<endl
-	 << "  - parse\t\t\t:parse the files set unsing the set{Xml|Vrml} commands." <<endl
-	 << "  - createJacobian <name> <point>:create a signal named <name> " << endl
-	 << "  - createEndeffJacobian <name> <point>:create a signal named <name> "
-	 << "forwarding the jacoian computed at <point>." <<endl
-	 << "  - destroyJacobian <name>\t:delete the jacobian signal <name>" << endl
-	 << "  - {create|destroy}Position\t:handle position signals." <<endl
-	 << "  - {create|destroy}OpPoint\t:handle Operation Point (ie pos+jac) signals." <<endl
-	 << "  - {create|destroy}Acceleration\t:handle acceleration signals." <<endl
-	 << "  - {get|set}Property <name> [<val>]: set/get the property." <<endl
-	 << "  - displayProperties: print the prop-val couples list." <<endl
-	 << "  - ndof\t\t\t: display the number of DOF of the robot."<< endl;
-      Entity::commandLine(cmdLine,cmdArgs,os);
-    }
-  else { Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-void Dynamic::createRobot()
-  if (m_HDR)
-    delete m_HDR;
-  m_HDR = factory_.createHumanoidDynamicRobot();
-void Dynamic::createJoint(const std::string& inJointName,
-			  const std::string& inJointType,
-			   const ml::Matrix& inPosition)
-  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) == 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "a joint with name " + inJointName +
-			       " has already been created.");
-  }
-  matrix4d position = maalToMatrix4d(inPosition);
-  CjrlJoint* joint=NULL;
-  if (inJointType == "freeflyer") {
-    joint = factory_.createJointFreeflyer(position);
-  } else if (inJointType == "rotation") {
-    joint = factory_.createJointRotation(position);
-  } else if (inJointType == "translation") {
-    joint = factory_.createJointTranslation(position);
-  } else if (inJointType == "anchor") {
-    joint = factory_.createJointAnchor(position);
-  } else {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       inJointType + " is not a valid type.\n"
-			       "Valid types are 'freeflyer', 'rotation', 'translation', 'anchor'.");
-  }
-  jointMap_[inJointName] = joint;
-void Dynamic::setRootJoint(const std::string& inJointName)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
-			       " has been created.");
-  }
-  m_HDR->rootJoint(*jointMap_[inJointName]);
-void Dynamic::addJoint(const std::string& inParentName,
-		       const std::string& inChildName)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  if (jointMap_.count(inParentName) != 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "No joint with name " + inParentName +
-			       " has been created.");
-  }
-  if (jointMap_.count(inChildName) != 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "No joint with name " + inChildName +
-			       " has been created.");
-  }
-  jointMap_[inParentName]->addChildJoint(*(jointMap_[inChildName]));
-void Dynamic::setDofBounds(const std::string& inJointName,
-			   unsigned int inDofId,
-			   double inMinValue, double inMaxValue)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
-			       " has been created.");
-  }
-  jointMap_[inJointName]->lowerBound(inDofId, inMinValue);
-  jointMap_[inJointName]->upperBound(inDofId, inMaxValue);
-void Dynamic::setMass(const std::string& inJointName, double inMass)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
-			       " has been created.");
-  }
-  CjrlJoint* joint = jointMap_[inJointName];
-  if (!joint->linkedBody()) {
-    joint->setLinkedBody(*(factory_.createBody()));
-  }
-  CjrlBody& body = *(joint->linkedBody());
-  body.mass(inMass);
-void Dynamic::setLocalCenterOfMass(const std::string& inJointName,
-				   ml::Vector inCom)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
-			       " has been created.");
-  }
-  CjrlJoint* joint = jointMap_[inJointName];
-  if (!joint->linkedBody()) {
-    joint->setLinkedBody(*(factory_.createBody()));
-  }
-  CjrlBody& body = *(joint->linkedBody());
-  body.localCenterOfMass(maalToVector3d(inCom));
-void Dynamic::setInertiaMatrix(const std::string& inJointName,
-			       ml::Matrix inMatrix)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
-			       " has been created.");
-  }
-  CjrlJoint* joint = jointMap_[inJointName];
-  if (!joint->linkedBody()) {
-    joint->setLinkedBody(*(factory_.createBody()));
-  }
-  CjrlBody& body = *(joint->linkedBody());
-  body.inertiaMatrix(maalToMatrix3d(inMatrix));
-void Dynamic::setSpecificJoint(const std::string& inJointName,
-			       const std::string& inJointType)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
-			       " has been created.");
-  }
-  CjrlJoint* joint = jointMap_[inJointName];
-  if (inJointType == "chest") {
-  } else if (inJointType == "waist") {
-    m_HDR->waist(joint);
-  } else if (inJointType == "chest") {
-    m_HDR->chest(joint);
-  } else if (inJointType == "left-wrist") {
-    m_HDR->leftWrist(joint);
-    // Create hand
-    CjrlHand* hand = factory_.createHand(joint);
-    m_HDR->leftHand(hand);
-  } else if (inJointType == "right-wrist") {
-    m_HDR->rightWrist(joint);
-    // Create hand
-    CjrlHand* hand = factory_.createHand(joint);
-    m_HDR->rightHand(hand);
-  } else if (inJointType == "left-ankle") {
-    m_HDR->leftAnkle(joint);
-    // Create foot
-    CjrlFoot* foot = factory_.createFoot(joint);
-    m_HDR->leftFoot(foot);
-  } else if (inJointType == "right-ankle") {
-    m_HDR->rightAnkle(joint);
-    // Create foot
-    CjrlFoot* foot = factory_.createFoot(joint);
-    m_HDR->rightFoot(foot);
-  } else if (inJointType == "gaze") {
-    m_HDR->gazeJoint(joint);
-  } else {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       inJointType + " is not a valid type.\n"
-			       "Valid types are 'waist', 'chest', 'left-wrist',\n'right-wrist', 'left-ankle', 'right-ankle', 'gaze'.");
-  }
-void Dynamic::setHandParameters(bool inRight, const ml::Vector& inCenter,
-				const ml::Vector& inThumbAxis,
-				const ml::Vector& inForefingerAxis,
-				const ml::Vector& inPalmNormal)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  CjrlHand *hand = NULL;
-  if (inRight) {
-    hand = m_HDR->rightHand();
-  } else {
-    hand = m_HDR->leftHand();
-  }
-  if (!hand) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "hand has not been defined yet");
-  }
-  hand->setCenter(maalToVector3d(inCenter));
-  hand->setThumbAxis(maalToVector3d(inThumbAxis));
-  hand->setForeFingerAxis(maalToVector3d(inForefingerAxis));
-  hand->setPalmNormal(maalToVector3d(inPalmNormal));
-void Dynamic::setFootParameters(bool inRight, const double& inSoleLength,
-				const double& inSoleWidth,
-				const ml::Vector& inAnklePosition)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  CjrlFoot *foot = NULL;
-  if (inRight) {
-    foot = m_HDR->rightFoot();
-  } else {
-    foot = m_HDR->leftFoot();
-  }
-  if (!foot) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "foot has not been defined yet");
-  }
-  foot->setSoleSize(inSoleLength, inSoleWidth);
-  foot->setAnklePositionInLocalFrame(maalToVector3d(inAnklePosition));
-double Dynamic::getSoleLength() const
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  CjrlFoot *foot = m_HDR->leftFoot();
-  if (!foot) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "left foot has not been defined yet");
-  }
-  double length, width;
-  foot->getSoleSize(length, width);
-  return length;
-double Dynamic::getSoleWidth() const
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  CjrlFoot *foot = m_HDR->leftFoot();
-  if (!foot) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "left foot has not been defined yet");
-  }
-  double length, width;
-  foot->getSoleSize(length, width);
-  return width;
-ml::Vector Dynamic::getAnklePositionInFootFrame() const
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  CjrlFoot *foot = m_HDR->leftFoot();
-  if (!foot) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "left foot has not been defined yet");
-  }
-  vector3d anklePosition;
-  foot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(anklePosition);
-  ml::Vector res(3);
-  res(0) = anklePosition[0];
-  res(1) = anklePosition[1];
-  res(2) = anklePosition[2];
-  return res;
-void Dynamic::setGazeParameters(const ml::Vector& inGazeOrigin,
-				const ml::Vector& inGazeDirection)
-  if (!m_HDR) {
-    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
-			       "you must create a robot first.");
-  }
-  m_HDR->gaze(maalToVector3d(inGazeDirection),
-	      maalToVector3d(inGazeOrigin));
-std::ostream& sot::operator<<(std::ostream& os,
-			      const CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot&)
-  /*
-  os << "Device: " << &robot << std::endl;
-  os << std::endl;
-  os << "  gaze: " << robot.gazeJoint() << std::endl;
-  os << "  waist: " << robot.waist() << std::endl;
-  os << "  chest: " << robot.waist() << std::endl;
-  os << "  left wrist: " << robot.leftWrist() << std::endl;
-  os << "  right wrist: " << robot.rightWrist() << std::endl;
-  os << "  left ankle: " << robot.leftAnkle() << std::endl;
-  os << "  right ankle: " << robot.rightAnkle() << std::endl;
-  os << std::endl;
-  os << "  gaze origin: " << robot.gazeOrigin() << std::endl;
-  os << "  gaze direction: " << robot.gazeDirection() << std::endl;
-  os << std::endl;
-  os << "  left hand" << std::endl;
-  CjrlHand* hand = robot.leftHand();
-  vector3d v;
-  hand-> getCenter(v);
-  os << "    center: " << v << std::endl;
-  hand-> getThumbAxis(v);
-  os << "    thumb axis: " << v << std::endl;
-  hand-> getForeFingerAxis(v);
-  os << "    forefinger axis: " << v << std::endl;
-  hand-> getPalmNormal(v);
-  os << "    palm normal: " << v << std::endl;
-  os << "  right hand" << std::endl;
-  hand = robot.rightHand();
-  hand-> getCenter(v);
-  os << "    center: " << v << std::endl;
-  hand-> getThumbAxis(v);
-  os << "    thumb axis: " << v << std::endl;
-  hand-> getForeFingerAxis(v);
-  os << "    forefinger axis: " << v << std::endl;
-  hand-> getPalmNormal(v);
-  os << "    palm normal: " << v << std::endl;
-  os << "  left foot" << std::endl;
-  CjrlFoot* foot = robot.leftFoot();
-  double length, width;
-  foot->getSoleSize(length, width);
-  foot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(v);
-  os << "    sole length: " << length << std::endl;
-  os << "    sole width: " << width << std::endl;
-  os << "    ankle position in foot frame: " << v << std::endl;
-  os << "  right foot" << std::endl;
-  foot = robot.rightFoot();
-  foot->getSoleSize(length, width);
-  foot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(v);
-  os << "    sole length: " << length << std::endl;
-  os << "    sole width: " << width << std::endl;
-  os << "    ankle position in foot frame: " << v << std::endl;
-  os << std::endl;
-  os << "  Current configuration: " << robot.currentConfiguration()
-     << std::endl;
-  os << std::endl;
-  os << std::endl;
-  os << "  Writing kinematic chain" << std::endl;
-  //
-  // Go through joints and output each joint
-  //
-  CjrlJoint* joint = robot.rootJoint();
-  if (joint) {
-    os << *joint << std::endl;
-  }
-  // Get position of center of mass
-  MAL_S3_VECTOR(com, double);
-  com = robot.positionCenterOfMass();
-  //debug
-  os <<"total mass "<<robot.mass() <<", COM: "
-      << MAL_S3_VECTOR_ACCESS(com, 0)
-      <<", "<< MAL_S3_VECTOR_ACCESS(com, 1)
-      <<", "<< MAL_S3_VECTOR_ACCESS(com, 2)
-      <<std::endl;
-  */
-  return os;
-std::ostream& sot::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CjrlJoint& joint)
-  os << "CjrlJoint:" << &joint << std::endl;
-  os << "Rank in configuration "
-     << joint.rankInConfiguration() << std::endl;
-  os << "Current transformation:" << std::endl;
-  os << joint.currentTransformation() << std:: endl;
-  os << std::endl;
-  CjrlBody* body = joint.linkedBody();
-  if (body) {
-    os << "Attached body:" << std::endl;
-    os << "Mass of the attached body: " << body->mass() << std::endl;
-    os << "Local center of mass:" << body->localCenterOfMass() << std::endl;
-    os << "Inertia matrix:" << std::endl;
-    os << body->inertiaMatrix() << std::endl;
-  } else {
-    os << "No attached body" << std::endl;
-  }
-  for (unsigned int iChild=0; iChild < joint.countChildJoints();
-       iChild++) {
-    os << *(joint.childJoint(iChild)) << std::endl;
-    os <<std::endl;
-  }
-  return os;
diff --git a/src/dynamic_plugin.cpp b/src/dynamic_plugin.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 78b1d2cd98c2cd878456657aeb87cc7a003c6c5f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/dynamic_plugin.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2010,
- * François Bleibel,
- * Olivier Stasse,
- *
- *
- * This file is part of sot-dynamic.
- * sot-dynamic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * sot-dynamic is distributed in the hope that it will be
- * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.  You should
- * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
- * with sot-dynamic.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#include <sot-dynamic/dynamic.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-using namespace dynamicgraph;
diff --git a/src/sot-dynamic.cpp b/src/sot-dynamic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..199faee8b24f3c74a10aae175883fdb64168533d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sot-dynamic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2058 @@
+ * Copyright 2010,
+ * François Bleibel,
+ * Olivier Stasse,
+ *
+ *
+ * This file is part of sot-dynamic.
+ * sot-dynamic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * sot-dynamic is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.  You should
+ * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+ * with sot-dynamic.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot-dynamic/dynamic.h>
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <jrl/mal/matrixabstractlayer.hh>
+#include <abstract-robot-dynamics/humanoid-dynamic-robot.hh>
+#include <abstract-robot-dynamics/robot-dynamics-object-constructor.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include "../src/dynamic-command.h"
+using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+const std::string dynamicgraph::sot::Dynamic::CLASS_NAME = "Dynamic";
+using namespace std;
+static matrix4d maalToMatrix4d(const ml::Matrix& inMatrix)
+  matrix4d homogeneous;
+  for (unsigned int r=0; r<4; r++) {
+    for (unsigned int c=0; c<4; c++) {
+      homogeneous(r,c) = inMatrix(r,c);
+    }
+  }
+  return homogeneous;
+static vector3d maalToVector3d(const ml::Vector& inVector)
+  vector3d vector;
+  vector(0) = inVector(0);
+  vector(1) = inVector(1);
+  vector(2) = inVector(2);
+  return vector;
+static matrix3d maalToMatrix3d(const ml::Matrix& inMatrix)
+  matrix3d matrix;
+  for (unsigned int r=0; r<3; r++) {
+    for (unsigned int c=0; c<3; c++) {
+      matrix(r,c) = inMatrix(r,c);
+    }
+  }
+  return matrix;
+Dynamic( const std::string & name, bool build )
+  :Entity(name)
+  ,m_HDR(NULL)
+  ,vrmlDirectory()
+  ,vrmlMainFile()
+  ,xmlSpecificityFile()
+  ,xmlRankFile()
+  ,init(false)
+  ,jointPositionSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::position")
+  ,freeFlyerPositionSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffposition")
+  ,jointVelocitySIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::velocity")
+  ,freeFlyerVelocitySIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffvelocity")
+  ,jointAccelerationSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::acceleration")
+  ,freeFlyerAccelerationSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffacceleration")
+  ,firstSINTERN( boost::bind(&Dynamic::initNewtonEuler,this,_1,_2),
+		 sotNOSIGNAL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::intern(dummy)::init" )
+  ,newtonEulerSINTERN( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeNewtonEuler,this,_1,_2),
+		       firstSINTERN<<jointPositionSIN<<freeFlyerPositionSIN
+		       <<jointVelocitySIN<<freeFlyerVelocitySIN
+		       <<jointAccelerationSIN<<freeFlyerAccelerationSIN,
+		       "sotDynamic("+name+")::intern(dummy)::newtoneuleur" )
+  ,zmpSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeZmp,this,_1,_2),
+	    newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::zmp" )
+  ,JcomSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeJcom,this,_1,_2),
+	     newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	     "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::Jcom" )
+  ,comSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeCom,this,_1,_2),
+	    newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::com" )
+  ,inertiaSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeInertia,this,_1,_2),
+		newtonEulerSINTERN,
+		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertia" )
+  ,footHeightSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeFootHeight,this,_1,_2),
+		   newtonEulerSINTERN,
+		   "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(double)::footHeight" )
+  ,upperJlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getUpperJointLimits,this,_1,_2),
+		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::upperJl" )
+  ,lowerJlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getLowerJointLimits,this,_1,_2),
+		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::lowerJl" )
+  ,upperVlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getUpperVelocityLimits,this,_1,_2),
+    sotNOSIGNAL,
+    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::upperVl" )
+  ,lowerVlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getLowerVelocityLimits,this,_1,_2),
+    sotNOSIGNAL,
+    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::lowerVl" )
+  ,upperTlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getUpperTorqueLimits,this,_1,_2),
+    sotNOSIGNAL,
+    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::upperTl" )
+  ,lowerTlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getLowerTorqueLimits,this,_1,_2),
+    sotNOSIGNAL,
+    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::lowerTl" )
+  ,inertiaRotorSOUT( "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertiaRotor" )
+  ,gearRatioSOUT( "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::gearRatio" )
+  ,inertiaRealSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeInertiaReal,this,_1,_2),
+		    inertiaSOUT << gearRatioSOUT << inertiaRotorSOUT,
+		    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertiaReal" )
+  ,MomentaSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeMomenta,this,_1,_2),
+		newtonEulerSINTERN,
+		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::momenta" )
+  ,AngularMomentumSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeAngularMomentum,this,_1,_2),
+			newtonEulerSINTERN,
+			"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::angularmomentum" )
+  ,dynamicDriftSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeTorqueDrift,this,_1,_2),
+		     newtonEulerSINTERN,
+		     "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::dynamicDrift" )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  if( build ) buildModel();
+  firstSINTERN.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
+  //DEBUG: Why =0? should be function. firstSINTERN.setConstant(0);
+  signalRegistration(jointPositionSIN);
+  signalRegistration(freeFlyerPositionSIN);
+  signalRegistration(jointVelocitySIN);
+  signalRegistration(freeFlyerVelocitySIN);
+  signalRegistration(jointAccelerationSIN);
+  signalRegistration(freeFlyerAccelerationSIN);
+  signalRegistration(zmpSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(comSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(JcomSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(footHeightSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(upperJlSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(lowerJlSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(upperVlSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(lowerVlSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(upperTlSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(lowerTlSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(inertiaSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(inertiaRealSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(inertiaRotorSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(gearRatioSOUT);
+  signalRegistration( MomentaSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(AngularMomentumSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(dynamicDriftSOUT);
+  //
+  // Commands
+  //
+  std::string docstring;
+  // setFiles
+  docstring =
+    "\n"
+    "    Define files to parse in order to build the robot.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "      Input:\n"
+    "        - a string: directory containing main wrl file,\n"
+    "        - a string: name of wrl file,\n"
+    "        - a string: xml file containing humanoid specificities,\n"
+    "        - a string: xml file defining order of joints in configuration"
+    " vector.\n"
+    "\n";
+  addCommand("setFiles",
+	     new command::SetFiles(*this, docstring));
+  // parse
+  docstring =
+    "\n"
+    "    Parse files to build an instance ot robot.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "      No input.\n"
+    "      Files are defined by command setFiles \n"
+    "\n";
+    addCommand("parse",
+	       new command::Parse(*this, docstring));
+    {
+      using namespace ::dynamicgraph::command;
+      // CreateOpPoint
+      docstring = "    \n"
+	"    Create an operational point attached to a robot joint local frame.\n"
+	"    \n"
+	"      Input: \n"
+	"        - a string: name of the operational point,\n"
+	"        - a string: name the joint, among (gaze, left-ankle, right ankle\n"
+	"          , left-wrist, right-wrist, waist, chest).\n"
+	"\n";
+      addCommand("createOpPoint",
+		 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&Dynamic::cmd_createOpPointSignals,
+				  docstring));
+      docstring = docCommandVoid2("Create a jacobian (world frame) signal only for one joint.",
+				  "string (signal name)","string (joint name)");
+      addCommand("createJacobian",
+		 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianWorldSignal,
+				  docstring));
+      docstring = docCommandVoid2("Create a jacobian (endeff frame) signal only for one joint.",
+				  "string (signal name)","string (joint name)");
+      addCommand("createJacobianEndEff",
+		 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianEndEffectorSignal,
+				  docstring));
+      docstring = docCommandVoid2("Create a position (matrix homo) signal only for one joint.",
+				  "string (signal name)","string (joint name)");
+      addCommand("createPosition",
+		 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&Dynamic::cmd_createPositionSignal,docstring));
+    }
+    // SetProperty
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set a property.\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the property,\n"
+      "        - a string: value of the property.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setProperty", new command::SetProperty(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Get a property\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the property,\n"
+      "      Return:\n"
+      "        - a string: value of the property\n";
+    addCommand("getProperty", new command::GetProperty(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Create an empty robot\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("createRobot", new command::CreateRobot(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Create a joint\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
+      "        - a string: type of the joint in ['freeflyer', 'rotation',\n"
+      "                    'translation', 'anchor'],\n"
+      "        - a matrix: (homogeneous) position of the joint.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("createJoint", new command::CreateJoint(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set the root joint of the robot\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the joint.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setRootJoint", new command::SetRootJoint(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Add a child joint to a joint\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the parent joint,\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the child joint.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("addJoint", new command::AddJoint(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set the bounds of a joint degree of freedom\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: the name of the joint,\n"
+      "        - a non-negative integer: the dof id in the joint\n"
+      "        - a floating point number: the minimal value,\n"
+      "        - a floating point number: the maximal value.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setDofBounds", new command::SetDofBounds(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set the mass of the body attached to a joint\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
+      "        - a floating point number: the mass of the body.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setMass", new command::SetMass(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set the position of the center of mass of a body\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
+      "        - a vector: the coordinate of the center of mass in the local\n"
+      "                    frame of the joint.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setLocalCenterOfMass",
+	       new command::SetLocalCenterOfMass(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set inertia matrix of a body attached to a joint\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
+      "        - a matrix: inertia matrix.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setInertiaMatrix",
+	       new command::SetInertiaMatrix(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set specific joints of humanoid robot\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a string: name of the joint,\n"
+      "        - a string: type of the joint in ['waist', 'chest',"
+      " 'left-wrist',\n"
+      "                    'right-wrist', 'left-ankle', 'right-ankle',"
+      " 'gaze']\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setSpecificJoint",
+	       new command::SetSpecificJoint(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set hand parameters\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a boolean: whether right hand or not,\n"
+      "        - a vector: the center of the hand in the wrist local frame,\n"
+      "        - a vector: the thumb axis in the wrist local frame,\n"
+      "        - a vector: the forefinger axis in the wrist local frame,\n"
+      "        - a vector: the palm normal in the wrist local frame.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setHandParameters",
+	       new command::SetHandParameters(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set foot parameters\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a boolean: whether right foot or not,\n"
+      "        - a floating point number: the sole length,\n"
+      "        - a floating point number: the sole width,\n"
+      "        - a vector: the position of the ankle in the foot local frame.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setFootParameters",
+	       new command::SetFootParameters(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Set parameters of the gaze\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        - a vector: the gaze origin,\n"
+      "        - a vector: the gaze direction.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("setGazeParameters",
+	       new command::SetGazeParameters(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Initialize kinematic chain of robot\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("initializeRobot",
+	       new command::InitializeRobot(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Get the dimension of the robot configuration.\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Return:\n"
+      "        an unsigned int: the dimension.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("getDimension",
+	       new command::GetDimension(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Write the robot kinematic chain in a file.\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        a string: a filename.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("write",
+	       new command::Write(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Get left foot sole length.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("getSoleLength",
+	       new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Dynamic, double>
+	       (*this, &Dynamic::getSoleLength, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Get left foot sole width.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("getSoleWidth",
+	       new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Dynamic, double>
+	       (*this, &Dynamic::getSoleWidth, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Get ankle position in left foot frame.\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand("getAnklePositionInFootFrame",
+	       new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Dynamic, ml::Vector>
+	       (*this, &Dynamic::getAnklePositionInFootFrame, docstring));
+    docstring = "    \n"
+      "    Get geometric parameters of hand.\n"
+      "    \n"
+      "      Input\n"
+      "        - a boolean: whether right foot or not,\n"
+      "      Return\n"
+      "        - a matrix 4 by 4 the columns of which respectively represent\n"
+      "          - the thumb axis,\n"
+      "          - the forefinger axis,\n"
+      "          - the palm normal,\n"
+      "          - the hand center.\n"
+      "        Note that the last line is (0 0 0 1).\n"
+      "    \n";
+    addCommand ("getHandParameter",
+		new command::GetHandParameter (*this, docstring));
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+void Dynamic::
+buildModel( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  djj::ObjectFactory aRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor;
+  m_HDR = aRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor.createHumanoidDynamicRobot();
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~Dynamic( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  if( 0!=m_HDR )
+    {
+      delete m_HDR;
+      m_HDR = 0;
+    }
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      SignalBase<int>* sigPtr = *iter;
+      delete sigPtr;
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void Dynamic::
+setVrmlDirectory( const std::string& filename )
+  vrmlDirectory = filename;
+void Dynamic::
+setVrmlMainFile( const std::string& filename )
+  vrmlMainFile = filename;
+void Dynamic::
+setXmlSpecificityFile( const std::string& filename )
+  xmlSpecificityFile = filename;
+void Dynamic::
+setXmlRankFile( const std::string& filename )
+  xmlRankFile = filename;
+// Helper macro for Dynamic::parseConfigFiles().
+// Check that all required files exist or throw an exception
+// otherwise.
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 104601
+  do									\
+    {									\
+      if (!boost::filesystem::exists (PATH)				\
+	  || boost::filesystem::is_directory (PATH))			\
+	{								\
+	  boost::format fmt ("Failed to open the %s (%s).");		\
+	  fmt % (FILE_DESCRIPTION) % robotModelPath.file_string ();	\
+	  								\
+	  SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic					\
+	    (ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,				\
+	     fmt.str ());						\
+	}								\
+    }									\
+  while (0)
+  do									\
+    {									\
+      if (!boost::filesystem::exists (PATH)				\
+	  || boost::filesystem::is_directory (PATH))			\
+	{								\
+	  boost::format fmt ("Failed to open the %s (%s).");		\
+	  fmt % (FILE_DESCRIPTION) % robotModelPath.string ();	\
+	  								\
+	  SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic					\
+	    (ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,				\
+	     fmt.str ());						\
+	}								\
+    }									\
+  while (0)
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION < 104600
+void Dynamic::parseConfigFiles()
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  // Construct the full path to the robot model.
+  boost::filesystem::path robotModelPath (vrmlDirectory);
+  robotModelPath /= vrmlMainFile;
+  boost::filesystem::path xmlRankPath (xmlRankFile);
+  boost::filesystem::path xmlSpecificityPath (xmlSpecificityFile);
+  CHECK_FILE (robotModelPath, "HRP-2 model");
+  CHECK_FILE (xmlRankPath, "XML rank file");
+  CHECK_FILE (xmlSpecificityFile, "XML specificity file");
+  try
+    {
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "Parse the vrml."<<endl;
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 104600
+      std::string robotModelPathStr (robotModelPath.file_string());
+      std::string xmlRankPathStr (xmlRankPath.file_string());
+      std::string xmlSpecificityPathStr (xmlSpecificityPath.file_string());
+      std::string robotModelPathStr (robotModelPath.string());
+      std::string xmlRankPathStr (xmlRankPath.string());
+      std::string xmlSpecificityPathStr (xmlSpecificityPath.string());
+#endif //BOOST_VERSION < 104600
+      djj::parseOpenHRPVRMLFile (*m_HDR,
+				 robotModelPathStr,
+				 xmlRankPathStr,
+				 xmlSpecificityPathStr);
+    }
+  catch (...)
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+				  "Error while parsing." );
+    }
+  init = true;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+#undef CHECK_FILE
+/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
+dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > & Dynamic::
+createJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint )
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig
+    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericJacobian,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  return *sig;
+dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > & Dynamic::
+createEndeffJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig
+    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericEndeffJacobian,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return *sig;
+void Dynamic::
+destroyJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame )
+  bool deletable = false;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig = & jacobiansSOUT( signame );
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
+    }
+  if(! deletable )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
+				     "Cannot destroy signal",
+				     " (while trying to remove generic jac. signal <%s>).",
+				     signame.c_str() );
+    }
+  signalDeregistration( signame );
+  delete sig;
+/* --- POINT --- */
+/* --- POINT --- */
+/* --- POINT --- */
+dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >& Dynamic::
+createPositionSignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint)
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > * sig
+    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericPosition,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return *sig;
+void Dynamic::
+destroyPositionSignal( const std::string& signame )
+  bool deletable = false;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > * sig = & positionsSOUT( signame );
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
+    }
+  if(! deletable )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
+				     "Cannot destroy signal",
+				     " (while trying to remove generic pos. signal <%s>).",
+				     signame.c_str() );
+    }
+  signalDeregistration( signame );
+  delete sig;
+/* --- VELOCITY --- */
+/* --- VELOCITY --- */
+/* --- VELOCITY --- */
+SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >& Dynamic::
+createVelocitySignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig
+    = new SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericVelocity,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(ml::Vector)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return *sig;
+void Dynamic::
+destroyVelocitySignal( const std::string& signame )
+  bool deletable = false;
+  SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig = & velocitiesSOUT( signame );
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
+    }
+  if(! deletable )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
+				     "Cannot destroy signal",
+				     " (while trying to remove generic pos. signal <%s>).",
+				     signame.c_str() );
+    }
+  signalDeregistration( signame );
+  delete sig;
+/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
+/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
+/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
+dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >& Dynamic::
+createAccelerationSignal( const std::string& signame, CjrlJoint* aJoint )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig
+    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericAcceleration,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return *sig;
+void Dynamic::
+destroyAccelerationSignal( const std::string& signame )
+  bool deletable = false;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig = & accelerationsSOUT( signame );
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
+    }
+  if(! deletable )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
+				  getName() + ":cannot destroy signal",
+				  " (while trying to remove generic acc "
+				  "signal <%s>).",
+				  signame.c_str() );
+    }
+  signalDeregistration( signame );
+  delete sig;
+/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <jrl/mal/boostspecific.hh>
+static void MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2( const vector3d& source,
+				ml::Vector & res )
+  sotDEBUG(5) << source <<endl;
+  res(0) = source[0];
+  res(1) = source[1];
+  res(2) = source[2];
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeGenericJacobian( CjrlJoint * aJoint,ml::Matrix& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
+  res.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeGenericEndeffJacobian( CjrlJoint * aJoint,ml::Matrix& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
+  ml::Matrix J,V(6,6);
+  J.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
+  /* --- TODO --- */
+  MatrixHomogeneous M;
+  computeGenericPosition(aJoint,M,time);
+  //M=M.inverse();
+  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    for( int j=0;j<3;++j )
+      {
+	V(i,j)=M(j,i);
+	V(i+3,j+3)=M(j,i);
+	V(i+3,j)=0.;
+	V(i,j+3)=0.;
+      }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "0Jn = "<< J;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "V = "<< V;
+  V.multiply(J,res);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+MatrixHomogeneous& Dynamic::
+computeGenericPosition( CjrlJoint * aJoint,MatrixHomogeneous& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  const matrix4d & m4 = aJoint->currentTransformation();
+  res.resize(4,4);
+  for( int i=0;i<4;++i )
+    for( int j=0;j<4;++j )
+      res(i,j) = MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(m4,i,j);
+  //  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
+  //res.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
+  // adaptation to the new dynamic -- to be optimized
+    matrix4d initialTr;
+    initialTr = aJoint->initialPosition();
+    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,0,3) = 0.0;
+    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,1,3) = 0.0;
+    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,2,3) = 0.0;
+    matrix4d invrot;
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
+      for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++)
+        {
+  	MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j)=0.0;
+  	for(unsigned int k=0;k<3;k++)
+  	  {
+  	    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j)+=
+  	      MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(res,i,k) *
+  	      MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,j,k);
+  	  }
+        }
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
+      for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++)
+        MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(res,i,j) =
+  	MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j);
+    //end of the adaptation
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeGenericVelocity( CjrlJoint* j,ml::Vector& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  CjrlRigidVelocity aRV = j->jointVelocity();
+  vector3d al= aRV.linearVelocity();
+  vector3d ar= aRV.rotationVelocity();
+  res.resize(6);
+  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=al(i);
+      res(i+3)=ar(i);
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeGenericAcceleration( CjrlJoint* j,ml::Vector& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  CjrlRigidAcceleration aRA = j->jointAcceleration();
+  vector3d al= aRA.linearAcceleration();
+  vector3d ar= aRA.rotationAcceleration(); // TODO: Dont copy, reference.
+  res.resize(6);
+  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=al(i);
+      res(i+3)=ar(i);
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeZmp( ml::Vector& ZMPval,int time )
+  if (ZMPval.size()!=3)
+    ZMPval.resize(3);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2(m_HDR->zeroMomentumPoint(),ZMPval);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return ZMPval;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeMomenta(ml::Vector & Momenta, int time)
+  vector3d LinearMomentum, AngularMomentum;
+  if (Momenta.size()!=6)
+    Momenta.resize(6);
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  LinearMomentum = m_HDR->linearMomentumRobot();
+  AngularMomentum = m_HDR->angularMomentumRobot();
+  for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
+    {
+      Momenta(i)   = LinearMomentum(i);
+      Momenta(i+3) = AngularMomentum(i);
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25) << "Momenta :" << Momenta ;
+  return Momenta;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeAngularMomentum(ml::Vector & Momenta, int time)
+  vector3d  AngularMomentum;
+  if (Momenta.size()!=3)
+    Momenta.resize(3);
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  AngularMomentum = m_HDR->angularMomentumRobot();
+  for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
+    {
+      Momenta(i) = AngularMomentum(i);
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25) << "AngularMomenta :" << Momenta ;
+  return Momenta;
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeJcom( ml::Matrix& Jcom,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  matrixNxP jacobian;
+  jacobian.resize(3, m_HDR->numberDof());
+  m_HDR->getJacobianCenterOfMass(*m_HDR->rootJoint(), jacobian);
+  Jcom.initFromMotherLib(jacobian);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return Jcom;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeCom( ml::Vector& com,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  com.resize(3);
+  MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2(m_HDR->positionCenterOfMass(),com);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return com;
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeInertia( ml::Matrix& A,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  m_HDR->computeInertiaMatrix();
+  A.initFromMotherLib(m_HDR->inertiaMatrix());
+  if( 1==debugInertia )
+    {
+      for( unsigned int i=0;i<18;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=20;i<22;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=28;i<36;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+    }
+  else if( 2==debugInertia )
+    {
+      for( unsigned int i=0;i<18;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=20;i<22;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=28;i<29;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=35;i<36;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1;
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return A;
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeInertiaReal( ml::Matrix& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  const ml::Matrix & A = inertiaSOUT(time);
+  const ml::Vector & gearRatio = gearRatioSOUT(time);
+  const ml::Vector & inertiaRotor = inertiaRotorSOUT(time);
+  res = A;
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<gearRatio.size();++i )
+    res(i,i) += (gearRatio(i)*gearRatio(i)*inertiaRotor(i));
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+double& Dynamic::
+computeFootHeight (double&, int time)
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  CjrlFoot* RightFoot = m_HDR->rightFoot();
+  vector3d AnkleInLocalRefFrame;
+  RightFoot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(AnkleInLocalRefFrame);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return AnkleInLocalRefFrame[2];
+/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& Dynamic::
+jacobiansSOUT( const std::string& name )
+  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
+  try {
+    dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& res
+      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& >( sigabs );
+    return res;
+  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
+				  "Impossible cast.",
+				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type matrix.",
+				  name.c_str());
+  }
+dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& Dynamic::
+positionsSOUT( const std::string& name )
+  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
+  try {
+    dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& res
+      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& >( sigabs );
+    return res;
+  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
+				  "Impossible cast.",
+				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type matrixHomo.",
+				  name.c_str());
+  }
+dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& Dynamic::
+velocitiesSOUT( const std::string& name )
+  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
+  try {
+    dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& res
+      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& >( sigabs );
+    return res;
+ } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
+				  "Impossible cast.",
+				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type Vector.",
+				  name.c_str());
+  }
+dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& Dynamic::
+accelerationsSOUT( const std::string& name )
+  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
+  try {
+    dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& res
+      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& >( sigabs );
+    return res;
+  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
+				  "Impossible cast.",
+				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type Vector.",
+				  name.c_str());
+  }
+int& Dynamic::
+computeNewtonEuler( int& dummy,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  ml::Vector pos = jointPositionSIN(time); // TODO &pos
+  ml::Vector vel = jointVelocitySIN(time);
+  ml::Vector acc = jointAccelerationSIN(time);
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "computeNewtonEuler: " << pos << endl;
+  firstSINTERN(time);
+  if( freeFlyerPositionSIN )
+    {
+      const ml::Vector& ffpos = freeFlyerPositionSIN(time);
+      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) pos(i) = ffpos(i) ;
+      sotDEBUG(5) << "computeNewtonEuler: (" << name << ") ffpos = " << ffpos << endl;
+   }
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "computeNewtonEuler: (" << name << ") pos = " << pos << endl;
+  if( freeFlyerVelocitySIN )
+    {
+      const ml::Vector& ffvel = freeFlyerVelocitySIN(time);
+      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) vel(i) = ffvel(i);
+    }
+  if( freeFlyerAccelerationSIN )
+    {
+      const ml::Vector& ffacc = freeFlyerAccelerationSIN(time);
+      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) acc(i) = ffacc(i);
+    }
+  if(! m_HDR->currentConfiguration(pos.accessToMotherLib()))
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
+				  getName() +
+				  ": position vector size incorrect",
+				  " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
+				  pos.size(),
+				  m_HDR->currentConfiguration().size() );
+    }
+  if(! m_HDR->currentVelocity(vel.accessToMotherLib()) )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
+				  getName() +
+				  ": velocity vector size incorrect",
+				  " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
+				  vel.size(),
+				  m_HDR->currentVelocity().size() );
+    }
+  if(! m_HDR->currentAcceleration(acc.accessToMotherLib()) )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
+				  getName() +
+				  ": acceleration vector size incorrect",
+				  " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
+				  acc.size(),
+				  m_HDR->currentAcceleration().size() );
+    }
+  m_HDR->computeForwardKinematics();
+  sotDEBUG(1)<< "pos = " <<pos <<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(1)<< "vel = " <<vel <<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(1)<< "acc = " <<acc <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return dummy;
+int& Dynamic::
+initNewtonEuler( int& dummy,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  firstSINTERN.setReady(false);
+  computeNewtonEuler(dummy,time);
+  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    m_HDR->computeForwardKinematics();
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return dummy;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+getUpperJointLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
+  res.resize( NBJ );
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=m_HDR->upperBoundDof( i );
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "upperLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+getLowerJointLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
+  res.resize( NBJ );
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=m_HDR->lowerBoundDof( i );
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "lowerLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+getUpperVelocityLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
+  res.resize( NBJ );
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=m_HDR->upperVelocityBoundDof( i );
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "upperVelocityLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+getLowerVelocityLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
+  res.resize( NBJ );
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=m_HDR->lowerVelocityBoundDof( i );
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "lowerVelocityLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+getUpperTorqueLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
+  res.resize( NBJ );
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=m_HDR->upperTorqueBoundDof( i );
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "upperTorqueLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+getLowerTorqueLimits(ml::Vector& res, const int&)
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
+  res.resize( NBJ );
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=m_HDR->lowerTorqueBoundDof( i );
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "lowerTorqueLimit (" << NBJ << ")=" << res <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeTorqueDrift( ml::Vector& tauDrift,const int  & iter )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(iter);
+  const unsigned int NB_JOINTS = jointPositionSIN.accessCopy().size();
+  tauDrift.resize(NB_JOINTS);
+  const vectorN& Torques = m_HDR->currentJointTorques();
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NB_JOINTS; ++i ) tauDrift(i) = Torques(i);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return tauDrift;
+/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+CjrlJoint* Dynamic::getJointByName( const std::string& jointName )
+  if (jointName ==  "gaze") {
+    return m_HDR->gazeJoint();
+  } else if (jointName == "left-ankle") {
+    return m_HDR->leftAnkle();
+  } else if (jointName == "right-ankle") {
+    return m_HDR->rightAnkle();
+  } else if (jointName == "left-wrist") {
+    return m_HDR->leftWrist();
+  } else if (jointName == "right-wrist") {
+    return m_HDR->rightWrist();
+  } else if (jointName == "waist") {
+    return m_HDR->waist();
+  } else if (jointName == "chest") {
+    return m_HDR->chest();
+  } else if (jointName == "gaze") {
+    return m_HDR->gazeJoint();
+  } 
+  // left toe
+  else if (jointName == "left-toe") 
+  {
+    if (m_HDR->leftAnkle()->countChildJoints () == 0)
+    	throw ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC," The robot has no toes");
+    else
+		return m_HDR->leftAnkle()->childJoint(0);
+  } 
+  // right toe
+  else if (jointName == "right-toe") {
+    if (m_HDR->rightAnkle()->countChildJoints () == 0)
+    	throw ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC," The robot has no toes");
+    else
+		return m_HDR->rightAnkle()->childJoint(0);
+  }
+  else {
+    std::vector< CjrlJoint* > jv = m_HDR->jointVector ();
+    for (std::vector< CjrlJoint* >::const_iterator it = jv.begin();
+	 it != jv.end(); it++) {
+      if ((*it)->getName () == jointName) {
+	return *it;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  throw ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::GENERIC,
+			 jointName + " is not a valid name."
+			 " Valid names are \n"
+			 "gaze, left-ankle, right-ankle, left-wrist,"
+			 " right-wrist, waist, chest, or any joint name.");
+void Dynamic::cmd_createOpPointSignals( const std::string& opPointName,
+				 const std::string& jointName )
+  CjrlJoint* joint = getJointByName(jointName);
+  createEndeffJacobianSignal(std::string("J")+opPointName, joint);
+  createPositionSignal(opPointName, joint);
+void Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianWorldSignal( const std::string& signalName,
+				 const std::string& jointName )
+  CjrlJoint* joint = getJointByName(jointName);
+  createJacobianSignal(signalName, joint);
+void Dynamic::cmd_createJacobianEndEffectorSignal( const std::string& signalName,
+					     const std::string& jointName )
+  CjrlJoint* joint = getJointByName(jointName);
+  createEndeffJacobianSignal(signalName, joint);
+void Dynamic::cmd_createPositionSignal( const std::string& signalName,
+					const std::string& jointName )
+  CjrlJoint* joint = getJointByName(jointName);
+  createPositionSignal(signalName, joint);
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void Dynamic::
+commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+	     std::ostream& os )
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In { Cmd " << cmdLine <<endl;
+  std::string filename;
+  if( cmdLine == "debugInertia" )
+    {
+      cmdArgs>>ws; if(cmdArgs.good())
+		     {
+		       std::string arg; cmdArgs >> arg;
+		       if( (arg=="true")||(arg=="1") )
+			 { debugInertia = 1; }
+		       else if( (arg=="2")||(arg=="grip") )
+			 { debugInertia = 2; }
+		       else debugInertia=0;
+		     }
+      else { os << "debugInertia = " << debugInertia << std::endl; }
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setVrmlDir" )
+    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlDirectory( filename );  }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setVrml" )
+    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlMainFile( filename );  }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setXmlSpec" )
+    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlSpecificityFile( filename );  }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setXmlRank" )
+    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlRankFile( filename );  }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setFiles" )
+    {
+      cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlDirectory( filename );
+      cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlMainFile( filename );
+      cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlSpecificityFile( filename );
+      cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlRankFile( filename );
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "displayFiles" )
+    {
+      cmdArgs >> ws; bool filespecified = false;
+      if( cmdArgs.good() )
+	{
+	  filespecified = true;
+	  std::string filetype; cmdArgs >> filetype;
+	  sotDEBUG(15) << " Request: " << filetype << std::endl;
+	  if( "vrmldir" == filetype ) { os << vrmlDirectory << std::endl; }
+	  else if( "xmlspecificity" == filetype ) { os << xmlSpecificityFile << std::endl; }
+	  else if( "xmlrank" == filetype ) { os << xmlRankFile << std::endl; }
+	  else if( "vrmlmain" == filetype ) { os << vrmlMainFile << std::endl; }
+	  else filespecified = false;
+	}
+      if( ! filespecified )
+	{
+	  os << "  - VRML Directory:\t\t\t" << vrmlDirectory <<endl
+	     << "  - XML Specificity File:\t\t" << xmlSpecificityFile <<endl
+	     << "  - XML Rank File:\t\t\t" << xmlRankFile <<endl
+	     << "  - VRML Main File:\t\t\t" << vrmlMainFile <<endl;
+	}
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "parse" )
+    {
+      if(! init )parseConfigFiles(); else cout << "  !! Already parsed." <<endl;
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createJacobian" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      //createJacobianSignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyJacobian" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyJacobianSignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createPosition" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      //createPositionSignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyPosition" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyPositionSignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createVelocity" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      //createVelocitySignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyVelocity" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyVelocitySignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createAcceleration" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      //createAccelerationSignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyAcceleration" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyAccelerationSignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createEndeffJacobian" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      //createEndeffJacobianSignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createOpPoint" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      //createEndeffJacobianSignal(string("J")+Jname,rank);
+      //createPositionSignal(Jname,rank);
+      sotDEBUG(15)<<endl;
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyOpPoint" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyJacobianSignal(string("J")+Jname);
+      destroyPositionSignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "ndof" ) { os << m_HDR->numberDof() <<endl; return; }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setComputeCom" )
+    {
+      unsigned int b; cmdArgs >> b;
+      comActivation((b!=0));
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setComputeZmp" )
+    {
+      unsigned int b; cmdArgs >> b;
+      zmpActivation((b!=0));
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setProperty" )
+    {
+      string prop,val; cmdArgs >> prop;
+      if( cmdArgs.good() ) cmdArgs >> val; else val="true";
+      m_HDR->setProperty( prop,val );
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "getProperty" )
+    {
+      string prop,val; cmdArgs >> prop;
+      m_HDR->getProperty( prop,val );
+      os<<val<<endl;
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "displayProperties" )
+    {
+      std::istringstream iss("ComputeVelocity ComputeCoM ComputeAccelerationCoM ComputeMomentum ComputeZMP ComputeBackwardDynamics");
+      string prop,val; const unsigned int STR_SIZE=30;
+      while( iss.good() )
+	{
+	  iss>>prop;
+	  m_HDR->getProperty( prop,val );
+	  os<<prop;
+	  for( unsigned int i=prop.length();i<STR_SIZE;++i ) os<<" ";
+	  os<<" -> "<<val <<endl;
+	}
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "help" )
+    {
+      os << "Dynamics:"<<endl
+	 << "  - setVrmlDir - setVrml - setXmlSpec - setXmlRanks <file>" <<endl
+	 << "\t\t\t\t:set the config files" <<endl
+	 << "  - setFiles <%1> ... <%4>\t:set files in the order cited above" <<endl
+	 << "  - displayFiles\t\t\t:display the 5 config files" <<endl
+	 << "  - parse\t\t\t:parse the files set unsing the set{Xml|Vrml} commands." <<endl
+	 << "  - createJacobian <name> <point>:create a signal named <name> " << endl
+	 << "  - createEndeffJacobian <name> <point>:create a signal named <name> "
+	 << "forwarding the jacoian computed at <point>." <<endl
+	 << "  - destroyJacobian <name>\t:delete the jacobian signal <name>" << endl
+	 << "  - {create|destroy}Position\t:handle position signals." <<endl
+	 << "  - {create|destroy}OpPoint\t:handle Operation Point (ie pos+jac) signals." <<endl
+	 << "  - {create|destroy}Acceleration\t:handle acceleration signals." <<endl
+	 << "  - {get|set}Property <name> [<val>]: set/get the property." <<endl
+	 << "  - displayProperties: print the prop-val couples list." <<endl
+	 << "  - ndof\t\t\t: display the number of DOF of the robot."<< endl;
+      Entity::commandLine(cmdLine,cmdArgs,os);
+    }
+  else { Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+void Dynamic::createRobot()
+  if (m_HDR)
+    delete m_HDR;
+  m_HDR = factory_.createHumanoidDynamicRobot();
+void Dynamic::createJoint(const std::string& inJointName,
+			  const std::string& inJointType,
+			   const ml::Matrix& inPosition)
+  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) == 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "a joint with name " + inJointName +
+			       " has already been created.");
+  }
+  matrix4d position = maalToMatrix4d(inPosition);
+  CjrlJoint* joint=NULL;
+  if (inJointType == "freeflyer") {
+    joint = factory_.createJointFreeflyer(position);
+  } else if (inJointType == "rotation") {
+    joint = factory_.createJointRotation(position);
+  } else if (inJointType == "translation") {
+    joint = factory_.createJointTranslation(position);
+  } else if (inJointType == "anchor") {
+    joint = factory_.createJointAnchor(position);
+  } else {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       inJointType + " is not a valid type.\n"
+			       "Valid types are 'freeflyer', 'rotation', 'translation', 'anchor'.");
+  }
+  jointMap_[inJointName] = joint;
+void Dynamic::setRootJoint(const std::string& inJointName)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
+			       " has been created.");
+  }
+  m_HDR->rootJoint(*jointMap_[inJointName]);
+void Dynamic::addJoint(const std::string& inParentName,
+		       const std::string& inChildName)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  if (jointMap_.count(inParentName) != 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "No joint with name " + inParentName +
+			       " has been created.");
+  }
+  if (jointMap_.count(inChildName) != 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "No joint with name " + inChildName +
+			       " has been created.");
+  }
+  jointMap_[inParentName]->addChildJoint(*(jointMap_[inChildName]));
+void Dynamic::setDofBounds(const std::string& inJointName,
+			   unsigned int inDofId,
+			   double inMinValue, double inMaxValue)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
+			       " has been created.");
+  }
+  jointMap_[inJointName]->lowerBound(inDofId, inMinValue);
+  jointMap_[inJointName]->upperBound(inDofId, inMaxValue);
+void Dynamic::setMass(const std::string& inJointName, double inMass)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
+			       " has been created.");
+  }
+  CjrlJoint* joint = jointMap_[inJointName];
+  if (!joint->linkedBody()) {
+    joint->setLinkedBody(*(factory_.createBody()));
+  }
+  CjrlBody& body = *(joint->linkedBody());
+  body.mass(inMass);
+void Dynamic::setLocalCenterOfMass(const std::string& inJointName,
+				   ml::Vector inCom)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
+			       " has been created.");
+  }
+  CjrlJoint* joint = jointMap_[inJointName];
+  if (!joint->linkedBody()) {
+    joint->setLinkedBody(*(factory_.createBody()));
+  }
+  CjrlBody& body = *(joint->linkedBody());
+  body.localCenterOfMass(maalToVector3d(inCom));
+void Dynamic::setInertiaMatrix(const std::string& inJointName,
+			       ml::Matrix inMatrix)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
+			       " has been created.");
+  }
+  CjrlJoint* joint = jointMap_[inJointName];
+  if (!joint->linkedBody()) {
+    joint->setLinkedBody(*(factory_.createBody()));
+  }
+  CjrlBody& body = *(joint->linkedBody());
+  body.inertiaMatrix(maalToMatrix3d(inMatrix));
+void Dynamic::setSpecificJoint(const std::string& inJointName,
+			       const std::string& inJointType)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  if (jointMap_.count(inJointName) != 1) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "No joint with name " + inJointName +
+			       " has been created.");
+  }
+  CjrlJoint* joint = jointMap_[inJointName];
+  if (inJointType == "chest") {
+  } else if (inJointType == "waist") {
+    m_HDR->waist(joint);
+  } else if (inJointType == "chest") {
+    m_HDR->chest(joint);
+  } else if (inJointType == "left-wrist") {
+    m_HDR->leftWrist(joint);
+    // Create hand
+    CjrlHand* hand = factory_.createHand(joint);
+    m_HDR->leftHand(hand);
+  } else if (inJointType == "right-wrist") {
+    m_HDR->rightWrist(joint);
+    // Create hand
+    CjrlHand* hand = factory_.createHand(joint);
+    m_HDR->rightHand(hand);
+  } else if (inJointType == "left-ankle") {
+    m_HDR->leftAnkle(joint);
+    // Create foot
+    CjrlFoot* foot = factory_.createFoot(joint);
+    m_HDR->leftFoot(foot);
+  } else if (inJointType == "right-ankle") {
+    m_HDR->rightAnkle(joint);
+    // Create foot
+    CjrlFoot* foot = factory_.createFoot(joint);
+    m_HDR->rightFoot(foot);
+  } else if (inJointType == "gaze") {
+    m_HDR->gazeJoint(joint);
+  } else {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       inJointType + " is not a valid type.\n"
+			       "Valid types are 'waist', 'chest', 'left-wrist',\n'right-wrist', 'left-ankle', 'right-ankle', 'gaze'.");
+  }
+void Dynamic::setHandParameters(bool inRight, const ml::Vector& inCenter,
+				const ml::Vector& inThumbAxis,
+				const ml::Vector& inForefingerAxis,
+				const ml::Vector& inPalmNormal)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  CjrlHand *hand = NULL;
+  if (inRight) {
+    hand = m_HDR->rightHand();
+  } else {
+    hand = m_HDR->leftHand();
+  }
+  if (!hand) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "hand has not been defined yet");
+  }
+  hand->setCenter(maalToVector3d(inCenter));
+  hand->setThumbAxis(maalToVector3d(inThumbAxis));
+  hand->setForeFingerAxis(maalToVector3d(inForefingerAxis));
+  hand->setPalmNormal(maalToVector3d(inPalmNormal));
+void Dynamic::setFootParameters(bool inRight, const double& inSoleLength,
+				const double& inSoleWidth,
+				const ml::Vector& inAnklePosition)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  CjrlFoot *foot = NULL;
+  if (inRight) {
+    foot = m_HDR->rightFoot();
+  } else {
+    foot = m_HDR->leftFoot();
+  }
+  if (!foot) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "foot has not been defined yet");
+  }
+  foot->setSoleSize(inSoleLength, inSoleWidth);
+  foot->setAnklePositionInLocalFrame(maalToVector3d(inAnklePosition));
+double Dynamic::getSoleLength() const
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  CjrlFoot *foot = m_HDR->leftFoot();
+  if (!foot) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "left foot has not been defined yet");
+  }
+  double length, width;
+  foot->getSoleSize(length, width);
+  return length;
+double Dynamic::getSoleWidth() const
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  CjrlFoot *foot = m_HDR->leftFoot();
+  if (!foot) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "left foot has not been defined yet");
+  }
+  double length, width;
+  foot->getSoleSize(length, width);
+  return width;
+ml::Vector Dynamic::getAnklePositionInFootFrame() const
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  CjrlFoot *foot = m_HDR->leftFoot();
+  if (!foot) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "left foot has not been defined yet");
+  }
+  vector3d anklePosition;
+  foot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(anklePosition);
+  ml::Vector res(3);
+  res(0) = anklePosition[0];
+  res(1) = anklePosition[1];
+  res(2) = anklePosition[2];
+  return res;
+void Dynamic::setGazeParameters(const ml::Vector& inGazeOrigin,
+				const ml::Vector& inGazeDirection)
+  if (!m_HDR) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic(ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+			       "you must create a robot first.");
+  }
+  m_HDR->gaze(maalToVector3d(inGazeDirection),
+	      maalToVector3d(inGazeOrigin));
+std::ostream& sot::operator<<(std::ostream& os,
+			      const CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot&)
+  /*
+  os << "Device: " << &robot << std::endl;
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "  gaze: " << robot.gazeJoint() << std::endl;
+  os << "  waist: " << robot.waist() << std::endl;
+  os << "  chest: " << robot.waist() << std::endl;
+  os << "  left wrist: " << robot.leftWrist() << std::endl;
+  os << "  right wrist: " << robot.rightWrist() << std::endl;
+  os << "  left ankle: " << robot.leftAnkle() << std::endl;
+  os << "  right ankle: " << robot.rightAnkle() << std::endl;
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "  gaze origin: " << robot.gazeOrigin() << std::endl;
+  os << "  gaze direction: " << robot.gazeDirection() << std::endl;
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "  left hand" << std::endl;
+  CjrlHand* hand = robot.leftHand();
+  vector3d v;
+  hand-> getCenter(v);
+  os << "    center: " << v << std::endl;
+  hand-> getThumbAxis(v);
+  os << "    thumb axis: " << v << std::endl;
+  hand-> getForeFingerAxis(v);
+  os << "    forefinger axis: " << v << std::endl;
+  hand-> getPalmNormal(v);
+  os << "    palm normal: " << v << std::endl;
+  os << "  right hand" << std::endl;
+  hand = robot.rightHand();
+  hand-> getCenter(v);
+  os << "    center: " << v << std::endl;
+  hand-> getThumbAxis(v);
+  os << "    thumb axis: " << v << std::endl;
+  hand-> getForeFingerAxis(v);
+  os << "    forefinger axis: " << v << std::endl;
+  hand-> getPalmNormal(v);
+  os << "    palm normal: " << v << std::endl;
+  os << "  left foot" << std::endl;
+  CjrlFoot* foot = robot.leftFoot();
+  double length, width;
+  foot->getSoleSize(length, width);
+  foot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(v);
+  os << "    sole length: " << length << std::endl;
+  os << "    sole width: " << width << std::endl;
+  os << "    ankle position in foot frame: " << v << std::endl;
+  os << "  right foot" << std::endl;
+  foot = robot.rightFoot();
+  foot->getSoleSize(length, width);
+  foot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(v);
+  os << "    sole length: " << length << std::endl;
+  os << "    sole width: " << width << std::endl;
+  os << "    ankle position in foot frame: " << v << std::endl;
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "  Current configuration: " << robot.currentConfiguration()
+     << std::endl;
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "  Writing kinematic chain" << std::endl;
+  //
+  // Go through joints and output each joint
+  //
+  CjrlJoint* joint = robot.rootJoint();
+  if (joint) {
+    os << *joint << std::endl;
+  }
+  // Get position of center of mass
+  MAL_S3_VECTOR(com, double);
+  com = robot.positionCenterOfMass();
+  //debug
+  os <<"total mass "<<robot.mass() <<", COM: "
+      << MAL_S3_VECTOR_ACCESS(com, 0)
+      <<", "<< MAL_S3_VECTOR_ACCESS(com, 1)
+      <<", "<< MAL_S3_VECTOR_ACCESS(com, 2)
+      <<std::endl;
+  */
+  return os;
+std::ostream& sot::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CjrlJoint& joint)
+  os << "CjrlJoint:" << &joint << std::endl;
+  os << "Rank in configuration "
+     << joint.rankInConfiguration() << std::endl;
+  os << "Current transformation:" << std::endl;
+  os << joint.currentTransformation() << std:: endl;
+  os << std::endl;
+  CjrlBody* body = joint.linkedBody();
+  if (body) {
+    os << "Attached body:" << std::endl;
+    os << "Mass of the attached body: " << body->mass() << std::endl;
+    os << "Local center of mass:" << body->localCenterOfMass() << std::endl;
+    os << "Inertia matrix:" << std::endl;
+    os << body->inertiaMatrix() << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    os << "No attached body" << std::endl;
+  }
+  for (unsigned int iChild=0; iChild < joint.countChildJoints();
+       iChild++) {
+    os << *(joint.childJoint(iChild)) << std::endl;
+    os <<std::endl;
+  }
+  return os;
diff --git a/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt b/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
index ba4590a28de89c8c6d72f8f6d6347232c59726c4..b5e61e6b4ddef15d9ad149dd074e15c6cced2b91 100644
--- a/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ FOREACH(test ${tests})