From 10039f8131185e9b22d6f36c30ab1cbc34dd69f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francois Bleibel <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 19:40:46 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Added code to sot-dynamic

 AUTHORS                                       |    1 +
 COPYING                                       |   15 +
 ChangeLog                                     |    1 +
 INSTALL                                       |   21 +
 NEWS                                          |    1 +
 README                                        |    1 +
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 doc/header.html                               |    7 +
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 doc/package.dox                               |  295 +++++
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 doc/pictures/footer.txt                       |    2 +
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 include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h                 |  233 ++++
 include/sot-dynamic/force-compensation.h      |  203 ++++
 include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-exact.h  |  101 ++
 include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-rk4.h    |  102 ++
 include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force.h        |  121 ++
 include/sot-dynamic/mass-apparent.h           |   97 ++
 include/sot-dynamic/matrix-inertia.h          |   84 ++
 .../sot-dynamic/waist-attitude-from-sensor.h  |  131 +++
 include/sot-dynamic/zmpreffromcom.h           |  102 ++
 sot-dynamic.pc.cmake                          |   13 +
 src/CMakeLists.txt                            |  130 +++
 src/angle-estimator.cpp                       |  325 ++++++
 src/dynamic-hrp2.cpp                          |   67 ++
 src/dynamic.cpp                               | 1018 +++++++++++++++++
 src/force-compensation.cpp                    |  638 +++++++++++
 src/integrator-force-exact.cpp                |  251 ++++
 src/integrator-force-rk4.cpp                  |  136 +++
 src/integrator-force.cpp                      |  171 +++
 src/mass-apparent.cpp                         |  108 ++
 src/matrix-inertia.cpp                        |  305 +++++
 src/waist-attitude-from-sensor.cpp            |  200 ++++
 src/zmpreffromcom.cpp                         |  119 ++
 unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt                    |   46 +
 unitTesting/dummy.cpp                         |    8 +
 48 files changed, 6183 insertions(+)
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 create mode 100644 include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-exact.h
 create mode 100644 include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-rk4.h
 create mode 100644 include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force.h
 create mode 100644 include/sot-dynamic/mass-apparent.h
 create mode 100644 include/sot-dynamic/matrix-inertia.h
 create mode 100644 include/sot-dynamic/waist-attitude-from-sensor.h
 create mode 100644 include/sot-dynamic/zmpreffromcom.h
 create mode 100644 sot-dynamic.pc.cmake
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 create mode 100644 src/angle-estimator.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/dynamic-hrp2.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/dynamic.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/force-compensation.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/integrator-force-exact.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/integrator-force-rk4.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/integrator-force.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/mass-apparent.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/matrix-inertia.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/waist-attitude-from-sensor.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/zmpreffromcom.cpp
 create mode 100644 unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 unitTesting/dummy.cpp

diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77602e7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Authors: Nicolas Mansard, Olivier Stasse, François Keith, François Bleibel 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..453184a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright (c) 
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31f65ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Write in this file the modifications you commit.
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95a6c4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#  Copyright
+Installation instructions for library sot-dynamic
+It is recommended to create a specific directory to install this package.
+mkdir build
+cd build
+cmake [Options] ..
+make install
+  specifies the directory where to install the package.
+  specifies to type of compilation (release, debug, ...)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1983664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Write in this file the news related to package sot-dynamic.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4818b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+See INSTALL for installation instruction.
diff --git a/doc/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake b/doc/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a75fe30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT!
+# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8
+# Relative path conversion top directories.
+SET(CMAKE_RELATIVE_PATH_TOP_SOURCE "/home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic")
+SET(CMAKE_RELATIVE_PATH_TOP_BINARY "/home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic")
+# Force unix paths in dependencies.
+# The C and CXX include file search paths:
+  )
+# The C and CXX include file regular expressions for this directory.
diff --git a/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/DependInfo.cmake b/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/DependInfo.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac621c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/DependInfo.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# The set of languages for which implicit dependencies are needed:
+  )
+# The set of files for implicit dependencies of each language:
+# Targets to which this target links.
+  )
diff --git a/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/build.make b/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/build.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2c20a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/build.make
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT!
+# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8
+# Special targets provided by cmake.
+# Disable implicit rules so canoncical targets will work.
+# Remove some rules from gmake that .SUFFIXES does not remove.
+.SUFFIXES: .hpux_make_needs_suffix_list
+# Produce verbose output by default.
+# Suppress display of executed commands.
+# A target that is always out of date.
+.PHONY : cmake_force
+# Set environment variables for the build.
+# The shell in which to execute make rules.
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# The CMake executable.
+CMAKE_COMMAND = /usr/bin/cmake
+# The command to remove a file.
+RM = /usr/bin/cmake -E remove -f
+# The program to use to edit the cache.
+CMAKE_EDIT_COMMAND = /usr/bin/ccmake
+# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run.
+CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic
+# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run.
+CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic
+# Utility rule file for documentation.
+doc/CMakeFiles/documentation: doc/html/index.html
+	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_report /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/CMakeFiles $(CMAKE_PROGRESS_1)
+	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold "Generating html/index.html"
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc && /usr/bin/doxygen "/home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/package.dox"
+documentation: doc/CMakeFiles/documentation
+documentation: doc/html/index.html
+documentation: doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/build.make
+.PHONY : documentation
+# Rule to build all files generated by this target.
+doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/build: documentation
+.PHONY : doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/build
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -P CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/cmake_clean.cmake
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+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=$(COLOR)
+.PHONY : doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/depend
diff --git a/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/cmake_clean.cmake b/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/cmake_clean.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8703e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/cmake_clean.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  "CMakeFiles/documentation"
+  "html/index.html"
+# Per-language clean rules from dependency scanning.
+  INCLUDE(CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/cmake_clean_${lang}.cmake OPTIONAL)
diff --git a/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/progress.make b/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/progress.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..164e1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/progress.make
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/doc/CMakeFiles/progress.marks b/doc/CMakeFiles/progress.marks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CMakeFiles/progress.marks
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b6030a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#  Copyright 
+# Configure package.dox file
+  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/package.dox
+ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(documentation ALL
+# Install html documentation
+# html files
+# doxytag
+# pictures
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d113b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT!
+# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8
+# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make.
+default_target: all
+.PHONY : default_target
+# Special targets provided by cmake.
+# Disable implicit rules so canoncical targets will work.
+# Remove some rules from gmake that .SUFFIXES does not remove.
+.SUFFIXES: .hpux_make_needs_suffix_list
+# Produce verbose output by default.
+# Suppress display of executed commands.
+# A target that is always out of date.
+.PHONY : cmake_force
+# Set environment variables for the build.
+# The shell in which to execute make rules.
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# The CMake executable.
+CMAKE_COMMAND = /usr/bin/cmake
+# The command to remove a file.
+RM = /usr/bin/cmake -E remove -f
+# The program to use to edit the cache.
+CMAKE_EDIT_COMMAND = /usr/bin/ccmake
+# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run.
+CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic
+# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run.
+CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic
+# Targets provided globally by CMake.
+# Special rule for the target edit_cache
+	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running CMake cache editor..."
+	/usr/bin/ccmake -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR)
+.PHONY : edit_cache
+# Special rule for the target edit_cache
+edit_cache/fast: edit_cache
+.PHONY : edit_cache/fast
+# Special rule for the target install
+install: preinstall
+	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Install the project..."
+	/usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake
+.PHONY : install
+# Special rule for the target install
+install/fast: preinstall/fast
+	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Install the project..."
+	/usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake
+.PHONY : install/fast
+# Special rule for the target install/local
+install/local: preinstall
+	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Installing only the local directory..."
+	/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCAL_ONLY=1 -P cmake_install.cmake
+.PHONY : install/local
+# Special rule for the target install/local
+install/local/fast: install/local
+.PHONY : install/local/fast
+# Special rule for the target install/strip
+install/strip: preinstall
+	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Installing the project stripped..."
+	/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP=1 -P cmake_install.cmake
+.PHONY : install/strip
+# Special rule for the target install/strip
+install/strip/fast: install/strip
+.PHONY : install/strip/fast
+# Special rule for the target list_install_components
+	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Available install components are: \"Unspecified\""
+.PHONY : list_install_components
+# Special rule for the target list_install_components
+list_install_components/fast: list_install_components
+.PHONY : list_install_components/fast
+# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache
+	@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running CMake to regenerate build system..."
+	/usr/bin/cmake -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR)
+.PHONY : rebuild_cache
+# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache
+rebuild_cache/fast: rebuild_cache
+.PHONY : rebuild_cache/fast
+# The main all target
+all: cmake_check_build_system
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/CMakeFiles /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/CMakeFiles/progress.marks
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 doc/all
+	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/CMakeFiles 0
+.PHONY : all
+# The main clean target
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 doc/clean
+.PHONY : clean
+# The main clean target
+clean/fast: clean
+.PHONY : clean/fast
+# Prepare targets for installation.
+preinstall: all
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 doc/preinstall
+.PHONY : preinstall
+# Prepare targets for installation.
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 doc/preinstall
+.PHONY : preinstall/fast
+# clear depends
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 1
+.PHONY : depend
+# Convenience name for target.
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/rule
+.PHONY : doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/rule
+# Convenience name for target.
+documentation: doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/rule
+.PHONY : documentation
+# fast build rule for target.
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(MAKE) -f doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/build.make doc/CMakeFiles/documentation.dir/build
+.PHONY : documentation/fast
+# Help Target
+	@echo "The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile:"
+	@echo "... all (the default if no target is provided)"
+	@echo "... clean"
+	@echo "... depend"
+	@echo "... documentation"
+	@echo "... edit_cache"
+	@echo "... install"
+	@echo "... install/local"
+	@echo "... install/strip"
+	@echo "... list_install_components"
+	@echo "... rebuild_cache"
+.PHONY : help
+# Special targets to cleanup operation of make.
+# Special rule to run CMake to check the build system integrity.
+# No rule that depends on this can have commands that come from listfiles
+# because they might be regenerated.
+	cd /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
+.PHONY : cmake_check_build_system
diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/package.hh b/doc/additionalDoc/package.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a10da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/package.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\section intro_sot-dynamic Introduction
+This package implements ...
diff --git a/doc/cmake_install.cmake b/doc/cmake_install.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..902679b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cmake_install.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Install script for directory: /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc
+# Set the install prefix
+  SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/home/blue/sot-lib")
+# Set the install configuration name.
+    STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^[^A-Za-z0-9_]+" ""
+  MESSAGE(STATUS "Install configuration: \"${CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME}\"")
+# Set the component getting installed.
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "Install component: \"${COMPONENT}\"")
+# Install shared libraries without execute permission?
+  FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION "/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/sot-dynamic" TYPE DIRECTORY FILES "/home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/html")
+  FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION "/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/sot-dynamic/html" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/sot-dynamic.doxytag")
+  FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION "/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/sot-dynamic/html" TYPE DIRECTORY FILES "/home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/pictures")
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ <br><br>
+ <hr>
+ <center>
+ <img src="./pictures/footer.jpg" Height=100>
+ <br>sot-dynamic library documentation</br>
+ </center>
+ <hr>
+ </center>
+ </body>
+ </head>
diff --git a/doc/header.html b/doc/header.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..537722c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+    <HEAD>
+      <TITLE>sot-dynamic library documentation</TITLE>
+      <LINK HREF="package.css" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css">
+    </HEAD>
+    <BODY>
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+ p 
+    margin: 0px; 
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+    font-size: 10pt;
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+ h3 
+    font-family: 'Lucida Grande','Lucida Sans Unicode',Verdana,Sans-Serif;
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+ a:visited {
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+# Doxyfile 1.4.2
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+                         "The $name widget" \
+                         "The $name file" \
+                         is \
+                         provides \
+                         specifies \
+                         contains \
+                         represents \
+                         a \
+                         an \
+                         the
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+# configuration options related to source browsing
+# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
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+# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
+# configuration options related to the Perl module output
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+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor   
+INCLUDE_PATH           = 
+# Configuration::additions related to external references   
+TAGFILES               = \
+	/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/dynamicsJRLJapan/html/dynamicsJRLJapan.doxytag=/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/dynamicsJRLJapan/html \
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+	/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/sot-core/html/sot-core.doxytag=/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/sot-core/html \
+	/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/MatrixAbstractLayer/html/MatrixAbstractLayer.doxytag=/home/blue/sot-lib/share/doc/MatrixAbstractLayer/html
+GENERATE_TAGFILE       = sot-dynamic.doxytag
+ALLEXTERNALS           = NO
+PERL_PATH              = /usr/bin/perl
+# Configuration options related to the dot tool   
+# Configuration::additions related to the search engine   
+SEARCHENGINE           = NO
+# Project related configuration options
+PROJECT_NAME           = "sot-dynamic library documentation"
+PROJECT_NUMBER         = 1.0
+# Build related configuration options
+EXTRACT_ALL            = YES
+INTERNAL_DOCS          = NO
+# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
+# configuration options related to the input files
+FILE_PATTERNS          = *.hh *.idl
+INPUT                  = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/include \
+                         /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/additionalDoc
+# configuration options related to inserting images
+IMAGE_PATH = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/figures
+# configuration options related to source browsing
+# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
+# configuration options related to the HTML output
+HTML_OUTPUT            = html
+HTML_STYLESHEET        = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/package.css
+HTML_HEADER            = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/header.html
+HTML_FOOTER            = /home/blue/sot-devel/sot-dynamic/doc/footer.html
+# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
+USE_PDFLATEX           = YES
+# configuration options related to the RTF output
+GENERATE_RTF           = NO
+# configuration options related to the man page output
+GENERATE_MAN           = NO
+# configuration options related to the XML output
+GENERATE_XML           = NO
+# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
+# configuration options related to the Perl module output
+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor   
+# Configuration::additions related to external references   
+# Configuration options related to the dot tool   
+HAVE_DOT               = YES
+CLASS_GRAPH            = NO
+GROUP_GRAPHS           = YES
+UML_LOOK               = NO
+CALL_GRAPH             = NO
+DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT       = png
+DOT_PATH               = 
+DOTFILE_DIRS           = 
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diff --git a/doc/package.dox.cmake b/doc/package.dox.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1921477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/package.dox.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Doxyfile 1.4.2
+# Project related configuration options
+OUTPUT_LANGUAGE        = English
+REPEAT_BRIEF           = YES
+ABBREVIATE_BRIEF       = "The $name class" \
+                         "The $name widget" \
+                         "The $name file" \
+                         is \
+                         provides \
+                         specifies \
+                         contains \
+                         represents \
+                         a \
+                         an \
+                         the
+STRIP_FROM_PATH        = 
+SHORT_NAMES            = NO
+INHERIT_DOCS           = YES
+TAB_SIZE               = 2
+SUBGROUPING            = YES
+# Build related configuration options
+INLINE_INFO            = YES
+# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
+QUIET                  = NO
+WARNINGS               = YES
+WARN_FORMAT            = "$file:$line: $text"
+WARN_LOGFILE           = 
+# configuration options related to the input files
+RECURSIVE              = YES
+EXCLUDE                = 
+EXAMPLE_PATH           = 
+INPUT_FILTER           = 
+# configuration options related to source browsing
+# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
+IGNORE_PREFIX          = 
+# configuration options related to the HTML output
+CHM_FILE               = 
+HHC_LOCATION           = 
+GENERATE_CHI           = NO
+BINARY_TOC             = NO
+TOC_EXPAND             = YES
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+# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
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+MAN_OUTPUT             = man
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+# configuration options related to the XML output
+XML_OUTPUT             = xml
+XML_SCHEMA             = 
+XML_DTD                = 
+# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
+# configuration options related to the Perl module output
+PERLMOD_LATEX          = NO
+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor   
+INCLUDE_PATH           = 
+# Configuration::additions related to external references   
+TAGFILES               = \
+	${HRP2DYNAMICS_DOCDIR}/html/hrp2Dynamics.doxytag=${HRP2DYNAMICS_DOCDIR}/html \
+	${DYNAMIC_GRAPH_DOCDIR}/html/dynamic-graph.doxytag=${DYNAMIC_GRAPH_DOCDIR}/html \
+	${SOT_CORE_DOCDIR}/html/sot-core.doxytag=${SOT_CORE_DOCDIR}/html \
+GENERATE_TAGFILE       = sot-dynamic.doxytag
+ALLEXTERNALS           = NO
+PERL_PATH              = /usr/bin/perl
+# Configuration options related to the dot tool   
+# Configuration::additions related to the search engine   
+SEARCHENGINE           = NO
+# Project related configuration options
+PROJECT_NAME           = "${PROJECT_NAME} library documentation"
+# Build related configuration options
+EXTRACT_ALL            = YES
+INTERNAL_DOCS          = NO
+# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
+# configuration options related to the input files
+FILE_PATTERNS          = *.hh *.idl
+INPUT                  = ${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}/include \
+                         ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/additionalDoc
+# configuration options related to inserting images
+# configuration options related to source browsing
+# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
+# configuration options related to the HTML output
+HTML_OUTPUT            = html
+HTML_HEADER            = ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/header.html
+HTML_FOOTER            = ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/footer.html
+# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
+USE_PDFLATEX           = YES
+# configuration options related to the RTF output
+GENERATE_RTF           = NO
+# configuration options related to the man page output
+GENERATE_MAN           = NO
+# configuration options related to the XML output
+GENERATE_XML           = NO
+# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
+# configuration options related to the Perl module output
+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor   
+# Configuration::additions related to external references   
+# Configuration options related to the dot tool   
+HAVE_DOT               = YES
+CLASS_GRAPH            = NO
+GROUP_GRAPHS           = YES
+UML_LOOK               = NO
+CALL_GRAPH             = NO
+DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT       = png
+DOT_PATH               = 
+DOTFILE_DIRS           = 
+DOT_CLEANUP            = YES
diff --git a/doc/pictures/footer.txt b/doc/pictures/footer.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a7cd95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pictures/footer.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Copy in this directory the image you wish to use in the footer of the documentation or edit file sot-dynamic/doc/footer.html and
+remove this file.
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/angle-estimator.h b/include/sot-dynamic/angle-estimator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8e1f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/angle-estimator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      AngleEstimator.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (angle_estimator_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTANGLEESTIMATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTANGLEESTIMATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+#include <sot-core/vector-roll-pitch-yaw.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-rotation.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+:public dg::Entity
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  AngleEstimator( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~AngleEstimator( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixRotation,int> sensorWorldRotationSIN; // estimate(worldRc)
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous,int> sensorEmbeddedPositionSIN; // waistRchest
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous,int> contactWorldPositionSIN; // estimate(worldRf)
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous,int> contactEmbeddedPositionSIN; // waistRleg
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> anglesSOUT;  // [ flex1 flex2 yaw_drift ]
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixRotation,int> flexibilitySOUT;  // footRleg
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixRotation,int> driftSOUT;  // Ryaw = worldRc est(wRc)^-1
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixRotation,int> sensorWorldRotationSOUT;  // worldRc
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixRotation,int> waistWorldRotationSOUT;  // worldRwaist
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int> waistWorldPositionSOUT; // worldMwaist
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> waistWorldPoseRPYSOUT; // worldMwaist
+ public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
+  ml::Vector& computeAngles( ml::Vector& res,
+			     const int& time );
+  MatrixRotation& computeFlexibilityFromAngles( MatrixRotation& res,
+						   const int& time );
+  MatrixRotation& computeDriftFromAngles( MatrixRotation& res,
+					     const int& time );
+  MatrixRotation& computeSensorWorldRotation( MatrixRotation& res,
+						 const int& time ); 
+  MatrixRotation& computeWaistWorldRotation( MatrixRotation& res,
+						const int& time );
+  MatrixHomogeneous& computeWaistWorldPosition( MatrixHomogeneous& res,
+						   const int& time );
+  ml::Vector& computeWaistWorldPoseRPY( ml::Vector& res,
+					const int& time );
+ public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  bool fromSensor;
+  virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+			    std::ostream& os );
+} // namespace sot
+#endif // #ifndef __SOT_ANGLE_ESTIMATOR_H__
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic-hrp2.h b/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic-hrp2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51b1e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic-hrp2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      Dynamic.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#ifndef __SOT_DYNAMIC_HRP2_H__
+#define __SOT_DYNAMIC_HRP2_H__
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* SOT */
+#include <sot-dynamic/dynamic.h>
+/* JRL dynamic */
+#include <hrp2Dynamics/hrp2OptHumanoidDynamicRobot.h>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (dynamic-hrp2_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTDYNAMICHRP2_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTDYNAMICHRP2_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*! @ingroup signals
+  \brief Modification of the classic dynamic class to get the
+  optimized version of the kinematics computations.
+:public Dynamic
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  DynamicHrp2( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~DynamicHrp2( void );
+ public: /* --- MODEL CREATION --- */
+   void buildModelHrp2( void );
+} // namespace sot
+#endif // #ifndef __SOT_DYNAMIC_HRP2_H__
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h b/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4ef7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/dynamic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      Dynamic.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#ifndef __SOT_DYNAMIC_H__
+#define __SOT_DYNAMIC_H__
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/MatrixAbstractLayer.h>
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* JRL dynamic */
+#include <robotDynamics/jrlHumanoidDynamicRobot.h>
+#include <dynamicsJRLJapan/dynamicsJRLJapanFactory.h>
+namespace djj = dynamicsJRLJapan;
+/* SOT */
+#include <sot-core/flags.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/exception-dynamic.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (dynamic_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTDYNAMIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTDYNAMIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*! @ingroup signals
+  \brief This class provides an inverse dynamic model of the robot.
+  More precisely it wraps the newton euler algorithm implemented
+  by the dynamicsJRLJapan library to make it accessible in the stack of tasks.
+  The robot is described by a VRML file.
+:public dg::Entity
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ protected:
+ public:
+  /*! \name Fields to access dynamicsJRLJapan Library 
+    @{
+   */
+  /*! \brief Abstract pointer on the structure.
+    Ultimately we should be able to use only the abstract
+    interface and do not care about the implementation.
+  */
+  CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* m_HDR;
+  int debugInertia;
+  /*! \brief Fields to access the humanoid model 
+   @{ */
+  /*! \brief Directory where the VRML humanoid model is stored */
+  std::string vrmlDirectory;
+  /*! \brief Name of the root's robot model file */
+  std::string vrmlMainFile;
+  /*! \brief Name of the name specifying which end-effector is
+    the head, the feet and so on... */
+  std::string xmlSpecificityFile;
+  /*! \brief Name of the name specifying which end-effector is
+    the head, the feet and so on... */
+  std::string xmlRankFile;
+  /*! @} */
+  /*! @} */
+  bool init;
+  std::list< dg::SignalBase<int>*  > genericSignalRefs;
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  Dynamic( const std::string& name, bool build=true );
+  virtual ~Dynamic( void );
+ public: /* --- MODEL CREATION --- */
+  virtual void buildModel( void );
+  void setVrmlDirectory( const std::string& filename );
+  void setVrmlMainFile( const std::string& filename );
+  void setXmlSpecificityFile( const std::string& filename );
+  void setXmlRankFile( const std::string& filename );
+  void parseConfigFiles( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION --- */
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > &
+    createEndeffJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame,
+				   const unsigned int & bodyRank );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > &
+    createJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame,
+			  const unsigned int & bodyRank );
+  void destroyJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >&
+    createPositionSignal( const std::string& signame,
+			  const unsigned int & bodyRank );
+  void destroyPositionSignal( const std::string& signame );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >&
+    createAccelerationSignal( const std::string& signame,
+			     const unsigned int & bodyRank );
+  void destroyAccelerationSignal( const std::string& signame );
+  bool zmpActivation( void ) { std::string Property("ComputeZMP");
+    std::string Value; m_HDR->getProperty(Property,Value); return (Value=="true");}
+  void zmpActivation( const bool& b ) { std::string Property("ComputeZMP");
+    std::string Value; if (b) Value="true"; else Value="false"; m_HDR->setProperty(Property,Value); }
+  bool comActivation( void ) { std::string Property("ComputeCoM");
+    std::string Value; m_HDR->getProperty(Property,Value); return (Value=="true"); }
+  void comActivation( const bool& b ) { std::string Property("ComputeCoM");
+    std::string Value; if (b) Value="true"; else Value="false"; m_HDR->setProperty(Property,Value); } 
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> jointPositionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> freeFlyerPositionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> jointVelocitySIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> freeFlyerVelocitySIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> jointAccelerationSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> freeFlyerAccelerationSIN;
+  // protected:
+ public:
+  typedef int Dummy;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<Dummy,int> firstSINTERN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<Dummy,int> newtonEulerSINTERN;
+  int& computeNewtonEuler( int& dummy,int time );
+  int& initNewtonEuler( int& dummy,int time );
+ public:
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> zmpSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> JcomSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> comSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> inertiaSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& jacobiansSOUT( const std::string& name );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& positionsSOUT( const std::string& name );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& accelerationsSOUT( const std::string& name );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<double,int> footHeightSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> upperJlSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> lowerJlSOUT;
+  dg::Signal<ml::Vector,int> inertiaRotorSOUT;
+  dg::Signal<ml::Vector,int> gearRatioSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> inertiaRealSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> MomentaSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> AngularMomentumSOUT;
+ protected:
+  ml::Vector& computeZmp( ml::Vector& res,int time );
+  ml::Vector& computeMomenta( ml::Vector &res, int time);
+  ml::Vector& computeAngularMomentum( ml::Vector &res, int time);
+  ml::Matrix& computeJcom( ml::Matrix& res,int time );
+  ml::Vector& computeCom( ml::Vector& res,int time );
+  ml::Matrix& computeInertia( ml::Matrix& res,int time );
+  ml::Matrix& computeInertiaReal( ml::Matrix& res,int time );
+  double& computeFootHeight( double& res,int time );
+  ml::Matrix& computeGenericJacobian( CjrlJoint* j,ml::Matrix& res,int time );
+  ml::Matrix& computeGenericEndeffJacobian( CjrlJoint* j,ml::Matrix& res,int time );
+  MatrixHomogeneous& computeGenericPosition( CjrlJoint* j,MatrixHomogeneous& res,int time );
+  ml::Vector& computeGenericAcceleration( CjrlJoint* j,ml::Vector& res,int time );
+  ml::Vector& getUpperJointLimits( ml::Vector& res,const int& time );
+  ml::Vector& getLowerJointLimits( ml::Vector& res,const int& time );
+ public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+			    std::ostream& os );
+} // namespace sot
+#endif // #ifndef __SOT_DYNAMIC_H__
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/force-compensation.h b/include/sot-dynamic/force-compensation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d16390f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/force-compensation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      ForceCompensation.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-rotation.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-force.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (force_compensation_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTFORCECOMPENSATION_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTFORCECOMPENSATION_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ private:
+  static MatrixRotation I3;
+ protected:
+  bool usingPrecompensation;
+ public:
+  ForceCompensation( void );
+  static MatrixForce& computeHandXworld( 
+					   const MatrixRotation & worldRhand,
+					   const ml::Vector & transSensorCom,
+					   MatrixForce& res );
+  static MatrixForce& computeHandVsensor( const MatrixRotation & sensorRhand,
+					     MatrixForce& res );
+  static MatrixForce& computeSensorXhand( const MatrixRotation & sensorRhand,
+					     const ml::Vector & transSensorCom,
+					     MatrixForce& res );
+/*   static ml::Matrix& computeInertiaSensor( const ml::Matrix& inertiaJoint, */
+/* 					   const MatrixForce& sensorXhand, */
+/* 					   ml::Matrix& res ); */
+  static ml::Vector& computeTorsorCompensated( const ml::Vector& torqueInput,
+					       const ml::Vector& torquePrecompensation,
+					       const ml::Vector& gravity,
+					       const MatrixForce& handXworld,
+					       const MatrixForce& handVsensor,
+					       const ml::Matrix& gainSensor,
+					       const ml::Vector& momentum,
+					       ml::Vector& res );
+  static ml::Vector& crossProduct_V_F( const ml::Vector& velocity,
+				       const ml::Vector& force,
+				       ml::Vector& res );
+  static ml::Vector& computeMomentum( const ml::Vector& velocity,
+				      const ml::Vector& acceleration,
+				      const MatrixForce& sensorXhand,
+				      const ml::Matrix& inertiaJoint,
+				      ml::Vector& res );
+  static ml::Vector& computeDeadZone( const ml::Vector& torqueInput,
+				      const ml::Vector& deadZoneLimit,
+				      ml::Vector& res );
+ public: // CALIBRATION
+  std::list<ml::Vector> torsorList;
+  std::list<MatrixRotation> rotationList;
+  void clearCalibration( void );
+  void addCalibrationValue( const ml::Vector& torsor,
+			    const MatrixRotation & worldRhand );
+  ml::Vector calibrateTransSensorCom( const ml::Vector& gravity,
+				      const MatrixRotation& handRsensor );
+  ml::Vector calibrateGravity( const MatrixRotation& handRsensor,
+			       bool precompensationCalibration = false,
+			       const MatrixRotation& hand0Rsensor = I3 );
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PLUGIN ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+class SOTFORCECOMPENSATION_EXPORT ForceCompensationPlugin
+:public dg::Entity, public ForceCompensation
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  bool calibrationStarted;
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  ForceCompensationPlugin( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~ForceCompensationPlugin( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  /* --- INPUTS --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> torsorSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixRotation,int> worldRhandSIN; 
+  /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixRotation,int> handRsensorSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> translationSensorComSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> gravitySIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> precompensationSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> gainSensorSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> deadZoneLimitSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> transSensorJointSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> inertiaJointSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> velocitySIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> accelerationSIN; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixForce,int> handXworldSOUT; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixForce,int> handVsensorSOUT; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> torsorDeadZoneSIN; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixForce,int> sensorXhandSOUT;
+  //dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> inertiaSensorSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> momentumSOUT; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> momentumSIN; 
+  /* --- OUTPUTS --- */
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> torsorCompensatedSOUT; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> torsorDeadZoneSOUT;
+  typedef int sotDummyType;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<sotDummyType,int> calibrationTrigerSOUT; 
+ public: /* --- COMMANDLINE --- */
+  sotDummyType& calibrationTriger( sotDummyType& dummy,int time );
+  virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+			    std::ostream& os );
+} // namaspace sot
+#endif // #ifndef __SOT_SOTFORCECOMPENSATION_H__
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-exact.h b/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-exact.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e28a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-exact.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      IntegratorForceExact.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+#include <sot-core/vector-roll-pitch-yaw.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-rotation.h>
+#include <sot-dynamic/integrator-force.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (integrator_force_exact_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTINTEGRATORFORCEEXACT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTINTEGRATORFORCEEXACT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+:public IntegratorForce
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ protected:
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  IntegratorForceExact( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~IntegratorForceExact( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+ public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
+  ml::Vector& computeVelocityExact( ml::Vector& res,
+				    const int& time );
+/*  public: /\* --- PARAMS --- *\/ */
+/*   virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine, */
+/* 			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs, */
+/* 			    std::ostream& os ); */
+} // namespace sot
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-rk4.h b/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-rk4.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cdf365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force-rk4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      IntegratorForceRK4.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+#include <sot-core/vector-roll-pitch-yaw.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-rotation.h>
+#include <sot-dynamic/integrator-force.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (integrator_force_rk4_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTINTEGRATORFORCERK4_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTINTEGRATORFORCERK4_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+:public IntegratorForce
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ protected:
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  IntegratorForceRK4( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~IntegratorForceRK4( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+ public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
+  ml::Vector& computeDerivativeRK4( ml::Vector& res,
+				    const int& time );
+/*  public: /\* --- PARAMS --- *\/ */
+/*   virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine, */
+/* 			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs, */
+/* 			    std::ostream& os ); */
+} // namespace sot
+#endif // #ifndef __SOT_SOTINTEGRATORFORCERK4_H__
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force.h b/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91d00cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/integrator-force.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      IntegratorForce.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+#include <sot-core/vector-roll-pitch-yaw.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-rotation.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (integrator_force_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTINTEGRATORFORCE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTINTEGRATORFORCE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+:public dg::Entity
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ protected:
+  double timeStep;
+  static const double  TIME_STEP_DEFAULT ; // = 5e-3
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  IntegratorForce( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~IntegratorForce( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> forceSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> massInverseSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> frictionSIN; 
+  /* Memory of the previous iteration. The sig is fed by the previous
+   * computations. */
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> velocityPrecSIN; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> velocityDerivativeSOUT; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> velocitySOUT; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> massSIN; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> massInverseSOUT; 
+ public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
+  ml::Vector& computeDerivative( ml::Vector& res,
+				  const int& time );
+  ml::Vector& computeIntegral( ml::Vector& res,
+			       const int& time );
+  ml::Matrix& computeMassInverse( ml::Matrix& res,
+				  const int& time );
+ public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+			    std::ostream& os );
+} // namespace sot
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/mass-apparent.h b/include/sot-dynamic/mass-apparent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b9c4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/mass-apparent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      MassApparent.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+#include <sot-core/vector-roll-pitch-yaw.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-rotation.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (mass_apparent_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTMASSAPPARENT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTMASSAPPARENT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+:public dg::Entity
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  MassApparent( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~MassApparent( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> jacobianSIN; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> inertiaInverseSIN; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> massInverseSOUT; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> massSOUT; 
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> inertiaSIN; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int> inertiaInverseSOUT; 
+ public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
+  ml::Matrix& computeMassInverse( ml::Matrix& res,const int& time );
+  ml::Matrix& computeMass( ml::Matrix& res,const int& time );
+  ml::Matrix& computeInertiaInverse( ml::Matrix& res,const int& time );
+#endif // #ifndef __SOT_SOTMASSAPPARENT_H__
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/matrix-inertia.h b/include/sot-dynamic/matrix-inertia.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2284a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/matrix-inertia.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#include <ostream>
+#include "MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h"
+#include "MatrixAbstractLayer/MatrixAbstractLayer.h"
+#include <sot-core/matrix-twist.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-force.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-rotation.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+namespace dynamicsJRLJapan
+  class HumanoidDynamicMultiBody;
+class CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot;
+class CjrlJoint;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (matrix_inertia_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTMATRIXINERTIA_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTMATRIXINERTIA_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ private:
+  MatrixInertia( void ) {}
+  void initParents( void );
+  void initDofTable( void );
+ public:
+  MatrixInertia( CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* aHDR );
+  ~MatrixInertia( void );
+  void init( CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* aHDR );
+  void update( void );
+  void computeInertiaMatrix();
+  void getInertiaMatrix(double* A);
+  const maal::boost::Matrix& getInertiaMatrix( void );
+  size_t getDoF() { return joints_.size(); }
+  CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot*                            aHDR_;
+  dynamicsJRLJapan::HumanoidDynamicMultiBody*          aHDMB_;
+  std::vector<CjrlJoint*>                              joints_;
+  std::vector<int>                                     parentIndex_;
+  std::vector< ml::Matrix >  Ic;
+  std::vector< ml::Vector >      phi;
+  std::vector< sotMatrixTwist >  iVpi;
+  std::vector< MatrixForce >  iVpiT;
+  ml::Matrix inertia_;
+} // namespace sot
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/waist-attitude-from-sensor.h b/include/sot-dynamic/waist-attitude-from-sensor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b9b2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/waist-attitude-from-sensor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      WaistAttitudeFromSensor.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+#include <sot-core/vector-roll-pitch-yaw.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (waist_attitue_from_sensor_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTWAISTATTITUDEFROMSENSOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTWAISTATTITUDEFROMSENSOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+:public dg::Entity
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  WaistAttitudeFromSensor( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~WaistAttitudeFromSensor( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  VectorRollPitchYaw & computeAttitudeWaist( VectorRollPitchYaw & res,
+					       const int& time );
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixRotation,int> attitudeSensorSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous,int> positionSensorSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<VectorRollPitchYaw,int> attitudeWaistSOUT;
+ public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+			    std::ostream& os );
+:public WaistAttitudeFromSensor
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+ protected:
+  bool fromSensor;
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  ml::Vector& computePositionWaist( ml::Vector& res,
+				    const int& time );
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous,int> positionContactSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> positionWaistSOUT;
+ public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+			    std::ostream& os );
+} // namespace sot
diff --git a/include/sot-dynamic/zmpreffromcom.h b/include/sot-dynamic/zmpreffromcom.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575a526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot-dynamic/zmpreffromcom.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      ZmprefFromCom.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Matrix */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+/* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
+/* STD */
+#include <string>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32) 
+#  if defined (zmpreffromcom_EXPORTS)
+#    define SOTZMPREFFROMCOM_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else  
+#    define SOTZMPREFFROMCOM_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif 
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+:public dg::Entity
+ public:
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  double dt;
+  const static double DT_DEFAULT; // = 5e-3; // 5ms
+  double footHeight;
+  const static double FOOT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT; // = .105; 
+ public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  ZmprefFromCom( const std::string& name );
+  virtual ~ZmprefFromCom( void );
+ public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  ml::Vector& computeZmpref( ml::Vector& res,
+					       const int& time );
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous,int> waistPositionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> comPositionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<ml::Vector,int> dcomSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int> zmprefSOUT;
+ public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+			    std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+			    std::ostream& os );
+} // namespace sot
+#endif // #ifndef __SOT_ZMPREFFROMCOM_H__
diff --git a/sot-dynamic.pc.cmake b/sot-dynamic.pc.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1810450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sot-dynamic.pc.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Libs: ${LIBDIR_KW}${install_pkg_libdir} ${${PROJECT_NAME}_LDFLAGS}
+Cflags: -I${install_pkg_include_dir} ${${PROJECT_NAME}_CXXFLAGS}
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..081011d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#  Copyright 
+# provide path to library
+# provide path to library
+# provide path to library
+# provide path to library
+# provide path to library
+# Add dynamicsJRLJapan compilation flags and link to library
+	SET ( ${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS "${${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS}  ${dlink}")
+# Add hrp2Dynamics compilation flags and link to library
+foreach(dlink ${HRP2DYNAMICS_LDFLAGS})
+	SET ( ${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS "${${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS}  ${dlink}")
+# Add dynamic-graph compilation flags and link to library
+foreach(dlink ${DYNAMIC_GRAPH_LDFLAGS})
+	SET ( ${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS "${${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS}  ${dlink}")
+# Add sot-core compilation flags and link to library
+foreach(dlink ${SOT_CORE_LDFLAGS})
+	SET ( ${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS "${${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS}  ${dlink}")
+# Add MatrixAbstractLayer compilation flags and link to library
+	SET ( ${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS "${${PROJECT_NAME}_src_LDFLAGS}  ${dlink}")
+	zmpreffromcom
+	force-compensation
+	integrator-force-exact
+	mass-apparent
+	integrator-force-rk4
+	integrator-force
+	angle-estimator
+	waist-attitude-from-sensor
+  LIST(APPEND libs dynamic)
+  LIST(APPEND libs dynamic-hrp2)
+  SET (dynamic-hrp2_plugins_dependencies dynamic)
+SET(integrator-force-rk4_plugins_dependencies integrator-force)
+SET(integrator-force-exact_plugins_dependencies integrator-force)
+FOREACH(lib ${libs})
+	ADD_LIBRARY(${lib}
+	  ${lib}.cpp)
+	  PREFIX ""
+	IF (UNIX)  
+	IF(WIN32)
+		)
+	ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${lib} "${${lib}_plugins_dependencies}")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/angle-estimator.cpp b/src/angle-estimator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4ad420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/angle-estimator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      AngleEstimator.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <sot-dynamic/angle-estimator.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/MatrixAbstractLayer.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+AngleEstimator( const std::string & name ) 
+  :Entity(name)
+  ,sensorWorldRotationSIN(NULL,"sotAngleEstimator("+name
+			  +")::input(MatrixHomo)::sensorWorldRotation")
+  ,sensorEmbeddedPositionSIN(NULL,"sotAngleEstimator("+name
+			     +")::input(MatrixHomo)::sensorEmbeddedPosition")
+  ,contactWorldPositionSIN(NULL,"sotAngleEstimator("+name
+			   +")::input(MatrixHomo)::contactWorldPosition")
+  ,contactEmbeddedPositionSIN(NULL,"sotAngleEstimator("+name
+			      +")::input(MatrixHomo)::contactEmbeddedPosition")
+  ,anglesSOUT( boost::bind(&AngleEstimator::computeAngles,this,_1,_2),
+	       sensorWorldRotationSIN<<sensorEmbeddedPositionSIN
+	       <<contactWorldPositionSIN<<contactEmbeddedPositionSIN,
+	       "sotAngleEstimator("+name+")::output(Vector)::angles" )
+   ,flexibilitySOUT( boost::bind(&AngleEstimator::computeFlexibilityFromAngles
+				 ,this,_1,_2),
+		     anglesSOUT,
+		     "sotAngleEstimator("+name+")::output(matrixRotation)::flexibility" )
+   ,driftSOUT( boost::bind(&AngleEstimator::computeDriftFromAngles,this,_1,_2),
+	       anglesSOUT,
+	       "sotAngleEstimator("+name+")::output(matrixRotation)::drift" )
+   ,sensorWorldRotationSOUT( boost::bind(&AngleEstimator::computeSensorWorldRotation
+					 ,this,_1,_2),
+			     anglesSOUT<<sensorWorldRotationSIN,
+			     "sotAngleEstimator("+name
+			     +")::output(matrixRotation)::sensorCorrectedRotation" )
+   ,waistWorldRotationSOUT( boost::bind(&AngleEstimator::computeWaistWorldRotation
+					,this,_1,_2),
+			    sensorWorldRotationSOUT<<sensorEmbeddedPositionSIN,
+			    "sotAngleEstimator("+name
+			    +")::output(matrixRotation)::waistWorldRotation" )
+   ,waistWorldPositionSOUT( boost::bind(&AngleEstimator::computeWaistWorldPosition
+					,this,_1,_2),
+			    flexibilitySOUT << contactEmbeddedPositionSIN,
+			    "sotAngleEstimator("+name
+			    +")::output(MatrixHomogeneous)::waistWorldPosition" )
+   ,waistWorldPoseRPYSOUT( boost::bind(&AngleEstimator::computeWaistWorldPoseRPY
+				       ,this,_1,_2),
+			   waistWorldPositionSOUT,
+			    "sotAngleEstimator("+name
+			    +")::output(vectorRollPitchYaw)::waistWorldPoseRPY" )
+   ,fromSensor(true)
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  signalRegistration( sensorWorldRotationSIN     << sensorEmbeddedPositionSIN 
+		      << contactWorldPositionSIN << contactEmbeddedPositionSIN 
+		      << anglesSOUT              << flexibilitySOUT 
+		      << driftSOUT               << sensorWorldRotationSOUT 
+		      << waistWorldRotationSOUT  
+		      << waistWorldPositionSOUT  << waistWorldPoseRPYSOUT  );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~AngleEstimator( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ml::Vector& AngleEstimator::
+computeAngles( ml::Vector& res,
+	       const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  res.resize(3);
+  const MatrixRotation &worldestRchest = sensorWorldRotationSIN( time );
+  sotDEBUG(35) << "worldestRchest = " << std::endl << worldestRchest;
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &waistMchest = sensorEmbeddedPositionSIN( time );
+  MatrixRotation waistRchest; waistMchest.extract( waistRchest );
+  const MatrixHomogeneous & waistMleg = contactEmbeddedPositionSIN( time );
+  MatrixRotation waistRleg; waistMleg.extract( waistRleg );
+  MatrixRotation chestRleg; waistRchest.transpose().multiply( waistRleg,chestRleg );
+  MatrixRotation worldestRleg; worldestRchest.multiply( chestRleg,worldestRleg );
+  sotDEBUG(35) << "worldestRleg = " << std::endl << worldestRleg;
+  /* Euler angles with following code: (-z)xy, -z being the yaw drift, x the
+   * first flexibility and y the second flexibility. */
+  const double TOLERANCE_TH = 1e-6;
+  const MatrixRotation &R = worldestRleg;
+  if( (fabs(R(0,1))<TOLERANCE_TH)&&(fabs(R(1,1))<TOLERANCE_TH) ) 
+    {
+      /* This means that cos(X) is very low, ie flex1 is close to 90deg.
+       * I take the case into account, but it is bloody never going 
+       * to happens. */
+      if( R(2,1)>0 ) res(0)=M_PI/2; else res(0) = -M_PI/2;
+      res(2) = atan2( -R(0,2),R(0,0) );
+      res(1) = 0;
+      /* To sum up: if X=PI/2, then Y and Z are in singularity.
+       * we cannot decide both of then. I fixed Y=0, which
+       * means that all the measurement coming from the sensor
+       * is assumed to be drift of the gyro. */
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      double &X = res(0);
+      double &Y = res(1);
+      double &Z = res(2);
+      Y = atan2( R(2,0),R(2,2) );
+      Z = atan2( R(0,1),R(1,1) );
+      if( fabs(R(2,0))>fabs(R(2,2)) )
+	{ X=atan2( R(2,1)*sin(Y),R(2,0) ); }
+      else 
+	{ X=atan2( R(2,1)*cos(Y),R(2,2) ); }
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(35) << "angles = " << res;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+/* compute the transformation matrix of the flexibility, ie
+ * feetRleg. 
+ */
+MatrixRotation& AngleEstimator::
+computeFlexibilityFromAngles( MatrixRotation& res,
+			      const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Vector & angles = anglesSOUT( time );
+  double cx= cos( angles(0) );
+  double sx= sin( angles(0) );
+  double cy= cos( angles(1) );
+  double sy= sin( angles(1) );
+  res(0,0) = cy;
+  res(0,1) = 0;
+  res(0,2) = -sy;
+  res(1,0) = -sx*sy;
+  res(1,1) = cx;
+  res(1,2) = -sx*cy;
+  res(2,0) = cx*sy;
+  res(2,1) = sx;
+  res(2,2) = cx*cy;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+/* Compute the rotation matrix of the drift, ie the
+ * transfo from the world frame to the estimated (drifted) world
+ * frame: worldRworldest.
+ */
+MatrixRotation& AngleEstimator::
+computeDriftFromAngles( MatrixRotation& res,
+			const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Vector & angles = anglesSOUT( time );
+  double cz = cos( angles(2) );
+  double sz = sin( angles(2) );
+  res(0,0) = cz;
+  res(0,1) = -sz;
+  res(0,2) = 0;
+  // z is the positive angle (R_{-z} has been computed
+  // in the <angles> function). Thus, the /-/sin(z) is in 0,1
+  res(1,0) = sz;  
+  res(1,1) = cz;
+  res(1,2) = 0;
+  res(2,0) = 0;
+  res(2,1) = 0;
+  res(2,2) = 1;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+MatrixRotation& AngleEstimator::
+computeSensorWorldRotation( MatrixRotation& res,
+			    const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const MatrixRotation & worldRworldest = driftSOUT( time );
+  const MatrixRotation & worldestRsensor = sensorWorldRotationSIN( time );
+  worldRworldest.multiply( worldestRsensor,res );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+MatrixRotation& AngleEstimator::
+computeWaistWorldRotation( MatrixRotation& res,
+			   const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  // chest = sensor
+  const MatrixRotation & worldRsensor = sensorWorldRotationSOUT( time );
+  const MatrixHomogeneous & waistMchest = sensorEmbeddedPositionSIN( time );
+  MatrixRotation waistRchest; waistMchest.extract( waistRchest );
+  worldRsensor .multiply( waistRchest.transpose(),res );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+MatrixHomogeneous& AngleEstimator::
+computeWaistWorldPosition( MatrixHomogeneous& res,
+			   const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous & waistMleg = contactEmbeddedPositionSIN( time );
+  MatrixHomogeneous legMwaist; waistMleg.inverse( legMwaist );
+  if( fromSensor )
+    { 
+      const MatrixRotation & Rflex = flexibilitySOUT( time ); // footRleg
+      ml::Vector zero(3); zero.fill(0.);
+      MatrixHomogeneous footMleg; footMleg.buildFrom( Rflex,zero );
+      footMleg.multiply( legMwaist,res );
+    }
+  else { res = legMwaist; }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& AngleEstimator::
+computeWaistWorldPoseRPY( ml::Vector& res,
+			  const int& time )
+  const MatrixHomogeneous & M = waistWorldPositionSOUT( time );
+  MatrixRotation R; M.extract(R);
+  VectorRollPitchYaw r; r.fromMatrix(R);
+  ml::Vector t(3); M.extract(t);
+  res.resize(6);
+  for( int i=0;i<3;++i ) { res(i)=t(i); res(i+3)=r(i); }
+  return res;
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void AngleEstimator::
+commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+	     std::ostream& os )
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Cmd " << cmdLine <<std::endl;
+  if( cmdLine == "help" )
+    {
+      Entity::commandLine(cmdLine,cmdArgs,os);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "fromSensor" )
+    {
+      std::string val; cmdArgs>>val; 
+      if( ("true"==val)||("false"==val) )
+	{
+	  fromSensor = ( val=="true" ); 
+	} else {
+	  os << "fromSensor = " << (fromSensor?"true":"false") << std::endl;
+	}
+    }
+  else { Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
diff --git a/src/dynamic-hrp2.cpp b/src/dynamic-hrp2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..276b42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamic-hrp2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      Dynamic.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/MatrixAbstractLayer.h>
+#include <sot-dynamic/dynamic-hrp2.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <robotDynamics/jrlRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DynamicHrp2( const std::string & name ) 
+  :Dynamic(name,false)
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  DynamicHrp2::buildModelHrp2();
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+void DynamicHrp2::
+buildModelHrp2( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  dynamicsJRLJapan::ObjectFactory aRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor;
+  Chrp2OptHumanoidDynamicRobot * aHDR = new Chrp2OptHumanoidDynamicRobot(&aRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor);
+  m_HDR = aHDR;
+  if (aHDR==0)
+    { 
+      std::cerr<< "Dynamic cast on HDR failed " << std::endl;
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+~DynamicHrp2( void )
+  sotDEBUGINOUT(5);
+  return;
diff --git a/src/dynamic.cpp b/src/dynamic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..137373f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007-2009
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      Dynamic.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard, Olivier Stasse
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ * 
+ * \file This object provides geometric, kinematic and dynamic
+ *  information on a robot described through the dynamicsJRLJapan library.
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/MatrixAbstractLayer.h>
+#include <sot-dynamic/dynamic.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <robotDynamics/jrlHumanoidDynamicRobot.h>
+#include <robotDynamics/jrlRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+using namespace std;
+Dynamic( const std::string & name, bool build ) 
+  :Entity(name)
+  ,m_HDR(NULL)
+  ,vrmlDirectory()
+  ,vrmlMainFile()
+  ,xmlSpecificityFile()
+  ,xmlRankFile()
+  ,init(false)
+  ,jointPositionSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::position")
+  ,freeFlyerPositionSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffposition")
+  ,jointVelocitySIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::velocity")
+  ,freeFlyerVelocitySIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffvelocity")
+  ,jointAccelerationSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::acceleration")
+  ,freeFlyerAccelerationSIN(NULL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::input(vector)::ffacceleration")
+  ,firstSINTERN( boost::bind(&Dynamic::initNewtonEuler,this,_1,_2),
+		 sotNOSIGNAL,"sotDynamic("+name+")::intern(dummy)::init" ) 
+  ,newtonEulerSINTERN( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeNewtonEuler,this,_1,_2),
+		       firstSINTERN<<jointPositionSIN<<freeFlyerPositionSIN
+		       <<jointVelocitySIN<<freeFlyerVelocitySIN
+		       <<jointAccelerationSIN<<freeFlyerAccelerationSIN,
+		       "sotDynamic("+name+")::intern(dummy)::newtoneuleur" ) 
+  ,zmpSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeZmp,this,_1,_2),
+	    newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::zmp" ) 
+  ,JcomSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeJcom,this,_1,_2),
+	     newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	     "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::Jcom" ) 
+  ,comSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeCom,this,_1,_2),
+	    newtonEulerSINTERN,
+	    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::com" ) 
+  ,inertiaSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeInertia,this,_1,_2),
+		newtonEulerSINTERN,
+		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertia" ) 
+  ,footHeightSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeFootHeight,this,_1,_2),
+		   newtonEulerSINTERN,
+		   "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(double)::footHeight" ) 
+  ,upperJlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getUpperJointLimits,this,_1,_2),
+		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::upperJl" ) 
+  ,lowerJlSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::getLowerJointLimits,this,_1,_2),
+		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::lowerJl" ) 
+  ,inertiaRotorSOUT( "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertiaRotor" )
+  ,gearRatioSOUT( "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::gearRatio" )
+  ,inertiaRealSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeInertiaReal,this,_1,_2),
+		    inertiaSOUT << gearRatioSOUT << inertiaRotorSOUT,
+		    "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::inertiaReal" ) 
+  ,MomentaSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeMomenta,this,_1,_2),
+		newtonEulerSINTERN,
+		"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::momenta" ) 
+  ,AngularMomentumSOUT( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeAngularMomentum,this,_1,_2),
+			newtonEulerSINTERN,
+			"sotDynamic("+name+")::output(vector)::angularmomentum" ) 
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  if( build ) buildModel();
+  firstSINTERN.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
+  //DEBUG: Why =0? should be function. firstSINTERN.setConstant(0);
+  signalRegistration( jointPositionSIN<<freeFlyerPositionSIN
+		      <<jointVelocitySIN<<freeFlyerVelocitySIN
+		      <<jointAccelerationSIN<<freeFlyerAccelerationSIN);
+  signalRegistration( zmpSOUT<<comSOUT<<JcomSOUT<<footHeightSOUT
+		      <<upperJlSOUT<<lowerJlSOUT<<inertiaSOUT 
+		      <<inertiaRealSOUT << inertiaRotorSOUT << gearRatioSOUT );
+  signalRegistration( MomentaSOUT << AngularMomentumSOUT );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+void Dynamic::
+buildModel( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  djj::ObjectFactory aRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor;
+  m_HDR = aRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor.createHumanoidDynamicRobot();
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~Dynamic( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  if( 0!=m_HDR )
+    {
+      delete m_HDR;
+      m_HDR = 0;
+    }
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      SignalBase<int>* sigPtr = *iter;
+      delete sigPtr;
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void Dynamic::
+setVrmlDirectory( const std::string& filename )
+  vrmlDirectory = filename;
+void Dynamic::
+setVrmlMainFile( const std::string& filename )
+  vrmlMainFile = filename;
+void Dynamic::
+setXmlSpecificityFile( const std::string& filename )
+  xmlSpecificityFile = filename;
+void Dynamic::
+setXmlRankFile( const std::string& filename )
+  xmlRankFile = filename;
+void Dynamic::
+parseConfigFiles( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  try
+    {
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "Parse the vrml."<<endl;
+      string RobotFileName = vrmlDirectory+vrmlMainFile;
+      djj::parseOpenHRPVRMLFile(*m_HDR,RobotFileName,xmlRankFile,xmlSpecificityFile);
+    }
+  catch( ... )
+    { SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::DYNAMIC_JRL,
+				     "Error while parsing." ); }
+  //inertia.init( aHDMB );
+  init = true;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNAL ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------------------- */
+dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > & Dynamic::
+createJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame,const unsigned int& bodyRank )
+  vector<CjrlJoint *> aVec = m_HDR->jointVector();
+  if( bodyRank>=aVec.size() )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_RANK,
+				     "Joint rank is too high.",
+				     "(rank=%d, while creating J signal).",
+				     bodyRank );
+    }
+  CjrlJoint * aJoint = aVec[bodyRank]; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig 
+    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericJacobian,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  return *sig;
+dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > & Dynamic::
+createEndeffJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame,const unsigned int& bodyRank )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  vector<CjrlJoint *> aVec = m_HDR->jointVector();
+  if( bodyRank>=aVec.size() )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_RANK,
+				     "Joint rank is too high.",
+				     "(rank=%d, while creating J signal).",
+				     bodyRank );
+    }
+  CjrlJoint * aJoint = aVec[bodyRank]; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig 
+    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericEndeffJacobian,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrix)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return *sig;
+void Dynamic::
+destroyJacobianSignal( const std::string& signame )
+  bool deletable = false;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Matrix,int > * sig = & jacobiansSOUT( signame );
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
+    }
+  if(! deletable )
+    { 
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
+				     "Cannot destroy signal",
+				     " (while trying to remove generic jac. signal <%s>).",
+				     signame.c_str() );
+    }
+  signalDeregistration( signame );
+  delete sig;
+/* --- POINT --- */
+/* --- POINT --- */
+/* --- POINT --- */
+dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >& Dynamic::
+createPositionSignal( const std::string& signame,const unsigned int& bodyRank )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  vector<CjrlJoint *> aVec = m_HDR->jointVector();
+  if( bodyRank>=aVec.size() )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_RANK,
+				     "Joint rank is too high.",
+				     "(rank=%d, while creating position signal).",
+				     bodyRank );
+    }
+  CjrlJoint * aJoint = aVec[bodyRank]; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > * sig 
+    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericPosition,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return *sig;
+void Dynamic::
+destroyPositionSignal( const std::string& signame )
+  bool deletable = false;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > * sig = & positionsSOUT( signame );
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
+    }
+  if(! deletable )
+    { 
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
+				     "Cannot destroy signal",
+				     " (while trying to remove generic pos. signal <%s>).",
+				     signame.c_str() );
+    }
+  signalDeregistration( signame );
+  delete sig;
+/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
+/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
+/* --- ACCELERATION --- */
+dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >& Dynamic::
+createAccelerationSignal( const std::string& signame,const unsigned int& bodyRank )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  vector<CjrlJoint *> aVec = m_HDR->jointVector();
+  if( bodyRank>=aVec.size() )
+    {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_RANK,
+				     "Joint rank is too high.",
+				     "(rank=%d, while creating acceleration signal).",
+				     bodyRank );
+    }
+  CjrlJoint * aJoint = aVec[bodyRank]; 
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig 
+    = new dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int >
+    ( boost::bind(&Dynamic::computeGenericAcceleration,this,aJoint,_1,_2),
+      newtonEulerSINTERN,
+      "sotDynamic("+name+")::output(matrixHomo)::"+signame );
+  genericSignalRefs.push_back( sig );
+  signalRegistration( *sig );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return *sig;
+void Dynamic::
+destroyAccelerationSignal( const std::string& signame )
+  bool deletable = false;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent< ml::Vector,int > * sig = & accelerationsSOUT( signame );
+  for(  std::list< SignalBase<int>* >::iterator iter = genericSignalRefs.begin();
+	iter != genericSignalRefs.end();
+	++iter )
+    {
+      if( (*iter) == sig ) { genericSignalRefs.erase(iter); deletable = true; break; }
+    }
+  if(! deletable )
+    { 
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::CANT_DESTROY_SIGNAL,
+				     "Cannot destroy signal",
+				     " (while trying to remove generic acc signal <%s>).",
+				     signame.c_str() );
+    }
+  signalDeregistration( signame );
+  delete sig;
+/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMPUTE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boostspecific.h>
+static void MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2( const vector3d& source,
+				ml::Vector & res )
+  sotDEBUG(5) << source <<endl;
+  res(0) = source[0]; 
+  res(1) = source[1]; 
+  res(2) = source[2]; 
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeGenericJacobian( CjrlJoint * aJoint,ml::Matrix& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
+  res.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeGenericEndeffJacobian( CjrlJoint * aJoint,ml::Matrix& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
+  ml::Matrix J,V(6,6);
+  J.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
+  /* --- TODO --- */
+  MatrixHomogeneous M;
+  computeGenericPosition(aJoint,M,time);
+  //M=M.inverse();
+  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    for( int j=0;j<3;++j )
+      {
+	V(i,j)=M(j,i);
+	V(i+3,j+3)=M(j,i);
+	V(i+3,j)=0.;
+	V(i,j+3)=0.;
+      }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "0Jn = "<< J;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "V = "<< V;
+  V.multiply(J,res);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+MatrixHomogeneous& Dynamic::
+computeGenericPosition( CjrlJoint * aJoint,MatrixHomogeneous& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  const matrix4d & m4 = aJoint->currentTransformation();
+  res.resize(4,4);
+  for( int i=0;i<4;++i )
+    for( int j=0;j<4;++j ) 
+      res(i,j) = MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(m4,i,j);
+  //  aJoint->computeJacobianJointWrtConfig();
+  //res.initFromMotherLib(aJoint->jacobianJointWrtConfig());
+	// adaptation to the new dynamic -- to be optimized
+    matrix4d initialTr;
+    initialTr = aJoint->initialPosition();
+    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,0,3) = 0.0;
+    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,1,3) = 0.0;
+    MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,2,3) = 0.0;
+    matrix4d invrot;
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
+		for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++)
+		{
+			MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j)=0.0;
+			for(unsigned int k=0;k<3;k++)
+			{
+				MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j)+=
+				MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(res,i,k) *
+				MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(initialTr,j,k);
+			}
+		}
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
+		for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++)
+		MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(res,i,j) =
+			MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(invrot,i,j);
+	//end of the adaptation
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeGenericAcceleration( CjrlJoint* j,ml::Vector& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  CjrlRigidAcceleration aRA = j->jointAcceleration();
+  vector3d al= aRA.linearAcceleration();
+  vector3d ar= aRA.rotationAcceleration(); // TODO: Dont copy, reference.
+  res.resize(6);
+  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=al(i);
+      res(i+3)=ar(i);
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeZmp( ml::Vector& ZMPval,int time )
+  if (ZMPval.size()!=3)
+    ZMPval.resize(3);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2(m_HDR->zeroMomentumPoint(),ZMPval);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return ZMPval;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeMomenta(ml::Vector & Momenta, int time)
+  vector3d LinearMomentum, AngularMomentum;
+  if (Momenta.size()!=6)
+    Momenta.resize(6);
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  LinearMomentum = m_HDR->linearMomentumRobot();
+  AngularMomentum = m_HDR->angularMomentumRobot();
+  for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
+    {
+      Momenta(i)   = LinearMomentum(i);
+      Momenta(i+3) = AngularMomentum(i);
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25) << "Momenta :" << Momenta ;
+  return Momenta;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeAngularMomentum(ml::Vector & Momenta, int time)
+  vector3d  AngularMomentum;
+  if (Momenta.size()!=3)
+    Momenta.resize(3);
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  AngularMomentum = m_HDR->angularMomentumRobot();
+  for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
+    {
+      Momenta(i) = AngularMomentum(i);
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25) << "AngularMomenta :" << Momenta ;
+  return Momenta;
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeJcom( ml::Matrix& Jcom,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  m_HDR->computeJacobianCenterOfMass();
+  Jcom.initFromMotherLib(m_HDR->jacobianCenterOfMass());
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return Jcom;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+computeCom( ml::Vector& com,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  com.resize(3);
+  MAAL1_V3d_to_MAAL2(m_HDR->positionCenterOfMass(),com);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return com;
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeInertia( ml::Matrix& A,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  m_HDR->computeInertiaMatrix();
+  A.initFromMotherLib(m_HDR->inertiaMatrix());
+  if( 1==debugInertia )
+    {
+      for( unsigned int i=0;i<18;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1; 
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=20;i<22;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1; 
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=28;i<36;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1; 
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+    }
+  else if( 2==debugInertia )
+    {
+      for( unsigned int i=0;i<18;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1; 
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=20;i<22;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1; 
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=28;i<29;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1; 
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+      for( unsigned int i=35;i<36;++i )
+	for( unsigned int j=0;j<36;++j )
+	  if( i==j ) A(i,i)=1; 
+	  else {  A(i,j)=A(j,i)=0; }
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return A;
+ml::Matrix& Dynamic::
+computeInertiaReal( ml::Matrix& res,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  const ml::Matrix & A = inertiaSOUT(time);
+  const ml::Vector & gearRatio = gearRatioSOUT(time);
+  const ml::Vector & inertiaRotor = inertiaRotorSOUT(time);
+  res = A;
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<gearRatio.size();++i )
+    res(i,i) += (gearRatio(i)*gearRatio(i)*inertiaRotor(i)); 
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+double& Dynamic::
+computeFootHeight( double& foot,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  newtonEulerSINTERN(time);
+  //foot=m_HDR->footHeight();
+  CjrlFoot *RightFoot = m_HDR->rightFoot();
+  vector3d AnkleInLocalRefFrame,SoleCenterInLocalRefFrame;
+  RightFoot->getAnklePositionInLocalFrame(AnkleInLocalRefFrame);
+  RightFoot->getSoleCenterInLocalFrame(SoleCenterInLocalRefFrame);
+  foot = fabs(AnkleInLocalRefFrame[2]-SoleCenterInLocalRefFrame[2]);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return foot;
+/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNAL --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& Dynamic::
+jacobiansSOUT( const std::string& name )
+  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
+  try { 
+    dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& res 
+      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Matrix,int>& >( sigabs );
+    return res;
+  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
+				  "Impossible cast.",
+				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type matrix.",
+				  name.c_str()); 
+  }
+dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& Dynamic::
+positionsSOUT( const std::string& name )
+  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
+  try { 
+    dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& res 
+      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int>& >( sigabs );
+    return res;
+  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
+				  "Impossible cast.",
+				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type matrixHomo.",
+				  name.c_str()); 
+  }
+dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& Dynamic::
+accelerationsSOUT( const std::string& name )
+  SignalBase<int> & sigabs = Entity::getSignal(name);
+  try { 
+    dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& res 
+      = dynamic_cast< dg::SignalTimeDependent<ml::Vector,int>& >( sigabs );
+    return res;
+  } catch( std::bad_cast e ) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST,
+				  "Impossible cast.",
+				  " (while getting signal <%s> of type Vector.",
+				  name.c_str()); 
+  }
+int& Dynamic::
+computeNewtonEuler( int& dummy,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  ml::Vector pos = jointPositionSIN(time); // TODO &pos
+  ml::Vector vel = jointVelocitySIN(time);
+  ml::Vector acc = jointAccelerationSIN(time);
+  firstSINTERN(time);
+  if( freeFlyerPositionSIN )
+    {
+      const ml::Vector& ffpos = freeFlyerPositionSIN(time);
+      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) pos(i) = ffpos(i); 
+    }
+  if( freeFlyerVelocitySIN )
+    {
+      const ml::Vector& ffvel = freeFlyerVelocitySIN(time);
+      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) vel(i) = ffvel(i); 
+    }
+  if( freeFlyerAccelerationSIN )
+    {
+      const ml::Vector& ffacc = freeFlyerAccelerationSIN(time);
+      for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) acc(i) = ffacc(i); 
+    }
+  if(! m_HDR->currentConfiguration(pos.accessToMotherLib()))
+    { 
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
+				     "Position vector size uncorrect",
+				     " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
+				     pos.size(),m_HDR->currentConfiguration().size() );
+    }
+  if(! m_HDR->currentVelocity(vel.accessToMotherLib()) )
+    { 
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
+				     "Velocity vector size uncorrect",
+				     " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
+				     vel.size(),m_HDR->currentVelocity().size() );
+    }
+  if(! m_HDR->currentAcceleration(acc.accessToMotherLib()) )
+    { 
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::JOINT_SIZE,
+				     "Acceleration vector size uncorrect",
+				     " (Vector size is %d, should be %d).",
+				     acc.size(),m_HDR->currentAcceleration().size() );
+    }
+  m_HDR->computeForwardKinematics();
+  sotDEBUG(1)<< "pos = " <<pos <<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(1)<< "vel = " <<vel <<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(1)<< "acc = " <<acc <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return dummy;
+int& Dynamic::
+initNewtonEuler( int& dummy,int time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  firstSINTERN.setReady(false);
+  computeNewtonEuler(dummy,time);
+  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    m_HDR->computeForwardKinematics();
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return dummy;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+getUpperJointLimits( ml::Vector& res,const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
+  res.resize( NBJ );
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=m_HDR->upperBoundDof( i );
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& Dynamic::
+getLowerJointLimits( ml::Vector& res,const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  const unsigned int NBJ = m_HDR->numberDof();
+  res.resize( NBJ );
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<NBJ;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=m_HDR->lowerBoundDof( i );
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return res;
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void Dynamic::
+commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+	     std::ostream& os )
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In { Cmd " << cmdLine <<endl;
+  std::string filename;
+  if( cmdLine == "debugInertia" )
+    {  
+      cmdArgs>>ws; if(cmdArgs.good()) 
+		     { 
+		       std::string arg; cmdArgs >> arg; 
+		       if( (arg=="true")||(arg=="1") )
+			 { debugInertia = 1; }
+		       else if( (arg=="2")||(arg=="grip") )
+			 { debugInertia = 2; }
+		       else debugInertia=0;
+		     }
+      else { os << "debugInertia = " << debugInertia << std::endl; }
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setVrmlDir" )
+    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlDirectory( filename );  }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setVrml" )
+    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlMainFile( filename );  }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setXmlSpec" )
+    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlSpecificityFile( filename );  }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setXmlRank" )
+    {  cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlRankFile( filename );  }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setFiles" )
+    {
+      cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlDirectory( filename ); 
+      cmdArgs>>filename; setVrmlMainFile( filename );  
+      cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlSpecificityFile( filename );  
+      cmdArgs>>filename; setXmlRankFile( filename );  
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "displayFiles" )
+    {
+      cmdArgs >> ws; bool filespecified = false; 
+      if( cmdArgs.good() )
+	{
+	  filespecified = true; 
+	  std::string filetype; cmdArgs >> filetype;
+	  sotDEBUG(15) << " Request: " << filetype << std::endl;
+	  if( "vrmldir" == filetype ) { os << vrmlDirectory << std::endl; }
+	  else if( "xmlspecificity" == filetype ) { os << xmlSpecificityFile << std::endl; }
+	  else if( "xmlrank" == filetype ) { os << xmlRankFile << std::endl; }
+	  else if( "vrmlmain" == filetype ) { os << vrmlMainFile << std::endl; }
+	  else filespecified = false;
+	}
+      if( ! filespecified ) 
+	{
+	  os << "  - VRML Directory:\t\t\t" << vrmlDirectory <<endl
+	     << "  - XML Specificity File:\t\t" << xmlSpecificityFile <<endl
+	     << "  - XML Rank File:\t\t\t" << xmlRankFile <<endl
+	     << "  - VRML Main File:\t\t\t" << vrmlMainFile <<endl;
+	}
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "parse" )
+    {
+      if(! init )parseConfigFiles(); else cout << "  !! Already parsed." <<endl;
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createJacobian" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      createJacobianSignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyJacobian" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyJacobianSignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createPosition" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      createPositionSignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyPosition" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyPositionSignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createAcceleration" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      createAccelerationSignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyAcceleration" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyAccelerationSignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createEndeffJacobian" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      createEndeffJacobianSignal(Jname,rank);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "createOpPoint" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      unsigned int rank; cmdArgs >> rank;
+      createEndeffJacobianSignal(string("J")+Jname,rank);
+      createPositionSignal(Jname,rank);
+      sotDEBUG(15)<<endl;
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "destroyOpPoint" )
+    {
+      std::string Jname; cmdArgs >> Jname;
+      destroyJacobianSignal(string("J")+Jname);
+      destroyPositionSignal(Jname);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "ndof" ) { os << m_HDR->numberDof() <<endl; return; }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setComputeCom" )
+    {
+      unsigned int b; cmdArgs >> b;
+      comActivation(b);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setComputeZmp" )
+    {
+      unsigned int b; cmdArgs >> b;
+      zmpActivation(b);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "setProperty" )
+    {
+      string prop,val; cmdArgs >> prop; 
+      if( cmdArgs.good() ) cmdArgs >> val; else val="true";
+      m_HDR->setProperty( prop,val );
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "getProperty" )
+    {
+      string prop,val; cmdArgs >> prop; 
+      m_HDR->getProperty( prop,val );
+      os<<val<<endl;
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "displayProperties" )
+    {
+      std::istringstream iss("ComputeVelocity ComputeCoM ComputeAccelerationCoM ComputeMomentum ComputeZMP ComputeBackwardDynamics");
+      string prop,val; const unsigned int STR_SIZE=30;
+      while( iss.good() )
+	{
+	  iss>>prop;
+	  m_HDR->getProperty( prop,val );
+	  os<<prop;
+	  for( unsigned int i=prop.length();i<STR_SIZE;++i ) os<<" ";
+	  os<<" -> "<<val <<endl;
+	} 
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "help" )
+    {
+      os << "Dynamics:"<<endl
+	 << "  - setVrmlDir - setVrml - setXmlSpec - setXmlRanks <file>" <<endl
+	 << "\t\t\t\t:set the config files" <<endl
+	 << "  - setFiles <%1> ... <%4>\t:set files in the order cited above" <<endl
+	 << "  - displayFiles\t\t\t:display the 5 config files" <<endl
+	 << "  - parse\t\t\t:parse the files set unsing the set{Xml|Vrml} commands." <<endl
+	 << "  - createJacobian <name> <point>:create a signal named <name> " << endl
+	 << "  - createEndeffJacobian <name> <point>:create a signal named <name> "
+	 << "forwarding the jacoian computed at <point>." <<endl
+	 << "  - destroyJacobian <name>\t:delete the jacobian signal <name>" << endl
+	 << "  - {create|destroy}Position\t:handle position signals." <<endl
+	 << "  - {create|destroy}OpPoint\t:handle Operation Point (ie pos+jac) signals." <<endl
+	 << "  - {create|destroy}Acceleration\t:handle acceleration signals." <<endl
+	 << "  - {get|set}Property <name> [<val>]: set/get the property." <<endl
+	 << "  - displayProperties: print the prop-val couples list." <<endl
+	 << "  - ndof\t\t\t: display the number of DOF of the robot."<< endl;
+      Entity::commandLine(cmdLine,cmdArgs,os);
+    }
+  else { Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
diff --git a/src/force-compensation.cpp b/src/force-compensation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..702a5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/force-compensation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      ForceCompensation.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <sot-dynamic/force-compensation.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot-core/macros-signal.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+/* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  :usingPrecompensation(false)
+ForceCompensationPlugin( const std::string & name ) 
+  :Entity(name)
+  ,calibrationStarted(false)
+  ,torsorSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::torsorIN")
+  ,worldRhandSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(MatrixRotation)::worldRhand")
+  ,handRsensorSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(MatrixRotation)::handRsensor")
+  ,translationSensorComSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector3)::sensorCom")
+  ,gravitySIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::gravity")
+  ,precompensationSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::precompensation")
+  ,gainSensorSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(matrix6)::gain")
+  ,deadZoneLimitSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::deadZoneLimit")
+  ,transSensorJointSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::sensorJoint")  ,inertiaJointSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(matrix6)::inertiaJoint") 
+  ,velocitySIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::velocity")  
+  ,accelerationSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::acceleration")  
+  ,handXworldSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2( ForceCompensation::computeHandXworld,
+				      worldRhandSIN,MatrixRotation,
+				      translationSensorComSIN,ml::Vector ),
+		   "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(MatrixForce)::handXworld" )
+   ,handVsensorSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_1( ForceCompensation::computeHandVsensor,
+					handRsensorSIN,MatrixRotation),
+		     "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(MatrixForce)::handVsensor" )
+   ,torsorDeadZoneSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::torsorNullifiedIN")
+  ,sensorXhandSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2( ForceCompensation::computeSensorXhand,
+				       handRsensorSIN,MatrixRotation,
+				       transSensorJointSIN,ml::Vector ),
+		   "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(MatrixForce)::sensorXhand" )
+//   ,inertiaSensorSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2( ForceCompensation::computeInertiaSensor,
+// 					  inertiaJointSIN,ml::Matrix,
+// 					  sensorXhandSOUT,MatrixForce ),
+// 		       "ForceCompensation("+name+")::output(MatrixForce)::inertiaSensor" )
+   ,momentumSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_4(ForceCompensation::computeMomentum,
+				    velocitySIN,ml::Vector,
+				    accelerationSIN,ml::Vector,
+				    sensorXhandSOUT,MatrixForce,
+				    inertiaJointSIN,ml::Matrix),
+		  "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(Vector6)::momentum" ) 
+  ,momentumSIN(NULL,"sotForceCompensation("+name+")::input(vector6)::momentumIN")  
+  ,torsorCompensatedSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_7(ForceCompensation::computeTorsorCompensated,
+					    torsorSIN,ml::Vector,
+					    precompensationSIN,ml::Vector,
+					    gravitySIN,ml::Vector,
+					    handXworldSOUT,MatrixForce,
+					    handVsensorSOUT,MatrixForce,
+					    gainSensorSIN,ml::Matrix,
+					    momentumSIN,ml::Vector),
+			  "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(Vector6)::torsor" ) 
+  ,torsorDeadZoneSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2(ForceCompensation::computeDeadZone,
+					 torsorDeadZoneSIN,ml::Vector,
+					 deadZoneLimitSIN,ml::Vector),
+		       "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(Vector6)::torsorNullified" ) 
+   ,calibrationTrigerSOUT( boost::bind(&ForceCompensationPlugin::calibrationTriger,
+				       this,_1,_2),
+			   torsorSIN << worldRhandSIN,
+			   "sotForceCompensation("+name+")::output(Dummy)::calibrationTriger")
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  signalRegistration( torsorSIN<< worldRhandSIN 
+		      << handRsensorSIN << translationSensorComSIN
+		      << gravitySIN << precompensationSIN << gainSensorSIN
+		      << deadZoneLimitSIN 
+		      << transSensorJointSIN << inertiaJointSIN 
+		      << velocitySIN << accelerationSIN
+		      << handXworldSOUT << handVsensorSOUT << torsorDeadZoneSIN
+		      << sensorXhandSOUT //<< inertiaSensorSOUT 
+		      << momentumSOUT << momentumSIN
+		      << torsorCompensatedSOUT << torsorDeadZoneSOUT
+		      << calibrationTrigerSOUT );
+  torsorDeadZoneSIN.plug(&torsorCompensatedSOUT);
+  // By default, I choose: momentum is not compensated.
+  //  momentumSIN.plug( &momentumSOUT );
+  ml::Vector v(6); v.fill(0); momentumSIN = v;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~ForceCompensationPlugin( void )
+  return;
+/* --- CALIB --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CALIB --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CALIB --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+MatrixRotation ForceCompensation::I3;
+void ForceCompensation::
+clearCalibration( void )
+  torsorList.clear();
+  rotationList.clear();
+void ForceCompensation::
+addCalibrationValue( const ml::Vector& torsor,
+		     const MatrixRotation & worldRhand )
+  sotDEBUGIN(45);
+  //   sotDEBUG(25) << "Add torsor: t"<<torsorList.size() <<" = " << torsor;
+  //   sotDEBUG(25) << "Add Rotation: wRh"<<torsorList.size() <<" = " << worldRhand;
+  //   torsorList.push_back(torsor);
+  //   rotationList.push_back(worldRhand);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(45);
+ml::Vector ForceCompensation::
+calibrateTransSensorCom( const ml::Vector& gravity,
+			 const MatrixRotation& handRsensor )
+  //   sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  //   ml::Vector grav3(3);
+  //   ml::Vector Rgrav3(3),tau(3),Rtau(3);
+  //   for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j ) { grav3(j)=gravity(j); }
+  //   std::list< ml::Vector >::iterator iterTorsor = torsorList.begin();
+  //   std::list< MatrixRotation >::const_iterator iterRotation 
+  //     = rotationList.begin();
+  //   const unsigned int NVAL = torsorList.size();
+  //   if( 0==NVAL ) 
+  //     {
+  //       ml::Vector zero(3); zero.fill(0);
+  //       return zero;
+  //     }
+  //   if(NVAL!=rotationList.size() ) 
+  //     {
+  // 	  // TODO: ERROR THROW
+  //     }
+  //   ml::Matrix torsors( 3,NVAL );
+  //   ml::Matrix gravitys( 3,NVAL );
+  //   for( unsigned int i=0;i<NVAL;++i )
+  //     {
+  //       if( (torsorList.end()==iterTorsor)||(rotationList.end()==iterRotation) )
+  // 	{
+  // 	  // TODO: ERROR THROW
+  // 	  break;
+  // 	}
+  //       const ml::Vector & torsor = *iterTorsor;
+  //       const MatrixRotation & worldRhand = *iterRotation;
+  //       for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j ) { tau(j)=torsor(j+3); }
+  //       handRsensor.multiply(tau,Rtau);
+  //       worldRhand.transpose().multiply( grav3,Rgrav3 );
+  //       for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j )
+  // 	{
+  // 	  torsors( j,i ) = -Rtau(j);
+  // 	  gravitys( j,i ) = Rgrav3(j);
+  // 	}
+  //       sotDEBUG(35) << "R" << i << " = " << worldRhand;
+  //       sotDEBUG(35) << "Rtau" << i << " = " << Rtau;
+  //       sotDEBUG(35) << "Rg" << i << " = " << Rgrav3;
+  //       iterTorsor++; iterRotation++;
+  //     }
+  //   sotDEBUG(35) << "Rgs = " << gravitys;
+  //   sotDEBUG(35) << "Rtaus = " << torsors;
+  //   ml::Matrix gravsInv( gravitys.nbCols(),gravitys.nbRows() );
+  //   sotDEBUG(25) << "Compute the pinv..." << std::endl;
+  //   gravitys.pseudoInverse(gravsInv);
+  //   sotDEBUG(25) << "Compute the pinv... [DONE]" << std::endl;
+  //   sotDEBUG(25) << "gravsInv = " << gravsInv << std::endl;
+  //   ml::Matrix Skew(3,3);
+  //   torsors.multiply( gravsInv,Skew );
+  //   sotDEBUG(25) << "Skew = " << Skew << std::endl;
+  //   ml::Vector sc(3);
+  //   sc(0)=(Skew(2,1)-Skew(1,2))*.5 ;
+  //   sc(1)=(Skew(0,2)-Skew(2,0))*.5 ;
+  //   sc(2)=(Skew(1,0)-Skew(0,1))*.5 ;
+  //   sotDEBUG(15) << "SC = " << sc << std::endl; 
+  //   /* TAKE the antisym constraint into account inside the minimization pbm. */
+  //   sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  //   return sc;
+  return gravity;
+ml::Vector ForceCompensation::
+calibrateGravity( const MatrixRotation& handRsensor,
+		  bool precompensationCalibration,
+		  const MatrixRotation& hand0RsensorArg )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  //   MatrixRotation hand0Rsensor;
+  //   if( &hand0Rsensor==&I3 ) hand0Rsensor.setIdentity();
+  //   else hand0Rsensor=hand0RsensorArg;
+  //   std::list< ml::Vector >::const_iterator iterTorsor = torsorList.begin();
+  //   std::list< MatrixRotation >::const_iterator iterRotation 
+  //     = rotationList.begin();
+  //   const unsigned int NVAL = torsorList.size();
+  //   if(NVAL!=rotationList.size() ) 
+  //     {
+  // 	  // TODO: ERROR THROW
+  //     }
+  //   if( 0==NVAL ) 
+  //     {
+  //       ml::Vector zero(6); zero.fill(0);
+  //       return zero;
+  //     }
+  //   ml::Vector force(3),forceHand(3),forceWorld(3);
+  //   ml::Vector sumForce(3); sumForce.fill(0);
+  //   for( unsigned int i=0;i<NVAL;++i )
+  //     {
+  //       if( (torsorList.end()==iterTorsor)||(rotationList.end()==iterRotation) )
+  // 	{
+  // 	  // TODO: ERROR THROW
+  // 	  break;
+  // 	}
+  //       const ml::Vector & torsor = *iterTorsor;
+  //       const MatrixRotation & R = *iterRotation;
+  //       /* The sensor read [-] the value, and the grav is [-] the sensor force.
+  //        * [-]*[-] = [+] -> force = + torsor(1:3). */
+  //       for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j ) { force(j)=-torsor(j); }
+  //       handRsensor.multiply(force,forceHand);
+  //       if( usingPrecompensation )
+  // 	{
+  // 	  ml::Matrix R_I(3,3); R_I = R.transpose();
+  // 	  R_I -= hand0Rsensor;
+  // 	  R_I.pseudoInverse(.01).multiply( forceHand,forceWorld );
+  // 	}
+  //       else 
+  // 	{ R.multiply( forceHand,forceWorld ); }
+  //       sotDEBUG(35) << "R(" << i << "*3+1:" << i << "*3+3,:)  = " << R << "';";
+  //       sotDEBUG(35) << "rhFs(" << i << "*3+1:" << i << "*3+3) = " << forceHand;
+  //       sotDEBUG(45) << "fworld(" << i << "*3+1:" << i << "*3+3) = " << forceWorld;
+  //       sumForce+= forceWorld;
+  //       iterTorsor++; iterRotation++;
+  //     }
+  //   sumForce*= (1./NVAL);
+  //   sotDEBUG(35) << "Fmean = " << sumForce;
+  //   sumForce.resize(6,false);
+  //   sumForce(3)=sumForce(4)=sumForce(5)=0.;
+  //   sotDEBUG(25)<<"mg = " << sumForce<<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  ml::Vector sumForce(3); sumForce.fill(0);
+  return sumForce;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+MatrixForce& ForceCompensation::
+computeHandXworld( const MatrixRotation & worldRhand,
+		   const ml::Vector & transSensorCom,
+		   MatrixForce& res )
+  sotDEBUGIN(35);
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "wRrh = " << worldRhand <<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "SC = " << transSensorCom <<std::endl;
+  MatrixRotation R; worldRhand.transpose(R);
+  MatrixHomogeneous scRw; scRw.buildFrom( R,transSensorCom);
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "scMw = " << scRw <<std::endl;
+  res.buildFrom( scRw );
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "scXw = " << res <<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(35);
+  return res;
+MatrixForce& ForceCompensation::
+computeHandVsensor( const MatrixRotation & handRsensor,
+		    MatrixForce& res )
+  sotDEBUGIN(35);
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    for( unsigned int j=0;j<3;++j )
+      {
+	res(i,j)=handRsensor(i,j);
+	res(i+3,j+3)=handRsensor(i,j);
+	res(i+3,j)=0.;
+	res(i,j+3)=0.;
+      }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "hVs" << res << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(35);
+  return res;
+MatrixForce& ForceCompensation::
+computeSensorXhand( const MatrixRotation & handRsensor,
+		    const ml::Vector & transJointSensor,
+		    MatrixForce& res )
+  sotDEBUGIN(35);
+  /* Force Matrix to pass from the joint frame (ie frame located
+   * at the position of the motor, in which the acc is computed by Spong)
+   * to the frame SensorHand where all the forces are expressed (ie
+   * frame located at the sensor position bu oriented like the hand). */
+  MatrixRotation sensorRhand;  sensorRhand.setIdentity();
+  //handRsensor.transpose(sensorRhand);
+  MatrixHomogeneous sensorMhand;
+  sensorMhand.buildFrom( sensorRhand,transJointSensor );
+  res.buildFrom( sensorMhand );
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "shXJ" << res << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(35);
+  return res;
+// ml::Matrix& ForceCompensation::
+// computeInertiaSensor( const ml::Matrix& inertiaJoint,
+// 		      const MatrixForce& sensorXhand,
+// 		      ml::Matrix& res )
+// {
+//   sotDEBUGIN(35);
+//   /* Inertia felt at the sensor position, expressed in the orientation
+//    * of the hand. */
+//   res.resize(6,6);
+//   sensorXhand.multiply( inertiaJoint,res );
+//   sotDEBUGOUT(35);
+//   return res;
+// }
+ml::Vector& ForceCompensation::
+computeTorsorCompensated( const ml::Vector& torqueInput,
+			  const ml::Vector& torquePrecompensation,
+			  const ml::Vector& gravity,
+			  const MatrixForce& handXworld,
+			  const MatrixForce& handVsensor,
+			  const ml::Matrix& gainSensor,
+			  const ml::Vector& momentum,
+			  ml::Vector& res )
+  sotDEBUGIN(35);
+  /* Torsor in the sensor frame: K*(-torsred-gamma)+sVh*hXw*mg  */
+  /* Torsor in the hand frame: hVs*K*(-torsred-gamma)+hXw*mg  */
+  /* With gamma expressed in the sensor frame  (gamma_s = sVh*gamma_h) */
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "t_nc = " << torqueInput;
+  ml::Vector torquePrecompensated(6);
+  //if( usingPrecompensation )
+  { torqueInput.addition( torquePrecompensation,torquePrecompensated ); }
+  //else { torquePrecompensated = torqueInput; }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "t_pre = " << torquePrecompensated;
+  ml::Vector torqueS(6), torqueRH(6);
+  gainSensor.multiply( torquePrecompensated,torqueS );
+  handVsensor.multiply( torqueS,res );
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "t_rh = " << res;
+  ml::Vector grh(6);
+  handXworld.multiply(gravity,grh);
+  grh *= -1;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "g_rh = " << grh;
+  res+=grh;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "fcomp = " << res;
+  res+=momentum;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "facc = " << res;
+  /* TODO res += m xddot */
+  sotDEBUGOUT(35);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& ForceCompensation::
+crossProduct_V_F( const ml::Vector& velocity,
+		  const ml::Vector& force,
+		  ml::Vector& res )
+  /* [ v;w] x [ f;tau ] = [ w x f; v x f + w x tau ] */
+  ml::Vector v(3),w(3),f(3),tau(3);
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    {
+      v(i)=velocity(i); w(i) = velocity(i+3);
+      f(i) = force(i); tau(i) = force(i+3);
+    }
+  ml::Vector res1(3),res2a(3),res2b;
+  w.crossProduct( f,res1 );
+  v.crossProduct( f,res2a );
+  w.crossProduct( tau,res2b );
+  res2a+= res2b;
+  res.resize(6);
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
+    {
+      res(i)=res1(i); res(i+3)=res2a(i);
+    }
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& ForceCompensation::
+computeMomentum( const ml::Vector& velocity,
+		 const ml::Vector& acceleration,
+		 const MatrixForce& sensorXhand,
+		 const ml::Matrix& inertiaJoint,
+		 ml::Vector& res )
+  sotDEBUGIN(35);
+  /* Fs + Fext = I acc + V x Iv */
+  ml::Vector Iacc(6); inertiaJoint.multiply( acceleration,Iacc );
+  res.resize(6); sensorXhand.multiply( Iacc,res );
+  ml::Vector Iv(6); inertiaJoint.multiply( velocity,Iv);
+  ml::Vector vIv(6); crossProduct_V_F( velocity,Iv,vIv );
+  ml::Vector XvIv(6); sensorXhand.multiply( vIv,XvIv);
+  res+= XvIv;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(35);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& ForceCompensation::
+computeDeadZone( const ml::Vector& torqueInput,
+		 const ml::Vector& deadZone,
+		 ml::Vector& res )
+  sotDEBUGIN(35);
+  if( torqueInput.size()>deadZone.size() ) return res;
+  res.resize(torqueInput.size());
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<torqueInput.size();++i )
+    {
+      const double th = fabsf(deadZone(i));
+      if( (torqueInput(i)<th)&&(torqueInput(i)>-th) )
+	{ res(i)=0; }
+      else if(torqueInput(i)<0) res(i)=torqueInput(i)+th;
+      else res(i)=torqueInput(i)-th;
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(35);
+  return res;
+ForceCompensationPlugin::sotDummyType& ForceCompensationPlugin::
+calibrationTriger( ForceCompensationPlugin::sotDummyType& dummy,int time )
+  //   sotDEBUGIN(45);
+  //   if(! calibrationStarted ) { sotDEBUGOUT(45); return dummy=0; } 
+  //   addCalibrationValue( torsorSIN(time),worldRhandSIN(time) );
+  //   sotDEBUGOUT(45);
+  return dummy=1;
+/* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+void ForceCompensationPlugin::
+commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+	     std::ostream& os )
+  if( "help"==cmdLine )
+    {
+      os << "ForceCompensation: "
+	 << "  - clearCalibration" << std::endl
+	 << "  - {start|stop}Calibration [wait <time_sec>]" << std::endl
+	 << "  - calibrateGravity\t[only {x|y|z}]" << std::endl
+	 << "  - calibratePosition" << std::endl
+	 << "  - precomp [{true|false}]:  get/set the "
+	 << "precompensation due to sensor calib." << std::endl;
+    }
+  //   else if( "clearCalibration" == cmdLine )
+  //     {
+  //       clearCalibration();
+  //     }
+  //   else if( "startCalibration" == cmdLine )
+  //     {
+  //       calibrationStarted = true;
+  //       cmdArgs >> std::ws;
+  //       if( cmdArgs.good() )
+  // 	{
+  // 	  std::string cmdWait; cmdArgs>>cmdWait>>std::ws;
+  // 	  if( (cmdWait == "wait")&&(cmdArgs.good()) )
+  // 	    {
+  // 	      double timeSec; cmdArgs >> timeSec;
+  // 	      unsigned int timeMSec= (unsigned int)(round(timeSec*1000*1000));
+  // 	      sotDEBUG(15) << "Calibration: wait for " << timeMSec << "us."<<std::endl;
+  // 	      usleep( timeMSec );
+  // 	      calibrationStarted = false;
+  // 	    }
+  // 	}
+  //     }
+  //   else if( "stopCalibration" == cmdLine )
+  //     {
+  //       calibrationStarted = false;
+  //     }
+  //   else if( "calibrateGravity" == cmdLine )
+  //     {
+  //       if( calibrationStarted ) 
+  // 	{
+  // 	  os<< "Calibration phase is on, stop it first."<<std::endl;
+  // 	  return;
+  // 	}
+  //       ml::Vector grav = calibrateGravity( handRsensorSIN.accessCopy(),
+  // 					  usingPrecompensation );
+  //       cmdArgs >> std::ws;
+  //       if( cmdArgs.good() )
+  // 	{
+  // 	  std::string cmdOnly; cmdArgs>>cmdOnly>>std::ws;
+  // 	  if( (cmdOnly == "only")&&(cmdArgs.good()) )
+  // 	    {
+  // 	      std::string xyz; cmdArgs >> xyz;
+  // 	      if( "x"==xyz ) { grav(1)=grav(2)=0.; }
+  // 	      else if( "y"==xyz ) { grav(0)=grav(2)=0.; }
+  // 	      else if( "z"==xyz ) { grav(0)=grav(1)=0.; }
+  // 	    }
+  // 	}
+  //       gravitySIN = grav;
+  //     }
+  //   else if( "calibratePosition" == cmdLine )
+  //     {
+  //       if( calibrationStarted )
+  // 	{
+  // 	  return;
+  //       	  os<< "Calibration phase is on, stop it first."<<std::endl;
+  // 	}
+  //       ml::Vector position(3);
+  //       position = calibrateTransSensorCom( gravitySIN.accessCopy(), 
+  // 					  handRsensorSIN.accessCopy() );
+  //       transSensorComSIN = position;
+  //     }
+  else if( "precomp" == cmdLine )
+    {
+      cmdArgs>>std::ws; 
+      if( cmdArgs.good() )
+	{  cmdArgs >>  usingPrecompensation; } 
+      else { os << "precompensation = " << usingPrecompensation <<std::endl; }
+    }
+  else if( "compensateMomentum" == cmdLine )
+    {
+      cmdArgs>>std::ws; 
+      if( cmdArgs.good() )
+	{
+	  bool use;  cmdArgs >> use;
+	  if( use ) momentumSIN.plug( &momentumSOUT );
+	  else
+	    {
+	      ml::Vector m(6); m.resize(0); momentumSIN = m; 
+	    }
+	} 
+      else 
+	{ 
+	  os << "compensateMomentum = " << (momentumSIN.getPtr()!=&momentumSIN)
+	     <<std::endl; 
+	}
+    }
+  else{ Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os ); }
diff --git a/src/integrator-force-exact.cpp b/src/integrator-force-exact.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbe5140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/integrator-force-exact.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      IntegratorForceExact.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <sot-dynamic/integrator-force-exact.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot-core/exception-dynamic.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+IntegratorForceExact( const std::string & name ) 
+  :IntegratorForce(name)
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  velocitySOUT.
+    setFunction( boost::bind(&IntegratorForceExact::computeVelocityExact,
+			     this,_1,_2));
+  velocitySOUT.removeDependency( velocityDerivativeSOUT );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~IntegratorForceExact( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- EIGEN VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- EIGEN VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- EIGEN VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas;
+extern "C"
+  void dgeev_( const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr, const int* n, double* a,
+	       const int* lda, double* wr, double* wi, double* vl, const int* ldvl,
+	       double* vr, const int* ldvr, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info );
+int geev(::boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, ::boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> &a,
+	 ublas::vector< std::complex<double> > &w,
+	 ::boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double,::boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> &vl2,
+	 ::boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double,::boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> &vr2
+	 )
+  char jobvl='V';
+  char jobvr='V';
+  int const n = a.size1();
+  ::boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> wr(n);
+  ::boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> wi(n);
+  double* vl_real = MRAWDATA(vl2);
+  const int ldvl =vl2.size1();
+  double* vr_real = MRAWDATA(vr2);
+  const int ldvr = vr2.size1();
+  // workspace query
+  int lwork = -1;
+  double work_temp;
+  int result=0;
+  dgeev_(&jobvl, &jobvr, &n,
+	 MRAWDATA(a), &n, 
+	 vl_real, &ldvl, vr_real, &ldvr,
+	 &work_temp, &lwork, &result);
+  if (result != 0)
+    return result;
+  lwork = (int) work_temp;
+  ::boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> work(lwork);
+  dgeev_(&jobvl, &jobvr, &n,
+	 MRAWDATA(a), &n, 
+	 vl_real, &ldvl, vr_real, &ldvr,
+	 VRAWDATA(work), &lwork,
+	 &result);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    w[i] = std::complex<double>(wr[i], wi[i]);
+  return result;
+static void eigenDecomp( const ml::Matrix& M,
+			 ml::Matrix& P,
+			 ml::Vector& eig )
+  unsigned int SIZE = M.nbCols();
+  ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> Y=M.matrix;
+  ublas::vector< std::complex<double> > evals(SIZE);
+  ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> vl(SIZE,SIZE);
+  ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> vr(SIZE,SIZE);
+  //  const int errCode = lapack::geev(Y, evals, &vl, &vr, lapack::optimal_workspace());
+  const int errCode = geev(Y,evals,vl,vr);
+  if( errCode<0 )
+    { SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::INTEGRATION,
+				     "Invalid argument to geev","" ); }
+  else if( errCode>0 )
+    { SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::INTEGRATION,
+				     "No convergence for given matrix",""); }
+  P.resize(SIZE,SIZE);   eig.resize(SIZE);
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<SIZE;++i )
+    {
+      for( unsigned int j=0;j<SIZE;++j ){ P(i,j)=vr(i,j); }
+      eig(i)=evals(i).real();
+      if( fabsf(evals(i).imag())>1e-5 ) 
+	{ 
+	  SOT_THROW ExceptionDynamic( ExceptionDynamic::INTEGRATION,
+					 "Error imaginary part not null. ",
+					 "(at position %d: %f)",i,evals(i).imag() );
+	}
+    }
+  return ;
+static void expMatrix( const ml::Matrix& MiB,
+		       ml::Matrix& Mexp )
+  unsigned int SIZE = MiB.nbCols();
+  ml::Matrix Pmib(MiB.nbCols(),MiB.nbCols());
+  ml::Vector eig_mib(MiB.nbCols());
+  eigenDecomp( MiB,Pmib,eig_mib );
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "V = " << Pmib;
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "d = " << eig_mib;
+  ml::Matrix Pinv(SIZE,SIZE); Pmib.inverse(Pinv);
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "Vinv = " << Pinv;
+  Mexp.resize(SIZE,SIZE);
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<SIZE;++i )
+    for( unsigned int j=0;j<SIZE;++j )
+      Pmib(i,j)*= exp( eig_mib(j) );
+  Pmib.multiply(Pinv,Mexp);
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "expMiB = " << Mexp;
+  return ;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The derivative of the signal is such that: M v_dot + B v = f. We deduce:
+ * v_dot =  M^-1 (f - Bv)
+ * Using Exact method: 
+ * dv = exp( M^-1.B.t) ( v0-B^-1.f ) + B^-1.f
+ */
+ml::Vector& IntegratorForceExact::
+computeVelocityExact( ml::Vector& res,
+		      const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Vector & force = forceSIN( time );
+  const ml::Matrix & massInverse = massInverseSIN( time );
+  const ml::Matrix & friction = frictionSIN( time );
+  unsigned int nf = force.size(), nv = friction.nbCols();
+  res.resize(nv); res.fill(0);
+  if(! velocityPrecSIN )
+    { 
+      ml::Vector zero( nv ); zero.fill(0);
+      velocityPrecSIN = zero;
+    } 
+  const ml::Vector & vel = velocityPrecSIN( time );
+  double & dt = this->IntegratorForce::timeStep; // this is &
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "force = " << force;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "vel = " << vel;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Mi = " << massInverse;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "B = " << friction;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "dt = " << dt << std::endl;
+  ml::Matrix MiB( nv,nv );
+  massInverse.multiply(friction,MiB);
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "MiB = " << MiB;
+  ml::Matrix MiBexp( nv,nv );
+  MiB*=-dt; expMatrix(MiB,MiBexp);
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "expMiB = " << MiBexp;
+  ml::Matrix Binv( nv,nv ); friction.inverse(Binv);
+  ml::Vector Bif( nf ); Binv.multiply( force,Bif );
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Binv = " << Binv;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Bif = " << Bif;
+  ml::Vector v0_bif = vel;
+  v0_bif -= Bif;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Kst = " << v0_bif;
+  res.resize( MiBexp.nbRows() );
+  MiBexp.multiply( v0_bif,res );
+  res += Bif;
+  velocityPrecSIN = res ;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "vfin = " << res;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// void IntegratorForceExact::
+// commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+// 	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+// 	     std::ostream& os )
+// {
+//   sotDEBUG(25) << "Cmd " << cmdLine <<std::endl;
+//   if( cmdLine == "help" )
+//     {
+//       os << "IntegratorForceExact: " << std::endl;
+//     }
+//   else { IntegratorForce::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
+// }
diff --git a/src/integrator-force-rk4.cpp b/src/integrator-force-rk4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..005c275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/integrator-force-rk4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      IntegratorForceRK4.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <sot-dynamic/integrator-force-rk4.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+IntegratorForceRK4( const std::string & name ) 
+  :IntegratorForce(name)
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  velocityDerivativeSOUT.
+    setFunction( boost::bind(&IntegratorForceRK4::computeDerivativeRK4,
+			     this,_1,_2));
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~IntegratorForceRK4( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The derivative of the signal is such that: M v_dot + B v = f. We deduce:
+ * v_dot =  M^-1 (f - Bv)
+ * Using RK4 method (doc: wikipedia ;) ): dv= dt/6 ( k1 + 2.k2 + 2.k3 + k4)
+ */
+static const double rk_fact[4] = { 1.,2.,2.,1. };
+ml::Vector& IntegratorForceRK4::
+computeDerivativeRK4( ml::Vector& res,
+		      const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Vector & force = forceSIN( time );
+  const ml::Matrix & massInverse = massInverseSIN( time );
+  const ml::Matrix & friction = frictionSIN( time );
+  unsigned int nf = force.size(), nv = friction.nbCols();
+  res.resize(nv); res.fill(0);
+  if(! velocityPrecSIN )
+    { 
+      ml::Vector zero( nv ); zero.fill(0);
+      velocityPrecSIN = zero;
+    } 
+  const ml::Vector & vel = velocityPrecSIN( time );
+  double & dt = this->IntegratorForce::timeStep; // this is &
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "force = " << force;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "vel = " << vel;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Mi = " << massInverse;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "B = " << friction;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "dt = " << dt << std::endl;
+  std::vector<ml::Vector> v(4);
+  ml::Vector ki( nv ), fi( nf );
+  double sumFact = 0;
+  v[0]=vel;
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<4;++i )
+    {
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "v"<<i<<" = " << v[i];
+      friction.multiply( v[i],fi ); fi*=-1;
+      fi += force;
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "f"<<i<<" = " << fi;
+      massInverse.multiply( fi,ki );
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "k"<<i<<" = " << ki;
+      if( i+1<4 ) 
+	{
+	  v[i+1] = ki;  v[i+1] *= (dt/rk_fact[i+1]);
+	  v[i+1] += vel; 
+	}
+      ki *= rk_fact[i];
+      res += ki;
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "sum_k"<<i<<" = " << res;
+      sumFact += rk_fact[i];
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(35) << "sum_ki = " << res;
+  res *= (1/sumFact);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// void IntegratorForceRK4::
+// commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+// 	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+// 	     std::ostream& os )
+// {
+//   sotDEBUG(25) << "Cmd " << cmdLine <<std::endl;
+//   if( cmdLine == "help" )
+//     {
+//       os << "IntegratorForceRK4: " << std::endl;
+//     }
+//   else { IntegratorForce::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
+// }
diff --git a/src/integrator-force.cpp b/src/integrator-force.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72fde2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/integrator-force.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      IntegratorForce.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <sot-dynamic/integrator-force.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+const double IntegratorForce:: TIME_STEP_DEFAULT = 5e-3;
+IntegratorForce( const std::string & name ) 
+  :Entity(name)
+   ,timeStep( TIME_STEP_DEFAULT )
+   ,forceSIN(NULL,"sotIntegratorForce("+name+")::input(vector)::force")
+   ,massInverseSIN(NULL,"sotIntegratorForce("+name+")::input(matrix)::massInverse")
+   ,frictionSIN(NULL,"sotIntegratorForce("+name+")::input(matrix)::friction")
+   ,velocityPrecSIN(NULL,"sotIntegratorForce("+name+")::input(matrix)::vprec")
+   ,velocityDerivativeSOUT
+  ( boost::bind(&IntegratorForce::computeDerivative,this,_1,_2),
+    velocityPrecSIN<<forceSIN<<massInverseSIN<<frictionSIN,
+    "sotIntegratorForce("+name+")::output(Vector)::velocityDerivative" )
+   ,velocitySOUT( boost::bind(&IntegratorForce::computeIntegral,this,_1,_2),
+		 velocityPrecSIN<<velocityDerivativeSOUT,
+		 "sotIntegratorForce("+name+")::output(Vector)::velocity" )
+   ,massSIN(NULL,"sotIntegratorForce("+name+")::input(matrix)::mass")
+  ,massInverseSOUT( boost::bind(&IntegratorForce::computeMassInverse,this,_1,_2),
+		    massSIN,
+		    "sotIntegratorForce("+name+")::input(matrix)::massInverseOUT")
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  signalRegistration( forceSIN                   << massInverseSIN
+		      << frictionSIN             << velocityPrecSIN
+		      << velocityDerivativeSOUT  << velocitySOUT 
+		      << massInverseSOUT         << massSIN );
+  massInverseSIN.plug( &massInverseSOUT );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~IntegratorForce( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The derivative of the signal is such that: M v_dot + B v = f. We deduce:
+ * v_dot =  M^-1 (f - Bv)
+ */
+ml::Vector& IntegratorForce::
+computeDerivative( ml::Vector& res,
+		   const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Vector & force = forceSIN( time );
+  const ml::Matrix & massInverse = massInverseSIN( time );
+  const ml::Matrix & friction = frictionSIN( time );
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "force = " << force << std::endl;
+  ml::Vector f_bv( force.size() );
+  if( velocityPrecSIN )
+    { 
+      const ml::Vector & vel = velocityPrecSIN( time );
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "vel = " << vel << std::endl;
+      friction .multiply( vel,f_bv ); f_bv *= -1; 
+    } else { f_bv.fill(0) ; } // vel is not set yet.
+  f_bv+=force;
+  massInverse.multiply( f_bv, res );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Vector& IntegratorForce::
+computeIntegral( ml::Vector& res,
+		 const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Vector & dvel =velocityDerivativeSOUT( time );
+  res = dvel;
+  res *= timeStep;
+  if( velocityPrecSIN )
+    {
+      const ml::Vector & vel = velocityPrecSIN( time );
+      res += vel; 
+    } 
+  else { /* vprec not set yet. */ }
+  velocityPrecSIN = res ;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Matrix& IntegratorForce::
+computeMassInverse( ml::Matrix& res,
+		    const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Matrix & mass = massSIN( time );
+  mass.inverse( res );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void IntegratorForce::
+commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+	     std::ostream& os )
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Cmd " << cmdLine <<std::endl;
+  if( cmdLine == "help" )
+    {
+      os << "IntegratorForce: " 
+	 << "  - dt [<time>]: get/set the timestep value. " << std::endl;
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "dt" )
+    {
+      cmdArgs >>std::ws; 
+      if( cmdArgs.good() )
+	{
+	  double val; cmdArgs>>val; 
+	  if( val >0. ) timeStep = val;
+	}
+      else { os << "TimeStep = " << timeStep << std::endl;}
+    }
+  else { Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
diff --git a/src/mass-apparent.cpp b/src/mass-apparent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39bae9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mass-apparent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      MassApparent.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <sot-dynamic/mass-apparent.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+MassApparent( const std::string & name ) 
+  :Entity(name)
+   ,jacobianSIN(NULL,"sotMassApparent("+name+")::input(vector)::jacobian")
+   ,inertiaInverseSIN(NULL,"sotMassApparent("+name+")::input(vector)::inertiaInverse")
+   ,massInverseSOUT( boost::bind(&MassApparent::computeMassInverse,this,_1,_2),
+		     jacobianSIN<<inertiaInverseSIN,
+		    "sotMassApparent("+name+")::output(Vector)::massInverse" )
+   ,massSOUT( boost::bind(&MassApparent::computeMass,this,_1,_2),
+	      massInverseSOUT,
+	      "sotMassApparent("+name+")::output(Vector)::mass" )
+   ,inertiaSIN(NULL,"sotMassApparent("+name+")::input(vector)::inertia")
+  ,inertiaInverseSOUT( boost::bind(&MassApparent::computeInertiaInverse,this,_1,_2),
+		       inertiaSIN,
+		       "sotMassApparent("+name+")::input(vector)::inertiaInverseOUT")
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  signalRegistration( jacobianSIN << inertiaInverseSIN << massInverseSOUT << massSOUT 
+		      << inertiaSIN << inertiaInverseSOUT);
+  inertiaInverseSIN.plug( &inertiaInverseSOUT );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~MassApparent( void )
+  return;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ml::Matrix& MassApparent::
+computeMassInverse( ml::Matrix& res,
+		   const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Matrix & J = jacobianSIN( time );
+  const ml::Matrix & A = inertiaInverseSIN( time );
+  ml::Matrix AJt( J.nbCols(),J.nbRows() );
+  A.multiply( J.transpose(),AJt );
+  res.resize( J.nbRows(),J.nbRows() );
+  J.multiply( AJt,res );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Matrix& MassApparent::
+computeMass( ml::Matrix& res,
+		   const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Matrix & omega = massInverseSOUT( time );
+  omega.inverse( res );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+ml::Matrix& MassApparent::
+computeInertiaInverse( ml::Matrix& res,
+		       const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Matrix & A = inertiaSIN( time );
+  A.inverse( res );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
diff --git a/src/matrix-inertia.cpp b/src/matrix-inertia.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d88b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matrix-inertia.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <sot-dynamic/matrix-inertia.h>
+#include <dynamicsJRLJapan/Joint.h>
+#include <dynamicsJRLJapan/HumanoidDynamicMultiBody.h>
+#include <robotDynamics/jrlRobotDynamicsObjectConstructor.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+using namespace dynamicsJRLJapan;
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+static matrix3d skewSymmetric(const vector3d& v)
+  matrix3d res;
+  res(0, 0) = 0.0;
+  res(1, 1) = 0.0;
+  res(2, 2) = 0.0;
+  res(0, 1) = -v[2];
+  res(0, 2) = v[1];
+  res(1, 0) = v[2];
+  res(1, 2) = -v[0];
+  res(2, 0) = -v[1];
+  res(2, 1) = v[0];
+  return res;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+MatrixInertia( CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* aHDR )
+  :aHDR_( aHDR )
+  ,aHDMB_( 0x0 )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  if( aHDR!=NULL ) init( aHDR );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+void MatrixInertia::
+init( CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* aHDR )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  aHDR_ = aHDR;
+  aHDMB_ = dynamic_cast<dynamicsJRLJapan::HumanoidDynamicMultiBody*>(aHDR_);
+  /* STEP 2: get the joints and resize internal vectors according to
+   * number of joints. */
+  joints_ = aHDMB_->jointVector();
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Joints:" << joints_.size() << endl;
+  parentIndex_.resize(joints_.size());
+  inertia_.resize(joints_.size() + 5, joints_.size() + 5);
+  phi.resize( joints_.size() );
+  iVpi.resize( joints_.size() );
+  iVpiT.resize( joints_.size() );
+  Ic.resize( joints_.size() );
+  /* STEP 3: create the index of parents. */
+  initParents();
+  /* STEP 4: initialize phi (dof table) for each joint. */
+  initDofTable();
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+void MatrixInertia::
+initParents( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  std::map<CjrlJoint*, int> m;
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < joints_.size(); ++i)
+    m[joints_[i]] = i;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Parent Indexes:" << std::endl;
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < joints_.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      if(joints_[i]->parentJoint() == 0x0)
+	{
+	  parentIndex_[i] = -1;
+	  sotDEBUG(15) << "parent of\t" << i << "\t(" 
+		       << static_cast<Joint*>(joints_[i])->getName() 
+		       << "):\t" << -1 << std::endl;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  parentIndex_[i] = m[joints_[i]->parentJoint()];
+	  sotDEBUG(15) << "parent of\t" << i << ":\t(" 
+		       << static_cast<Joint*>(joints_[i])->getName() 
+		       << "):\t" << m[joints_[i]->parentJoint()]
+		       << "\t(" << static_cast<Joint*>
+	    (joints_[m[joints_[i]->parentJoint()]])->getName() 
+		       << ")" << std::endl;
+	}
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+void MatrixInertia::
+initDofTable( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < joints_.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      Joint* j = static_cast<Joint*>(joints_[i]);
+      vector3d z =  j->axe();
+      ml::Vector & phi_i = phi[i];
+      phi_i.resize(6);      phi_i.fill(0.);
+      for( int n=0;n<3;++n ) phi_i(n+3) = z(n);
+      sotDEBUG(25) << phi_i <<endl;
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void MatrixInertia::update( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  const vectorN  & currentConf = aHDMB_->currentConfiguration();
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "q = [ " << currentConf << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Spatial transforms:" << std::endl;
+  const size_t SIZE = joints_.size();
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
+    {
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Joint " << i << ": rank = " 
+		   << joints_[i]->rankInConfiguration() <<endl;
+      Joint* j = static_cast<Joint*>(joints_[i]);
+      /* iRpi: Rotation from joint i to parent of i. */
+      MatrixRotation piRi; 
+      {
+	/* phi_[1] = phi_(1:3) is the rotation axis of the joint. */
+	matrix3d Ri; j->getStaticRotation(Ri);
+	vector3d axeJ = Ri*j->axe();
+	const double & q = currentConf(joints_[i]->rankInConfiguration());
+	sotDEBUG(45) << "q"<<i<<" = " <<q <<endl;
+	matrix3d piRi_tmp;
+	j->RodriguesRotation(axeJ,q,piRi_tmp);
+	for( unsigned int loopi=0;loopi<3;++loopi )
+	  for( unsigned int loopj=0;loopj<3;++loopj ) 
+	    piRi( loopi,loopj ) = piRi_tmp(loopi,loopj);
+      }
+      ml::Vector piTi(3); 
+      {
+	vector3d piTi_tmp; 
+	j->getStaticTranslation( piTi_tmp );
+	for( unsigned int loopi=0;loopi<3;++loopi ) piTi(loopi) = piTi_tmp(loopi);
+      }
+      /* Twist matrix iXpi: transfo of the velocities between i en pi (parent i). 
+       * iXpi = [   iRpi     Skew( iRpi.t )*iRpi  ]
+       *        [     0        iRpi               ]  */
+      MatrixHomogeneous piMi; piMi.buildFrom( piRi,piTi );
+      MatrixHomogeneous iMpi; piMi.inverse(iMpi);
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "piMi = " <<piMi <<endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "iMpi = " <<iMpi <<endl;
+      iVpi[i].buildFrom( iMpi );
+      iVpi[i].transpose( iVpiT[i] );
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "iVpi" << i << " = " <<iVpi[i] <<endl;
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+void MatrixInertia::computeInertiaMatrix()
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  inertia_.fill(0.0);
+  const size_t SIZE = joints_.size();
+  /* Compute the local 6D inertia matrices. */
+  for( size_t i = 0;i<SIZE;++i )
+    {
+      /* Position of the mass in the joint frame. */
+      vector3d com = joints_[i]->linkedBody()->localCenterOfMass();
+      matrix3d Sc = skewSymmetric(com);
+      /* Inertia of the link. */
+      matrix3d Icm = joints_[i]->linkedBody()->inertiaMatrix();
+      double m = joints_[i]->linkedBody()->mass();
+      /* Ic_ is the inertia 6D matrix of the joint in the joint frame. 
+       *   Ic = [  Ai+mSc.Sc'   mSc   ]
+       *        [     mSc'      mId   ]   
+       */
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "com"<<i<<" = [ " << com <<"]"<<endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Sc"<<i<<" = [ " << Sc<<"]"<<endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Icm"<<i<<" = [ " << Icm<<"]"<<endl;
+      matrix3d Sct = Sc.Transpose();
+      matrix3d Irr = Sc*Sct;
+      ml::Matrix & Ici = Ic[i];  Ici.resize(6,6);
+      for( unsigned int loopi=0;loopi<3;++loopi )
+	for( unsigned int loopj=0;loopj<3;++loopj )
+	  {
+	    /*TT*/if( loopi==loopj ) Ici( loopi,loopj ) = m; 
+	    else Ici( loopi,loopj ) = 0.;
+	    /*TR*/Ici( loopi,loopj+3 ) = m*Sct( loopi,loopj );
+	    /*RT*/Ici( loopi+3,loopj ) = m*Sc( loopi,loopj );
+	    /*RR*/Ici( loopi+3,loopj+3 ) = m*Irr( loopi,loopj )+ Icm( loopi,loopj );
+	  }
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Ic" << i << " = " << Ici;
+    }
+  ml::Vector Fi(6);
+  ml::Matrix iVpiT_Ici(6,6);
+  ml::Matrix iVpiT_Ici_iVpi(6,6);
+  for( int i=SIZE-1;i>=1;--i ) 
+    {
+      const unsigned int iRank = joints_[i]->rankInConfiguration();
+      ml::Matrix & Ici = Ic[i]; 
+      sotMatrixTwist & iVpii = iVpi[i]; 
+      MatrixForce & iVpiiT = iVpiT[i]; 
+      ml::Vector & phii = phi[i];
+      /* F = Ic_i . phi_i */
+      Fi = Ici*phii;  
+      /* H_ii = phi_i' . F */
+      /*DEBUGinertia_(i + 5, i + 5) = phii.scalarProduct(Fi);*/
+      inertia_(iRank,iRank) = phii.scalarProduct(Fi);
+      sotDEBUG(30) << "phi"<<i<<" = " << phii;
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "Fi"<<i<<" =  " << Fi << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "IcA"<<i<<" = " << Ici << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Joint " << i << " in " << iRank <<endl;
+      /* Ic_pi = Ic_pi + iXpi' Ic_i iXpi */
+      iVpiiT.multiply(Ici,iVpiT_Ici);
+      iVpiT_Ici.multiply( iVpii,iVpiT_Ici_iVpi );
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Icpi"<<parentIndex_[i]<<" = "  << Ic[parentIndex_[i]]  ;
+      Ic[ parentIndex_[i] ] += iVpiT_Ici_iVpi;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Icpi"<<parentIndex_[i]<<"_"<<i<<" = "  << Ic[parentIndex_[i]]  ;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Vpi"<<i<<" = "  << iVpii ;
+      size_t j = i;
+      while(parentIndex_[j] != 0)
+	{
+	  /* F = jXpj' . F */
+	  Fi = iVpiT[j]*Fi;
+	  /* j = pj */
+	  j = parentIndex_[j];
+	  /* Hij = Hji = F' phi_j */
+	  inertia_(iRank,joints_[j]->rankInConfiguration()) 
+	    = inertia_(joints_[j]->rankInConfiguration(),iRank) 
+	    = Fi.scalarProduct( phi[j]);
+	  sotDEBUG(35) << "Fi =  " << Fi << endl;
+	  sotDEBUG(35) << "FiXphi =  " <<  inertia_(j + 5, i + 5) << endl;
+  	}
+      /* When parentIndex_[j] == 0: FREE FLYER. */
+      Fi = iVpiT[j]*Fi;
+      for(size_t k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
+	{
+	  inertia_(iRank, k) = inertia_(k,iRank) = Fi(k);
+	}
+    }
+  /* --- FREE FLYER = Ic0 --- */
+  const ml::Matrix & Ic0 = Ic[0];
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+    for(size_t j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
+      {inertia_(i, j) = Ic0(i,j);}
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void MatrixInertia::
+getInertiaMatrix(double* A)
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < (joints_.size() + 5); ++i)
+    for(size_t j = 0; j < (joints_.size() + 5); ++j)
+      A[i * (joints_.size() + 5) + j] = inertia_(i, j);
+const maal::boost::Matrix& MatrixInertia::
+getInertiaMatrix( void )
+{ return inertia_; }
diff --git a/src/waist-attitude-from-sensor.cpp b/src/waist-attitude-from-sensor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ced2107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/waist-attitude-from-sensor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      WaistAttitudeFromSensor.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <sot-dynamic/waist-attitude-from-sensor.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+WaistAttitudeFromSensor( const std::string & name ) 
+  :Entity(name)
+  ,attitudeSensorSIN(NULL,"sotWaistAttitudeFromSensor("+name+")::input(MatrixRotation)::attitudeIN")
+  ,positionSensorSIN(NULL,"sotWaistAttitudeFromSensor("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::position")
+  ,attitudeWaistSOUT( boost::bind(&WaistAttitudeFromSensor::computeAttitudeWaist,this,_1,_2),
+		      attitudeSensorSIN<<positionSensorSIN,
+		      "sotWaistAttitudeFromSensor("+name+")::output(RPY)::attitude" ) 
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  signalRegistration( attitudeSensorSIN<<positionSensorSIN
+		      <<attitudeWaistSOUT );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~WaistAttitudeFromSensor( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+VectorRollPitchYaw & WaistAttitudeFromSensor::
+computeAttitudeWaist( VectorRollPitchYaw & res,
+		      const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous & waistMchest = positionSensorSIN( time );
+  const MatrixRotation & worldRchest = attitudeSensorSIN( time );
+  MatrixRotation waistRchest; waistMchest.extract(waistRchest);
+  MatrixRotation chestRwaist; waistRchest.transpose( chestRwaist );
+  MatrixRotation worldrchest;
+  worldRchest.multiply( chestRwaist,worldrchest);
+  res.fromMatrix(worldrchest);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void WaistAttitudeFromSensor::
+commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+	     std::ostream& os )
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Cmd " << cmdLine <<std::endl;
+  if( cmdLine == "help" )
+    {
+      Entity::commandLine(cmdLine,cmdArgs,os);
+    }
+  else { Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
+/* === WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact ===================================== */
+/* === WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact ===================================== */
+/* === WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact ===================================== */
+			  "WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact");
+WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact( const std::string & name ) 
+  :WaistAttitudeFromSensor(name)
+   ,fromSensor(false)
+   ,positionContactSIN(NULL,"sotWaistPoseFromSensorAndContact("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::contact")
+   ,positionWaistSOUT( boost::bind(&WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact::computePositionWaist,this,_1,_2),
+		       attitudeWaistSOUT<<positionContactSIN,
+		       "sotWaistPoseFromSensorAndContact("+name+")::output(RPY+T)::positionWaist" ) 
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  signalRegistration( positionContactSIN<<positionWaistSOUT );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ml::Vector& WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact::
+computePositionWaist( ml::Vector& res,
+		      const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous&  waistMcontact = positionContactSIN( time );
+  MatrixHomogeneous contactMwaist; waistMcontact.inverse(contactMwaist);
+  res.resize(6);
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) 
+    { res(i)=contactMwaist(i,3); }
+  if(fromSensor)
+    {
+      const VectorRollPitchYaw & worldrwaist = attitudeWaistSOUT( time );
+      for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) 
+	{ res(i+3)=worldrwaist(i); }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      MatrixRotation contactRwaist; 
+      contactMwaist.extract(contactRwaist);
+      VectorRollPitchYaw contactrwaist; 
+      contactrwaist.fromMatrix( contactRwaist );
+      for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) 
+	{ res(i+3)=contactrwaist(i); }
+    }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact::
+commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+	     std::ostream& os )
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Cmd " << cmdLine <<std::endl;
+  if( cmdLine == "help" )
+    {
+      os <<"WaistPoseFromSensorAndContact:"<<std::endl
+	 <<"  - fromSensor [true|false]: get/set the flag." << std::endl;
+      WaistAttitudeFromSensor::commandLine(cmdLine,cmdArgs,os);
+    }
+  else if( cmdLine == "fromSensor" )
+    {
+      std::string val; cmdArgs>>val; 
+      if( ("true"==val)||("false"==val) )
+	{
+	  fromSensor = ( val=="true" ); 
+	} else {
+	  os << "fromSensor = " << (fromSensor?"true":"false") << std::endl;
+	}
+    }
+  else { WaistAttitudeFromSensor::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
diff --git a/src/zmpreffromcom.cpp b/src/zmpreffromcom.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60d6b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zmpreffromcom.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      ZmprefFromCom.h
+ * Project:   SOT
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+#include <sot-dynamic/zmpreffromcom.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+using namespace sot;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+const double ZmprefFromCom::DT_DEFAULT = 5e-3; 
+const double ZmprefFromCom::FOOT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = .105; 
+ZmprefFromCom( const std::string & name ) 
+  :Entity(name)
+   ,dt(DT_DEFAULT) 
+   ,footHeight(FOOT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT)
+   ,waistPositionSIN(NULL,"sotZmprefFromCom("+name+")::input(MatrixHomo)::waist")
+   ,comPositionSIN(NULL,"sotZmprefFromCom("+name+")::input(Vector)::com")
+  ,dcomSIN(NULL,"sotZmprefFromCom("+name+")::input(Vector)::dcom")
+   ,zmprefSOUT( boost::bind(&ZmprefFromCom::computeZmpref,this,_1,_2),
+		waistPositionSIN<<comPositionSIN<<dcomSIN,
+		"sotZmprefFromCom("+name+")::output(RPY)::zmpref" ) 
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  signalRegistration(waistPositionSIN<<comPositionSIN<<dcomSIN<<zmprefSOUT );
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+~ZmprefFromCom( void )
+  sotDEBUGIN(5);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
+  return;
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ml::Vector& ZmprefFromCom::
+computeZmpref( ml::Vector& res,
+	       const int& time )
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const ml::Vector& com = comPositionSIN( time );
+  const ml::Vector& dcom = dcomSIN( time );
+  const MatrixHomogeneous& oTw = waistPositionSIN( time );
+  MatrixHomogeneous wTo = oTw.inverse();
+  ml::Vector nextComRef = dcom;  nextComRef*= dt;nextComRef+=com;
+  nextComRef(2) = -footHeight; // projection on the ground.
+  wTo.multiply(nextComRef,res);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return res;
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void ZmprefFromCom::
+commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
+	     std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
+	     std::ostream& os )
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Cmd " << cmdLine <<std::endl;
+  if( cmdLine == "help" )
+    {
+      os<<"zmprefFromCom:" << std::endl
+	<<"  - dt [<value>]: get/set the dt value." << std::endl
+	<<"  - footHeight [<value>]: "
+	<<"get/set the height of the foot ("
+	<< FOOT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT <<" by default)." <<std::endl;
+      Entity::commandLine(cmdLine,cmdArgs,os);
+    }
+  if( cmdLine == "dt" )
+    {
+      cmdArgs>>std::ws;
+      if( cmdArgs.good() ) cmdArgs>>dt; else os <<"dt = " << dt<<std::endl;
+    }
+  if( cmdLine == "footHeight" )
+    {
+      cmdArgs>>std::ws;
+      if( cmdArgs.good() ) cmdArgs>>footHeight; 
+      else os <<"footHeight = " << footHeight<<std::endl;
+    }
+  else { Entity::commandLine( cmdLine,cmdArgs,os); }
diff --git a/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt b/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8221c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#  Copyright 
+# provide path to library
+# provide path to library
+  dummy.cpp)
+  	zmpreffromcom
+	force-compensation
+	integrator-force-exact
+	mass-apparent
+	integrator-force-rk4
+	integrator-force
+	angle-estimator
+	waist-attitude-from-sensor)
+	IF (UNIX)  
+	IF(WIN32)
+	)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unitTesting/dummy.cpp b/unitTesting/dummy.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..796daa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unitTesting/dummy.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ *  Copyright
+ */
+int main (int argc, char** argv)