diff --git a/unittest/eigen_ref.cpp b/unittest/eigen_ref.cpp
index 78896b9a376ee15228beca98bc7e36ef776d6959..72b62ce3fa8d360c0670f0ce274f440746775d88 100644
--- a/unittest/eigen_ref.cpp
+++ b/unittest/eigen_ref.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ using namespace eigenpy;
 template <typename MatType>
 void printMatrix(const Eigen::Ref<const MatType> mat) {
   if (MatType::IsVectorAtCompileTime) std::cout << "isVector" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "size: cols " << mat.cols() << " rows " << mat.rows()
+  std::cout << "input size: cols " << mat.cols() << " rows " << mat.rows()
             << std::endl;
   std::cout << mat << std::endl;
@@ -61,17 +61,19 @@ void fill(Eigen::Ref<MatType> mat, const typename MatType::Scalar& value) {
 template <typename MatType>
 Eigen::Ref<MatType> asRef(const int rows, const int cols) {
   static MatType mat(rows, cols);
-  std::cout << "mat:\n" << mat << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "create ref to matrix of size (" << rows << "," << cols << ")\n";
   return mat;
 template <typename MatType>
 Eigen::Ref<MatType> asRef(Eigen::Ref<MatType> mat) {
+  std::cout << "create Ref to input mutable Ref\n";
   return Eigen::Ref<MatType>(mat);
 template <typename MatType>
-const Eigen::Ref<const MatType> asConstRef(Eigen::Ref<MatType> mat) {
+const Eigen::Ref<const MatType> asConstRef(Eigen::Ref<const MatType> mat) {
+  std::cout << "create const Ref to input\n";
   return Eigen::Ref<const MatType>(mat);
@@ -82,8 +84,8 @@ struct modify_block {
   virtual void call(Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd> mat) = 0;
-struct modify_wrap : modify_block, bp::wrapper<modify_block> {
-  modify_wrap() : modify_block() {}
+struct modify_block_wrap : modify_block, bp::wrapper<modify_block> {
+  modify_block_wrap() : modify_block() {}
   void call(Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd> mat) { this->get_override("call")(mat); }
@@ -112,20 +114,20 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(eigen_ref) {
   bp::def("fillVec", fill<VectorXd>);
   bp::def("fill", fill<MatrixXd>);
-  bp::def("asRef",
-          (Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd>(*)(const int, const int))asRef<MatrixXd>);
-  bp::def("asRef",
-          (Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd>(*)(Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd>))asRef<MatrixXd>);
-  bp::def("asConstRef", (const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXd> (*)(
-                            Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd>))asConstRef<MatrixXd>);
+  bp::def<Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd> (*)(const int, const int)>("asRef",
+                                                          asRef<MatrixXd>);
+  bp::def<Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd> (*)(Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd>)>("asRef",
+                                                          asRef<MatrixXd>);
+  bp::def("asConstRef", asConstRef<MatrixXd>);
   bp::def("getBlock", &getBlock<MatrixXd>);
   bp::def("editBlock", &editBlock<MatrixXd>);
-  bp::class_<modify_wrap, boost::noncopyable>("modify_block", bp::init<>())
+  bp::class_<modify_block_wrap, boost::noncopyable>("modify_block",
+                                                    bp::init<>())
       .def_readonly("J", &modify_block::J)
       .def("modify", &modify_block::modify)
-      .def("call", bp::pure_virtual(&modify_wrap::call));
+      .def("call", bp::pure_virtual(&modify_block_wrap::call));
   bp::class_<has_ref_member, boost::noncopyable>("has_ref_member", bp::init<>())
       .def_readonly("J", &has_ref_member::J)
diff --git a/unittest/python/test_eigen_ref.py b/unittest/python/test_eigen_ref.py
index 0802643624c8bec22d5da501a0056146206fca8a..30ef286b7c3310d0346102b54faa0ab17ec506f8 100644
--- a/unittest/python/test_eigen_ref.py
+++ b/unittest/python/test_eigen_ref.py
@@ -11,48 +11,68 @@ from eigen_ref import (
-def test(mat):
+def test_fill_print(mat):
+    print("print matrix:")
+    print("calling fill():")
     fill(mat, 1.0)
+    print("print again:")
     assert np.array_equal(mat, np.full(mat.shape, 1.0))
+def test_create_ref_to_static(mat):
+    # create ref to static:
+    print()
+    print("[asRef(int, int)]")
     A_ref = asRef(mat.shape[0], mat.shape[1])
+    A_ref[0, 1] = -1.0
+    print("make second reference:")
     A_ref2 = asRef(mat.shape[0], mat.shape[1])
+    print(A_ref2)
     assert np.array_equal(A_ref, A_ref2)
     assert np.array_equal(A_ref, A_ref2)
+def test_create_ref(mat):
+    # create ref to input:
+    print("[asRef(mat)]")
     ref = asRef(mat)
-    assert np.all(ref == mat)
+    assert np.array_equal(ref, mat)
+    assert not (ref.flags.owndata)
+    assert ref.flags.writeable
+    print("[asConstRef]")
     const_ref = asConstRef(mat)
-    assert np.all(const_ref == mat)
+    print(const_ref.flags)
+    assert np.array_equal(const_ref, mat)
+    assert not (const_ref.flags.writeable)
+    assert not (const_ref.flags.owndata)
-    mat.fill(0.0)
+    print("fill a slice")
+    mat[:, :] = 0.0
     fill(mat[:3, :2], 1.0)
+    assert np.array_equal(mat[:3, :2], np.ones((3, 2)))
-    assert np.all(mat[:3, :2] == np.ones((3, 2)))
-    mat.fill(0.0)
+    mat[:, :] = 0.0
     fill(mat[:2, :3], 1.0)
+    assert np.array_equal(mat[:2, :3], np.ones((2, 3)))
-    assert np.all(mat[:2, :3] == np.ones((2, 3)))
+    print("set mat data to arange()")
     mat[:, :] = np.arange(rows * cols).reshape(rows, cols)
-    printMatrix(mat)
     mat0 = mat.copy()
     mat_as_C_order = np.array(mat, order="F")
     for i, rowsize, colsize in ([0, 3, 2], [1, 1, 2], [0, 3, 1]):
         print("taking block [{}:{}, {}:{}]".format(i, rowsize + i, 0, colsize))
         B = getBlock(mat_as_C_order, i, 0, rowsize, colsize)
         lhs = mat_as_C_order[i : rowsize + i, :colsize]
-        print("should be:\n{}\ngot:\n{}".format(lhs, B))
         assert np.array_equal(lhs, B.reshape(rowsize, colsize))
         B[:] = 1.0
@@ -62,6 +82,7 @@ def test(mat):
         mat_as_C_order[:, :] = mat0
     mat_copy = mat_as_C_order.copy()
+    print("[editBlock]")
     editBlock(mat_as_C_order, 0, 0, 3, 2)
     mat_copy[:3, :2] = np.arange(6).reshape(3, 2)
@@ -91,9 +112,23 @@ def test(mat):
     assert np.array_equal(hasref.J, J_true)
-rows = 10
-cols = 30
+def _do_test(mat):
+    test_fill_print(mat)
+    test_create_ref_to_static(mat)
+    test_create_ref(mat)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    rows = 8
+    cols = 10
-mat = np.ones((rows, cols), order="F")
+    mat = np.ones((rows, cols), order="F")
+    mat[0, 0] = 0
+    mat[1:5, 1:5] = 6
+    _do_test(mat)
+    mat = np.ones((rows, cols))
+    mat[2:4, 1:4] = 2
+    _do_test(mat)
+    mat_f = np.asfortranarray(mat)
+    _do_test(mat_f)
diff --git a/unittest/vector.cpp b/unittest/vector.cpp
index a0eca638cf2611a9dcb3a72adf0bf38abe01075a..7b2523a4ed88a136cd38aa008debf830f21aedb9 100644
--- a/unittest/vector.cpp
+++ b/unittest/vector.cpp
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 #include <type_traits>
 #include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
+// include main first
+#include "eigenpy/eigen-from-python.hpp"
 #include "eigenpy/std-vector.hpp"
 template <typename MatType>