diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index f637077d4cbe63ec18c88a4e7fbb59c7247eef9c..e05d205ae4cf82233000c529d3e9131bf49d123b 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
 # ----------------------------------------------------
+  src/exception.hpp
+  src/map.hpp
+  src/simple.hpp
+  src/geometry.hpp
+  src/angle-axis.hpp
+  src/quaternion.hpp
   GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(headerName ${header} NAME)
@@ -52,17 +59,42 @@ FOREACH(header ${${PROJECT_NAME}_HEADERS})
 # ----------------------------------------------------
 # --- TARGETS ----------------------------------------
 # ----------------------------------------------------
-ADD_LIBRARY(eigenpy SHARED unittest/libeigenpy.cpp)
+  src/exception.cpp
+  src/simple.cpp
+  src/angle-axis.cpp
+  src/quaternion.cpp
+  )
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# --- UNIT TEST --------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+ADD_LIBRARY(matrix SHARED unittest/matrix.cpp)
+ADD_LIBRARY(geometry SHARED unittest/geometry.cpp)
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(geometry ${Boost_LIBRARIES} eigenpy)
+ADD_LIBRARY(se3 SHARED unittest/se3.cpp)
+#ADD_LIBRARY(align SHARED unittest/libalign.cpp)
-ADD_EXECUTABLE(se3 EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL unittest/se3.cpp)
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(tse3 EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL unittest/tse3.cpp)
diff --git a/python/test_unit.py b/python/test_unit.py
index 76a18361b06a9836ae87edd566aadce7b1aabd26..bb7b523ebbafa97d8a89430f2b428173b316897c 100644
--- a/python/test_unit.py
+++ b/python/test_unit.py
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 import numpy as np
-import libeigenpy
+import matrix as eigenpy
 verbose = False
 if verbose: print "===> From MatrixXd to Py"
-M = libeigenpy.naturals(3,3,verbose)
+M = eigenpy.naturals(3,3,verbose)
 Mcheck = np.reshape(np.array(range(9),np.double),[3,3])
 assert np.array_equal(Mcheck,M)
 if verbose: print "===> From Matrix3d to Py"
-M33= libeigenpy.naturals33(verbose)
+M33= eigenpy.naturals33(verbose)
 assert np.array_equal(Mcheck,M33)
 if verbose: print "===> From VectorXd to Py"
-v = libeigenpy.naturalsX(3,verbose)
+v = eigenpy.naturalsX(3,verbose)
 vcheck = np.array([range(3),],np.double).T
 assert np.array_equal(vcheck ,v)
@@ -24,43 +24,43 @@ Mref = np.reshape(np.array(range(64),np.double),[8,8])
 if verbose: print "===> Matrix 8x8"
 M = Mref
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block 0:3x0:3"
 M = Mref[0:3,0:3]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block 1:3x1:3"
 M = Mref[1:3,1:3]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block 1:5:2x1:5:2"
 M = Mref[1:5:2,1:5:2]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block 1:8:3x1:5"
 M = Mref[1:8:3,1:5]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block transpose 1:8:3x1:6:2"
 M = Mref[1:8:3,0:6:2].T
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 1x0:6:2"
 M = Mref[1:2,0:6:2]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 1x0:6:2 tanspose"
 M = Mref[1:2,0:6:2].T
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 0:6:2x1"
 M = Mref[0:6:2,1:2]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 0:6:2x1 tanspose"
 M = Mref[0:6:2,1:2].T
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::VectorXd"
 if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::VectorXd"
@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@ if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::VectorXd"
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 0:6:2x1 1 dim"
 M = Mref[0:6:2,1].T
-assert( np.array_equal(np.array([M,]).T,libeigenpy.reflexV(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(np.array([M,]).T,eigenpy.reflexV(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 0:6:2x1"
 M = Mref[0:6:2,1:2]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflexV(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflexV(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 0:6:2x1 transpose"
 M = Mref[0:6:2,1:2].T
-assert( np.array_equal(M.T,libeigenpy.reflexV(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M.T,eigenpy.reflexV(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::Matrix3d"
 if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::Matrix3d"
@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::Matrix3d"
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 0:3x0:6:2 "
 M = Mref[0:3,0:6:2]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex33(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex33(M,verbose)) );
 if verbose: print "===> Block Vector 0:3x0:6:2 T"
 M = Mref[0:3,0:6].T
-    assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex33(M,verbose)) );
-except libeigenpy.exception, e:
+    assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex33(M,verbose)) );
+except eigenpy.Exception, e:
     if verbose: print "As expected, got the following /ROW/ error:", e.message
 if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::Vector3d"
@@ -98,6 +98,6 @@ if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::Vector3d"
 if verbose: print "===> From Py to Eigen::Vector3d"
 M = Mref[0:3,1:2]
-assert( np.array_equal(M,libeigenpy.reflex3(M,verbose)) );
+assert( np.array_equal(M,eigenpy.reflex3(M,verbose)) );
diff --git a/python/tgeometry.py b/python/tgeometry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..211d23e0024ac0761cd97832ef410f7553a1fd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/tgeometry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+from geometry import *
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import cos,sin
+verbose = True
+def isapprox(a,b,epsilon=1e-6):
+    if a.__class__ == b.__class__ == np.ndarray:
+        return np.allclose(a,b,epsilon)
+    else:
+        return abs(a-b)<epsilon
+# --- Quaternion ---------------------------------------------------------------
+q = Quaternion(1,2,3,4)
+r = AngleAxis(q)
+q2 = Quaternion(r)
+Rq = q.matrix()
+Rr = r.matrix()
+qR = Quaternion(Rr)
+   qR[5]
+   print "Error, this message should not appear."
+except Exception,e:
+  if verbose: print "As expected, catched exception: ",e.message
+# --- Angle Vector ------------------------------------------------
+r = AngleAxis(.1,np.array([1,0,0],np.double))
+if verbose: print "Rx(.1) = \n\n",r.matrix(),"\n"
+assert( isapprox(r.matrix()[2,2],cos(r.angle)))
+assert( isapprox(r.axis,np.array([[1,0,0],],np.double).T) )
+assert( isapprox(r.angle,0.1) )
+r.axis = np.array([0,1,0],np.double)
+assert( isapprox(r.matrix()[0,0],cos(r.angle)))
+ri = r.inverse()
+assert( isapprox(ri.angle,-.1) )
+R = r.matrix()
+r2 = AngleAxis(np.dot(R,R))
+assert( isapprox(r2.angle,r.angle*2) )
+# --- USER FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------
+ro = testOutAngleAxis()
+assert(ro.__class__ == AngleAxis)
+res = testInAngleAxis(r)
+assert( res==r.angle )
+qo = testOutQuaternion()
+assert(qo.__class__ == Quaternion)
+res = testInQuaternion_fx(q)
+assert(q.norm() == res)
+    testInQuaternion(q)
+    print "Error, this message should not appear."
+    if verbose: print "As expected, catch a Boost::python::ArgError exception."
diff --git a/src/angle-axis.cpp b/src/angle-axis.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..988f1651fa159ebb96251ee563771e4a623ef4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/angle-axis.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include "eigenpy/angle-axis.hpp"
+#include "eigenpy/geometry.hpp"
+namespace eigenpy
+  void exposeAngleAxis()
+  {
+    AngleAxisVisitor<Eigen::AngleAxisd>::expose();
+  }
+} // namespace eigenpy
diff --git a/src/angle-axis.hpp b/src/angle-axis.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cb2a5d5937666e25c241f263f97f24a46d1e772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/angle-axis.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#ifndef __eigenpy_Angle_Axis_hpp__
+#define __eigenpy_Angle_Axis_hpp__
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <boost/python.hpp>
+#include "eigenpy/simple.hpp"
+namespace eigenpy
+  template<>
+  struct UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::AngleAxisd>
+  {
+    typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<double> type;
+  };
+  namespace bp = boost::python;
+  template<typename D>
+  class AngleAxisVisitor
+    :  public boost::python::def_visitor< AngleAxisVisitor<D> >
+  {
+    typedef D AngleAxis;
+    typedef typename eigenpy::UnalignedEquivalent<D>::type AngleAxisUnaligned;
+    typedef typename AngleAxisUnaligned::Scalar Scalar;
+    typedef typename eigenpy::UnalignedEquivalent<typename AngleAxisUnaligned::Vector3>::type Vector3;
+    typedef typename eigenpy::UnalignedEquivalent<typename AngleAxisUnaligned::Matrix3>::type Matrix3;
+    typedef eigenpy::UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> > Quaternion;
+  public:
+    template<class PyClass>
+    void visit(PyClass& cl) const 
+    {
+      cl
+	.def(bp::init<Scalar,Vector3>
+	     ((bp::arg("angle"),bp::arg("axis")),
+	      "Initialize from angle and axis"))
+	.def(bp::init<Matrix3>
+	     ((bp::arg("rotationMatrix")),
+	      "Initialize from a rotation matrix"))
+	.def("__init__",bp::make_constructor(&AngleAxisVisitor::constructFromQuaternion,
+					     bp::default_call_policies(),
+					     (bp::arg("quaternion"))),"Initialize from quaternion")
+	.def(bp::init<AngleAxisUnaligned>((bp::arg("clone"))))
+	.def("matrix",&AngleAxisUnaligned::toRotationMatrix,"Return the corresponding rotation matrix 3x3.")
+	.def("vector",&AngleAxisVisitor::toVector3,"Return the correspond angle*axis vector3")
+	.add_property("axis",&AngleAxisVisitor::getAxis,&AngleAxisVisitor::setAxis)
+	.add_property("angle",&AngleAxisVisitor::getAngle,&AngleAxisVisitor::setAngle)
+	/* --- Methods --- */
+	.def("normalize",&AngleAxisVisitor::normalize,"Normalize the axis vector (without changing the angle).")
+	.def("inverse",&AngleAxisUnaligned::inverse,"Return the inverse rotation.")
+	.def("apply",&AngleAxisVisitor::apply,(bp::arg("vector3")),"Apply the rotation map to the vector")
+	/* --- Operators --- */
+	.def(bp::self * bp::other<Vector3>())
+	.def("__eq__",&AngleAxisVisitor::__eq__)
+	.def("__ne__",&AngleAxisVisitor::__ne__)
+	.def("__abs__",&AngleAxisVisitor::getAngleAbs)
+	;
+    }
+  private:
+    static AngleAxisUnaligned* constructFromQuaternion(const Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar,Eigen::DontAlign> & qu)
+    {
+      Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> q = qu;
+      return new AngleAxisUnaligned(q);
+    }
+    static Vector3 apply(const AngleAxisUnaligned & r, const Vector3 & v ) { return r*v; }
+    static Vector3 getAxis(const AngleAxisUnaligned& self) { return self.axis(); }
+    static void setAxis(AngleAxisUnaligned& self, const Vector3 & r)
+    {
+      self = AngleAxisUnaligned( self.angle(),r );
+    }
+    static double getAngle(const AngleAxisUnaligned& self) { return self.angle(); }
+    static void setAngle( AngleAxisUnaligned& self, const double & th) 
+    {
+      self = AngleAxisUnaligned( th,self.axis() );
+    }
+    static double getAngleAbs(const AngleAxisUnaligned& self) { return std::abs(self.angle()); }
+    static bool __eq__(const AngleAxisUnaligned & u, const AngleAxisUnaligned & v)
+    {
+      return u.isApprox(v);
+    }
+    static bool __ne__(const AngleAxisUnaligned & u, const AngleAxisUnaligned & v)
+    {
+      return !__eq__(u,v); 
+    }
+    static Vector3 toVector3( const AngleAxisUnaligned & self ) { return self.axis()*self.angle(); }
+    static void normalize( AngleAxisUnaligned & self )
+    {
+      setAxis(self,self.axis() / self.axis().norm());
+    }
+  private:
+    static PyObject* convert(AngleAxis const& q)
+    {
+      AngleAxisUnaligned qx = q;
+      return boost::python::incref(boost::python::object(qx).ptr());
+    }
+  public:
+    static void expose()
+    {
+      bp::class_<AngleAxisUnaligned>("AngleAxis",
+				     "AngleAxis representation of rotations.\n\n",
+				     bp::init<>())
+	.def(AngleAxisVisitor<D>());
+      // TODO: check the problem of fix-size Angle Axis.
+      //bp::to_python_converter< AngleAxis,AngleAxisVisitor<D> >();
+    }
+  };
+} // namespace eigenpy
+#endif //ifndef __eigenpy_Angle_Axis_hpp__
diff --git a/src/eigenpy.hpp b/src/eigenpy.hpp
index 7c90b9944f062e5f46ce4747e071cf52b216004c..4c322e3a18eae7c7b2fcf3112484d390a218852b 100644
--- a/src/eigenpy.hpp
+++ b/src/eigenpy.hpp
@@ -18,60 +18,17 @@
 #include <boost/python.hpp>
 #include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <eigenpy/exception.hpp>
+#include <eigenpy/simple.hpp>
+#include <eigenpy/map.hpp>
 namespace eigenpy
-  template< typename MatType, int IsVector>
-  struct MapNumpyTraits {};
-  /* Wrap a numpy::array with an Eigen::Map. No memory copy. */
-  template< typename MatType >
-  struct MapNumpy
-  {
-    typedef MapNumpyTraits<MatType, MatType::IsVectorAtCompileTime> Impl;
-    typedef typename Impl::EigenMap EigenMap;
-    static inline EigenMap map( PyArrayObject* pyArray );
-   };
-  /* Eigenpy exception. They can be catch with python (equivalent eigenpy.exception class). */
-  class exception : public std::exception
-  {
-  public:
-    exception(std::string msg) : message(msg) {}
-    const char *what() const throw()
-    {
-      return this->message.c_str();
-    }
-    ~exception() throw() {}
-    std::string getMessage() { return message; }
-    static void registerException();
-  private:
-    static void translateException( exception const & e );
-    static PyObject * pyType;
-    std::string message;
-   };
   /* Enable the Eigen--Numpy serialization for the templated MatrixBase class. */
   template<typename MatType,typename EigenEquivalentType>
   void enableEigenPySpecific();
-  /* Enable Eigen-Numpy serialization for a set of standard MatrixBase instance. */
-  void enableEigenPy()
-  {
-    exception::registerException();
-    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::MatrixXd,Eigen::MatrixXd>();
-    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Matrix2d,Eigen::Matrix2d>();
-    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Matrix3d,Eigen::Matrix3d>();
-    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Matrix4d,Eigen::Matrix4d>();
-    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::VectorXd,Eigen::VectorXd>();
-    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Vector2d,Eigen::Vector2d>();
-    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Vector3d,Eigen::Vector3d>();
-    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Vector4d,Eigen::Vector4d>();
-  }
 /* --- DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
@@ -85,69 +42,6 @@ namespace eigenpy
   template <> struct NumpyEquivalentType<int>     { enum { type_code = NPY_INT    };};
   template <> struct NumpyEquivalentType<float>   { enum { type_code = NPY_FLOAT  };};
-  /* --- MAP ON NUMPY ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-  template<typename MatType>
-  struct MapNumpyTraits<MatType,0>
-  {
-    typedef Eigen::Stride<Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> Stride;
-    typedef Eigen::Map<MatType,0,Stride> EigenMap;
-    typedef typename MatType::Scalar T;
-    static EigenMap mapImpl( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
-    {
-      assert( PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == 2 );
-      const int R = PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0];
-      const int C = PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1];
-      const int itemsize = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(pyArray);
-      const int stride1 = PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / itemsize;
-      const int stride2 = PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 1) / itemsize;
-      if( (MatType::RowsAtCompileTime!=R)
-	  && (MatType::RowsAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
-	{ throw eigenpy::exception("The number of rows does not fit with the matrix type."); }
-      if( (MatType::ColsAtCompileTime!=C)
-	  && (MatType::ColsAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
-	{  throw eigenpy::exception("The number of columns does not fit with the matrix type."); }
-      T* pyData = reinterpret_cast<T*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
-      return EigenMap( pyData, R,C, Stride(stride2,stride1) );
-    }
-  };
-  template<typename MatType>
-  struct MapNumpyTraits<MatType,1>
-  {
-    typedef Eigen::InnerStride<Eigen::Dynamic> Stride;
-    typedef Eigen::Map<MatType,0,Stride> EigenMap;
-    typedef typename MatType::Scalar T;
-    static EigenMap mapImpl( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
-    {
-      assert( PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) <= 2 );
-      int rowMajor;
-      if(  PyArray_NDIM(pyArray)==1 ) rowMajor = 0;
-      else rowMajor = (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0]>PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1])?0:1;
-      const int R = PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[rowMajor];
-      const int itemsize = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(pyArray);
-      const int stride = PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, rowMajor) / itemsize;;
-      if( (MatType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime!=R)
-	      && (MatType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
-	{ throw eigenpy::exception("The number of elements does not fit with the vector type."); }
-      T* pyData = reinterpret_cast<T*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
-      return EigenMap( pyData, R, 1, Stride(stride) );
-    }
-  };
-  template< typename MatType >
-  typename MapNumpy<MatType>::EigenMap MapNumpy<MatType>::map( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
-  {
-    return Impl::mapImpl(pyArray); 
-  }
   /* --- TO PYTHON -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   template< typename MatType,typename EquivalentEigenType >
@@ -174,7 +68,7 @@ namespace eigenpy
   template<typename MatType, int ROWS,int COLS>
   struct TraitsMatrixConstructor
-    static MatType & construct(void*storage,int r,int c)
+    static MatType & construct(void*storage,int /*r*/,int /*c*/)
       return * new(storage) MatType();
@@ -192,7 +86,7 @@ namespace eigenpy
   template<typename MatType,int R>
   struct TraitsMatrixConstructor<MatType,R,Eigen::Dynamic>
-    static MatType & construct(void*storage,int r,int c)
+    static MatType & construct(void*storage,int /*r*/,int c)
       return * new(storage) MatType(c);
@@ -201,7 +95,7 @@ namespace eigenpy
   template<typename MatType,int C>
   struct TraitsMatrixConstructor<MatType,Eigen::Dynamic,C>
-    static MatType & construct(void*storage,int r,int c)
+    static MatType & construct(void*storage,int r,int /*c*/)
       return * new(storage) MatType(r);
@@ -235,7 +129,7 @@ namespace eigenpy
 	    return 0;
-      if (PyArray_ObjectType(obj_ptr, 0) != NumpyEquivalentType<T>::type_code)
+      if ((PyArray_ObjectType(obj_ptr, 0)) != NumpyEquivalentType<T>::type_code)
 	  std::cerr << "The internal type as no Eigen equivalent." << std::endl;
 	  return 0;
@@ -275,30 +169,22 @@ namespace eigenpy
   void enableEigenPySpecific()
-    boost::python::to_python_converter<MatType,
-				       eigenpy::EigenToPy<MatType,EigenEquivalentType> >();
-    eigenpy::EigenFromPy<MatType,EigenEquivalentType>();
-  }
-  /* --- EXCEPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  PyObject * exception::pyType;
+    boost::python::to_python_converter<MatType,
+				       eigenpy::EigenToPy<MatType,MatType> >();
+    eigenpy::EigenFromPy<MatType,MatType>();
+ #else 
+    typedef typename eigenpy::UnalignedEquivalent<MatType>::type MatTypeDontAlign;
+    boost::python::to_python_converter<MatType,
+				       eigenpy::EigenToPy<MatType,MatType> >();
+    boost::python::to_python_converter<MatTypeDontAlign,
+				       eigenpy::EigenToPy<MatTypeDontAlign,MatTypeDontAlign> >();
+    eigenpy::EigenFromPy<MatTypeDontAlign,MatTypeDontAlign>();
-  void exception::translateException( exception const & e )
-  {
-    assert(NULL!=pyType);
-    // Return an exception object of type pyType and value object(e).
-    PyErr_SetObject(pyType,boost::python::object(e).ptr());
-  void exception::registerException()
-  {
-    pyType = boost::python::class_<eigenpy::exception>
-      ("exception",boost::python::init<std::string>())
-      .add_property("message", &eigenpy::exception::getMessage)
-      .ptr();
-    boost::python::register_exception_translator<eigenpy::exception>
-      (&eigenpy::exception::translateException);
-  }
 } // namespace eigenpy
diff --git a/src/exception.cpp b/src/exception.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c20f3a38dc8631317ceaa46750b9261cd970e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/exception.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include <eigenpy/exception.hpp>
+namespace eigenpy
+  PyObject * Exception::pyType;
+  void Exception::translateException( Exception const & e )
+  {
+    assert(NULL!=pyType);
+    // Return an exception object of type pyType and value object(e).
+    PyErr_SetObject(Exception::pyType,boost::python::object(e).ptr());
+  }
+  void Exception::registerException()
+  {
+    pyType = boost::python::class_<eigenpy::Exception>
+      ("Exception",boost::python::init<std::string>())
+      .add_property("message", &eigenpy::Exception::copyMessage)
+      .ptr();
+    boost::python::register_exception_translator<eigenpy::Exception>
+      (&eigenpy::Exception::translateException);
+  }
+} // namespace eigenpy
diff --git a/src/exception.hpp b/src/exception.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db676f51db1f67a589c3677f0fe55e7af4a432c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/exception.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright 2014, Nicolas Mansard, LAAS-CNRS
+ *
+ * This file is part of eigenpy.
+ * eigenpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * eigenpy is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.  You should
+ * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+ * with eigenpy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <exception>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/python.hpp>
+#ifndef __eigenpy_Exception_hpp__
+#define __eigenpy_Exception_hpp__
+namespace eigenpy
+  /*
+   * Eigenpy exception. They can be catch with python (equivalent eigenpy.exception class).
+   */
+  class Exception : public std::exception
+  {
+  public:
+    Exception() : message() {}
+    Exception(std::string msg) : message(msg) {}
+    const char *what() const throw()
+    {
+      return this->getMessage().c_str();
+    }
+    ~Exception() throw() {}
+    virtual const std::string & getMessage() const { return message; }
+    std::string copyMessage() const { return getMessage(); }
+    /* Call this static function to "enable" the translation of this C++ exception in Python. */
+    static void registerException();
+  private:
+    static void translateException( Exception const & e );
+    static PyObject * pyType;
+  protected:
+    std::string message;
+   };
+} // namespace eigenpy
+#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_Exception_hpp__
diff --git a/src/geometry.hpp b/src/geometry.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2b887617c8d26716f1a936950c1e8d0ea40c1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geometry.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+namespace eigenpy
+  typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double,Eigen::DontAlign> Quaterniond_fx;
+  //typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<double> AngleAxis_fx;
+  void exposeQuaternion();
+  void exposeAngleAxis();
+} // namespace eigenpy
diff --git a/src/map.hpp b/src/map.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd9bd8a8a8e9cc0ac5a241c77627e5fffab3cd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * Copyright 2014, Nicolas Mansard, LAAS-CNRS
+ *
+ * This file is part of eigenpy.
+ * eigenpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * eigenpy is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.  You should
+ * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+ * with eigenpy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#include <boost/python.hpp>
+#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
+#include <eigenpy/exception.hpp>
+namespace eigenpy
+  template< typename MatType, int IsVector>
+  struct MapNumpyTraits {};
+  /* Wrap a numpy::array with an Eigen::Map. No memory copy. */
+  template< typename MatType >
+  struct MapNumpy
+  {
+    typedef MapNumpyTraits<MatType, MatType::IsVectorAtCompileTime> Impl;
+    typedef typename Impl::EigenMap EigenMap;
+    static inline EigenMap map( PyArrayObject* pyArray );
+   };
+} // namespace eigenpy
+/* --- DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* --- DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* --- DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+namespace eigenpy
+  template<typename MatType>
+  struct MapNumpyTraits<MatType,0>
+  {
+    typedef Eigen::Stride<Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> Stride;
+    typedef Eigen::Map<MatType,0,Stride> EigenMap;
+    typedef typename MatType::Scalar T;
+    static EigenMap mapImpl( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
+    {
+      assert( PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) == 2 );
+      const int R = PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0];
+      const int C = PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1];
+      const int itemsize = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(pyArray);
+      const int stride1 = PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 0) / itemsize;
+      const int stride2 = PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, 1) / itemsize;
+      if( (MatType::RowsAtCompileTime!=R)
+	  && (MatType::RowsAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
+	{ throw eigenpy::Exception("The number of rows does not fit with the matrix type."); }
+      if( (MatType::ColsAtCompileTime!=C)
+	  && (MatType::ColsAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
+	{  throw eigenpy::Exception("The number of columns does not fit with the matrix type."); }
+      T* pyData = reinterpret_cast<T*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
+      return EigenMap( pyData, R,C, Stride(stride2,stride1) );
+    }
+  };
+  template<typename MatType>
+  struct MapNumpyTraits<MatType,1>
+  {
+    typedef Eigen::InnerStride<Eigen::Dynamic> Stride;
+    typedef Eigen::Map<MatType,0,Stride> EigenMap;
+    typedef typename MatType::Scalar T;
+    static EigenMap mapImpl( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
+    {
+      assert( PyArray_NDIM(pyArray) <= 2 );
+      int rowMajor;
+      if(  PyArray_NDIM(pyArray)==1 ) rowMajor = 0;
+      else rowMajor = (PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[0]>PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[1])?0:1;
+      const int R = PyArray_DIMS(pyArray)[rowMajor];
+      const int itemsize = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(pyArray);
+      const int stride = PyArray_STRIDE(pyArray, rowMajor) / itemsize;;
+      if( (MatType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime!=R)
+	      && (MatType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime!=Eigen::Dynamic) )
+	{ throw eigenpy::Exception("The number of elements does not fit with the vector type."); }
+      T* pyData = reinterpret_cast<T*>(PyArray_DATA(pyArray));
+      return EigenMap( pyData, R, 1, Stride(stride) );
+    }
+  };
+  template< typename MatType >
+  typename MapNumpy<MatType>::EigenMap MapNumpy<MatType>::map( PyArrayObject* pyArray )
+  {
+    return Impl::mapImpl(pyArray); 
+  }
+} // namespace eigenpy
diff --git a/src/quaternion.cpp b/src/quaternion.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90b5922ea2d757d59750f4ba0ced4fd45fc2861c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/quaternion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include "eigenpy/quaternion.hpp"
+#include "eigenpy/geometry.hpp"
+namespace eigenpy
+  void exposeQuaternion()
+  {
+      QuaternionVisitor<Eigen::Quaterniond>::expose();
+  }
+} // namespace eigenpy
diff --git a/src/quaternion.hpp b/src/quaternion.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95e8bcb7174e16e1a18c3dc43a47262b6e415a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/quaternion.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#ifndef __eigenpy_Quaternion_hpp__
+#define __eigenpy_Quaternion_hpp__
+#include "eigenpy/exception.hpp"
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include "eigenpy/simple.hpp"
+namespace eigenpy
+  class ExceptionIndex : public Exception
+  {
+  public:
+    int index;
+    ExceptionIndex(int index,int imin,int imax) : Exception("")
+    {
+      std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Index " << index << " out of range " << imin << ".."<< imax <<".";
+      message = oss.str();
+    }
+  };
+  template<>
+  struct UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::Quaterniond>
+  {
+    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double,Eigen::DontAlign> type;
+  };
+  namespace bp = boost::python;
+  template<typename Quaternion>
+  class QuaternionVisitor
+    :  public boost::python::def_visitor< QuaternionVisitor<Quaternion> >
+  {
+    typedef Eigen::QuaternionBase<Quaternion> QuaternionBase;
+    typedef typename eigenpy::UnalignedEquivalent<Quaternion>::type QuaternionUnaligned;
+    typedef typename QuaternionUnaligned::Scalar Scalar;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,1,Eigen::DontAlign> Vector3;
+    typedef typename QuaternionUnaligned::Coefficients Coefficients;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,3,Eigen::DontAlign> Matrix3;
+    typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<Scalar> AngleAxisUnaligned;
+  public:
+    static PyObject* convert(Quaternion const& q)
+    {
+      QuaternionUnaligned qx = q;
+      return boost::python::incref(boost::python::object(qx).ptr());
+    }
+    template<class PyClass>
+    void visit(PyClass& cl) const 
+    {
+      cl
+	.def(bp::init<Matrix3>((bp::arg("matrixRotation")),"Initialize from rotation matrix."))
+	.def(bp::init<AngleAxisUnaligned>((bp::arg("angleaxis")),"Initialize from angle axis."))
+	.def(bp::init<QuaternionUnaligned>((bp::arg("clone")),"Copy constructor."))
+	.def("__init__",bp::make_constructor(&QuaternionVisitor::fromTwoVectors,
+					     bp::default_call_policies(),
+					     (bp::arg("u"),bp::arg("v"))),"Initialize from two vector u,v")
+	.def(bp::init<Scalar,Scalar,Scalar,Scalar>
+	     ((bp::arg("w"),bp::arg("x"),bp::arg("y"),bp::arg("z")),
+	      "Initialize from coefficients.\n\n"
+	      "... note:: The order of coefficients is *w*, *x*, *y*, *z*. "
+	      "The [] operator numbers them differently, 0...4 for *x* *y* *z* *w*!"))
+	/* --- Methods --- */
+	.def("coeffs",&QuaternionVisitor::coeffs)
+	.def("matrix",&QuaternionUnaligned::toRotationMatrix)
+	.def("setFromTwoVectors",&QuaternionVisitor::setFromTwoVectors,((bp::arg("u"),bp::arg("v"))))
+	.def("conjugate",&QuaternionUnaligned::conjugate)
+	.def("inverse",&QuaternionUnaligned::inverse)
+	.def("norm",&QuaternionUnaligned::norm)
+	.def("normalize",&QuaternionUnaligned::normalize)
+	.def("normalized",&QuaternionUnaligned::normalized)
+	.def("apply",&QuaternionUnaligned::_transformVector)
+	/* --- Operators --- */
+	.def(bp::self * bp::self)
+	.def(bp::self *= bp::self)
+	.def(bp::self * bp::other<Vector3>())
+	.def("__eq__",&QuaternionVisitor::__eq__)
+	.def("__ne__",&QuaternionVisitor::__ne__)
+	.def("__abs__",&QuaternionUnaligned::norm)
+	.def("__len__",&QuaternionVisitor::__len__).staticmethod("__len__")
+	.def("__setitem__",&QuaternionVisitor::__setitem__)
+	.def("__getitem__",&QuaternionVisitor::__getitem__)
+	;
+    }
+  private:
+    static QuaternionUnaligned* fromTwoVectors(const Vector3& u, const Vector3& v)
+    { 
+      QuaternionUnaligned* q(new QuaternionUnaligned); q->setFromTwoVectors(u,v); 
+      return q; 
+    }
+    static Coefficients coeffs(const QuaternionUnaligned& self)
+    {
+      return self.coeffs(); 
+    }
+    static void setFromTwoVectors(QuaternionUnaligned& self, const Vector3& u, const Vector3& v)
+    { 
+      self.setFromTwoVectors(u,v);
+    }
+    static bool __eq__(const QuaternionUnaligned& u, const QuaternionUnaligned& v)
+    {
+      return u.isApprox(v,1e-9);
+    }
+    static bool __ne__(const QuaternionUnaligned& u, const QuaternionUnaligned& v)
+    {
+      return !__eq__(u,v); 
+    }
+    static double __getitem__(const QuaternionUnaligned & self, int idx)
+    { 
+      if((idx<0) || (idx>4)) throw eigenpy::ExceptionIndex(idx,0,4);
+      if(idx==0) return self.x(); 
+      else if(idx==1) return self.y(); 
+      else if(idx==2) return self.z();
+      else return self.w(); 
+    }
+    static void __setitem__(QuaternionUnaligned& self, int idx, double value)
+    { 
+      if((idx<0) || (idx>4)) throw eigenpy::ExceptionIndex(idx,0,4);
+      if(idx==0) self.x()=value; 
+      else if(idx==1) self.y()=value;
+      else if(idx==2) self.z()=value;
+      else self.w()=value;
+    }
+    static int __len__() {    return 4;  }
+  public:
+    static void expose()
+    {
+      bp::class_<QuaternionUnaligned>("Quaternion",
+				      "Quaternion representing rotation.\n\n"
+				      "Supported operations "
+				      "('q is a Quaternion, 'v' is a Vector3): "
+				      "'q*q' (rotation composition), "
+				      "'q*=q', "
+				      "'q*v' (rotating 'v' by 'q'), "
+				      "'q==q', 'q!=q', 'q[0..3]'.",
+				      bp::init<>())
+	.def(QuaternionVisitor<Quaternion>())
+	;
+      bp::to_python_converter< Quaternion,QuaternionVisitor<Quaternion> >();
+    }
+  };
+} // namespace eigenpy
+#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_Quaternion_hpp__
diff --git a/src/simple.cpp b/src/simple.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01aaf10b4e2c364764893d03c828672f9cdcc5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simple.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include <eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp>
+#include <eigenpy/simple.hpp>
+namespace eigenpy
+  /* Enable Eigen-Numpy serialization for a set of standard MatrixBase instance. */
+  void enableEigenPy()
+  {
+    Exception::registerException();
+    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::MatrixXd,Eigen::MatrixXd>();
+    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Matrix2d,Eigen::Matrix2d>();
+    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Matrix3d,Eigen::Matrix3d>();
+    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Matrix4d,Eigen::Matrix4d>();
+    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::VectorXd,Eigen::VectorXd>();
+    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Vector2d,Eigen::Vector2d>();
+    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Vector3d,Eigen::Vector3d>();
+    enableEigenPySpecific<Eigen::Vector4d,Eigen::Vector4d>();
+  }
+} // namespace eigenpy
diff --git a/src/simple.hpp b/src/simple.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62415671e041ddbbce4088f8e30f87323abccddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simple.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright 2014, Nicolas Mansard, LAAS-CNRS
+ *
+ * This file is part of eigenpy.
+ * eigenpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * eigenpy is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.  You should
+ * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+ * with eigenpy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef __eigenpy_Simple_hpp__
+#define __eigenpy_Simple_hpp__
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#include <boost/python.hpp>
+namespace eigenpy
+  /* Enable Eigen-Numpy serialization for a set of standard MatrixBase instance. */
+  void enableEigenPy();
+  template<typename D>
+  struct UnalignedEquivalent
+  {
+    typedef Eigen::MatrixBase<D> MatType;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<typename D::Scalar,
+			  D::RowsAtCompileTime,
+			  D::ColsAtCompileTime,
+			  D::Options | Eigen::DontAlign,
+			  D::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
+			  D::MaxColsAtCompileTime>      type;
+  };
+  typedef UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::MatrixXd> MatrixXd_fx;
+  typedef UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::Matrix3d> Matrix3d_fx;
+  typedef UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::Matrix4d> Matrix4d_fx;
+  typedef UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::VectorXd> VectorXd_fx;
+  typedef UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::Vector3d> Vector3d_fx;
+  typedef UnalignedEquivalent<Eigen::Vector4d> Vector4d_fx;
+} // namespace eigenpy
+#endif // ifndef __eigenpy_Simple_hpp__
diff --git a/unittest/geometry.cpp b/unittest/geometry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65dd0982006b870e0e943c345937e7fdeca2823d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unittest/geometry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "eigenpy/simple.hpp"
+#include "eigenpy/geometry.hpp"
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/python.hpp>
+namespace bp = boost::python;
+Eigen::AngleAxisd testOutAngleAxis()
+  return Eigen::AngleAxisd(.1,Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
+double testInAngleAxis(Eigen::AngleAxisd aa)
+  return aa.angle();
+Eigen::Quaterniond testOutQuaternion()
+  Eigen::Quaterniond res(1,2,3,4);
+  return res;
+double testInQuaternion( Eigen::Quaterniond q )
+  return q.norm(); 
+double testInQuaternion_fx( eigenpy::Quaterniond_fx q )
+  return q.norm(); 
+  eigenpy::enableEigenPy();
+  eigenpy::exposeAngleAxis();
+  eigenpy::exposeQuaternion();
+  bp::def("testOutAngleAxis",&testOutAngleAxis);
+  bp::def("testInAngleAxis",&testInAngleAxis);
+  bp::def("testOutQuaternion",&testOutQuaternion);
+  bp::def("testInQuaternion",&testInQuaternion);
+  bp::def("testInQuaternion_fx",&testInQuaternion_fx);
diff --git a/unittest/libeigenpy.cpp b/unittest/matrix.cpp
similarity index 91%
rename from unittest/libeigenpy.cpp
rename to unittest/matrix.cpp
index 70d5016c34adaa2e53b2b35df7cbddafc576219f..908b7dde12335e4aaa196825fb08819ce2ece617 100644
--- a/unittest/libeigenpy.cpp
+++ b/unittest/matrix.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
  * with eigenpy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
+#include "eigenpy/simple.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
 Eigen::MatrixXd naturals(int R,int C,bool verbose)
@@ -52,14 +53,14 @@ Eigen::Matrix3d naturals(bool verbose)
 template<typename MatType>
-Eigen::MatrixXd reflex(const MatType & M, bool verbose)
+Eigen::MatrixXd reflex(const typename eigenpy::UnalignedEquivalent<MatType>::type & M, bool verbose)
     std::cout << "EigenMat = " << M << std::endl;
   return Eigen::MatrixXd(M);
   namespace bp = boost::python;
diff --git a/unittest/timer.h b/unittest/timer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b741e2c2c1560da2222ec9b1eba913ab59cc33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unittest/timer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stack>
+#define SMOOTH(s) for(int _smooth=0;_smooth<s;++_smooth) 
+/* Return the time spent in secs. */
+inline double operator- (  const struct timeval & t1,const struct timeval & t0)
+  return (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec)+1e-6*(t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec);
+struct StackTicToc
+  enum Unit { S = 1, MS = 1000, US = 1000000 };
+  static std::string unitName(Unit u) 
+  { switch(u) { case S: return "s"; case MS: return "ms"; case US: return "us"; } return ""; }
+  std::stack<struct timeval> stack;
+  mutable struct timeval t0;
+StackTicToc( Unit def = MS ) : DEFAULT_UNIT(def) {}
+  inline void tic() {
+    stack.push(t0);
+    gettimeofday(&(stack.top()),NULL);
+  }
+  inline double toc(const Unit factor)
+  {
+    gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
+    double dt = (t0-stack.top())*factor;
+    stack.pop();
+    return dt;
+  }
+  inline void toc( std::ostream& os, double SMOOTH=1 )
+  {
+    os << toc(DEFAULT_UNIT)/SMOOTH << " " << unitName(DEFAULT_UNIT) << std::endl;
+  }