diff --git a/include/eigenpy/utils/is-approx.hpp b/include/eigenpy/utils/is-approx.hpp
index 2c1d24f24c2cb5c36f975491faf6a81a6ed92cb3..7f82ffde1144abe694c414ecda119baff4a7fc9c 100644
--- a/include/eigenpy/utils/is-approx.hpp
+++ b/include/eigenpy/utils/is-approx.hpp
@@ -10,11 +10,17 @@
 namespace eigenpy
   template<typename MatrixType1, typename MatrixType2>
-  inline bool is_approx(const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatrixType1> & mat1,
-                        const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatrixType2> & mat2,
-                        const typename MatrixType1::Scalar & prec = Eigen::NumTraits<typename MatrixType1::Scalar>::dummy_precision())
+  inline EIGEN_DONT_INLINE bool is_approx(const MatrixType1 & mat1,
+                                          const MatrixType2 & mat2,
+                                          const typename MatrixType1::Scalar & prec)
-    return mat1.isApprox(mat2,prec);
+    return mat1.derived().isApprox(mat2.derived(),prec);
+  }
+  template<typename MatrixType1, typename MatrixType2>
+  inline bool is_approx(const MatrixType1 & mat1, const MatrixType2 & mat2)
+  {
+    return is_approx(mat1,mat2,Eigen::NumTraits<typename MatrixType1::Scalar>::dummy_precision());
diff --git a/python/main.cpp b/python/main.cpp
index be7237392cdc48df9ce97f5c96eb4e427909cd96..925d9cff88ef03738582bcc3b1920056ecdace1b 100644
--- a/python/main.cpp
+++ b/python/main.cpp
@@ -17,24 +17,8 @@
 #include <boost/python/scope.hpp>
-#define DEFINE_IS_APPROX(MatType) \
-  BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(is_approx_overload##MatType,eigenpy::is_approx,2,3)
-#define EXPOSE_IS_APPROX(MatType) \
-  bp::def("is_approx", \
-          (bool (*)(const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> &, \
-                    const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatType> &, \
-                    const MatType::Scalar &))eigenpy::is_approx<MatType,MatType>, \
-                    is_approx_overload##MatType(bp::args("A","B","prec"), \
-          "Returns True if A is approximately equal to B, within the precision determined by prec."))
 using namespace eigenpy;
   namespace bp = boost::python;
@@ -62,8 +46,15 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(eigenpy)
     using namespace Eigen;
-    EXPOSE_IS_APPROX(MatrixXd);
-    EXPOSE_IS_APPROX(MatrixXf);
+    bp::def("is_approx",(bool (*)(const MatrixXd &, const MatrixXd &, const double &))&is_approx<MatrixXd,MatrixXd>,
+            bp::args("A","B","prec"),
+            "Returns True if A is approximately equal to B, within the precision determined by prec.");
+    bp::def("is_approx",(bool (*)(const MatrixXd &, const MatrixXd &))&is_approx<MatrixXd,MatrixXd>,
+            bp::args("A","B"),
+    "Returns True if A is approximately equal to B..");
+//    EXPOSE_IS_APPROX(MatrixXd);
+//    EXPOSE_IS_APPROX(MatrixXf);