diff --git a/manifest.xml b/manifest.xml
index af4e7a6f4d2b11e735e00990b3f4cf018c20fedf..13c1bfae6eece288b6dcc2cf2882a6ec70bc878c 100644
--- a/manifest.xml
+++ b/manifest.xml
@@ -11,7 +11,4 @@
   <depend package="std_msgs"/>
   <depend package="roscpp"/>
-  <depend package="jrl-mal"/>
-  <depend package="dynamic-graph"/>
diff --git a/src/converter.hh b/src/converter.hh
index 66b23516eeab25e65c3d3366491017e26bdc5b55..dcb23ca018f66df69f20d1434ec2253fcdb68bfc 100644
--- a/src/converter.hh
+++ b/src/converter.hh
@@ -40,6 +40,45 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
       dst.data[i] =  src.elementAt (i);
+  template <>
+  inline void converter
+  (SotToRos<ml::Vector>::sot_t& dst,
+   const SotToRos<ml::Vector>::ros_t& src)
+  {
+    dst.resize (src.data.size ());
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < src.data.size (); ++i)
+      dst.elementAt (i) =  src.data[i];
+  }
+  template <>
+  inline void converter
+  (SotToRos<ml::Matrix>::sot_t& dst,
+   const SotToRos<ml::Matrix>::ros_t& src)
+  {
+    dst.resize (src.width, src.data.size () / src.width);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < src.data.size (); ++i)
+      dst.elementAt (i) =  src.data[i];
+  }
+  template <>
+  inline void converter
+  (SotToRos<ml::Vector>::sot_t& dst,
+   const boost::shared_ptr<SotToRos<ml::Vector>::ros_t const>& src)
+  {
+    dst.resize (src->data.size ());
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < src->data.size (); ++i)
+      dst.elementAt (i) =  src->data[i];
+  }
+  template <>
+  inline void converter
+  (SotToRos<ml::Matrix>::sot_t& dst,
+   const boost::shared_ptr<SotToRos<ml::Matrix>::ros_t const>& src)
+  {
+    dst.resize (src->width, src->data.size () / src->width);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < src->data.size (); ++i)
+      dst.elementAt (i) =  src->data[i];
+  }
 } // end of namespace dynamicgraph.
diff --git a/src/ros_export.cpp b/src/ros_export.cpp
index aae723c891800f4c189a98151b18a93f73e64973..991a2f3aed45a06e4e221adcb7566e7d96578ee6 100644
--- a/src/ros_export.cpp
+++ b/src/ros_export.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#include <boost/assign.hpp>
 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
 #include <boost/format.hpp>
 #include <boost/function.hpp>
@@ -14,6 +15,94 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
+  namespace command
+  {
+    namespace rosExport
+    {
+      Clear::Clear
+      (RosExport& entity, const std::string& docstring)
+	: Command
+	  (entity,
+	   std::vector<Value::Type> (),
+	   docstring)
+      {}
+      Value Clear::doExecute ()
+      {
+	RosExport& entity =
+	  static_cast<RosExport&> (owner ());
+	entity.clear ();
+	return Value ();
+      }
+      List::List
+      (RosExport& entity, const std::string& docstring)
+	: Command
+	  (entity,
+	   std::vector<Value::Type> (),
+	   docstring)
+      {}
+      Value List::doExecute ()
+      {
+	RosExport& entity =
+	  static_cast<RosExport&> (owner ());
+	entity.list ();
+	return Value ();
+      }
+      Add::Add
+      (RosExport& entity, const std::string& docstring)
+	: Command
+	  (entity,
+	   boost::assign::list_of
+	   (Value::STRING) (Value::STRING) (Value::STRING),
+	   docstring)
+      {}
+      Value Add::doExecute ()
+      {
+	RosExport& entity =
+	  static_cast<RosExport&> (owner ());
+	std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues ();
+	const std::string& type = values[0].value ();
+	const std::string& signal = values[1].value ();
+	const std::string& topic = values[2].value ();
+	if (type == "double")
+	  entity.add<double> (signal, topic);
+	else if (type == "matrix")
+	  entity.add<ml::Matrix> (signal, topic);
+	else if (type == "vector")
+	  entity.add<ml::Vector> (signal, topic);
+	else
+	  throw std::runtime_error("bad type");
+	return Value ();
+      }
+      Rm::Rm
+      (RosExport& entity, const std::string& docstring)
+	: Command
+	  (entity,
+	   boost::assign::list_of (Value::STRING),
+	   docstring)
+      {}
+      Value Rm::doExecute ()
+      {
+	RosExport& entity =
+	  static_cast<RosExport&> (owner ());
+	std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues ();
+	const std::string& signal = values[0].value ();
+	entity.rm (signal);
+	return Value ();
+      }
+    } // end of errorEstimator.
+  } // end of namespace command.
   const char* rosInit()
     int argc = 1;
@@ -27,14 +116,29 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
   RosExport::RosExport (const std::string& n)
     : dynamicgraph::Entity(n),
       nh_ (rosInit ()),
-      bindedSignal_ ()
+      bindedSignal_ (),
+      spinner_ (1)
-    ros::AsyncSpinner spinner (1);
-    spinner.start ();
+    spinner_.start ();
+    std::string docstring;
+    addCommand ("add",
+		new command::rosExport::Add
+		(*this, docstring));
+    addCommand ("rm",
+		new command::rosExport::Rm
+		(*this, docstring));
+    addCommand ("clear",
+		new command::rosExport::Clear
+		(*this, docstring));
+    addCommand ("list",
+		new command::rosExport::List
+		(*this, docstring));
   RosExport::~RosExport ()
+    spinner_.stop ();
@@ -43,55 +147,6 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     os << CLASS_NAME << std::endl;
-  void RosExport::commandLine (const std::string& cmdLine,
-			       std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
-			       std::ostream& os)
-  {
-    std::string type;
-    std::string signal;
-    std::string topic;
-    if (cmdLine == "help")
-      {
-	os << "RosExport: "<< std::endl
-	   << "  - add <TYPE> <SIGNAL> <TOPIC>" << std::endl
-	   << "  - rm <SIGNAL>" << std::endl
-	   << "  - clear" << std::endl
-	   << "  - list" << std::endl;
-	Entity::commandLine (cmdLine, cmdArgs, os);
-      }
-    else if (cmdLine == "add")
-      {
-	cmdArgs >> type >> signal >> topic;
-	if (type == "double")
-	  add<double> (signal, topic);
-	else if (type == "matrix")
-	  ;
-	  //add<ml::Matrix> (signal, topic);
-	else if (type == "vector")
-	  ;
-	  //add<ml::Vector> (signal, topic);
-	else
-	  throw "bad type";
-      }
-    else if (cmdLine == "rm")
-      {
-	cmdArgs >> signal;
-	rm (signal);
-      }
-    else if (cmdLine == "clear")
-      clear ();
-    else if (cmdLine == "list")
-      list ();
-    else
-      Entity::commandLine (cmdLine, cmdArgs, os);
-  }
-  const std::string& RosExport::getClassName ()
-  {
-    return CLASS_NAME;
-  }
   void RosExport::rm (const std::string& signal)
     bindedSignal_.erase (signal);
diff --git a/src/ros_export.hh b/src/ros_export.hh
index 522326e5f55515602e0498c625c7f6b65983faf8..f8f35c5ee8e5e0deaf1c3535a391d46752f4f1bd 100644
--- a/src/ros_export.hh
+++ b/src/ros_export.hh
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 # include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 # include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+# include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+# include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
 # include <ros/ros.h>
@@ -15,28 +17,48 @@
 namespace dynamicgraph
+  class RosExport;
+  namespace command
+  {
+    namespace rosExport
+    {
+      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+      class CMD : public Command			\
+      {							\
+      public:						\
+	CMD (RosExport& entity,				\
+	     const std::string& docstring);		\
+	virtual Value doExecute ();			\
+      }
+    } // end of namespace errorEstimator.
+  } // end of namespace command.
   class RosExport : public dynamicgraph::Entity
     typedef std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int> >,
 		      boost::shared_ptr<ros::Subscriber> >
-    static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
     RosExport (const std::string& n);
     virtual ~RosExport ();
     void display (std::ostream& os) const;
-    virtual void
-    commandLine (const std::string& cmdLine,
-		 std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
-		 std::ostream& os);
-    virtual const std::string& getClassName ();
-  private:
     void add (const std::string& signal, const std::string& topic);
     void rm (const std::string& signal);
     void list ();
@@ -45,18 +67,15 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     template <typename T>
     void add (const std::string& signal, const std::string& topic);
-    // template <typename R, typename S>
-    // void callback
-    // (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<S, int> > signal,
-    //  const R& data);
+  private:
     template <typename R, typename S>
     void callback
-    (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<S, int> > signal,
+    (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<S, int> > signal,
      const R& data);
     ros::NodeHandle nh_;
     std::map<std::string, bindedSignal_t> bindedSignal_;
+    ros::AsyncSpinner spinner_;
 } // end of namespace dynamicgraph.
diff --git a/src/ros_export.hxx b/src/ros_export.hxx
index 3423835fbb6983ada1f6610fcb45091826e10dd7..8c78c67171efea0d32aca91cab2f8131a380c162 100644
--- a/src/ros_export.hxx
+++ b/src/ros_export.hxx
@@ -7,33 +7,22 @@
 # include "dynamic_graph_bridge/Matrix.h"
 # include "dynamic_graph_bridge/Vector.h"
+#include <iostream>//FIXME:
 namespace ml = maal::boost;
 namespace dynamicgraph
-  // template <typename R, typename S>
-  // void
-  // RosExport::callback
-  // (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<S, int> > signal,
-  //  const R& data)
-  // {
-  //   // typedef S sot_t;
-  //   // sot_t value;
-  //   // converter (value, data);
-  //   // (*signal) (value);
-  // }
   template <typename R, typename S>
-  (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<S, int> > signal,
+  (boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<S, int> > signal,
    const R& data)
     typedef S sot_t;
     sot_t value;
     converter (value, data);
-    (*signal) (value);
+    signal->setConstant (value);
@@ -42,7 +31,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     typedef typename SotToRos<T>::sot_t sot_t;
     typedef typename SotToRos<T>::ros_const_ptr_t ros_const_ptr_t;
-    typedef typename SotToRos<T>::signal_t signal_t;
+    typedef typename SotToRos<T>::signalIn_t signal_t;
     // Initialize the bindedSignal object.
     bindedSignal_t bindedSignal;
@@ -51,8 +40,8 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     boost::format signalName ("RosExport(%1%)::%2%");
     signalName % name % signal;
-    boost::shared_ptr<signal_t> signal_ =
-      boost::make_shared<signal_t>(0, signalName.str ());
+    boost::shared_ptr<signal_t> signal_ (new signal_t (0, signalName.str ()));
+    signal_->setConstant (sot_t ());
     bindedSignal.first = signal_;
     signalRegistration (*bindedSignal.first);
diff --git a/src/ros_import.cpp b/src/ros_import.cpp
index c9c1ce27ebe006f048ebadcf4fa8def552e3290b..63b820c9cca33f25898afd0a68b445bc1bae8247 100644
--- a/src/ros_import.cpp
+++ b/src/ros_import.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <boost/assign.hpp>
 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
 #include <boost/format.hpp>
 #include <boost/function.hpp>
@@ -7,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
 #include "ros_import.hh"
@@ -14,6 +18,94 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
+  namespace command
+  {
+    namespace rosImport
+    {
+      Clear::Clear
+      (RosImport& entity, const std::string& docstring)
+	: Command
+	  (entity,
+	   std::vector<Value::Type> (),
+	   docstring)
+      {}
+      Value Clear::doExecute ()
+      {
+	RosImport& entity =
+	  static_cast<RosImport&> (owner ());
+	entity.clear ();
+	return Value ();
+      }
+      List::List
+      (RosImport& entity, const std::string& docstring)
+	: Command
+	  (entity,
+	   std::vector<Value::Type> (),
+	   docstring)
+      {}
+      Value List::doExecute ()
+      {
+	RosImport& entity =
+	  static_cast<RosImport&> (owner ());
+	entity.list ();
+	return Value ();
+      }
+      Add::Add
+      (RosImport& entity, const std::string& docstring)
+	: Command
+	  (entity,
+	   boost::assign::list_of
+	   (Value::STRING) (Value::STRING) (Value::STRING),
+	   docstring)
+      {}
+      Value Add::doExecute ()
+      {
+	RosImport& entity =
+	  static_cast<RosImport&> (owner ());
+	std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues ();
+	const std::string& type = values[0].value ();
+	const std::string& signal = values[1].value ();
+	const std::string& topic = values[2].value ();
+	if (type == "double")
+	  entity.add<double> (signal, topic);
+	else if (type == "matrix")
+	  entity.add<ml::Matrix> (signal, topic);
+	else if (type == "vector")
+	  entity.add<ml::Vector> (signal, topic);
+	else
+	  throw std::runtime_error("bad type");
+	return Value ();
+      }
+      Rm::Rm
+      (RosImport& entity, const std::string& docstring)
+	: Command
+	  (entity,
+	   boost::assign::list_of (Value::STRING),
+	   docstring)
+      {}
+      Value Rm::doExecute ()
+      {
+	RosImport& entity =
+	  static_cast<RosImport&> (owner ());
+	std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues ();
+	const std::string& signal = values[0].value ();
+	entity.rm (signal);
+	return Value ();
+      }
+    } // end of errorEstimator.
+  } // end of namespace command.
   const char* rosInit()
     int argc = 1;
@@ -29,6 +121,19 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
       nh_ (rosInit ()),
       bindedSignal_ ()
+    std::string docstring;
+    addCommand ("add",
+		new command::rosImport::Add
+		(*this, docstring));
+    addCommand ("rm",
+		new command::rosImport::Rm
+		(*this, docstring));
+    addCommand ("clear",
+		new command::rosImport::Clear
+		(*this, docstring));
+    addCommand ("list",
+		new command::rosImport::List
+		(*this, docstring));
   RosImport::~RosImport ()
@@ -40,53 +145,6 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     os << CLASS_NAME << std::endl;
-  void RosImport::commandLine (const std::string& cmdLine,
-			       std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
-			       std::ostream& os)
-  {
-    std::string type;
-    std::string signal;
-    std::string topic;
-    if (cmdLine == "help")
-      {
-	os << "RosImport: "<< std::endl
-	   << "  - add <TYPE> <SIGNAL> <TOPIC>" << std::endl
-	   << "  - rm <SIGNAL>" << std::endl
-	   << "  - clear" << std::endl
-	   << "  - list" << std::endl;
-	Entity::commandLine (cmdLine, cmdArgs, os);
-      }
-    else if (cmdLine == "add")
-      {
-	cmdArgs >> type >> signal >> topic;
-	if (type == "double")
-	  add<double> (signal, topic);
-	else if (type == "matrix")
-	  add<ml::Matrix> (signal, topic);
-	else if (type == "vector")
-	  add<ml::Vector> (signal, topic);
-	else
-	  throw "bad type";
-      }
-    else if (cmdLine == "rm")
-      {
-	cmdArgs >> signal;
-	rm (signal);
-      }
-    else if (cmdLine == "clear")
-      clear ();
-    else if (cmdLine == "list")
-      list ();
-    else
-      Entity::commandLine (cmdLine, cmdArgs, os);
-  }
-  const std::string& RosImport::getClassName ()
-  {
-    return CLASS_NAME;
-  }
   void RosImport::rm (const std::string& signal)
     bindedSignal_.erase (signal);
diff --git a/src/ros_import.hh b/src/ros_import.hh
index 18b7b4f26f28695c0b758eae5516651c721fe4a0..6f2a17a8d68ec3e6a0abdbeec848b9dc4c4ddedf 100644
--- a/src/ros_import.hh
+++ b/src/ros_import.hh
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 # include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 # include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+# include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
 # include <ros/ros.h>
@@ -15,28 +16,48 @@
 namespace dynamicgraph
+  class RosImport;
+  namespace command
+  {
+    namespace rosImport
+    {
+      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+      class CMD : public Command			\
+      {							\
+      public:						\
+	CMD (RosImport& entity,				\
+	     const std::string& docstring);		\
+	virtual Value doExecute ();			\
+      }
+    } // end of namespace errorEstimator.
+  } // end of namespace command.
   class RosImport : public dynamicgraph::Entity
     typedef std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int> >,
 		      boost::shared_ptr<ros::Publisher> >
-    static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
     RosImport (const std::string& n);
     virtual ~RosImport ();
     void display (std::ostream& os) const;
-    virtual void
-    commandLine (const std::string& cmdLine,
-		 std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
-		 std::ostream& os);
-    virtual const std::string& getClassName ();
-  private:
     void add (const std::string& signal, const std::string& topic);
     void rm (const std::string& signal);
     void list ();
@@ -49,6 +70,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     template <typename T>
     void add (const std::string& signal, const std::string& topic);
+  private:
     ros::NodeHandle nh_;
     std::map<std::string, bindedSignal_t> bindedSignal_;
diff --git a/src/ros_import.hxx b/src/ros_import.hxx
index 57f7ccc9fb8456d858e12088daeaafecdbf24f3a..e628d3d5ac4c43c0c16083f0453e2991349723d6 100644
--- a/src/ros_import.hxx
+++ b/src/ros_import.hxx
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 # include "sot_to_ros.hh"
+# include <iostream>
 namespace dynamicgraph
   template <typename T>
@@ -42,8 +44,10 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     callback_t signalCallback = boost::bind
       (&RosImport::sendData<sot_t>, this, bindedSignal.second, _1, _2);
-    bindedSignal.first = boost::make_shared<signal_t>
+    boost::shared_ptr<signal_t> signalPtr = boost::make_shared<signal_t>
       (signalCallback, sotNOSIGNAL, signalName.str ());
+    signalPtr->setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren (true);
+    bindedSignal.first = signalPtr;
     signalRegistration (*bindedSignal.first);
     bindedSignal_[signal] = bindedSignal;
diff --git a/src/sot_to_ros.hh b/src/sot_to_ros.hh
index 3253aacb2e3f8cb3f51c9001cd76581b9cee8637..adeb4cc90b9ace1ab55ae0e3551fdb59c780bdfb 100644
--- a/src/sot_to_ros.hh
+++ b/src/sot_to_ros.hh
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     typedef std_msgs::Float64 ros_t;
     typedef std_msgs::Float64ConstPtr ros_const_ptr_t;
     typedef dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<sot_t, int> signal_t;
+    typedef dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<sot_t, int> signalIn_t;
     typedef boost::function<sot_t& (sot_t&, int)> callback_t;
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     typedef dynamic_graph_bridge::Matrix ros_t;
     typedef dynamic_graph_bridge::MatrixConstPtr ros_const_ptr_t;
     typedef dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<sot_t, int> signal_t;
+    typedef dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<sot_t, int> signalIn_t;
     typedef boost::function<sot_t& (sot_t&, int)> callback_t;
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
     typedef dynamic_graph_bridge::Vector ros_t;
     typedef dynamic_graph_bridge::VectorConstPtr ros_const_ptr_t;
     typedef dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<sot_t, int> signal_t;
+    typedef dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<sot_t, int> signalIn_t;
     typedef boost::function<sot_t& (sot_t&, int)> callback_t;
 } // end of namespace dynamicgraph.