From fa7f705fd0edcbdb89b812842c40952ef7f22bf2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olivier Stasse <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2019 01:22:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [tests] debug-trace.cpp: detect robustly trace output.
 pool.cpp: test exception catching.

 tests/CMakeLists.txt  |   1 +
 tests/debug-trace.cpp | 113 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/tracer.cpp      |  62 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 176 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/debug-trace.cpp
 create mode 100644 tests/tracer.cpp

diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 36cd5d1..a3c2dfe 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -68,3 +68,4 @@ DYNAMIC_GRAPH_TEST(signal-time-dependent)
diff --git a/tests/debug-trace.cpp b/tests/debug-trace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33bf8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/debug-trace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* Copyright 2019, LAAS-CNRS
+ *
+ * Olivier Stasse
+ *
+ * See LICENSE file
+ *
+ */
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/exception-factory.h>
+#include "dynamic-graph/factory.h"
+#include "dynamic-graph/pool.h"
+#define VP_DEBUG 1
+#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 50
+#include <dynamic-graph/debug.h>
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE debug-trace
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
+using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
+namespace dynamicgraph
+  class CustomEntity : public Entity
+  {
+  public:
+    static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+    virtual const std::string& getClassName () const
+    {
+      return CLASS_NAME;
+    }
+    CustomEntity (const std::string n)
+      : Entity (n)
+    {
+      dynamicgraph::dgDEBUGFLOW.openFile("/tmp/dynamic-graph-traces.txt");
+    }
+    ~CustomEntity()
+    {
+      dynamicgraph::dgDEBUGFLOW.closeFile("/tmp/dynamic-graph-traces.txt");
+    }
+    void testDebugTrace()
+    {
+      /// Test debugging information when entering the code.
+      dgDEBUGIN(5);
+      /// Intermediate test.
+      dgDEBUGINOUT(5);
+      dgDEBUG(5) << "Here is a test" << std::endl;
+      /// Test debugging information when going out of the code.
+      dgDEBUGOUT(5);
+    }
+  };
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (dynamicgraph::CustomEntity::CLASS_NAME, "CustomEntity");
+  dynamicgraph::CustomEntity& entity = *(dynamic_cast<dynamicgraph::CustomEntity *>(
+    dynamicgraph::FactoryStorage::getInstance()->newEntity("CustomEntity",
+							   "my-entity")));
+  entity.testDebugTrace();
+  /// Copy the debug file into the oss_debug_file
+  output_test_stream output;
+  std::fstream the_debug_file;
+		      std::ios::in );
+  // Extract the filename and this source file from the output
+  std::string astr;
+  std::ostringstream oss_debug_file;
+  while(std::getline(the_debug_file,astr))
+    {
+      std::size_t found=astr.find(":");
+      std::string asubstr = astr.substr(found+1,astr.length());
+      found = asubstr.find(":");
+      std::string asubstr2 = asubstr.substr(found+1,astr.length());
+      oss_debug_file << asubstr2;
+    }
+  the_debug_file.close();
+  // Compare with the strings put inside this source file
+  std::string str_to_test =  "# In {"
+    "# In/Out { }"
+    "Here is a test"
+    "# Out }";
+  bool two_sub_string_identical;
+  // Make comparisons.
+  std::cout << str_to_test << std::endl;
+  std::cout << oss_debug_file.str() << std::endl;
+  two_sub_string_identical = str_to_test == oss_debug_file.str();
+  BOOST_CHECK(two_sub_string_identical);
diff --git a/tests/tracer.cpp b/tests/tracer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f7a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tracer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* Copyright 2019, LAAS-CNRS
+ *
+ * Olivier Stasse
+ *
+ * See LICENSE file
+ *
+ */
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/exception-factory.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/tracer.h>
+struct MyEntity : public dynamicgraph::Entity
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<double, int> m_sigdSIN;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<double, int> m_sigdTimeDepSOUT;
+  MyEntity (const std::string& name)
+    : Entity (name)
+    ,m_sigdSIN(NULL,"MyEntity("+name+")::input(double)::in_double")
+    ,m_sigdTimeDepSOUT(boost::bind(&MyEntity::update,this,_1,_2),
+		       m_sigdSIN,
+		       "MyEntity("+name+")::input(double)::out_double")
+  {
+    signalRegistration(m_sigdSIN << m_sigdTimeDepSOUT);
+  }
+  virtual void display (std::ostream& os) const
+  {
+    os << "Hello! My name is " << getName () << " !" << std::endl;
+  }
+  virtual const std::string& getClassName () const
+  {
+    return CLASS_NAME;
+  }
+  double & update(double &res, const int &inTime)
+  {
+    const double &aDouble = m_sigdSIN(inTime);
+    res = aDouble;
+    return res;
+  }
+  // Creates a tracer.
+  dynamicgraph::Entity& entity =
+    *dynamicgraph::FactoryStorage::getInstance()->newEntity("Tracer",
+							    "my-tracer");