From 0d428ff73fb6859f738f453bd3e27fa055d07b7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olivier Stasse <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2020 23:46:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [travis] Fetch completely the repo to avoid missing ref when
 fetching tags. Remove depth flag for git. Add build_custom to avoid callking
 catkin_workspace. Install needed binary packages. Add to
 travis_custom Remove fetch unshallow Add fortran to test the package. Add
 blas in the set of packages. Add lapack-dev as package to install

 .travis.yml                         |   6 +-
 travis_custom/build_custom          | 178 +++++++++++++++++++
 travis_custom/             | 245 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 travis_custom/custom_before_install | 254 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 681 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 travis_custom/build_custom
 create mode 100644 travis_custom/
 create mode 100755 travis_custom/custom_before_install

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 9cd6f2c..0140410 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+  depth: false
 language: cpp
 sudo: required
@@ -23,10 +25,10 @@ branches:
   - master
   - debian
-script: ./.travis/run build
+script: ./travis_custom/build_custom
 after_success: ./.travis/run after_success
 after_failure: ./.travis/run after_failure
-before_install: ./.travis/run  before_install
+before_install: ./travis_custom/custom_before_install
     - compiler: clang
diff --git a/travis_custom/build_custom b/travis_custom/build_custom
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5614d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/travis_custom/build_custom
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+. `dirname $0`/
+# Set debug mode
+set -x
+set -v
+# build_package
+# -------------
+# Build the package using the last Eigen release (3.2) which is not
+# available as a Debian package on Ubuntu 12.04.
+    echo "--> Building package..."
+    cd "$build_dir"
+    if [[ ";${DO_COVERAGE_ON_BRANCH};" == *";${CI_BRANCH};"* ]]; then
+      cmake "$root_dir" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$install_dir"	\
+        -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="--coverage"				\
+        -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="--coverage"			\
+        -DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS="--coverage"		\
+    else
+      cmake "$root_dir" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$install_dir"	\
+    fi
+    ${MAKE_PREFIX} make
+    make install
+    make test || ${ALLOW_TESTSUITE_FAILURE}
+    if [[ ";${DO_CPPCHECK_ON_BRANCH};" == *";${CI_BRANCH};"* ]]; then
+      cppcheck --quiet --enable=all \
+        -I $root_dir/src -I $root_dir/tests -I $root_dir/include \
+        -I $root_dir/tests/shared-tests \
+        -I $build_dir/include -I $install_dir/include \
+        -i $build_dir/CMakeFiles \
+        $root_dir || true
+    fi
+# debian_build_package
+# --------------------
+# Use git-buildpackage and pbuilder to build the package in a sid
+# sandbox.
+    export GNUPGHOME="$root_dir/.travis/.gnupg"
+    export NAME="Thomas Moulard (Travis Automatic Builds)"
+    export DEBEMAIL=""
+    echo "--> Building Debian package..."
+    cd "$root_dir"
+    buildNumber=$(git rev-list \
+      $(git describe --tags --match "debian/*" --abbrev=0)..HEAD | wc -l) \
+      || buildNumber=1
+    dch --force-distribution --distribution ${DIST} \
+        --local ppa$buildNumber+$DIST "Travis automatic build"
+    echo "debian/changelog first line:"
+    head -n 1 debian/changelog
+    git add debian/changelog
+    git commit -m "Travis automatic commit"
+    ${SUDO_CMD} chmod -R 777 /var/cache/pbuilder/ccache
+    # If orig tarball exists, delete it.
+    rm -f "$build_dir/export/*_*.orig.tar*"
+    git-buildpackage					\
+      --git-submodules				\
+      --git-no-pristine-tar				\
+      --git-ignore-branch				\
+      --git-debian-branch=HEAD			\
+      --git-export-dir="$build_dir/export"		\
+      --git-tag					\
+      --git-upstream-branch=master			\
+      --git-dist=${DIST}				\
+      --git-pbuilder					\
+      --git-force-create				\
+      --git-ignore-new				\
+      --git-retag					\
+      -p\"gpg\\ --passphrase\\ ${GNUPG_PASSPHRASE}\" \
+      -k${DEBSIGN_KEYID} || exit 1
+    git-buildpackage			\
+      --git-submodules		\
+      --git-no-pristine-tar		\
+      --git-debian-branch=HEAD	\
+      --git-ignore-branch		\
+      --git-export-dir="$build_dir/export" \
+      --git-tag			\
+      --git-upstream-branch=master	\
+      --git-dist=${DIST}		\
+      --git-ignore-new		\
+      --git-retag			\
+      -p\"gpg --passphrase ${GNUPG_PASSPHRASE}\" \
+      -k${DEBSIGN_KEYID} \
+      -S -sa || exit 1
+# setup_ros_build_environment
+# ---------------------------
+# Source ROS setup scripts if they exist
+  if [ -e /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/ ]; then
+    . /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/
+  fi
+  CATKIN_DEP_WORKSPACE=/tmp/_ci/catkin_dep_ws
+  if [ -e ${CATKIN_DEP_WORKSPACE}/devel/ ]; then
+    . ${CATKIN_DEP_WORKSPACE}/devel/
+  fi
+  # Limit the number of parallel jobs when running catkin_make
+# build_catkin_package
+# --------------------
+# build all the packages using catkin_make.
+# Also check the installation (catkin_make install)
+# and check whether the catkin package is well written (catkin_lint)
+    # Main package workspace
+    CATKIN_WORKSPACE=$build_dir/..
+    ln -s $root_dir/.. $CATKIN_WORKSPACE/src
+    catkin_init_workspace
+    catkin_make
+    for pack in `ls -d ./src/*/ ./src/*/*/`; do
+    if test -f $pack/package.xml; then
+      rosdoc_lite $pack
+    fi
+    done
+    catkin_make install
+    # run catkin_lint on every directory.
+    catkin_lint `ls -d ./src/*/ ./src/*/*/`  || ${ALLOW_CATKINLINT_FAILURE}
+# Realize a normal build in all branches except the one containing a
+# debian/ folder.
+if [ -d debian ]; then
+    if `test x${DIST} = x`; then
+      echo "distribution is not set, skipping this build"
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    echo "Target distribution: ${DIST}"
+    debian_build_package
+    if [ ! x${DIST} = x ]; then
+      echo "skipping this build"
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    # checking if it is a ros folder. Taking appropriate measure.
+    #The current repository is a package
+    build_package
+# End debug mode
+set +v
+set +x
diff --git a/travis_custom/ b/travis_custom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2051b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/travis_custom/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# -*- sh-mode -*
+# This should be sourced, not called.
+set -e
+#        -- VERBOSE HANDLING --        #
+# More verbose handling for 'set -e'.
+# Show a traceback if we're using bash, otherwise just a message.
+# Downloaded from:
+on_exit () {
+    ret=$?
+    case $ret in
+        0)
+            ;;
+        *)
+            echo >&2 "Exiting with $ret from a shell command"
+            ;;
+    esac
+on_error () {
+    local ret=$?
+    local FRAMES=${#BASH_SOURCE[@]}
+    echo >&2 "Traceback (most recent call last):"
+    for ((frame=FRAMES-2; frame >= 0; frame--)); do
+        local lineno=${BASH_LINENO[frame]}
+        printf >&2 '  File "%s", line %d, in %s\n' "${BASH_SOURCE[frame+1]}" "$lineno" "${FUNCNAME[frame+1]}"
+        sed >&2 -n "${lineno}s/^[ 	]*/    /p" "${BASH_SOURCE[frame+1]}" || true
+    done
+    printf >&2 "Exiting with %d\n" "$ret"
+    exit $ret
+case "$BASH_VERSION" in
+    '')
+        trap on_exit EXIT
+        ;;
+    *)
+        set -o errtrace
+        trap on_error ERR
+        ;;
+#        -- GLOBAL UTILITIES --        #
+# git_dependency_parsing
+# ----------------------
+# From an entry in GIT_DEPENDENCIES variable set git_dep, git_dep_uri and
+# git_dep_branch in the environment
+# For example given the input "jrl-umi3218/jrl-travis" the following variables
+# are defined in the environment:
+# - git_dep jrl-umi3218/jrl-travis
+# - git_dep_uri git://
+# - git_dep_branch master
+# Or, given the input
+# - git_dep jrl-umi3218/jrl-travis
+# - git_dep_uri
+# - git_dep_branch thebranch
+# The second (optional) argument allows to defined the default branch (defaults
+# to master)
+  _input=$1
+  export git_dep=${_input%%#*}
+  export git_dep_branch=${_input##*#}
+  if [ "$git_dep_branch" == "$git_dep" ]; then
+    if [ -e "$2" ]; then
+      export git_dep_branch=$2
+    else
+      export git_dep_branch="master"
+    fi
+  fi
+  git_dep_uri_base=${git_dep%%:*}
+  if [ "$git_dep_uri_base" == "$git_dep" ]; then
+    export git_dep_uri="git://$git_dep"
+  else
+    export git_dep_uri=$git_dep
+    export git_dep=${git_dep##*:}
+  fi
+  export CI_REQUIRE_SUDO=false
+  export CI_PULL_REQUEST=false #FIXME Can it be provided by gitlab?
+  export CI_REPO_SLUG=`echo ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}|sed -e's@/builds/@@'`
+  export CI_OS_NAME=${CI_OS_NAME:-linux}
+  export CI_OS_NAME=${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-linux}
+# _setup_ci_vars
+# --------------
+# Setup CI_* variables based on the CI type
+  # Check which CI tool we are using, default to travis
+  export CI_TOOL=${CI_TOOL:-travis}
+  if [ $CI_TOOL = travis ]; then
+    _travis_setup_ci_vars
+  else
+    _gitlab_setup_ci_vars
+  fi
+# _setup_sudo_cmd
+# ---------------
+# Setup SUDO_CMD based on CI configuration
+  if [ ${CI_REQUIRE_SUDO} = false ]; then
+    export SUDO_CMD=''
+  else
+    export SUDO_CMD='sudo'
+  fi
+# _setup_ros
+# ----------
+# Setup ROS environment if present on the system
+  if [ -f /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/ ]; then
+    . /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/
+  fi
+# _setup_env_vars
+# ---------------
+# Setup environment variables
+  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$install_dir/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+  export LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH="$install_dir/lib:$LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH"
+  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$install_dir/lib/pkgconfig:$install_dir/share/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
+  if type "python" > /dev/null; then
+    pythonsite_dir=`python -c "import sys, os; print(os.sep.join(['lib', 'python' + sys.version[:3], 'site-packages']))"`
+    export PYTHONPATH="$install_dir/$pythonsite_dir:$PYTHONPATH"
+  fi
+# _setup_linux_env
+# ----------------
+# Environment setup specific to linux
+  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$install_dir/lib/`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_MULTIARCH`:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+  export LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH="$install_dir/lib/`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_MULTIARCH`:$LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH"
+  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$install_dir/lib/`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_MULTIARCH`/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
+# _setup_osx_env
+# ----------------
+# Environment setup specific to OSX
+  # Since default gcc on osx is just a front-end for LLVM...
+  if [[ ${CC} = gcc ]]; then
+    export CXX=g++-4.8
+    export CC=gcc-4.8
+  fi
+  export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$install_dir/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+  export LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH="$install_dir/lib:$LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH"
+  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$install_dir/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
+# setup_ci_env
+# ------------
+# Setup the CI and environment variables
+  _setup_ci_vars
+  _setup_sudo_cmd
+  _setup_ros
+  _setup_env_vars
+  if [[ ${CI_OS_NAME} = linux ]]; then
+    _setup_linux_env
+  fi
+  if [[ ${CI_OS_NAME} = osx ]]; then
+    _setup_osx_env
+  fi
+# Directories.
+echo "root_dir: " $root_dir
+echo "build_dir: " $build_dir
+echo "install_dir: " $install_dir
+# Shortcuts.
+git_clone="git clone --quiet --recursive"
+# Setup all variables needed by the CI scripts
+# Make cmake verbose.
+# Add default DO_*_ON_BRANCH if needed
+if [ -z ${DO_COVERAGE_ON_BRANCH+x} ]; then
+if [ -z ${DO_CPPCHECK_ON_BRANCH+x} ]; then
+# Create layout.
+mkdir -p "$build_dir"
+mkdir -p "$install_dir"
diff --git a/travis_custom/custom_before_install b/travis_custom/custom_before_install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f2b4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/travis_custom/custom_before_install
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+rm -rf "$build_dir" "$install_dir"
+. `dirname $0`/
+# Set debug mode
+set -x
+set -v
+# Add robotpkg
+sudo sh -c "echo \"deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) robotpkg\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list "
+curl | sudo apt-key add -
+# show memory usage before install
+sudo free -m -t
+# Setup environment variables.
+export APT_DEPENDENCIES="doxygen libboost-system-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libeigen3-dev liburdfdom-dev texlive-font-utils"
+# Add Python dependency
+export APT_DEPENDENCIES=$APT_DEPENDENCIES" libboost-python-dev robotpkg-py27-eigenpy python2.7-dev python-numpy gfortran libblas-dev liblapack-dev"
+# Add Geometry dependencies
+  export APT_DEPENDENCIES=$APT_DEPENDENCIES" robotpkg-hpp-fcl"
+#  --  Helper functions  --  #
+  # Speed up apt
+  ${SUDO_CMD} sh -c "echo \"force-unsafe-io\" > /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/02apt-speedup"
+  # Update the apt local cache.
+  ${SUDO_CMD} apt-get update -qq
+  # Update homebrew
+  brew update
+# setup_package_source
+# ---------------------
+# Setup the package source (e.g. homebrew on osx, apt on debian-like systems)
+  if [[ ${CI_OS_NAME} = linux ]]; then
+    _linux_setup_package_source
+  fi
+  if [[ ${CI_OS_NAME} = osx ]]; then
+    _osx_setup_package_source
+  fi
+# setup_pbuilder
+# --------------
+# Setup a pbuilder environment
+  if `test x${DIST} = x`; then
+      echo "distribution is not set, skipping this build"
+      exit 0
+  fi
+  echo "Target distribution: ${DIST}"
+  # If we are, we install Debian package development tools and
+  # create a sid pbuilder. Package dependencies will be installed
+  # automatically.
+  ${SUDO_CMD} apt-get install -qq        		\
+      debootstrap devscripts			\
+      git-buildpackage debian-archive-keyring \
+      pkg-kde-tools dput eatmydata ccache
+  # Fix ccache use in pbuilder
+  ${SUDO_CMD} addgroup --system --gid 1234 ccache
+  ${SUDO_CMD} adduser --quiet --system --uid 1234 --ingroup ccache \
+      --home /var/cache/pbuilder --no-create-home pbuilder
+  ${SUDO_CMD} mkdir -p /var/cache/pbuilder/ccache
+  ${SUDO_CMD} chown -R pbuilder:ccache /var/cache/pbuilder/ccache
+  ${SUDO_CMD} chmod -R g+ws /var/cache/pbuilder/ccache
+  # Remove previous sandbox.
+  ${SUDO_CMD} rm -rf /var/cache/pbuilder/base-${DIST}.cow || true
+  # Create a pbuilder sandbox.
+  cp -f `dirname $0`/pbuilderrc $HOME/.pbuilderrc
+  sed -i "s|@DIST@|${DIST}|g" $HOME/.pbuilderrc
+  git-pbuilder create
+  # Speed up pbuilder.
+  echo "echo \"force-unsafe-io\" > /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/02apt-speedup" | \
+      git-pbuilder login --save-after-exec
+  # Add additional PPAs
+  for ppa in ${DEBIAN_PPA}; do
+      echo "apt-add-repository ppa:${ppa}" | \
+          git-pbuilder login --save-after-exec
+  done
+  # Retrieve PPA package list.
+  git-pbuilder update
+  # FIXME There is something fishy here...
+  # ccache is not necessary in our case and may cause permission
+  # issues.
+  echo "apt-get -y remove ccache" |        		\
+      git-pbuilder login --save-after-exec
+# catkin_git_dependency
+# --------------------
+# Clone catkin package into the workspace
+# See arguments of build_git_dependency
+# Branch defaults to $ROS_DISTRO instead of master
+  git_dependency_parsing $1 $ROS_DISTRO
+  echo "--> Getting $git_dep (branch $git_dep_branch)"
+  CATKIN_DEP_WORKSPACE=/tmp/_ci/catkin_dep_ws
+  $git_clone -b $git_dep_branch "$git_dep_uri" "$git_dep"
+# catkin_build_workspace
+# ----------------------
+# Build catkin workspace
+  CATKIN_DEP_WORKSPACE=/tmp/_ci/catkin_dep_ws
+  catkin_make
+# build_git_dependency
+# --------------------
+# Build a dependency directly from the Git development tree.
+# First argument: repository's GitHub URL or repository's URI + optional branch
+# For example: "jrl-umi3218/jrl-travis" or "jrl-umi3218/jrl-travis#dev"
+# Or: user@host:path/to/repo or
+  git_dependency_parsing $1
+  echo "--> Compiling $git_dep (branch $git_dep_branch)"
+  cd "$build_dir"
+  mkdir -p "$git_dep"
+  $git_clone -b $git_dep_branch "$git_dep_uri" "$git_dep"
+  cd "$git_dep"
+  mkdir -p build
+  cd build
+  cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING="$install_dir" \
+  make install || make
+  # Install user-specified packages
+  brew install cppcheck ${HOMEBREW_DEPENDENCIES}
+  # Add additional PPAs
+  for ppa in ${MASTER_PPA}; do
+    ${SUDO_CMD} add-apt-repository -y ppa:${ppa}
+  done
+  ${SUDO_CMD} apt-get update -qq
+  ${SUDO_CMD} apt-get install -qq curl cppcheck ${APT_DEPENDENCIES}
+  # Install lcov from github 
+  cd "$build_dir"
+  wget
+  tar zxvf lcov-1.12.tar.gz
+  cd lcov-1.12
+  # Reset lcov to release 1.12
+  ${SUDO_CMD} make install
+  gem install coveralls-lcov
+  if [[ ${CI_OS_NAME} = linux ]]; then
+    _linux_install_dependencies
+  fi
+  if [[ ${CI_OS_NAME} = osx ]]; then
+    _osx_install_dependencies
+  fi
+  # and we build directly dependencies from the Git repository
+  for package in ${ROS_GIT_DEPENDENCIES}; do
+    catkin_git_dependency "$package"
+  done
+  if `test "x${ROS_GIT_DEPENDENCIES}" != x`; then
+    catkin_build_workspace
+  fi
+  for package in ${GIT_DEPENDENCIES}; do
+    build_git_dependency "$package"
+  done
+#  --  Main script  --  #
+# Print Git version
+git --version
+# Setup Git identity.
+git config --global "JRL/IDH Continuous Integration Tool"
+git config --global ""
+# Retrieve the submodules.
+git submodule update --quiet --init --recursive
+# Fetch tags to compute the distance between the last release tag
+# and us.
+git fetch --quiet --tags
+# Shortcuts.
+git_clone="git clone --quiet --recursive"
+# Display environment
+echo "Environment:"
+# Check if we are in a debian branch...
+if [ -d debian ]; then
+  setup_pbuilder
+  if [ ! x${DIST} = x ]; then
+    echo "skipping this build"
+    exit 0
+  fi
+  install_dependencies
+# End debug mode
+set +v
+set +x