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  • Steven! Ragnarök's avatar
    Upgrade codecov-action version. (#92) · 46fe48fb
    Steven! Ragnarök authored
    Codecov recently announced an issue with their bash upload script.
    Details of the incident can be found at
    In order to help protect against similar future issues, the
    codecov-action was first updated in 1.4.0 to verify the script after
    downloading and in 1.5.0 the current version of the upload script has
    been vendored into the action.
    Workflows which specify the `@v1` tag will automatically use the latest
    1.x version of the action as long as codecov continue to update the v1
    tag. Since this workflow uses pinned action versions I have updated the
    version to 1.5.0. Any version >=1.4.0 is sufficient to verify the upload
    script but since 1.5.0 is the latest version as of now I decided to bump
    to it.