/** \page tracerdoc Tracer \section description Description The \b Tracer entity monitors a set of signals. With an input change on the entity's [trigger] signal, the tracked signal values are recorded and traced to a file. The behavior of the trace-to-file function can be changed, from printing to a file immediately after recording, to printing out only when asked explicitly. \section commands Commands The \b commands that this entity exposes are (you can also type [entity name].help at the dynamic-graph shell command line to see this list): \code open, close (a file); add (a signal) clear (recorded values); record (signal values) trace (doesn't do anything) start, stop (traces) \endcode \n For more information on the signals exposed by this entity, please check the code documentation of the dynamicgraph::Tracer class. \n\n \section sample Sample usage The following code creates a TracerRealTime entity, then sets the tracing buffer size to 10MB. It then tells the tracer to create files with names of the form: jl_XXX.dat where XXX is the signal name, and adds a few signals after clearing the traces; \code new TracerRealTime tr tr.bufferSize 10485760 tr.open ${TRACE_REPOSITORY} jl_ .dat OpenHRP.periodicCall addSignal tr.triger (...) # --- TRACE --- tr.clear tr.add OpenHRP.forceRARM tr.add dyn.0 tr.add jgain.gain \endcode \section addi Additional information See doxygen documentation for the class dynamicgraph::Tracer \section generates Generated plugin file tracer.dll or tracer.so. **/