diff --git a/include/spline/bezier_curve.h b/include/spline/bezier_curve.h
index 6343de60a85962f5258279e3103b7dbcd2707b98..9459a1c93aef56276da397c584adf27f9819e426 100644
--- a/include/spline/bezier_curve.h
+++ b/include/spline/bezier_curve.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ struct bezier_curve : public  curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point>
 		In it(PointsBegin);
 		if(Safe && (size_<=1 || minBound == maxBound))
-			throw; // TODO 
+            throw std::out_of_range("TODO"); // TODO
 		for(; it != PointsEnd; ++it)
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ struct bezier_curve : public  curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point>
 		num_t nT = (t - minBound_) / (maxBound_ - minBound_);
 		if(Safe &! (0 <= nT && nT <= 1))
-			//throw; // TODO
-		}
+            throw std::out_of_range("TODO"); // TODO
+        }
 			num_t dt = (1 - nT);
diff --git a/include/spline/helpers/effector_spline_rotation.h b/include/spline/helpers/effector_spline_rotation.h
index d778d0ed455b088ed965ef524292267aa87f3050..f0377e02b247cce670fd3e2c14479c9aa4cbb996 100644
--- a/include/spline/helpers/effector_spline_rotation.h
+++ b/include/spline/helpers/effector_spline_rotation.h
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ class effector_spline_rotation
     ///  \param t : the time when to evaluate the spline
     ///  \param quat : quaternion updated as the interpolation result
-    quat_t interpolate_quat(time_t t) const
+    quat_t interpolate_quat(Numeric t) const
-        if(t<=time_lift_offset_) return quat_t(to_quat_.coeffs().data());
-        if(t>=time_land_offset_) return quat_t(land_quat_.coeffs().data());
+        if(t<=time_lift_offset_) return to_quat_.coeffs();
+        if(t>=time_land_offset_) return land_quat_.coeffs();
         //normalize u
         Numeric u = (t - time_lift_offset_) /(time_land_offset_ - time_lift_offset_);
-        return quat_t(to_quat_.slerp(u, land_quat_).coeffs().data());
+        return to_quat_.slerp(u, land_quat_).coeffs();
diff --git a/src/tests/spline_test/Main.cpp b/src/tests/spline_test/Main.cpp
index c07187a6d5ceade21bf1d0475e607d64a26067cd..0f0a7ff27ee966170b7e60571eb43e2fb64a50d5 100644
--- a/src/tests/spline_test/Main.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/spline_test/Main.cpp
@@ -451,19 +451,43 @@ void EffectorSplineRotationNoRotationTest(bool& error)
     ComparePoints(q_end  , eff_traj(10),   errmsg,error);
+void EffectorSplineRotationRotationTest(bool& error)
+    // create arbitrary trajectory
+    spline::T_Waypoint waypoints;
+    for(double i = 0; i <= 10; i = i + 2)
+    {
+        waypoints.push_back(std::make_pair(i,point_t(i,i,i)));
+    }
+    helpers::quat_t init_quat = GetXRotQuat(M_PI);
+    helpers::effector_spline_rotation eff_traj(waypoints.begin(),waypoints.end(), init_quat);
+    helpers::config_t q_init =  helpers::config_t::Zero(); q_init.tail<4>() = init_quat;
+    helpers::config_t q_end; q_end      << 10.,10.,10.,0.,0.,0.,1.;
+    helpers::config_t q_to   = q_init; q_to(2)  +=0.02;
+    helpers::config_t q_land = q_end ; q_land(2)+=0.02;
+    helpers::quat_t q_mod = GetXRotQuat(M_PI_2);;
+    std::string errmsg("Error in EffectorSplineRotationNoRotationTest; while checking waypoints (expected / obtained)");
+    ComparePoints(q_init, eff_traj(0),           errmsg,error);
+    ComparePoints(q_to  , eff_traj(0.02),        errmsg,error);
+    ComparePoints(q_land, eff_traj(9.98),        errmsg,error);
+    ComparePoints(q_mod , eff_traj(5).tail<4>(), errmsg,error);
+    ComparePoints(q_end , eff_traj(10),          errmsg,error);
 int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv[]*/)
-	std::cout << "performing tests... \n";
-	bool error = false;
+    std::cout << "performing tests... \n";
+    bool error = false;
-	ExactCubicNoErrorTest(error);
-	ExactCubicPointsCrossedTest(error); // checks that given wayPoints are crossed
-	ExactCubicTwoPointsTest(error);
+    ExactCubicNoErrorTest(error);
+    ExactCubicPointsCrossedTest(error); // checks that given wayPoints are crossed
+    ExactCubicTwoPointsTest(error);
-    //BezierCurveTest(error);
+    EffectorSplineRotationRotationTest(error);
+    BezierCurveTest(error);
         std::cout << "There were some errors\n";